Topic: Religion is scam | |
Religion is used to manipule people, to attain certain self centered goals. It serves the leaders and distroys the followers reasons why its dogmatic.
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Religion is used to manipule people, to attain certain self centered goals. It serves the leaders and distroys the followers reasons why its dogmatic. Just because you feel that way does not mean others do.. If Religion is not for you then by pass it and let those that do believe in Religion, share their beliefs as they see fit.. Sounds like to me you are trying to manipulate people into believing as you do. |
I am not trying to ofend anyone. Its just a topic for discussion. Religion is opium for the masses (). The most religious people are the ignorants, poorest, ignorant and mostly illiterate at the merci of their leader
None Religion is a scam..
It's the people who make it as a scam an business to earn in easy way along tax benefits. e.g. in name of healing sick. Religion nothing has to do with that. The area alot for religious purpose even its taxes burden comes on people of that part.. due to which taxes be high of property |
Edited by
Mon 04/11/22 02:02 PM
I am not trying to ofend anyone. Its just a topic for discussion. Religion is opium for the masses (). The most religious people are the ignorants, poorest, ignorant and mostly illiterate at the merci of their leader Humm for not trying to offend anyone don't ya think by labeling them as ignorant, poorest or illiterate because they believe in their Religion or those they follow? That sounds more like what happens within a Cult instead of those that believe in God and the Church. I'll admit there is a lot of Preachers that I do not agree with how they funnel the money they get from their congregation.. Mainly those Televangelists that are raking in the dollars.. Honestly they should look into them more..then they do... It is not Religion that is a scam, it is those that portray the bible in their own twisted ways. And yes it may seem like an addiction to some.. But to others Religion has brought them peace of mind.. And help put them on a path to straighten their life up and be the person they were meant to be.. For some finding Religion is life saving from their past.. Where a Cult is a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. Those within a Cult seem to follow their Leaders rules.. |
If you have different text to adhere to other than scripture then you're probably mistled and you and any fool that be c as
Religion is used to manipule people, to attain certain self centered goals. It serves the leaders and distroys the followers. Yeah it does and is. It also is the cause of many wars. But it also gives comfort in hard times, a social group to belong to, a way of making sense out of a crazy world, and a reason for life to many. |
I am not trying to ofend anyone. Its just a topic for discussion. Religion is opium for the masses (). The most religious people are the ignorants, poorest, ignorant and mostly illiterate at the merci of their leader Humm for not trying to offend anyone don't ya think by labeling them as ignorant, poorest or illiterate because they believe in their Religion or those they follow? That sounds more like what happens within a Cult instead of those that believe in God and the Church. I'll admit there is a lot of Preachers that I do not agree with how they funnel the money they get from their congregation.. Mainly those Televangelists that are raking in the dollars.. Honestly they should look into them more..then they do... It is not Religion that is a scam, it is those that portray the bible in their own twisted ways. And yes it may seem like an addiction to some.. But to others Religion has brought them peace of mind.. And help put them on a path to straighten their life up and be the person they were meant to be.. For some finding Religion is life saving from their past.. Where a Cult is a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. Those within a Cult seem to follow their Leaders rules.. Very well said Kristi! |
There shouldn't be many religions, cult, many gods, different interpretation of religious concepts if really truth is universal. Does god exist? Where is he? Does he help his people suffering at the merci of those not believing in him?
So now you have a question over God existence.
Do you believe in humans or humanity? ![]() |
There shouldn't be many religions, cult, many gods, different interpretation of religious concepts if really truth is universal. Does god exist? Where is he? Does he help his people suffering at the merci of those not believing in him? You're asking questions that can only be answered in the great beyond from where no one returns. Each individual must make up his own mind on the subject. And nothing one can say or do will deter the faithful or convince the nonbeliever. |
the name he even used here is ironic with his topic..Evans..a shortened for evangelos(good messenger)oh well...u were just unlucky with the religion or religious org u encountered havin u say that..its a red flag if they insist on teachings and seems manipulating u...ur smart to get off from it...we choose to have our Religion,its stupidity if u continue stayin there and rant about it ,im not all knowing but religion dont save u anyway it is how u believe in the Higher power,I for one I believe in God .Happy mingling.
Religious leaders and faith communities are the largest and best-organized civil institutions in the world, claiming the allegiance of billions of believers and bridging the divides of race, class and nationality. More than any other civil society representatives, religious leaders have the experience of establishing and working with international partnerships. Their expertise can greatly benefit the global breastfeeding effort.
Religious leaders are often the most respected figures in their communities. Buddhist monks and nuns, imams, pastors, priests, punjaris, and leaders of other faith communities play a powerful role in shaping attitudes, opinions and behaviors because their members trust them. Community members and political leaders listen to religious leaders. Some Religious groups make problems like ISIS and Anti-Muslim Sentiment |
There shouldn't be many religions, cult, many gods, different interpretation of religious concepts if really truth is universal. Does god exist? Where is he? Does he help his people suffering at the merci of those not believing in him? Why need help, you earn an live your life with positive vibes Why like always be depended on God.. He has shown the right path. The good and bads, it's upto us to choose. Blaming God or any Religion is wrong.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
e=mc^2. if something/someone has energy, then , they CAN NOT be destroyed, THEY WILL be transformed into ,???? gravity? light? all energy?? they will stiil continue to be, just not in a form that most of us can recognize,. or science is wrong
I remember seeing experiment that was supposedly repeated many times where one body with mass was placed right next to a second body with mass, the 2 where then separated by thousands of miles, the mass 1 was manipulated in some manner and mass 2 while only being observed showed an observed change at the moment mass 1was manipulated science is on the edge of proving religious thought and real scientists know that only know what they can prove all else is speculation NOT FACT. Science has show a way or paths that lead to religious ideas about life love and more |
If we say that religion is a scam, shouldn't we also say the life is a scam?
religions are doctrines of men and/ or demons. only follow the Word in its purest form. anything besides pictograph aramaic hebrew of about 4000 years ago. could be of men or demons. people twist it into what they want so they feel good about their sins
names.. What is the one you call God. what is his name. he has one. his name is his character / God was gud is . there was no O. Gud is short for gudreal. . HaSatans name. not the Father. his name is YHWH. yod hey waw hey. or Ehyeh. .
It's definitely a scam but a very smart one to be honest.
Clergy sell goods that can't be claimed while you're alive, and no one has ever went back from death to leave a feedback ![]() |