Community > Posts By > bill_greathouse

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Sun 12/24/06 05:24 PM
what is a one night stand
is it only sex
sure wish I could hook up with some one for just one night are more if
thay wanted
wht duess every one thank of one night stands
is it ok should a guy whos not had any sex in 6 years want some one
for just one nigt are do you feel its wrung???

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Sat 12/23/06 10:06 AM
I here you guy your words are here I steel keep trying but what I
sead about woman is only from whats happion with me
in the last few years and seen with my own eyes but have seen its both
guys and woman doing wrung out there I knoww there is good and bad in
both but tell you finding the good is so so hard to do thanks for
your understanding and I am sure you are a great dad as well just to bad
your xx would not see that and let you be for the child as thay kids
need both not just one and no other man can ever take your place as
there dad just like for the woman no on can take her place in life
ether man and woman need to grew up and do not have kids and get marred
unless thay plane on and know thay love one another dont let any one in
your hart when you love some one you stand bye them others will try
but you trun then off keep your hart with the one whom you give it to
always thanks

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Sat 12/23/06 10:00 AM
I do not beliven hitting any one ever dont belive any one is some ones
boss in a relsionshep you should be freinds frest in be tween and
alwas no one hits any one I never hit her ever I loved her with all
my hart
and was hurt bad bye her doings and to these day can say these its
very hard to ever get over that hurt when you have no one to eveion go
one with
so the hurt stays the memerys stays was with her for 13 years new her
for 5 years be for we was she just told me she has a new world and I
was not included in it as she went on to others
and these man whos feeling the hurt of not have ing hes kids has a
right to be hurt as its wrung I feel for him and I know the hurt of
the oppeset but also no that there are so many from both guys and
woman doing wrung just wish thay would wake there assess up and be
honset and let the children have there moms and dads

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Sat 12/23/06 09:39 AM
these is so so wrug of any one to us a child against the other
as a father I have been blessed with haveing him but can tell you that
I do understand you very much so a child needs both hes mom and dad
a child needs these and for one to us the child to hurt the other is so
wrung as you now hurt the other as well as the child
I have a xx she dont see her child but not from me from her own doings
as she dont call ever for him.
I offered to bring her here eveion pay her way here and back to see her
child be with him for xmas time she says no.
but then says I keep her child from her
I have offered and offerd but she says shes busy to busy for her only
she wanted other men had no time for him when he needed her.
when I loved her and needed her she had to have other men be in chat
rooms go meet them
her idea of a mom is you see your child only when you want to be a mom
on that day
are tell you that your child can have two dads and want him to call the
guy shes now with dad as well
then she would tell me the resion she chet on me was every seens your
child was born she lost some of your atsion to her
but in life both mom and dad shold give there kids that always
she has not seen her child in over two years now she dont call are
write him but will write me now and then and tell me its my falt
she dont have her child in her life
I try and try to get her to call she says she can not she dont have a
phone I tell her us a freinds go to pay phone she always has a reson
she can not
she write her child email back in june was the last time and she told
him she was a hooker now that it dont pay well but its a liveing I was
floored bye it
could not belive that she would tell her own child somethang like these
but she did so I prited it and saved it
I do understand you very much so and do know these child needs you
as well but thats the porblum with are world so many out there are
only about them salfss
and us there kids as power treps and thank thay are big are
somethang from doing these
I would love for my child to have a mom but he has no mom
has had no mom seens he was 3 years old he is now 9 years old will be
10 very soon
and steel no mom
I know what its like to be strotyped bye one after another
to never be given the time of day as thay take one look at you and dont
eveion want to know you
I know the hurt of lonlynss and also no the hurt of a child who wants a
I got to see my child come out from school on mothers day with water
runing down hes face as his class dune cards up for there mommys
guess what he dont have a mommy it hurts him deep in side as well as
hurts me deep in side
every one out there now days guys and woman are lieing chetting and
its sad and woman now days are going after one thang and most all
woman are the same as I have found out so many times over and over to
them its all about looks if not looks its size are mony
and dont want a commitment want to run from one to the nexst
and theres just as many guys doing the same so yes its sad what these
world has come to so sorry to here these but do understand you and
only wish these kind of thang would stop
would tell all read the good book go to churh
and start careing for one another from the hart and put your childern
frst in life put there needs as number one and put your wants to the
I true famly the guy loves the woman as much as she loves him and thay
both love there kids as much as thay do one another have a good one
and only hope thangs get better for you soon

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Sun 12/10/06 07:40 PM
going thurll life cant spell very good have no one to hold to walk
with to talk with
its xmas time again theres only me and my son I bye gifts for him to
see him happy
but in side I am so unhappy
I can remember all them years with my sons mom the only girl I ever had
in my life

its like it was just yesterday she was here shes been gone for 6 years
my sons been with out a mom for that long to he was 3 years old when she
lift for new guys on line computers chat rooms took the one I loved
from me took my sons mommy from him
have tryed and tryed to find some one new no good at meeting woman
have meet alot and been trun down with out ever eveion geting to talk
with them been used lied to
eveion been told am to small of a man xmas times here again so soon
the lonlyness sets in being so empty in side
I did meet a man on line who has a great hart hes a real man with a
hart of gold
he talked to me he helps me with my thalts and I thank god for that
but the emptyness is steel there and then there the one thang that
I wish I did not have and that is the want for a woman
I want the girl of my life to hold to be best freinds to walk thurll
life with for god to walk with her and I hand in hand

but yet I like every one out there also want and feel a need for sex
sounds crazy makes me wish I did not have that need at all more then 6
years with out
but the thlts are is that the want are need steel hangs on
everyone says some day some one will come along but I have to thank may
be not as 6 years of lonlyness steel not eveion have one girl whom I
can go see hang with just talk with are whom will be a friend
but here I am will keep going for my son as he needs me with out me he
would be a child with no mommy are daddy
his mommy dont call him she dont see him she never there for him
and the one thang that hurts me most of all is when you see the hurt in
your childs eyes like on mothers day at hes school thay all do cards
up for there mommys and he dont have a mommy so he come out of school
with water runing down his face
but here I am steel holding on hopeing praying that some day she will
come along
to then I want to say thanks to the ones who help me talk with me and
thay know who thay are thanks so much
god bles you all have a good xmas I will do my best but will steel
smlie to see my boy happy

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Sat 12/09/06 01:51 PM
if I can find spell check will us it never have be for but will try
and find it yes my spellins not good at times always has been a down
fall of myen

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Sat 12/09/06 01:39 PM
singleguy342006 you did not read all of these for one are you
would have seen what all been sead.
and to call some one a idit you dont eveion no shows whos the one who is
had a nuff camen seens to say it to only you in a email but you make
sure and block all unless thay are girls from 18 years up whats with
18 thats eveion to yung for you your salf may be you should read all
and talk with some one be for desideing about some one
and bloking all but girls from talking to you wow so now have to say
it all for all to here guess thats what you want
go back read all and you would see why I feelt what I did and sead what
I did talk to some one be for saying shit and may be you would
understand somethang
and as far as the bloking thang your right to do that understand
bloking ones whom may make truble for you but it seems you are
bloking all but girls so you must thank its only a dateing site your
salf and 18 to young for you try some one more around your own age

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Sat 12/09/06 11:39 AM
thanks for your advice these is all new to me talking these way
at list it seems now that there is some one out here talking and not
just games are no anserss thanks to all of you for talking

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Sat 12/09/06 11:19 AM
I have had no luck on many dateing sites for almost 6 years now
what I get is no one has time to talk are no ones for real
I dont drink dont go to bars I have a son who has not had a mom
seens he was 3 I go to work take care of him and tryed and tryed and
tryed to meet some one but only get no replys to emails are just game
playing would love to meet some one who is for real but after 6 years
and well over 300 letters with no one ansering any of them and being
told more thenone time that no one wants a real comitment now days
what do you do how do you tell your child why he cant have a mom hes
real mom dont have time she dont call him she dont see him its like he
dont have a mom at all me I work come home work come home live in a
small town and keep trying to meet some one but dateing sites speend
lots of mony lots of time and have yet to meet any one never get a
anser to any of them at all thats why I say these

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Sat 12/09/06 10:39 AM
to all you guys and woman on here that are only here for lies and games
who are not for real why are you eveion here
you are the reson that dateing sites on line have bad names
why do you eveion come here if you have a boy freind are a girl freind
oready and ant looking to just make new freinds then you do not eveion
belong here
go get a life and stop messing up good thangs for them who are good
harted and realy want to meet some one
game playing is for kids and lies and game playing is only doing
one thang showing that you are that of a 3 year old child and not right
there are some out here that realy want to meet some one for real and
are in here for that reson dateing sites was made for meeting some one
not as a joke are a game and for all you out here doing these you know
who you are and you need to grew up
take your lieing porfiles off from here and all dateing sites
so that the net could be a place of good after all how would you all
like your mates lieing and playing mind games on you
you all no you would not it would make you mad so stop doing it to
others tret one in the way you want to be treted

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Sat 12/09/06 06:15 AM
was looking at these site and like many many others
seems to be no one ever online here are at list no one who is realy
looking to meet some one.
look at porfiles eveion write to a few and like all of these sites
never no anser from any one just like theres no one here
are like its all just a game
after all have yet to find a dateing site thats not these way eveion
when paying for a dating site these is how it is so whats wrung with
any one know why it is and why is there all these porfiles on here
what for no ones for real all just a game are what

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Wed 12/06/06 03:56 AM
read the good book god says we shell not kill
so no there should be no death row life in person fine and if thay
were found not gulty later on at list you would have not killed some one
who was not it but any way we do not have the right to take a
fathers job are juge others that is for god to do and any one whos
dont get there life strte will anser to him there is lots of eveil
and good here and its all in the good book read it

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Mon 12/04/06 12:11 PM
but see yes kids should come frest yes your so right just to bad
that the moms and dads dont thank that way as so many thank there
wants should come frest and so many children have no mom are no dad in
there life so see kids do not come frest as thay should its sad but

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Mon 12/04/06 12:04 PM
being a singel dad is ok but what about the child dont you all thank
a child should have a mom and a dad
my son has not had a mom seens he was 3 years old and he wants a mom
so what about the kids
why is it that there are so many guys and girls chetting now days and
why is it that so many us the words love to get there wants and never
mean it
children need both a mom and dad and what is going on now days is not
eveion good showing are kids what how to lie chet are what dont
understand only know my child wants a mom cant have a mom
and my salf I loved his mom but she found these computer and haveing
lots of guys on the side more emporten to her then any thang eveion her
own child

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Mon 12/04/06 09:36 AM
I have been a singel dad for 6 years and found out that there are just
as many woman out here that will us you haveing a child against you as
there are men.
I love my son a lot and will always be there for him its just sad that
he has to grew up with no one for a mom.
for to day in these world its all about looks mony and size.
and theres no morls lifet my child has not seen his mom in well over
two years
she dont call she dont write are any thang but she did send him a
email on july 22 of these year telling him she was now a hooker and it
dont pay much and hes 9 years old so tell me why she say thwese to her
only child these world is messed up and I feel for my boy but will
always be there for him.

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Sun 12/03/06 04:02 PM
hi all hope thangs are going good for you all hope to make new freinds
here have a good one

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