Community > Posts By > REDGIRL67

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:41 PM
Sounds like she doesn't appreciate ya dude. Cut it off is what I say

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:35 PM

My brother in law is in the Army away from his 2 kids and will be going overseas soonflowerforyou
Adding you and your family to my prayersflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:33 PM


im gonna take a stab at it!!

Is it really

I think im gonna be sick now!
It's Ron Jeremy and Yogilaugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:31 PM
drinker drinker My dad served in the Navy for 20 years. Retired E-8. Thanks dad!!!flowers

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:28 PM
Murphy's Lawtears

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:25 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:21 PM
For all of our Military men/women who are protecting us today so we may be able to enjoy this Holiday.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you from the bottem of my heartflowers

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:17 PM
Edited by REDGIRL67 on Thu 11/27/08 01:37 PM
Is our Gov. doing enough to take care of the men/women that were involved in the aftermath of 9/11?

Just recently saw a program about the EMS personnel that are now having health problems and have mounting medical bills.

Doesn't seem to me like our Government is doing enough to help them or those on the front lines either.

Give us your viewsflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:07 PM
Moonlight Sonata is my favorite classical piece

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:04 PM
Oh good, I am still on topic? I thought I got way out into left field.

I do want to make a post about 9/11 and talk to EMS personnel that were there and get feedback on how things are going for them and what the Gov. is doing for them, if anything. Don't know if I should though. 9/11 is a hard subject for a lot of people to talk about. I know I have A LOT of feelings about it

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:44 PM

That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own first

that's where we get back into the differing political philosophies

is it the responsibility of government to "take care" of the people?
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, can you say 9/11? YES, it was their responsability to protect us from that!!!!

It was also their responsability to protect the men and women that had to go into that mess in the aftermath. Did they?????????????he** no, Do you know how many firemen, cops, ems personnel are dying today because our Gov. covered things up?explode explode explode

I'm sorry, but I have VERY STRONG feelings about 9/11. I lost 2 family members because of the horrible day.

Bush knew we would be hit and did nothing to stop it. The White House received a warning on Sept. 10, 2001 and ignored it.

Wait!!!! ok, i'm getting offtopic I apoligize. I think I need to start another post

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:24 PM

she is the new face of the GOP

along with Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty and Michael Steele
rofl Bobby Jindal and Michael Steele at a Republican convention look like 2 flies in a bowl of milk rofl

haha and that is kinda the point. The GOP was never supposed to be the party of old rich white people. but it kinda got hijacked along the way

EDIT: it was the Republicans who freed the slaves

and it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights laws (against heavy opposition from the Democrats)
:smile: So what? :smile: It was the Democrats that enforced African Americans right to vote and ended segregation (against heavy Republican opposition)in the 60s.flowerforyouThe Republicans didnt do anything for black people for almost 100 years (thats why they lost them).:smile: The Democrats have done more to improve the lives of African Americans in a few decades than the Republicans did in 100 years, and the African American community knows this and thats why they are with us.:banana: They know which side of the bread is buttered.:banana:

I agree but it is not just African Americans. It is sick folks that get help. Homeless people. It has always killed me about this government. Why do we not take care of our own first.
That has always been one of my "pet peeves" about our Gov., we don't take care of our own firstexplode mad grumble

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:18 PM
WOWwhat surprised I owe some of the men on this site an apologyslaphead flowers I'M SORRY! Apparently some of you are gentlemen. A lot of men on this site could take lessons from you guys.

In defense of the ladies on this site, after meeting so many guys that just want to "talk dirty" and never meet. It just seems like the "norm" on these types of sites, so when we do meet someone that actually wants to do this "dating site" stuff the way it was actually intended, it stumps us.oops Sincere apoligies

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:04 PM

oh sorry

I thought this would be a discussion thread

it's just a bash Palin thread and I'm intruding


Yes, please leave. :wink: laugh

Actually, you are right. I shouldn't have said that about the crossing guard thing. But, I stand my original statement that I wouldn't want her in office. And, I tend to be more conservative than liberal.

well in all honesty...her heart is in the right place...I agree with all of her policies...but...this poor woman had been inpugned...mocked...and...made fun of...because Liberals saw her as a legitimate like Liberals tend to do...they framed her as just another " dumb "...conservative...
they have a tendency to judge EVERYONE...based on IQ...and like I've said before...I means much more then IQ...when it comes to's about instinct...timing...character...judgement...leadership...heart...and...also IQ...would you say Bill Clinton was very smart ?...I wouldn't !!...

You are wrong my friend. Bill Clinton is very smart. He had this country in the best shape that it had been in for long time. Sorry she couldn't swallow. smokin

two things...#1 Clinton had a Republican congress...his spending was kept under control...Clinton was just along for the ride...#2 of all the qualities I listed ...Clinton lacked in everyone of them...other then IQ...

Republicans kept spending under control??? noway Clinton was the one trying reduce the deficit
I agree

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 12:03 PM

Red. You started this. I believe it was a Palin bashing thread if I am not mistaking... :banana:

Who does not love the dancing banana?? Makes me giggle everytime
You make me laughlaugh laugh laugh I actually wasn't trying to "bash" her.

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 11:54 AM

conservatives love her

and liberals hate her

and any comments on her will come from that framework

I think she is very pretty and very entertaining. But, I would not want her in office.
I agreeflowerforyou waving

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 11:52 AM

Than why am I still seeing Palin's face everytime the tv is on?

Shouldn't she be back in Alaska hunting poor defenseless animals?

Simple answer...Change the channel. waving

Think the GOP is working on "grooming" her for a higher office.scared

laugh Tried that, she was on that channel tolaugh flowerforyou flowerforyou .


REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 10:41 AM

Than why am I still seeing Palin's face everytime the tv is on?

Shouldn't she be back in Alaska hunting poor defenseless animals?

Nope, she will be a tv star now.
grumble grumble grumble

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 10:39 AM
Than why am I still seeing Palin's face everytime the tv is on?

Shouldn't she be back in Alaska hunting poor defenseless animals?

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 10:30 AM

Happy Thanksgiving Girl

be safe and warm :heart:
you to sweetieflowerforyou