Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 08:03 PM
Landon dropped a can of something in his big toe yesterday at 4pm and by 5 it was already black. this morning it was a black green color and his toe was red and feverish all the way to where it joins his foot. dr said they won't drill it to release the blood and to just splint it. yea right splint a 1 year olds toe. i think they could just prick it with a needle just under the toenail and allow the blood to come out and it will stop throbbing. she said he cried all night with it hurting.tears it made me hurt just to look at it

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:56 PM

Just being a smarty pants ! No I was not aware of that video though .

you should check it out, amazing what the videographers can do now a day

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:55 PM

I saw it back when they did it... It was different in an eeiry way..

I love Elvis!

once an Elvis lover, forever an Elvis lover.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:53 PM

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated CHIVALRY IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my car broke down on me today, as i stood at the side of the highway with my hood raised and some 100 + cars, trucks, and motorcycles drove by. (oh i had to go to town, i had to run an errand, i was planning on mowing at 2pm, but thats when i remembered the errand) my sister's husband hadn't left for work yet and i was able to catch him before he left, so he came to my rescue some 45 minutes later(maybe if i had been wearing daisy dukes someone would have stopped, i was wearing an oversized t-shirt and pants 2 sizes too big for me, like i said i was planning on mowing. anyway, i get home and before i even get to my door, my cell rings. my neighbor wants me to ride with him to another town and drive his truck back for him while he picks up and rides his harley home. being the good neighbor i said yes. i get home and walk to my computer and was just about to touch it when my doorbell rings, thought he had come back for some reason, no, it was my sister, she wants me to ride with her to pick up one of her vehicles and me drive the other back home. it's now after 6pm when i begin to start mowing. i push mowedpitchfork for almost 2 1/2 hours and still only got 1/2 of my yard done. sorry i needed to vent. does anyone else ever have days like this? or is it just me? I just took my pain pills and sleeping pills, because i know i won't be able to get out of the bed in the morning.
tim, i'm sorry about you loss, remember last night when i had to sign off, i couldn't stop crying over grief of my dad, he has been gone almost 32 years, in fact July 27. just one month and 1 day after i turned 15. the greatest man i ever knew. i really feel that way. he meant the world to me.

and a good massage!

You could use a ((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))!!!!!

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:34 PM
oops I posted to the wrong forum, you need to go to 50 and lonely to read my last post, too long to rewrite.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:17 PM
flowerforyou thanks for the nice welcome everyone!!!

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:15 PM

He's dead :banana:
i know, but the did the video dubbing thing and it looked like he was there singing with her. you know they can do that kind of technical stuff now.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:03 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated CHIVALRY IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my car broke down on me today, as i stood at the side of the highway with my hood raised and some 100 + cars, trucks, and motorcycles drove by. (oh i had to go to town, i had to run an errand, i was planning on mowing at 2pm, but thats when i remembered the errand) my sister's husband hadn't left for work yet and i was able to catch him before he left, so he came to my rescue some 45 minutes later(maybe if i had been wearing daisy dukes someone would have stopped, i was wearing an oversized t-shirt and pants 2 sizes too big for me, like i said i was planning on mowing. anyway, i get home and before i even get to my door, my cell rings. my neighbor wants me to ride with him to another town and drive his truck back for him while he picks up and rides his harley home. being the good neighbor i said yes. i get home and walk to my computer and was just about to touch it when my doorbell rings, thought he had come back for some reason, no, it was my sister, she wants me to ride with her to pick up one of her vehicles and me drive the other back home. it's now after 6pm when i begin to start mowing. i push mowedpitchfork for almost 2 1/2 hours and still only got 1/2 of my yard done. sorry i needed to vent. does anyone else ever have days like this? or is it just me? I just took my pain pills and sleeping pills, because i know i won't be able to get out of the bed in the morning.
tim, i'm sorry about you loss, remember last night when i had to sign off, i couldn't stop crying over grief of my dad, he has been gone almost 32 years, in fact July 27. just one month and 1 day after i turned 15. the greatest man i ever knew. i really feel that way. he meant the world to me.

Treasa's photo
Fri 05/15/09 06:47 PM

cheer up! things will get better and youll find the right man.

i think its a positive thing. the girls around my age are immature and most have no morals.

i think your chances are better than mine!:smile:

Chris you are wise beyond your years and a welcome addition to this group!

well thank you maam.:smile:

i think ive found my favorite board here. pretty good lil' community ya'll have got going on.

i'm here too, don't overlook me. i am a hard worker, i can prove it, i just push mowedpitchfork my yard for the last 2 1/2 hours and only got half way done.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:41 PM

I see whenever I say how I feel no one replies or cares. I have known Betty for a while and she is the only friend I have made through Mingle 2. I care about people and I feel bad for all who have lost a loved one.

Don't fell that way hon. We all care on here and we have all been through the devastion of losing a loved one.
Just because someone didn't reply does not mean we don't care , we all do very much and we are all so sorry for each others losses and pain. flowerforyou flowerforyou

It's not just this group. I know I am not alone in losing someone. You are the only one who cares and says so. Still no one in this forum even acknowledges me, accept you. I have said welcome to Teresa and no reply

I'm sorry I haven't replyed, I have had my own set of other problems with greiving, and just find it easier to talk to a woman who has lost a spouse than a man. We have some of the same issues, but oh so many different ones. I know a man who lost his wife and three months later was calling all the widows he knew and telling them he was looking for a wife. He found one within about a month and they are still married today, it's been 1 1/2 years for them. Again, I'm sorry you felt I was avoiding you.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:24 PM
go to and at the bottom type in elvis & celine . they have a great video that was apparently made a couple of years ago for an american idol show. I love it, watched it over and over. if you are or were ever an Elvis fan, you'll probably like it.smitten :heart: :heart: smooched smooched love love drool drool

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:30 PM

Hi Treasa, now take a deep breath and exhale slowlylaugh laugh

I shaking all over:heart: smooched smooched smooched smooched :heart: drool smitten smitten smitten
I had forgotten how much I loved Elvis. He and my dad were the 2 most important men in my life when I was 15 on June 26. July 27, someone shot and killed my day and on August 16 Elvis died. I was devistated for years. Now I'm crying. Yes, I lost 2 men I really loved, one I knew and one I always wanted to meet. I still love both of them, more tears. the breathing and exhaling isn't working, I'm still crying. OK, OK, tears, tears.
Did you ever find out who killed your dad?
we have names, but he was set up. I sent photos of the scene to OSBI, with approval of my brother and sister, to a blood splatter analisyst and they said he was definately murdered. The cops tried to say suicide, but I've always known he didn't do it. One thing my dad never did was lie to me. That morning I walked with him to the car and he told me he'd be back in time to take me to my summer job. I was the last one to talk to him. I can't do this, I have to sign off. Night.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:25 PM

ladies, ladies, ladies, maybe even some men. i was just sent the most amazing video ELVIS, ELVIS, ELVIS, NEED I SAY MORE! If you are an Elvis lover as i am you HAVE to watch this. apparently it came out a couple of years ago on american idol, but i missed it. WHY, WHY, WHY???? I can play it over and over. ok go to and at the bottom of the page type in Elvis & Celine-If I can dream. you have to watch it, crank it up girls, i still have goose bumps and I've watched it 2 hours:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smitten smitten smitten smitten drool drool For Elvis that islove love love I'm sorry, but I just had to.
Pretty sure I seen it :) love Elvis :) so how are you tonight. I miss the vote off on Idol last night. I was so into Lost.

Danny got voted off.
Yeah I heard but didn't get to see those finale moments allot of people thought it would be Chris
He redeamed himself with his song choice not the judges song

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:23 PM

ladies, ladies, ladies, maybe even some men. i was just sent the most amazing video ELVIS, ELVIS, ELVIS, NEED I SAY MORE! If you are an Elvis lover as i am you HAVE to watch this. apparently it came out a couple of years ago on american idol, but i missed it. WHY, WHY, WHY???? I can play it over and over. ok go to and at the bottom of the page type in Elvis & Celine-If I can dream. you have to watch it, crank it up girls, i still have goose bumps and I've watched it 2 hours:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smitten smitten smitten smitten drool drool For Elvis that islove love love I'm sorry, but I just had to.
Pretty sure I seen it :) love Elvis :) so how are you tonight. I miss the vote off on Idol last night. I was so into Lost.

I can't get ABC, the guy with the raspy voice and the glasses got booted.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:21 PM

Hi Treasa, now take a deep breath and exhale slowlylaugh laugh

I shaking all over:heart: smooched smooched smooched smooched :heart: drool smitten smitten smitten
I had forgotten how much I loved Elvis. He and my dad were the 2 most important men in my life when I was 15 on June 26. July 27, someone shot and killed my day and on August 16 Elvis died. I was devistated for years. Now I'm crying. Yes, I lost 2 men I really loved, one I knew and one I always wanted to meet. I still love both of them, more tears. the breathing and exhaling isn't working, I'm still crying. OK, OK, tears, tears.

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:18 PM

Hi Treasa, now take a deep breath and exhale slowlylaugh laugh

I shaking all over:heart: smooched smooched smooched smooched :heart: drool smitten smitten smitten

Treasa's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:15 PM
ladies, ladies, ladies, maybe even some men. i was just sent the most amazing video ELVIS, ELVIS, ELVIS, NEED I SAY MORE! If you are an Elvis lover as i am you HAVE to watch this. apparently it came out a couple of years ago on american idol, but i missed it. WHY, WHY, WHY???? I can play it over and over. ok go to and at the bottom of the page type in Elvis & Celine-If I can dream. you have to watch it, crank it up girls, i still have goose bumps and I've watched it 2 hours:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smitten smitten smitten smitten drool drool For Elvis that islove love love I'm sorry, but I just had to.

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:02 PM

I am new to this site. I was married for 20 years and a widow for the last 7. It was a very sudden death. I went to work a wife and best friend and came home a widow. I was in shock the first year but kept going for my children. The biggest thing that I have figured out is that there are no rules for grieving. If something gives you comfort there is no reason to give it away. The time will come when it will feel OK to do that. I spent the first couple of years wearing my husbands t-shirts under my work suits. No one knew and it made me feel better! Eventually, I just stopped.

About 5 months after Jerry died I was so sick that I HAD to go to the dr. I was simply just completely run down and not taking care of myself or getting enough sleep. I had to see a new dr as mine had no openings for a couple of weeks. He suggested that I should be through the greiving process by the 5th month and that i needed to see a psychiatrist(is that how it's spelled?) He obviously still has his wife. No one can tell you how long that it will take you to stop greiving, I don't know that I'll ever stop. I can say that I don't cry my eyes out everyday anymore, but there is not 1 day go by that I don't think of him. It may be in a song I hear on the radio, something someone says on tv, or even in person. I dream of him often, but not everynight anymore. I pray that you too find the peace from within that you need to get through each and every day. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is make sure you do take care of yourself, eat right, sleep 8 hrs. Nap in between if you need to. No one else is going to do it for you, the only person you can really count on is yourself. At least that has been my experience. After the funeral, none of his family members came to my house. Just my kids, and my son didn't stay long. When my daughter and her husband left, the silence was deafening. I've prayed many a prayer and shed many tears, sometimes to the point of whaling as if my heart was ripped into and being torn from my chest. I'll remember you. Teresa

Treasa's photo
Mon 05/11/09 08:44 AM

I am having the same problem here, I just can't do it. I like you am so lonely and cry almost every day. Sometimes it is the first thing I do when I wake up and the last thing I do before going to sleep. Are you like me and feel like if you get rid of his things that is more of him slipping away? I feel like I have to hold on to all the little pieces of him I can. Good Luck to you hun and if anyone has any suggestions I could sure them also.

Yes I feel the same way. My son is especially having problems, it makes him mad if I say I'm going to sell a vehicle or a piece of farm equipment. He never comes around so I don't think it should bother him as much. I have kept most of Jerry's shirts, I am going to make memory quilts out of them for me and both of my kids. I was going to make one the Jerry's dad but he has treated me like something he has wiped off the bottom of his shoe lately and I just can't go there I didn't kill my husband Lou Gehrigs Disease did. I took care of him until he took his last breath. I didn't put him away in some home to take care of him, I did it almost all by myself. Up every 1 1/2 hours during the night to check on him and give him his meds. It was a very tasking time in my life, but if I had to do it over again, I would. He was the love of my life and I know that. I am however ready to move on. I don't think GOD expects me to live the rest of my life alone. He will send me someone else to love, I just have to wait for him to come. Gotta take care of the grandson. I hope you can find an easier way of doing things. My son-in-law's last day working on his masters degree is today. I will have a few days to try to make my way over there. If the sun would shine I would feel better. It has rained almost every day for 3 weeks now. I love the rain, but I think the sun makes my mind work better. LOL Later, Teresa

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 03:34 PM

OK peeps, I found my way to this forum. Read everybody's message and now I'm cryingsad

I was married almost 28 years, Jerry has been in Heaven almost 2 years (July 20). I make it through some days just fine. Then there are the days and nights when I just want to cry my eyes out. I am SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lonely. I need someone in my life. Some people can live by theirselves just fine, but I really NEED someone in my life. Maybe I just need a good old bear hug with a little umph behind it. It would be nice to be held in someones arms again, someone who really cares about me. I'm sorrybrokenheart sad

OK, I'm somewhat collected now, I forgot the reason that I looked this site up in the first place.

I am having difficulty going through and getting rid of Jerry's things, any suggestion that will make the process easier?