Topic: Single Parents Wanted
ItalianGurlsRdaBest's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:51 AM
I am a newly single parent and I love it but I cant stand the looks or
comments that I get from people when I go out with my daughter. Those
who comment on single parents must not know how hard this job is!!!!! So
heres what you do here! If you have ever been judge or someone look at
you or even said something to you about being a single parent then you
can post your burn here for them.

To every 1 who thinks single parents are losers well how about you give
it a try till then shut the hell up cause my life is too full of things
to do and hearing you might make me just as stupid as you!! cant have
that know can we!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:59 AM
Hummm I've been a single parent for 15 years raised two kids on my own
and would do it all over again. Don't know who you hang around or the
type of people your around but if I was you I would dish them quick
those kind of people are not worth being around. All I have ever heard
from others were they admire someone that takes that chore on for its
not an easy one by yourself. But anything can be done if you really want
it. Being a single parent and staying single by my choice for 15 years
has brought me many rewards with my kids more than I could ever ask for
in a life time and would do it all over again if I had too. Single
Parents RULE!!!!!

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:59 AM
I can understand that one, I have 2 beautiful children, that are my joy
and my life.

I know how how hard it is.

karmafury's photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:05 AM
I would never disparage a single parent. It's not an easy thing to do. I
agree that anyone who would should try it, would definitely change their

Fanta46's photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:07 AM
What a beautiful young lady!
How could anyone give you a hard time about anything?

alan101's photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:29 AM
Hello my dear Italian girl let me this too you, I am a46th yr old black
man that has been a single parent since the age of 17
sure i had very little help with my three boys and it has been a
blessing to me they are of the ages of 30,23,19, I caught a lot mixed
feeling from other people talking bad, looking down at me at the time, I
want you to remember this your self worth is everything you need to do
all the right things needed for that child or children to have, they
will take away the pains as well, as give you pain, so don't worry
yourself about what others think, or for that matter how negative they
think or say,
By looking at your picture I know that you will stand up tall
and be that lovely person ( mom) that you are intended to be!!


Ironman1961's photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:31 AM
Well I have been a single parent for almost 7 years now and it has ben a
blast most of the time,and yea its been hard,but I would not change it
if I could.I have had people look at me funny especially when I had to
change his diaper,but I just ask them if they wanted to do it and most
of the time they left.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:36 AM
I have been a singel dad for 6 years and found out that there are just
as many woman out here that will us you haveing a child against you as
there are men.
I love my son a lot and will always be there for him its just sad that
he has to grew up with no one for a mom.
for to day in these world its all about looks mony and size.
and theres no morls lifet my child has not seen his mom in well over
two years
she dont call she dont write are any thang but she did send him a
email on july 22 of these year telling him she was now a hooker and it
dont pay much and hes 9 years old so tell me why she say thwese to her
only child these world is messed up and I feel for my boy but will
always be there for him.

gethappy's photo
Mon 12/04/06 09:44 AM
Gethappy here Iam a single dad raised my son and duaghter been there,you
dont get a vacation,takes a man to be a dad I love all 3 of my kids when
I here this get p...... off whats with these boneheads,let them learn
its not easy job you cry inside and without,not fun when they are sick
have to be home no parties or fun.My kids have a lot of respect becuase
I never let them down...........great job to all single parents out

cookieie's photo
Mon 12/04/06 10:00 AM
I was a single parent for a while. It was the best time of my life and
my kids lives. I really got to know my boys and they me. Being in a
marriage/relationship that is constantly needing to be worked on or
fixed takes to much out of you as a person and who suffers? we all know
its the kids. So I solute anyone who needs or chooses to raise another
human being on their own.

Sluggo's photo
Mon 12/04/06 10:10 AM
Sorry ItalianGirl, but I think you missinterpeted me: I was checking
your ass and those eyez when you turned around... Maybe it was because
you caught me ;-)

Don't let the haters get you down, they're just grasping at things to
make themselves feel better...

wayfunlady's photo
Mon 12/04/06 11:02 AM
hey girl, im raising 5 daughters by myself and wouldnt have it any other
way. Who the hell wants a man around to screw things up anyway? Tell
them haters to focus on someone that needs a hard time like dead beat
dads. You are young, dont let them bug ya, always know that living
well is your best revenge

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 11:14 AM
Hi Gurl...
Personally I've not had any 'bad mouthing' done that I've seen or heard
around me.. aside from my dad being disappointed at my EX for being an
Azzule!! lol..

I've found people to be nothing but encouraging and supportive in my
single parent role!!

but I HAVE been shunned, gawked at, poked fun at and avoided like the
plague!! After being hit by a car 7 years ago.. I've recovered
greatly.. but still have to use a cane after driving a car.. something
to do with my lower basin(spine/hips area) but the Looks I get are
sometimes Horrifying!! You'd think I had some highly infectious disease
or something!! Many times you can visibly see them flinch.. it's
disheartening I tell ya.. if they only knew what hurt feelings they
incur.. sigh.. so in an Extreme way perhaps.. I get how you must feel!!
and Empathize with your plight..

Besides.. those that talk/react that way...?? are those that KNOW.. deep
down inside.. they could NEVER pull off what you're doing.. lacking the
strength they jealously wished they had!! And the conviction to take
Responsibilities for their actions!!

Never give up!! Never Surrender........... :o)

ItalianGurlsRdaBest's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:29 PM
Thank you all for responding I will take everything you have said into
my heart. I dont ever get mad for having my daughter she is who I am and
makes me want to be better in life! I have a loving family but for her
father it just hurts that we made this baby together and he gets to be
22 years old again and I am only 21 years old and that had to stop. My
daughter needed me more then I needed to go the bars and hang out with
my friends! I just wish people dont stare at me or my child I had a
women come up to me and say "what a pretty little sister you have" my
mom told her that was my daugher and then the women said right to my
face "great another teenage mom thats on welfare that I have to work
hard to pay my taxs so you can sit on your fat ass!" Now dont get me
wrong I put that old bitch in her place I didnt take that shit from her
and am not going to take it from any one! I try hard to give my daughter
everything that she wants and needs in life and with christmas around
the coner I know its not what I want it to be cause I dont get help from
her father! Yes no childsupport cant get it if we dont know were he
lives or works! Yes thats what they told me but I have not told you the
best part yet. I ask my worker then what do I do till then she told me
she didnt know! So if we have the hardest job in the world being a
single parent then why do people look down at the young ones. Like I
said I am 21 years old and stepped up to bat I made this beautiful child
and damn I will raise her with the help of her deadbeat father or NOT.
Because thats what it takes in this world and I will give my daughter
some one to be proud of! I love you alessandra maria 11/1/05
Love Your Mommy!!!!!

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:32 PM
Been a single parent twice. both times it was because of abuse directed
towards me. I had to get restraining orders. I ignored the ignorant
people who look at you funny or in disbelief. I still get that
disbelief, I have 4 kids, am 30 years old, and look like I should be in
high school. my oldest is 9 years old. Her father who is also the father
of my 2nd child, went to a friend's house of his, and this woman told my
children I was going to heLL because I divorced him! We had WORDS!
Being a single parent is tough, but it is SOOO worth it. Times will be
tough, money will be tight, no days off at all. Find someone to watch
your child so you can have a few hours to yourself, and not the time
your child goes to bed that you are running around the house getting it
back in order and clean. That does not count.
I was lucky, my parents understood the situations and I have a family
friend who watches my children 3 days a week so I can attend night
college classes. my mom picks them up from the friend until I am out of
