Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/31/09 06:21 PM

i'm home, i want to be part of this roll over thing, it missed the other one due to computer gliches

hi Treasaflowerforyou


Treasa's photo
Sun 05/31/09 06:20 PM
flowerforyou Oh by the way I had a great time at the races. asked him to stay around longer than he wanted to yesterday, but they were racing the 50's- 70's cars, and some older ones as well, took lots of great pictures at the starting line. HAD A BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bigsmile

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/31/09 06:18 PM
i'm home, i want to be part of this roll over thing, it missed the other one due to computer gliches

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:27 PM

It seems to me you meet someone from each site. All I want is honest so here I sit :) I think living in a big city allot of women to chose from. Then all the other mess to many separated getting a divorce. Or just looking for a lay.

carol this guy isn't that way, i have told him up front that there is a line i won't cross, and he has honored that. we have seen each other for the last 8 days straight at some point. of course will be together again tomorrow on the way home, MY KIDS ARE SO MAD, ESPECIALLY MY SON. HE'LL JUST HAVE TO GET OVER IT. I TOLD TIFF WE WEREN'T LEAVING TOWN TO GET MARRIED, JUST TO GO TO THE RACES.


Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:26 PM

It seems to me you meet someone from each site. All I want is honest so here I sit :) I think living in a big city allot of women to chose from. Then all the other mess to many separated getting a divorce. Or just looking for a lay.

carol this guy isn't that way, i have told him up front that there is a line i won't cross, and he has honored that. we have seen each other for the last 8 days straight at some point. of course will be together again tomorrow on the way home, MY KIDS ARE SO MAD, ESPECIALLY MY SON. HE'LL JUST HAVE TO GET OVER IT. I TOLD TIFF WE WEREN'T LEAVING TOWN TO GET MARRIED, JUST TO GO TO THE RACES.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:23 PM

Hi Teresa, glad you are having a good time....I found a nice guy on there too...

I have been reading that. the bad thing with me right now is i have another man, really really interested, who is younger by 2 years. this guy is older by 5 years, but he's closer and can spend more time with me. HARD DECISION TO MAKE, but this guy has already spent over 500 on tickets, room, gas, food, souviners(is that how it's spelled?) and is a really good kisser on top of that. He has a southern draw to his voice and when he says, "OO000 BABY" (like in the word blue) it gives me goose bumps. he's a lot of fun.

good luck with your new guy

laugh laugh laugh I know how you feel Teresa... I can feel my face light up when I hear Dans voice and he kept kissing me today at the lake.. I felt like we were 16 again...He was born and raised in Missoula,Mt( where I was going to move) and went to college in TX, has family in Arkansas so he does have a southern accent too...He is just the funniest man and we laugh so much about nothing....

that's exactly how i feel. i told him we were going to have to quit acting like teenagers and act our age. it didn't work, we are still acting silly

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:21 PM
it has been a good trip, we did however see a really bad wreck last nite, 2 suv's and a motorcycle, at least 2 dead, they were still laying on the road when we were redirected around our turn. coroner was on the scene taking pics, i guess they had taken the living to the hospital. made me sick to my stomach.

sorry to hear about your friend that's getting divorced

well i'm sure he's wondering who i'm talking to so i better go, you girls have a good night, i'm going to go hop in the pool to cool down my sunburnt arms

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:16 PM

Hi Teresa, glad you are having a good time....I found a nice guy on there too...

I have been reading that. the bad thing with me right now is i have another man, really really interested, who is younger by 2 years. this guy is older by 5 years, but he's closer and can spend more time with me. HARD DECISION TO MAKE, but this guy has already spent over 500 on tickets, room, gas, food, souviners(is that how it's spelled?) and is a really good kisser on top of that. He has a southern draw to his voice and when he says, "OO000 BABY" (like in the word blue) it gives me goose bumps. he's a lot of fun.

good luck with your new guy

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:07 PM
flowerforyou Good evening ladies, I am having a fabulous time in Topeka at the National Race Car Assoc. races. Came with a guy i met on POF, he's from my town, but we agreed on "sleeping arrangements" before we came or i woulndn't have come. but it has been fun. haven't laughed this much in a long time

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/27/09 10:36 AM

You had better be among the living.
Need permission to be otherwise & I did NOT give it.
Someday we need to talk, if you want to.

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/27/09 10:28 AM
:angel: good morning all, oops good afternoon. i was sick all weekend,went to dr yesterday, got a couple shots and scripts. Then last night around midnight got a severe headache by 3 it was a migrane, took something for it to be up a6 still with a migrane. its better, now i just need a good massage. i have to run, just wanted to let you know i am still among the living:angel:

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/24/09 05:52 PM
OK GROUP!!!!! we all need to
down before we turn over to page 48. I MISS all of you. WE CAN MAKE IT, we just need to stick together. I've sent in my own gripe already too, some smarty pants people sent in stupid remarks, what can i say. SEE SOON, I HOPE!

Treasa's photo
Sun 05/24/09 06:21 AM

What were you trying to accomplish Treasa? laugh
I have 30-40 ppl coming for a picnic tomorrow I need all of you to do a dance to keep the rain away.

someone on this site told me something like this

don't look at it as an upcoming thunderstorm...but to look at it as a chance to go out and dance in the rain and enjoy it.

thus my previous response....

totally off topic, i can't use the smiley's for some reason, but WHAT WAS MINGLE2 THINKING??????
or is it just my computer? i have a totally new site page and it takes at least 10 times longer to get around on here. am i the only one with this or all of you in the same boat with me? just curios what happened since i posted at 1am this morning.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 09:42 PM
I've just gotten back from all that noise at the drag racing traccccck.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 11:23 AM
ok, i went out and "danced" in the rain. it didn't help, i just got wet and my hair is all frizzy now.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:41 AM

Treasa, give me your address & maybe a DON will show up.
pitchfork blushing bigsmile bigsmile smitten :laughing: slaphead slaphead waving :angel:
with the luck i've been having it is probably best for me to completely stay away from men. run & hide when i see one. all they make me do istears tears tears
Mr allergies has me this morning, or maybe it's because of all the tears i shed last night, but i can't hardly talk this morning, really hoarse sounding, called the pharmacist and he said there was nothing to do but use something to knumb my throat so i don't make it sorefrustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated
By the way BILL called last night while Bill was here, just glad that BILL didn't show too.
Yeah guys are find a solution. And crying don't help. For us a good cry cleanses the soul. Just don't stay down there. But on a happy face and snap out of it. lol I know easier said than done :)

especially with the flood of emotions that i had, at least i know i still have a litt something something, that attracts a man. :angel:
You sure do so no worry there. Now you just got to do what you got to do till you find Mr right.

how does the old saying go? "you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince charming"

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:39 AM

Looks like he took off with Teresa :)
i heard that, i'm still here, i was just contemplating what to say in a response to one of the texts, shame on you for talking about me carol, that's right, i read the previous texts, just to see what i've missed out on

Teresa come on now Carold was only kidding.She is the sweetest kindest person on here and never would hurt anybody. We all get teased on her a lot don't be sensitive it s ok , its all in fun .Honest flowerforyou flowerforyou

i know she was just kidding. i didn't take it wrong, i just laughed to myself. i'm ok, i need to run, you guys have fun talking about me all you want.laugh laugh

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:37 AM

Looks like he took off with Teresa :)
i heard that, i'm still here, i was just contemplating what to say in a response to one of the texts, shame on you for talking about me carol, that's right, i read the previous texts, just to see what i've missed out on
LOL well Don was missing in action we had to figure out some story to play off on lol :) you were it lol
that's ok, i've had worse things said about me, have to be like a duck and let it roll off my back. catch you guys later, have a great day.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:33 AM

Here it is. Sung by The Marvellettes

Hey give me a minute - gotta tell you something:

Don't mess with Bill
Don't mess with Bill
(Don't mess with Bill) Say it one more time!
(Don't mess with Bill)

Now I know he's a guy who put tears in my eyes
A thousand times or more
Oh but every time he would apologize
I loved him more than before

Hear what I say, girls keep away, ah ah ah
Don't mess with Bill
(No no no no, Don't mess with Bill) Leave my Billy alone

(Don't mess with Bill) Get a guy of your own
(Don't mess with Bill)

Now there's Johnny, there's Joe and there's Frank and Jim
Just to name a few
Now, Bill's got me and I've got him
I'm sure there's one for you

Hear what I say, girls keep away, ah ah ah
Don't mess with Bill
(No no no no, Don't mess with Bill) Cause he's mine all mine
(Don't mess with Bill) I say it one more time
(Don't mess with Bill)

Though I tell myself he wants no one else
But keeps coming back to me
Now I'm in no decision to want competition
I want to be sure as can be

Hear what I say, girls keep away, ah ah ah
Don't mess with Bill
(No no no no, Don't mess with Bill) Leave my Billy alone
(Don't mess with Bill) Get a guy of your own
(Don't mess with Bill) Cause he's mine all mine
(Don't mess with Bill) I say it one more time
(Don't mess with Bill) Hey yeah yeah yeah
(Don't mess with Bill) Hey yeah yeah yeah
(Don't mess with Bill) Leave my man alone
(Don't mess with Bill) Get a guy of your own

No never heard it. I don't know what to do, i called my best friend yesterday evening before i came home and tears tears tears on her shoulders, she had no answer, she is married, told me she'd be praying, I know that's the only thing that can make it better, hold on i'm trying not totears i think i have it under control

Friend, have you gone to counseling for your depression? There is NO SHAME in asking for help. Prayer can do wonders, but the good Lord provides us with professionals that can help us through the rough patches in our life.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain!

Love ya!

I didn't think i had a problem until recently. i don't know of anyone around here that is trustworthy

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/23/09 08:29 AM
Edited by Treasa on Sat 05/23/09 08:32 AM

Looks like he took off with Teresa :)
i heard that, i'm still here, i was just contemplating what to say in a response to one of the texts, shame on you for talking about me carol, that's right, i read the previous texts, just to see what i've missed out on

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