Community > Posts By > bill_greathouse

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Sun 02/25/07 07:46 AM
well I can not say I remember seens I not one to read these types of
thangs as my reading skiklls and splling is not very good

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Sun 02/25/07 07:43 AM
now thats a true statement that is truth how well I know what you
are talking about strotypeing is a big porblum

as one do not aske to be born and look the way thay do but look how
woman tret guys

I know what you are saying and it is truth and guys like you and me
are forced in to lonlyness for no reson other then we was born and
bye woman sad but true

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Sun 02/25/07 07:19 AM
so you us drugs to cover up the porblum are truth so you can feel
better sounds like are world drugs
meds are drugs

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Sun 02/25/07 07:15 AM
well at list it was not brang on to them from being strotyped out
from being forced in to lonlyness

and seens hes not strotyped out he got eveion a 2nd chance at life

but when you are a guy whos only avrage dont have lots of mony are
rely good looking then you get these forced in to lonlyness no woman
will give you the time of day

thay will put up a cover but for real as I know been here and
seen with my own eyes how are world is men and woman strotype out so
bad lonlyness if forced apone some and the ones whom its not never see
it as thay are blind only good looking and mony has a life

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Sun 02/25/07 07:15 AM
well at list it was not brang on to them from being strotyped out
from being forced in to lonlyness

and seens hes not strotyped out he got eveion a 2nd chance at life

but when you are a guy whos only avrage dont have lots of mony are
rely good looking then you get these forced in to lonlyness no woman
will give you the time of day

thay will put up a cover but for real as I know been here and
seen with my own eyes how are world is men and woman strotype out so
bad lonlyness if forced apone some and the ones whom its not never see
it as thay are blind only good looking and mony has a life

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Sat 02/24/07 06:29 PM
you did not read all of my words are you would have knowen that I
sead both sexss woman and men

but as far as some one taking the time to know you how duess these
happion when with one look its oready over as thay oready strotyped you
out so now thay dont want to know you

how do I know been there look I did not talk about my past I did not
in any way show I was happy my salfe and being only my salf

and were did it get me same place looks yes you been were you sead
you are ok I understand that but I also can say to you how long how
many guys dated you eveion just one time how many

try being in my place almost 7 years well over 300 woman two dates
and both strotyped me out at frest look and no longer had time for me
every other one stroptyped me out and did not eveion have time to talk
so how would you know some one for who thay are if you oredystrotyped
them out at frest look so yes it is others falts that lonlynss
happions did I aske for these woman to do these to me no did I want to
get to know them for who thay are yess but did thay no my looks sorry
see I know tell me why it is almost 7 years and that many why is that
so if I not right anser that

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Fri 02/23/07 04:59 PM
thanks for coming here and saying what happion to you

thanks its just like me in so many ways and just like lots of other
guys I have meant

its truly sad how woman can do these feel all big about them salfs
for hurting some one

it is truly sad and for all these woman whom go to church and say thay
want god in there lifes
well when thay walk out that door of gods house and strotype a guy
hurt aguy and thank thats
cool its not god sees and knows and he did not put a woamn down here
with man to strotype and hurt men whom thay dont know just be couce
thay are all about looks and mony and lis saying how thay dont and ant
when thay are and know thay are

I have a ferind whom put up a fake porfile are porfile was real but
pic was not he proved it was all about looks in 3 hrs time
as every last woman on here would never talk are give the time of day
to him thay took one look at hes real pic and strotyped him right here
on just say hi

and so he put same porfile in with new name and a fake pic of a hot
looking guy

well all these woman on her who strotyped him and sead thay dont go
bye looks was right there at these fake porfile and a few of them
eveion was trying to get down he pants

so yes its been porven with out any dalt woman strotype out guys and
only want good looks are mony are both and no less so when your born a
avrage man you are a nobody whom woman will force in to lonlyness

and hurt you for life any way thanks

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Fri 02/23/07 04:05 PM
lonlyness is a sad thang lonlyness hurts lonlyness the true
meaning of lonlyness

you are all alone when you need some one to talk to talk to your salf

when you need sapport sapport your salf when you just need to hold
some one hold your salf

when you have hormoness and get horny go **** your salf

lonlyness is forced on most bye others and lonlyness makes feelings
changess us can change good person to bad to eveil how

you might say try these see how you would feel if these was you

you want just one person in your life some one to be your freind your
lover your who world

so now you are looking so you dress up nice put on your best and
what do you get strotyped

trun down not try being strotyped out trun down bye every lat person
you meet for not just a few weeks but for years

try liveing all alone needing the same thang every one eless needs but

you are denied a life you are strotyped out so you are forced in to

forced and forced and keep that way for years how would you all like
that kind of life

how would you like every one you meet for years to all every last one
do you the same way strotype you and **** on you

so now if and when some one goss over the deep side and kills rapes
duss what ever you know whos falt it is

not theress at all these worlds own falt how would you be like if you
was denedd a alife and your only crime was being born

why its all about looks looks and mony and thats it and every one
wants to cover it up and say oh I dont strotype I looking for some
one nice

but when you meet that some one nice what do you do to them strotype
them at frest look to you live these life you have no reson to juge
some one as if you was were you put me and others you would be
liveing what you forced on others

now killerss and rapess are born when it should not happion

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Sat 02/17/07 09:09 PM
well it happions to more then you and also happions that both
men and woman have been here and most of its sad
for would be alot less of these happioing if every one did not go bye
looks meet some one then thay would take the time to know some one
for who thay are

but its sad its not that way at all every one wants to lie and say oh
no we dont go bye looks but thats just a lie and thay know it is
as thay have proven these over and over again

all about looks and mony so there for when you get hurt well your
own dam falt

seens it was about looks you got what you wanted some one whom you
did not know some one whom is like your salf all about looks and
now is looking for a nother

sad but true well knowen good looking woman and men 90 percent of
them chet lie and can chet with out eveion trying afater all every ones
about looks so thay are getting hit on all the time

want a relsionship that would be for real for life what was told to
you then stop going bye looks you would be sapprsed as you would
find out that the ones you pass up are the ones whom will be there
for you life lesion sorry these happion but it will keep happioing
as long as its only about looks and strotypeing

thank about it it is true

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Sun 02/11/07 09:53 AM
yes it would be nice if we could have a place were every one could go
be open honest and just talk feelings and get some help it would be
help for all would be nice

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Sun 02/11/07 09:33 AM
these post was only meant to say some thang I feel and see could be a
reson is all

the reson I say these was for these reson

I have been put thurll hell and dune to for doing nothang to any
one at all well try being strotyped used lied to over and over and
over again for no reson try seeing your child hurt

see your child cry from a mothers day at school he comes out crying
for he has cards the who clss makes up for there moms he has no mom

now feel that pluss the trun downs for more then 4 years now on
top of what my childs mom did to me
I have a good hart and been told morte then ones as I get sit on see
what happions to nice guys

now thalts go thurll my mind not good ones ones of crazy ok with the
hurt well me would never do what I thank ok its not me and I know its
not right but see hurt and being hurt for so long can make a pesron
go over the ege ok thats why I sead that in the post now you know

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Sun 02/11/07 09:20 AM
thanks ok I am not trying to make others mad here are juge any one
ok and yess my splleing suckssss thanks me no these

if you new me for me you would find out I am not dum and you would
find out I have a hart and would care and be freinds with almost any
one sorry some just dont understand are want to try but thanks again
to every one whom at list trys

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Sun 02/11/07 08:49 AM
I keep my feelings to my salf my son dont no and wont no
I am not like that hes a child

I did not aske to feel these way I did not aske to be dune the way I
have ok and I only say what I feel sorry that some just dont eveion
care anuff to try and understand guess if thay was put here

then what I shuold be like them and talk down to them like thay did me
whyis that I sead no ones names on here I did not pont my finger
like sybear did at me

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Sun 02/11/07 08:19 AM
I did not aske him to make a post say the **** he did and lie so owell
you like to say thangs dont care I did not aske him to put my name in
a post and call it a song now did I so he has what he has coming
its only truth I never saed any names on here are ponted my finger at
any one so owell well

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Sun 02/11/07 07:30 AM
hay am sorry that cybear thanks hes all that he never emailed me
but one time not all the times he put in hes post and its not my falt
none of you have ever been her and dont no what your saying

you can say I dont so what ok I dont aket out on my feelings just
say what I see

you you keep your eyes closed like you have them

lie and cover it up thank your big are somethang for what be couce
I say my feelings you thank we live some were that you dont have
the freedum to say your feelings then you need to move for you are in
the usa

you guys dont understand be couce you dont want to you dont like
hereing it be couce truth hurts you all as you live in your lifes
of liesss

and talking about taking some ones child from them for feeling
somethang thay dont like that was forced on them bye others ok so
what your saying is if you say your feelings are talk out you will
take there child ok so then

she should be losing her child there in that pic as well for doing the
same thang her salf saying what she thanks see not one sided thang

so live the children out of these wake up look around you thank
about more then your salfss you might see somethang then but unto
you do that you willnot see for your eyes are closed and sybeur is
full of him salf he thanks hes doning good so he can get down some
woman in a bed thats what these is about to him as I never just put
woman down as you say I say it as it is as I see it not as to put
woman down are men and its both men and woman that do these thangs any

so hes going to run hes mouth see he thanks he has the right to talk
but some one eless dont have that right if he dont like what he sees
them say ok hes no better then any one elss and his messed up him
salf after all did I ever say any ones names and point my finger at
any of you woman are men on these site no I did not

not my porblum that you thank your better then some one eless your

no photo
Sat 02/10/07 03:43 PM
thats right man are woman dont matter no one should play with others
harts and feelings and yes there are so many lies going on everyday
from both mean and woman \\
strotypeing using and just plan out mind games and it needs to stop
ones who do these thangs should be alone with no one

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Sat 02/10/07 03:39 PM
thank you ok thats right no one should play with others in that way
its just right out wrung

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Sat 02/10/07 03:37 PM
you do not buld a relsionship on lies its wrung for any one to do

woman are men and its aso wrung to strotype out others bye looks
so see yes some one gets hurt lies and strotypeing all fall the same
hurts others for no good resons

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Sat 02/10/07 03:34 PM
I understand what you say here and that is wrung but can tell you
these I have seen just as many woman chett and lie and do the same
thang as guys but yet when a guy duess it its all over the place but
yet when a woman do it oh cover it up

I have a xxx who chetted over and over when I was at work hell she
eveion dumed her only child for another man so dont want to here
about how bad men are when woman are no better at all in any way there
more woman chetting and lieing then guys now days

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Sat 02/10/07 03:20 PM
its a crime to strotype outh others youdont no bye looks
if found gulty you could be put to death bye the guy whom you puhed
over the ege

after all woman dont get strotyped out for the most part very few
woman will ever no what it is are how it feels \

sad thay should be forced in to lonlyness like thay do guys so thay
would no what it feels like to be alone for years
and never have no one not eveion a one night stand let them feel the
meds thay pass out