Topic: lonlyness on xmas time again
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Sun 12/10/06 07:40 PM
going thurll life cant spell very good have no one to hold to walk
with to talk with
its xmas time again theres only me and my son I bye gifts for him to
see him happy
but in side I am so unhappy
I can remember all them years with my sons mom the only girl I ever had
in my life

its like it was just yesterday she was here shes been gone for 6 years
my sons been with out a mom for that long to he was 3 years old when she
lift for new guys on line computers chat rooms took the one I loved
from me took my sons mommy from him
have tryed and tryed to find some one new no good at meeting woman
have meet alot and been trun down with out ever eveion geting to talk
with them been used lied to
eveion been told am to small of a man xmas times here again so soon
the lonlyness sets in being so empty in side
I did meet a man on line who has a great hart hes a real man with a
hart of gold
he talked to me he helps me with my thalts and I thank god for that
but the emptyness is steel there and then there the one thang that
I wish I did not have and that is the want for a woman
I want the girl of my life to hold to be best freinds to walk thurll
life with for god to walk with her and I hand in hand

but yet I like every one out there also want and feel a need for sex
sounds crazy makes me wish I did not have that need at all more then 6
years with out
but the thlts are is that the want are need steel hangs on
everyone says some day some one will come along but I have to thank may
be not as 6 years of lonlyness steel not eveion have one girl whom I
can go see hang with just talk with are whom will be a friend
but here I am will keep going for my son as he needs me with out me he
would be a child with no mommy are daddy
his mommy dont call him she dont see him she never there for him
and the one thang that hurts me most of all is when you see the hurt in
your childs eyes like on mothers day at hes school thay all do cards
up for there mommys and he dont have a mommy so he come out of school
with water runing down his face
but here I am steel holding on hopeing praying that some day she will
come along
to then I want to say thanks to the ones who help me talk with me and
thay know who thay are thanks so much
god bles you all have a good xmas I will do my best but will steel
smlie to see my boy happy

Morena350's photo
Sun 12/10/06 07:45 PM
waooo nice!!!!!!!!!

Cybear's photo
Sun 12/10/06 08:41 PM
Bill I really wish I could fill in some of the blanks for you,but it is
impossible for me do so.However I can offer you plenty of emmotional
support.Any time you need to chat or just lift things off your
chest,just e-mail me bro and I will try to help you in any way I can
alright.It always gets much more difficult around the holidays because
these feelings and memories seem to come full circle,but it will pass
and you will perservere.Think about the things I said to you yesterday
in the e-mail,and keep reminding yourself of these things because they
are straight from the heart.You are a good man and more so you are a
great Father.So trust me many people on this site will respect you
tremenously for that.Yes 6 years is a long time and I can relate to some
of your feelings first hand,but I'm still standing Bill,and I promise
you this will past.One day when you least expect it you will connect
with someone and your life will take on a whole new meaning.Love is one
of the most powerful and rewarding emmotions that a human being can
experience within their lifetime.And there is nothing written in stone
saying that we are only entiteled to only one relationship.Stay
Strong!Bill O.K.p.s.Tell your son he is one handsome little man,and tell
him that Santa can tell if he is pokeing around under the tree(lol).Drop
me a line if you need to chat alright.Godspeed!Cybear.If single guy
makes any more comments at you tell him to keep his pie hole shut and
remind him this is a place for friends not for bashing people.