Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 07:28 PM

Oh my.

"I'm All Shook Up"

Love that song, all of the songs, not just one song all of them.

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:36 PM
grumble TIM was talking about me bettygrumble I said hi to EVERYONE so i wouldn't miss anyone. Well i'm mad now so i'm just gonna leave. Laterwaving Not really mad, just need to leave

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:06 PM
i'm back and forth between sites, need to get my RDA of ELVIS so i'll be a few theresmitten smitten smitten smitten

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 03:44 PM
good evening everyone, i'm going to step away from the computer for about 15 minutes, will catch up

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 03:33 PM

I'd "flip" her, alright.

frustrated frustrated pitchfork pitchfork slaphead :thumbsup: waving winking

down boy, downlaugh laugh laugh laugh

Treasa's photo
Tue 05/19/09 09:17 AM

I don't mean to flip and run ..but I have to get a lot of things done .
Hopefully I can catch up laterwaving

Take care, it was good seeing youflowerforyou


Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:32 PM


carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I don't think that when you're young that you fully understand grief. They just want you happy and just don't understand. Losing a parent is sooooo different than losing your life partner.

I know that one too, my dad was murdered when i was 15 and jerry died in july 07 and my mom dec 07. my dad meant the world to me. 32 years later and i still remember walking with him to the car that morning and him telling me he'd be back in a bit and take me to my summer job, he never came back. as bad as that hurt, it's NOTHING like losing the love of your life, it's like both my arms have been cut off and my brokenheart my grandson has helped a lot, don't get me wrong, i love him so much, but it's nothing like having someone to wake up and go to sleep next to and knowing they will be there. you know what i mean, i don't have to explain it to you. this has helped having someone to talk to. i think keeping it bottled up hurts even more

Vent all you need too. We all understand and will try to help you through it. Just take baby steps...IT WILL GET BETTER!!!!
:heart: Mary

Tel me how to do that. what are baby steps? my mom became suicidal from the depression after my dad was killed. I DON"T WANT TO GO THERE!!!! I know i need to spend more of my time on my knees in prayer, because i know that GOD is the only one who can help me, but advice from people who have been there done that might help too. How long did you say it's been for you?

It has been 8 years. I wrote a really good paper in college on grief and it has helped many people (I think God directed it sometimes) If I can find it, I will send it to you if you email me with your home email address. I'm not sure if we can send long papers on this site email. It tells people what is normal in grieving and just how to take those baby steps.

let me put you on my friends list and i'll give all that info to you there. I'd rather not the who world read it, you know what i mean. let me try to do it now if i don't already have you in there

ok i sent it, i have lots of guys who want to be my friends, only thing is they want sexual benefits and i told them only 3 men will see me naked in the future
1-my gyno
2-my massage therapist(and at least the top two will give me sheets to cover with)
3-my next husband.
I don't think they take me serious, but i'm no slut, don't believe in 1 night stands or casual sex. i want someone i can give my whold heart to and receive the same in return. is that really to much to ask? well i guess with the way people think now a day, it probably is, but i am old fashioned and was raised to be a young lady by my dad, and that's how i expect to be treated.

It says it accepted you as my friend and your pic shows up

Yeah, you went through too. I will hunt for that paper tomorrow....don't remember where I saved it to. I won't be home from work and class tomorrow until around 10.....VERY LONG DAY!!!!! I will send it whenever I can find it.

I better sign off now and get to bed. 5 comes real early!

ok, good night and thankyou very, very much

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:23 PM
Edited by Treasa on Mon 05/18/09 08:31 PM


carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I don't think that when you're young that you fully understand grief. They just want you happy and just don't understand. Losing a parent is sooooo different than losing your life partner.

I know that one too, my dad was murdered when i was 15 and jerry died in july 07 and my mom dec 07. my dad meant the world to me. 32 years later and i still remember walking with him to the car that morning and him telling me he'd be back in a bit and take me to my summer job, he never came back. as bad as that hurt, it's NOTHING like losing the love of your life, it's like both my arms have been cut off and my brokenheart my grandson has helped a lot, don't get me wrong, i love him so much, but it's nothing like having someone to wake up and go to sleep next to and knowing they will be there. you know what i mean, i don't have to explain it to you. this has helped having someone to talk to. i think keeping it bottled up hurts even more

Vent all you need too. We all understand and will try to help you through it. Just take baby steps...IT WILL GET BETTER!!!!
:heart: Mary

Tel me how to do that. what are baby steps? my mom became suicidal from the depression after my dad was killed. I DON"T WANT TO GO THERE!!!! I know i need to spend more of my time on my knees in prayer, because i know that GOD is the only one who can help me, but advice from people who have been there done that might help too. How long did you say it's been for you?

It has been 8 years. I wrote a really good paper in college on grief and it has helped many people (I think God directed it sometimes) If I can find it, I will send it to you if you email me with your home email address. I'm not sure if we can send long papers on this site email. It tells people what is normal in grieving and just how to take those baby steps.

let me put you on my friends list and i'll give all that info to you there. I'd rather not the who world read it, you know what i mean. let me try to do it now if i don't already have you in there

ok i sent it, i have lots of guys who want to be my friends, only thing is they want sexual benefits and i told them only 3 men will see me naked in the future
1-my gyno
2-my massage therapist(and at least the top two will give me sheets to cover with)
3-my next husband.
I don't think they take me serious, but i'm no slut, don't believe in 1 night stands or casual sex. i want someone i can give my whold heart to and receive the same in return. is that really to much to ask? well i guess with the way people think now a day, it probably is, but i am old fashioned and was raised to be a young lady by my dad, and that's how i expect to be treated.

It says it accepted you as my friend and your pic shows up, well not your pic, but your dogs pic. sorry about that

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:18 PM


carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I don't think that when you're young that you fully understand grief. They just want you happy and just don't understand. Losing a parent is sooooo different than losing your life partner.

I know that one too, my dad was murdered when i was 15 and jerry died in july 07 and my mom dec 07. my dad meant the world to me. 32 years later and i still remember walking with him to the car that morning and him telling me he'd be back in a bit and take me to my summer job, he never came back. as bad as that hurt, it's NOTHING like losing the love of your life, it's like both my arms have been cut off and my brokenheart my grandson has helped a lot, don't get me wrong, i love him so much, but it's nothing like having someone to wake up and go to sleep next to and knowing they will be there. you know what i mean, i don't have to explain it to you. this has helped having someone to talk to. i think keeping it bottled up hurts even more

Vent all you need too. We all understand and will try to help you through it. Just take baby steps...IT WILL GET BETTER!!!!
:heart: Mary

Tel me how to do that. what are baby steps? my mom became suicidal from the depression after my dad was killed. I DON"T WANT TO GO THERE!!!! I know i need to spend more of my time on my knees in prayer, because i know that GOD is the only one who can help me, but advice from people who have been there done that might help too. How long did you say it's been for you?

It has been 8 years. I wrote a really good paper in college on grief and it has helped many people (I think God directed it sometimes) If I can find it, I will send it to you if you email me with your home email address. I'm not sure if we can send long papers on this site email. It tells people what is normal in grieving and just how to take those baby steps.

let me put you on my friends list and i'll give all that info to you there. I'd rather not the who world read it, you know what i mean. let me try to do it now if i don't already have you in there

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:11 PM


carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I don't think that when you're young that you fully understand grief. They just want you happy and just don't understand. Losing a parent is sooooo different than losing your life partner.

I know that one too, my dad was murdered when i was 15 and jerry died in july 07 and my mom dec 07. my dad meant the world to me. 32 years later and i still remember walking with him to the car that morning and him telling me he'd be back in a bit and take me to my summer job, he never came back. as bad as that hurt, it's NOTHING like losing the love of your life, it's like both my arms have been cut off and my brokenheart my grandson has helped a lot, don't get me wrong, i love him so much, but it's nothing like having someone to wake up and go to sleep next to and knowing they will be there. you know what i mean, i don't have to explain it to you. this has helped having someone to talk to. i think keeping it bottled up hurts even more

Vent all you need too. We all understand and will try to help you through it. Just take baby steps...IT WILL GET BETTER!!!!
:heart: Mary

Tel me how to do that. what are baby steps? my mom became suicidal from the depression after my dad was killed. I DON"T WANT TO GO THERE!!!! I know i need to spend more of my time on my knees in prayer, because i know that GOD is the only one who can help me, but advice from people who have been there done that might help too. How long did you say it's been for you?

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:03 PM

carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I don't think that when you're young that you fully understand grief. They just want you happy and just don't understand. Losing a parent is sooooo different than losing your life partner.

I know that one too, my dad was murdered when i was 15 and jerry died in july 07 and my mom dec 07. my dad meant the world to me. 32 years later and i still remember walking with him to the car that morning and him telling me he'd be back in a bit and take me to my summer job, he never came back. as bad as that hurt, it's NOTHING like losing the love of your life, it's like both my arms have been cut off and my brokenheart my grandson has helped a lot, don't get me wrong, i love him so much, but it's nothing like having someone to wake up and go to sleep next to and knowing they will be there. you know what i mean, i don't have to explain it to you. this has helped having someone to talk to. i think keeping it bottled up hurts even more

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:53 PM
Edited by Treasa on Mon 05/18/09 07:58 PM

carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

I live in Des Moines and Tim lives in Cedar Rapids. Probably a couple hours?

tiff says i have her, husband and grandson, but it just isn't the same. she just doesn't understand.

I need to hit the bed too, landon will be here early in the morning and now he has a severe sinus infection, running fever and just feeling bad, but dad needs to go in and talk to his new employer and do the proper paper work. so i'll have him a couple of hours then go out and take my frustrations out on my lawn. i sprayed a bunch of weed killer today, in hopes that i won't have to mow as much this summer. this is where lawn mower or sweaty smiley should be.

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:49 PM

Teresa this is so weird but I just went to the dr about the fibrolyalgais thing, right now they arent taking it to serious because they think I am still trying to recoup from the past 2 years. I am getting my strength back and getting back to the old me again. Well I should say the new me the old me will never be again. Today would have been my 4th wedding anniversay but I am taking it much better that I thought I would, this group is great because we can be so open about the way we really feel.

To all of you thank you for letting me in and thank you for giving me a place to talk about him and my feelings about the accident, and for not judging, just listening. You are all great people and I wish us all the best and hope we all find whatever it is that makes us happy again.

Sweetcheeks aka: Kandy :smile

I'll be sure and say a prayer for you. I have spent the most of my daytears tears tears tears tears . I am the kind of person who needs someone in my life. Married at 16 and for almost 29 years. I've never been without the love of a man. I miss holding hands and arms wrapped around me. A big :heart: and no one to share that kind of love with is :heart: breaking. My kids don't think I need a man in my life, but they have someone. Hope they never have to experience it like I have.:cry: I am encouraged that tomorrow will be better, if i have to go out and pushmowpitchfork another 5 acres to get the frustration out, then i will. I hope you find your happiness again too.

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:42 PM

carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

guess everyone went to bed so good night to anyone still signed onasleep asleep

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:40 PM
carold and betty been on here this evening? how far do you and tim live from each other Mary?

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:39 PM

time for me to hit the sack. Good Night ladysflowerforyou

Night Tim:heart: flowerforyou

Nite from me too

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:37 PM


guys, i had a really hard day todaytears tears tears tears tears tears Old mr depression really hit me hard. i am so lonely and my kids just don't understand why i can't have women friends. tiff says i don't need a man in my life, but she just doesn't understand, and i hope she doesn't have to find out first hand to understand. i am the kind of person who needs a man, i've never been without one. i need to hold hands, and get got old hugs. i such a large heart that needs someone to help fill it up. does that sound stupid on my part? I'm just that way, a lot of love inside and i need to share it with someone. thanks for being my sounding board peopletears tears tears . Maybe tomorrow i'll have a better day, i claim victory in JESUS name!!!!

We are all different. I was with my husband from the time I was 14. I never experienced being "ME". I went from a little girl to a wife to a mommy. Although I miss Bernie more than I can put into words, I am also enjoying finding "ME" and it's a real eye opener. Sure, I miss the hugs and companionship, but I am also enjoying the new me. I feeel if God wants me to find another great love like I shared with Bernie, He will send him my way.

Best of luck to you!

It's just that the quiet can be so deafening some times. I know if GOD has someone for me, HE'll send him my way. I married at 16 and have never been alone, except 22 months. I'm not going to get ahead of GOD, i know better than to do that. i went and talked to my preacher and his wife this afternoon, they both said they don't know how i've done it without going crazy. if it hadn't been for tiff and scott moving back here and having landon here for me, i probably would have already left the area. scott is taking a job as bank branch vice-president so they will not have to move for another job, THANK GOD for that, i don't know what i'd do if they moved and took landon away from me. probably pack up and move with them, wow, they wouldn't like thatlaugh laugh

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:29 PM

I recorded Dancing with the stars, I'm watching it now. Shawn did pretty good!

Treasa, Tim and I are from Iowa as is Shawn Johnson.

I don't get ABC so I don't even know who is on there. I know Ty Murry was on there because we were big into the rodeo scene. Jerry used to ride bulls, and i have a friend who is a sec to one of the rodeo associations, not sure which one, but i spent a lot of time at their house after my dad was murdered and my mom became suicidal and i had no place to stay so they let me stay there when i wanted to. Good people

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:26 PM


guys, i had a really hard day todaytears tears tears tears tears tears Old mr depression really hit me hard. i am so lonely and my kids just don't understand why i can't have women friends. tiff says i don't need a man in my life, but she just doesn't understand, and i hope she doesn't have to find out first hand to understand. i am the kind of person who needs a man, i've never been without one. i need to hold hands, and get got old hugs. i such a large heart that needs someone to help fill it up. does that sound stupid on my part? I'm just that way, a lot of love inside and i need to share it with someone. thanks for being my sounding board peopletears tears tears . Maybe tomorrow i'll have a better day, i claim victory in JESUS name!!!!

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/18/09 07:21 PM

almost ready for part 21, you all are quite the chatter boxes!!laugh laugh laugh
Hi Treasaflowerforyou

Hi Tim, if i get your names wrong, it's because i'm still learning or because i didn't look at my cheat sheet close enough:smile: