Community > Posts By > MrDolla

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:56 PM
haha ok ok. Ill ask her. Thanks guys

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:51 PM

Perhaps she was a little confused because she was always the one initiating the texts.

She was probably waiting to see if YOU would text her, and when you didn't...she thought you weren't interested any longer.

So I think it would be best for you to text her! Explain and hope she is still interested.

Yea I thought maybe she was wanting me to show a little more interest? And maybe she had been initiating so much before our date to keep me interested in her?

Not really sure. But I won't know unless I ask.

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:50 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Mon 01/23/12 12:50 PM

If I explain to her do you think she might buy it?

If it is the truth there is nothing to buy.

Either she accepts it or not. Just be honest. You know darn well you were having second thoughts because she did not text you like mad after your pizza night. You were unsure of her reguards towards you.

If you want to see her again nut up and call her.

Oh for sure no your right of course I was having 2nd thoughts when I didn't really hear from her again.

What happened exactly was she came over on a Thrusday night. After she left I just messaged her saying thanks for coming and that I had a great time and we would have to go out again soon.

She said she was looking forward to it..

And then she went on a 3 day trip and when she came back I asked her about it and we talked a bit. But then I never heard from the whole week till friday when I talked to her again.

So yea I was little unsure of what was going on. Though to be fair I didnt ask her out either.

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:45 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Mon 01/23/12 12:45 PM

This early in the relationship, tell her the truth and see what happens. If she wants to go out again, great. If she questions your reasons why it took so long to call her then you'll know that there is probably some insecurity issues there that will only get worse over time and you can spare yourself a lot of grief down the road.

Good Luck.

That's true. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a shot and see what she says. Alot of my friends have told me too that she hasn't had alot of dating experience so you have to initiate everything with her.

So I figure she might have cut contact a little cause she was waiting for me to ask her out again?

Anyways just speculating at this point. Won't know unless I ask

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:43 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Mon 01/23/12 12:43 PM

Maybe you learned something...then again, maybe you didn't.

Well when I didn't hear from her at first pretty much all last week I sort of concluded she had lost interest ( lol having add I rush to judgement quickly) so I figure I would just move on.

But now Im not so sure she wasn't still interested...figure it's worth a shot and if she says yes great and if not that's ok.

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:39 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Mon 01/23/12 12:41 PM
What I hate most that I've experienced alot more on other places like POF is people with weird age preferences.

Like I've had girls who MY AGE go and click those things that say they are intereted meeting me and then I go to msg them and I find out that have their profiles set so only guys who are say 21 - 26 yrs of age can msg them??

It's like you seriously couldn't have just said guys between the ages of 20-29?

Like I realize being 20 and 21 is a major difference....

anyways end of my rant. And btw Im in Canada now I just havent changed my profile on here. But so legal age isn't 21 here for those who might point that out as a reason :P

But yes I have noticed it can be frustrating with preferences sometimes.

MrDolla's photo
Mon 01/23/12 12:33 PM
Kind of debating this at the moment. I met her on New Years so about 3 weeks ago.

The night we met we hit it off and ended making out and stuff.

The next few days she would text me all the time and met up for coffee at school a short time later. That went well and she made it clear she wanted to go on a "first date"

Anyways I had her over the following week to make pizza and watch a movie. It seemed to go ok and we said we do something later on but we didnt really set anything in stone.

Well the following week. Last week I didnt really hear from her. She generally had initiated all the texting but this week I barely heard from her. I talked to her a bit on the monday and friday but not really anything.

And so now it's been over 2 weeks since our last "date". To late to ask her out again? Im kind of intereste in her again but Im not sure. I really was busy last week and really ust getting more settled now.

If I explain to her do you think she might buy it?

MrDolla's photo
Sat 01/21/12 01:59 AM
Even is they say the fight over SOPA AND PIPA is over....I wont believe them.. theyll try and push it through however they can.

And its stupid. the people in charge are citizens just like all of us. That we elected to act in our best interest as a united country and instead they end up doing whatever they want and turning us against them. They are no better then anyone else..

MrDolla's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:54 PM

I would love to have someone who supports it watch the ted talks and respond to the concepts there, and the history of censorship, AND the motivations of major media outlets.

Great vid you posted btw

MrDolla's photo
Thu 01/19/12 05:52 PM
Yes Yes it could...These bills really need to be stopped.

MrDolla's photo
Wed 01/18/12 04:35 PM

If you're not a pirate, this stuff shouldn't be a problem. Right?

Ummm... No.

Let's say you run a discussion forum. It wouldn't matter how many posts or pages your forum contained. If a copyright holder could make the case that your site was "encouraging or facilitating" piracy or counterfeiting of products, you could potentially be blocked from the view of most US residents.

The exceptions would be the ones with the technical savvy to circumvent the blocks, which would be illegal under the bills as currently written. Hardly the lion's share of visitors in most cases.

The same could happen to blogs, social networking sites, photo and video sharing sites, shareware libraries, and any other online system that allowed for user-posted content.

Yes, those sites could probably be removed from the blocklist, if they had the resources to fight it and could show they actively worked to keep that stuff out. But that's all after having been blocked, removed from US-based search engines, and lost access to their payment processing.

Problem 1: Most site operators don't have the resources (financial, emotional, or endurance) to go up against a federal action. And most interactive sites wouldn't survive that kind of down-time. Whatever portion of their market was blocked from visiting would likely end up being lost for good.

That alone would kill many sites. And many more would simply close up shop, unwilling or unable to submit to the hassles of the fight.

Problem 2: Payment processors would not, under this legislation, be required to re-accept sites which had been blacklisted. Anyone who's dealt with these folks knows, they very likely would not allow the operators to re-active their accounts, even after having been cleared.

It wouldn't be surprising to see payment processors creating new categories of sites they wouldn't accept. The main one being "Sites which allow posting of user-generated content."

Problem 3: Unless the blacklist is operated in the same way as spam-fighting DNSBLs (updated and checked from a central database using a software daemon), it's easy to imagine sites staying on those local lists forever, even once the government removed the mandate for blocking them.

A mistaken listing would be a death sentence for most sites. And a reprieve wouldn't matter. You'd still be dead.

“And What If You Use Sites That Accept User-Generated Content?”

If one of them is listed, it's simple: You're out of luck.

Doesn't take a lot of explanation to make that concept clear.

Here's where it gets really nasty, though. What will sites that currently allow users to post do in order to prevent these problems?

Well, many of them will go to harsh moderation policies, allowing posts and comments only from known and trusted players. Random visitors won't be allowed to leave their insights, ask questions, or poke holes in flawed arguments.

Many blogs will simply turn off the ability to comment at all. Photo and video sites will probably require much stricter registration procedures, if they don't just shut down entirely.

And a ton of people will just decide that it's not worth the effort of building a site if it can be shut down over the careless or malicious actions of a single user.

The trend will be toward an ever more "Read-Only" web.

Which brings us to the biggest problem with this legislation: To slightly more than 95% of the world's population, WE are the "foreigners."

Does anyone really think that if we start blocking offshore sites arbitrarily, other countries won't follow suit?

The thing that makes the Internet work is that, so far, it has largely been exempt from the geographical boundaries of "realspace." Sure, there are exceptions. Import and currency regulation, and anomalies like the Great Firewall of China. Still, for the most part, people "here" can speak with people "there" without a huge amount of interference.

It works because it's a huge global "commons." As soon as we start parceling it into local fiefdoms, the advantages we all currently enjoy are gone.

If we start this ball rolling downhill, Sisyphus wouldn't touch the job of pushing it back up again.

How many of the leaders of the world's 196 countries would be likely to have their own views about what is and is not appropriate within their borders? How many of them would love to block out inconvenient ideas or media channels? Or to protect their own markets from digital incursion by other countries?

MrDolla's photo
Wed 01/18/12 04:31 PM

***Protest the PIPA and SOPA Act! Link to Take Action Inside***

These will destroy the internet as we know it and censor its information. Craigslist and Wikipedia are shutting down in protest and here are links to contact your representatives. The vote is in less than a week so ACT NOW!

Pre-written e-mail to send to reps: (takes 2 seconds)

Other Important action links:

Video on the issue:

MrDolla's photo
Wed 01/18/12 04:08 PM
First off in the grand scheme of things I realize the below issues are pretty minor. But Im just curious about getting better at perfecting relationships or interacting with girls. And Im curious how you guys would would approach each of these. At the same time though Im keeping my options open and not narrowing myself down to just these 2 girls.

GIRL # 1

I've mentioned her before. Met her on New Years. We were both drunk and madeout. Got her #. She texted me all last week always initiating and then we met up one day and had coffee and talked for like 4 hrs. And then I asked her on a "date" and she was pretty pumped for it and she came over and we made pizza and watched a movie.

Now I hadn't been sure how that date went. I thought it might not have gone so well but other people seemed to think it went fine but I wasn't quite sure myself. Right after our date though she went on a trip for the weekend and got back yesterday. I texted her just to ask how her trip was and stuff and she messaged me and stuff but it was pretty basic. Couldn't really gauge how she was feeling.

Anyways this is the 4th day she hasn't initiated texting. Whereas before she always would text me even if it was just to say hello. So Im thinking

a) The date didn't go well and she's not as interested. Meh I say there's like a 60 percent chance of this

b) She thinks I didn't enjoy the date and is waiting for me to ask her out again. Though I truly dougbt this since I texted her after the date saying thanks for coming and how we would need to do something soon.

c) She's busy and hasn't been able to contact me. And I give this like a 30 percent chance cause when I texted her on Monday to ask about her trip she replied immediately and I know her schedule isn't busy..

So how do I move on with her? Should I initiate texting for the 3rd time in a row? Or wait till she messages me? Part of me says go ahead and ask her on a 2nd date and see if she says yes and how it goes...though another part says don't put all the effort in and make her show some care?

All I know is she is new to the dating game. She had one bf for 3yrs but they were both pretty big nerds. People have told me you have to initiate everything with her so maybe she's waiting to be asked on a 2nd date. Still though I would have thought she would still have texted me since she did all before? After our first date though I texted her saying " we will have to go out soon when your back." And she replied " I can't wait to hangout with you!" so which leaves me confused as well..

Anyways what do you suggest?

Girl # 2

Sort of Just looking for guidance about this situation..

It's a really weird situation and Im not sure if things can even work with us or if Im just sort of hoping they could possibly.

I met her on POF. She's a really hardworking and capable girl. She works like 4 jobs I think and most of the free time she has is on the weekend. And most of it is spent resting and partying a little.

So she really does not have alot of free time at all. Which is fine. I know everyone needs their space and I respect how hard she works. But just the fact that the free time she does have is spent mostly resting can make things tough.

Like right now whenever we see each other all that we do is Ill generally go to her place. We will get something to eat or buy something and I will sleep over.
Though we have gone out to the bar once..

But it's just confusing cause she says she wants to date and is serious about it but I know 90 percent of the time we are together will be spent hanging out at her place cause she's to tired after working or she gets off late...

And she's also from a small town nearby so she also goes there regularly to visit so that takes up some weekends completely too..

And it sucks cause we do have a great time when we are together but it's so infrequent Im just not sure.. And I know she would be an awesome gf too which is the hard part. She always says she sorry her hours are so bad and I tell her its fine and that I totally understand.

But I dont know. Do you think this relationship could work even? Seeing each other maybe 1 or twice a week in the evenings most days and then for the most part just relaxing at her place?

MrDolla's photo
Thu 12/08/11 07:42 AM
Yea Im moving on. But realizing she pretty much played me.

MrDolla's photo
Wed 12/07/11 06:58 PM
Actually guys looking back on it I think writing her a ltter was probably pretty pathetic on my part....she clearly showe she was not interested in me and could barely be bothered to text me. So I mean not only did I pour my thought into a long note but then she probably didnt even care that much....I was probably better off not responding to her ever

MrDolla's photo
Wed 12/07/11 03:12 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Wed 12/07/11 03:13 PM

Good to see a mature and satisfying end. All to often emotional reactions can cause far more regret then the actual end of the relationship.

That was all we were really trying to coach you through. Most times when its over and the other party wont respond, trying to contact them just stretches out the heartbreak, and allows room for a lot of drama and that leads to lots of regret.

Sounds like it worked out pretty well.

Yea Im happy to at least have some form of closure. I wasn't really sure how she was going to take it but it went pretty well. I am going to miss her. But hella you never know what life has in store maybe one day down the road we will run into each other again. Until then I just got to work on myself :p. Thanks guys for all your advice. Its been one crazy ride....

MrDolla's photo
Wed 12/07/11 01:36 PM
Im feeling a little better today guys. I got some closure. And I know Ill probably get put on blast for this but I went with my gut feeling and contacte her.....I had been thinking there as some things I hant said to her and I just wante to clear them up. So I wrote her a little note and took it over to her place....her roomate was there and actually seemed suprisingly happy to see me. She took the note and told me she'd be sure to give it to my ex..

I wasn't expecting any sort of reaction let alone her wanting to get back together. but so I just accepted the fact that I was happy with how handled it and I woul just have to move on from here no matter a while later I hear back from my ex. she said

"That was very sweet of you! You were a great boyfriend, I was just being distant because I was trying to decide if I was moving home next year and decided thats what would work best for me and I know I could never do a long distance relationship"

meh unfortunately she wasnt getting back together but at least I could live with this answer. I think her grades were not nearly good enough for the program she wante to do her so shes going to go back home and go to a school there...yea Im sort of bummed she didnt want to ry an make it work. I mean shes only going to be 2 1 / 2 hrs away so its not really long distance. But what are you going to do right?

I just sent her back a quick text saying

"I unerstand. Im glad you made the best decision for your situation. I really enjoye getting to know you and your friends. And hope everything works out for you. You have my contact info I guess if anything ever changed. But anyways goodluck with school and whatever you do."

MrDolla's photo
Wed 12/07/11 01:35 PM
Edited by MrDolla on Wed 12/07/11 01:36 PM

MrDolla's photo
Tue 12/06/11 08:24 AM
Guys sorry for going about this. But Im still at a loss to understand what happened....I mean

-This girl randomly sits besides me in class one day
- we end up becoming friends an talking every class
-summer comes and she purposely gets a job at the place I had worked the previous summer and wanted me to as well.
-I cant so she goes home but she messages me on facebook all the time
-then she sends me her cell number and we text constantly
-then when she comes back we go out right away...still rememer that first date...felt like I had known her forever..we just went on a walk...
-she had never had a boyfriend and her friends told me not to break her heart..
-and then she just gets distant after we had a seemingly great day together?

I just dont get it...she was so into me and then poof nothing...

MrDolla's photo
Sun 12/04/11 09:25 PM

"But I know youve all been there "

yes punkin' we have been

and you were betrayed - she was dishing this other guy & trying to string u along...not cool....I really think (as I alluded to before) she's not a bad person - but she doesn't seem ready for what u want in a relationship

eh....move on....but keep the vibe ending on a positive

who knows what the future holds - for either of u - together - or with someone else entirely for each of u

well I havent talked to her since it ended. So how woul have been best to end it on a positive note? Like what could I have done. She ignored me for 2 days and then all she coul do was text me. not even call.....I wanted to respond to her on one hand. But then at the same time I felt like that woul be giving her all the power...

Im just torn cause she seemed like a perfect girl when I met her in class and we had alot of great times together. And she wasnt a slut which was refreshing. Im sure being a in a relationship wasnt the best thing for her but I just wish she hadnt handled it this way..

So do you think I should say something to her?