Topic: Lol Think Im Failing With One Girl And The Other Im Not Sure
MrDolla's photo
Wed 01/18/12 04:08 PM
First off in the grand scheme of things I realize the below issues are pretty minor. But Im just curious about getting better at perfecting relationships or interacting with girls. And Im curious how you guys would would approach each of these. At the same time though Im keeping my options open and not narrowing myself down to just these 2 girls.

GIRL # 1

I've mentioned her before. Met her on New Years. We were both drunk and madeout. Got her #. She texted me all last week always initiating and then we met up one day and had coffee and talked for like 4 hrs. And then I asked her on a "date" and she was pretty pumped for it and she came over and we made pizza and watched a movie.

Now I hadn't been sure how that date went. I thought it might not have gone so well but other people seemed to think it went fine but I wasn't quite sure myself. Right after our date though she went on a trip for the weekend and got back yesterday. I texted her just to ask how her trip was and stuff and she messaged me and stuff but it was pretty basic. Couldn't really gauge how she was feeling.

Anyways this is the 4th day she hasn't initiated texting. Whereas before she always would text me even if it was just to say hello. So Im thinking

a) The date didn't go well and she's not as interested. Meh I say there's like a 60 percent chance of this

b) She thinks I didn't enjoy the date and is waiting for me to ask her out again. Though I truly dougbt this since I texted her after the date saying thanks for coming and how we would need to do something soon.

c) She's busy and hasn't been able to contact me. And I give this like a 30 percent chance cause when I texted her on Monday to ask about her trip she replied immediately and I know her schedule isn't busy..

So how do I move on with her? Should I initiate texting for the 3rd time in a row? Or wait till she messages me? Part of me says go ahead and ask her on a 2nd date and see if she says yes and how it goes...though another part says don't put all the effort in and make her show some care?

All I know is she is new to the dating game. She had one bf for 3yrs but they were both pretty big nerds. People have told me you have to initiate everything with her so maybe she's waiting to be asked on a 2nd date. Still though I would have thought she would still have texted me since she did all before? After our first date though I texted her saying " we will have to go out soon when your back." And she replied " I can't wait to hangout with you!" so which leaves me confused as well..

Anyways what do you suggest?

Girl # 2

Sort of Just looking for guidance about this situation..

It's a really weird situation and Im not sure if things can even work with us or if Im just sort of hoping they could possibly.

I met her on POF. She's a really hardworking and capable girl. She works like 4 jobs I think and most of the free time she has is on the weekend. And most of it is spent resting and partying a little.

So she really does not have alot of free time at all. Which is fine. I know everyone needs their space and I respect how hard she works. But just the fact that the free time she does have is spent mostly resting can make things tough.

Like right now whenever we see each other all that we do is Ill generally go to her place. We will get something to eat or buy something and I will sleep over.
Though we have gone out to the bar once..

But it's just confusing cause she says she wants to date and is serious about it but I know 90 percent of the time we are together will be spent hanging out at her place cause she's to tired after working or she gets off late...

And she's also from a small town nearby so she also goes there regularly to visit so that takes up some weekends completely too..

And it sucks cause we do have a great time when we are together but it's so infrequent Im just not sure.. And I know she would be an awesome gf too which is the hard part. She always says she sorry her hours are so bad and I tell her its fine and that I totally understand.

But I dont know. Do you think this relationship could work even? Seeing each other maybe 1 or twice a week in the evenings most days and then for the most part just relaxing at her place?