Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 03:27 PM
OK peeps, I found my way to this forum. Read everybody's message and now I'm cryingsad

I was married almost 28 years, Jerry has been in Heaven almost 2 years (July 20). I make it through some days just fine. Then there are the days and nights when I just want to cry my eyes out. I am SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lonely. I need someone in my life. Some people can live by theirselves just fine, but I really NEED someone in my life. Maybe I just need a good old bear hug with a little umph behind it. It would be nice to be held in someones arms again, someone who really cares about me. I'm sorrybrokenheart sad

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 03:08 PM

Im so sorry to hear of your loss,brokenheart You may want to come in to the 50 and over section. They have a fourm for what your going throughflowerforyou

What topic is it under?

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 02:52 PM
I am finding it very difficult to go through and get rid of my husbands things. He died 21 almost 22 months ago, but it is still so hard. I should probably have someone else help me. We were in the process of building a new home when he died, I moved over to the new house before it was finished, to make it easier for me to work on. The other house is still full of our stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions that might make this process easier? Ideas welcome.

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 01:08 PM
Checking in, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mom's!!flowers

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:56 PM

I claim lonelywounded wolf :angel:
I wonder if he has an older brother just like him?

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:52 PM

Betty is an :angel: I think all the ladys in here are

Ok Treasa you can believe him...just this oncelaugh laugh
you guys are CRAZY!!!!! I heard everyone was a hoot. Now I know it first hand.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:48 PM

so solitaryman, give me your opinion of Betty.
do I have to?

Yes you do!!! Boy this ought to be goodlaugh laugh
Is he scared of you?surprised

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:47 PM

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:46 PM
betty, I just wanted to see what he'd say, I really have heard good things about you.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:45 PM
so solitaryman, give me your opinion of Betty.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:32 PM

Good men????? That is the question? Or is the question ladies? That no one really knows what they want or are willing to settle for a little less in one aspect or another. We all think we know what we want but when it presents it's self we shy away. I know I'm quilty. No body wants to settle for less than we feel we deserve. Hey we all have those rights. But don't let the good ones sail bye.

As far as my age group, which is old, I do not feel old (above 40). But it is what it is. Most or all of us have been divorce. Woman I hate to break it to you. The really good guys, are gun shy because they have been through the ringer in a divorce. An most good men get the shaft in that department. Now the bad men who do not see their kids and pay their support. An no offense are just losers. Well ladies you picked those men. An us good men picked the wrong woman.

In this day and age it is extremely hard to stay together. Hell everything is against you. The chances of a couple staying married is not good. I hope I find someone. I want to be with someone. But like I said I will not settle for less than I feel I deserve. I did that once it did not work. I did get a beautiful daughter out of it. She adores me and I adore her. But she will be grown and gone. I really do not wish to be alone when that time comes. I wish everyone on here the best wishes in finding that someone special. flowerforyou

How do you feel about widows?

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:13 PM
This is a busy site, moves along quickly. I want to introduce myself to you Betty, I have heard good things about you. Also hello to Caorldflowers Ladies, here are your flowers, Happy Mothers Day a tad bit early, but I might forget tomorrow. What is the topic of the evening? I went to the rodeo last night therefore I couldn't participate in your entertaining conversations. I need to go to the PBR in Tulsa, this one wasn't very good last night. Nice to make new friends.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/08/09 09:39 AM
I think I'm going to try to take a short nap. Have an appt at 2 but I am really tired. I PUSH mowed last until almost 8pm. sigh catch you guys later this evening probably.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/08/09 09:35 AM
Looking to make new friends.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/08/09 09:29 AM
I had to reset my area, so I think I found you carold.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/07/09 09:20 AM

Glad to hear he is fine Teresa :)

flowers Thank you carold:) Landon can hear much better now also. I whispered something to him and he repeated it. He's much livelier than he's been in a long time. It's nice to have a well grandbaby!!!
Hope you have a great day. Teresa

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/07/09 07:14 AM

I guess the gentlemen must have skipped a generation lastmanstanding602. Wish you'd be around 20 years earlier!!!flowerforyou
flowers Hey thanks!

You are quite welcomeblushing

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:41 PM
Don't let the jerk answers get you down. I too am looking for someone. No one I want to spoil, but I wouldn't mind being spoiled for a while. I have never had that luxery. You'll find the right one some day. Good Luck!!flowerforyou

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:30 PM
I too am looking for a good man to share my life with. Like most of you said, they're just not around me.frown Would like to talk to people who might be interested in meeting and getting to know a GODly woman. I'll keep looking unless you find me firstflowerforyou

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 06:00 PM
I guess the gentlemen must have skipped a generation lastmanstanding602. Wish you'd be around 20 years earlier!!!flowerforyou