Community > Posts By > bill_greathouse

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Sun 01/21/07 09:12 AM
yess its just to dam bad that others did not see these it is true
and thay say some day some one will come along to me when thay never
been alone in there lifes how many woman in here been alone and trund
down for 6 years in a row now can thay say that bet not

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Sun 01/21/07 08:47 AM
how do you find a real person a woman some one that gives a ****
some one who is real not fake I dont like saying these but can tell
you these from life you try and try you meet one after a nother and
almost every last one takes one look at the pic its over right from
there as thay are using the cover

thay only after the cover not whats in side but yet in there porfile
thay lie to all and saay thay do not go bye the cover but yet thay put
there foot in there muth right at the frest as that is what thay are
going bye is the cover

then theres the ones whom took the time to know me but then after
takeing then thay tell you that you are a great person with a great
hart and very good man and some day you will find a woman so if I was
all that to them then why was I not good anuff for them????? so see
all games lies and it is sad when one person can try and try and
try for year after year and steel be alone
and to see and know that just about everyone out b there is game
playing and telling others thay dont like game playerss as thay are
doing it them salfs so why is that you know what eless is sad seen
your child who was 3 years old when hes mommy wanted others and wlaked
out of are lifes have to grew up with no mom at all hes 9 years old now
going to be 10 and steel not one woman to be a mom for him so see he
may grew up hating woman him salf and that should not have to happion
but what am I to do

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Sun 01/14/07 03:40 PM
thanks so much for these seeing these has helped me in ways and
makes me feel better in side and now me know as on how to feel are be
as in when some one says thangs like been sed to me thanks god bless
you all for being honset and it has been a big help

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Sun 01/14/07 02:31 PM
these is a help to see that others oppionss on these thanks I my
salf am trying to understand woman and why thangs happion and I
my salf have always feelt woman just like me are the same when it comes
to feelings harts and and thangs like that but been told buy a few
woman now that I am just a guy and do not feel like whoman that i am
strng and dont get hurt and that did make me mad in side for I have
been hurt so thalt it was wrung just like I have been told I am a man
I am not alowed to change my mind bye the same woman and one other
woman as well so wanted other wmans avdives on thee thanks alot to

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Sun 01/14/07 02:17 PM
thanks alot for saying the truth here and how you feel are see
I have my resons for wanting to chat with woman here and its not to try
and pick up on them but to help understand some thangs thats been sead
to me thanks ok

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Sun 01/14/07 02:01 PM
so why will no woman out here anser thes are you all afrade to are
whats up with that aked you all your oppinen on these but guess
your afrad to say why is that
place be honset and give a honset anser thanks

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Sun 01/14/07 01:54 PM
I am sorry I did not aske these man to call me gay and say **** to me
why he dune these is for what he not like truth????? ok sorry to all
who read these as you are right will say no more to these guy in

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Sun 01/14/07 01:49 PM
have to aske woman these as its been sead to me bye woman so want to
know how others feel about these her it gos

is a guy just a guy????

do men have the right to change there minds???

duess a man have feelings and harts as woman do ???

there are resons I ake these for I have been told bye some one
you are just a guy you dont get hurt like girls do you are
a guy you can not change your mind

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Sun 01/14/07 01:43 PM
you say your a gay faget you must be we all oredy know you lie as
look at what you say about porfiles thay should change why would thay
change if its the truth about your salf so see there you are getting
mad and calling names you dont eveion no me so you must be gay
like you say you are

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Sun 01/14/07 01:37 PM
yeassss I agree with you all who say your porfile stays as its you
that is as it should be thanks

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Sun 01/14/07 01:31 PM
truth not lies to say the porfile is old is what if it sead the truth
about who you are then why would you change it

if its lies it dont belong there and you should go wake you ass up
lies covers again changeing porfiles putting up covers then say why
did it not work out for you and him are we that dam dum

he liked you for who you was not are you liked him for who he was not
as soon as the cover was gone the real you come out

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Sun 01/14/07 01:09 PM
yes the spelling sucks here as its always have had but spelling and
reading do not make a person whom thay are
as far as skills in life have lots of good skills but splling is not
one of them would not say these thangs but only saying what I have seen
over and over and over a gain from men and woman and I know oready no
one will have any anserss as the truth hurts them right did you
know if you did not lie the truth could not hurt you

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Sun 01/14/07 12:55 PM
why is it so many woman and mes put up covers and ake like some one
thay are not to meet some one??????

why is it that so many woman will put on prifle on a dateing site on
line say all these nice thangs about them salfs
and the vrey frest thang thay do is good bye looks dont give any guy a
chance in hell who dont meet there wants in there cover but yet will
say in there porfile thay do not go bye looks?????

and why is it that so many guys are forced in the life time of
lonlyness by woman for doing nothang to them at all and then woman
will say to the guy stop crying about it but yet if it was dune to
her she would be the one crying about it
after all guys are human to guys have feelings wants hopes needs just
as woman do so for men are woman to do these to one another is wrung
and then thay want to know why
so many woman are killed are raped every year when its them doing it
to them salfs bye doing to guys whom thay never evion meet are no
what thay do bye forceing guys in to a life time of lonlyness and
thanking there big for doing so so when these happions to them what
are thay doing crying the same thang thay told that guy thay **** on for
doing nothang to them at all to stop doing????

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Fri 12/29/06 11:48 AM
wow a woman do all these when hehehe my xx did not do all these
she did not give up for her famly not bee there for her only child
in 6 years
she dont write she dont call the only thang that mattered to her was
her own wants only hers no one eless
not eveion her only child wants mattered to her so when some one says
whoman do all these I say were when heheheh sorry but have seen other

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Sun 12/24/06 05:49 PM
it seems to me every ones afrade of truth when it comes to sex
its hiden and no one wants to eveion talk about it
if not for sex these world would come to a end there would be no
babbys no babbys no more of any one end of world
whys sex hiden
why not any one talk about it afrade yes truth is every one wants
it are at list most yes theres more then sex in life yes there should
be but it dont make the want are then need go away
and everyones afrade to for real talk about
truth is how long should a person have to go with out is it wrung to
want it why is there hormness
what makes the want the need how come one can go so long with none
just truth is all no big thang just wish ether had no hormness no
wants are could have some every now and then six years is along
time to go when you have the darm hormness

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Sun 12/24/06 05:39 PM
did thay get the cake put out hehehehe just stay yung at hart its best
me steel want to go back so 44 sounds better then 46 heheheheheh of
corce my mom told me notttt
hehehehhe oh and these is not a good day for a B day belive me every
one gets gifts on your b day and on theres thay get one but not you

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Sun 12/24/06 05:30 PM
I know how now its my B day and your B day to have fun if yu can
dont get older just yunger at hart

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Sun 12/24/06 05:29 PM
thats 44 how that darion 24 got there is beond me heheheh

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Sun 12/24/06 05:29 PM
I was 45 yeatrday but to day on the 24 me trune 44 heheheheh dont want
to get older so time to go back hehehhe

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Sun 12/24/06 05:27 PM
its my B day to day as well so cool yes have a good one