Community > Posts By > REDGIRL67

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 07:14 PM

I have moved to within three hours of my kitten, and I intend on finishing the move when my taxes come in if not sooner. If it doesnt work, oh well at least I will be near my best friend. Andif it DOES work? :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
happy happy happy for youflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 07:09 PM

I wouldn't but I don't beleve in love any more eather.

Most relationships tend to end badly anyways.
Sadly I don't believe in love anymore either.

Love, courting, heck holding hands - all the good stuff about relationships ended many decades ago and I think it's sad. Nobody takes time to enjoy the little things anymore

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 06:57 PM
Would you relocate to be with someone you met on mingle?

I wouldn't. Waste of time, money and with the way relationships go these days we probably wouldn't stay together.

I have heard people say they have done it and within 3-5 yrs. they split up.

Another question, why flirt with someone online that is soooooooooo far away from you.

The reason I ask is because I was IM'ing with someone on the E. Coast last night and he popped the question rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl Of course I know he was full of it but he claimed he was serious.

noway noway noway Not nice to toy with feelingsflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 05:41 PM
I hate the way our vets are treated. The Gov. treats them as disposableill Makes me sick

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 05:39 PM
lyin *.*.*'smad

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 05:32 PM

Is our Gov. doing enough to take care of the men/women that were involved in the aftermath of 9/11?

Just recently saw a program about the EMS personnel that are now having health problems and have mounting medical bills.

Doesn't seem to me like our Government is doing enough to help them or those on the front lines either.

Give us your viewsflowerforyou

Been like that for the past 7-8 years, the government dealt with it horribly...but then again it was new to this age so I'm not so sure if they had even planned anything but instead just acted.
What really angered me was when the EPA went to Ground Zero and lied straight to our faces and said the toxic levels were not enough to harm anyone.mad

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 04:39 PM


REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 04:09 PM
Nobody has anything to say on this topic but my "Girls Gone Wild" post people are all over like white on rice.tears tears tears

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 04:05 PM

flowerforyou I hold back a lot of what I want to say because I don't want to upset or offend people or let my popularity on this site "take a hit".flowerforyou This site is my "internet home".:tongue:

So what if you upset someone. You cannot make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. So just make yourself happy and the hell with the rest!!!!!devil
I left this site for a while because people didn't like what I have to say but then it dawned on me "This is America". I have every right to be heardflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 04:02 PM

oops Thought you guys wanted to argue, i'm bored
why do u think were all guys? is it just because were arguing? arguing is a girls best friend isn't it? I'll prob be sorry I said that!
I'm Irish, a good arguement runs in my blood

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:58 PM

flowerforyou I hold back a lot of what I want to say because I don't want to upset or offend people or let my popularity on this site "take a hit".flowerforyou This site is my "internet home".:tongue:
Never be afraid to express views. I believe in standing up for what I believe in, even if I am the minority in my views.:banana:

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:52 PM
oops Thought you guys wanted to argue, i'm bored

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:29 PM
Wanna argue, oh boy, oh boy:banana: :banana: :banana: pick a subject: Our current administration, war in Iraq, conservatives. And my all time favorite arguement: how are Gov. isn't lifting a finger for our EMS crews that cleaned up that dam* mess after 9/11 and are now dying from cancer, leukemia, collapsed lungs......explode

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:22 PM

Yep, my average perver is in her forties. Then I get the 19, 20 year olds.
I'm SO glad I found myself a happy medium lol

Hi Petewaving

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:18 PM

My pervs run the gamut from 18-80!!! laugh laugh laugh

Oh, RedGirl, take is as a compliment. It may mean you look much younger than your age!!! waving
I'm always being told I look like i'm in my early 30's:thumbsup: 10 years! I'll take thathappy

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:10 PM

laugh laugh Not laughing at what you said Ruth. Laughing at my life. Wish I had a "good" dad. Mine's a pigtears

I can relate. That's how I know what I'm talking about. If you take the societal views of women and the pressure to be "pretty" and then add "daddy issues" on top, it can be devastating.
:wink: :wink: :wink: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I know what ya mean

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:08 PM

Ice cream too
Rocky Road baby, bump, bump, bump. Wait, Deja vu, didn't we do this yesterday?laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:02 PM
Brown, ill too dull for me. I have 3 favorites: Dark purple, Burgundy, and Forrest green

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 03:00 PM

I also have 2 girls and am scared to death of the day they see one of those commercials and ask me about itscared

Girls are so susceptible to the message that their worth is tied up in their sexual attractiveness. I do know that having a good dad helps counter that a bit. So, your girls are one step ahead of the rest. flowerforyou
laugh laugh Not laughing at what you said Ruth. Laughing at my life. Wish I had a "good" dad. Mine's a pigtears

REDGIRL67's photo
Thu 11/27/08 02:56 PM

Sounds like she doesn't appreciate ya dude. Cut it off is what I say

not being appreciated is part of the reason I divorced her but thats a whole dif story.
I just dont want to seem like i'm being an a$$ if i hve it turned off
You're not being an a**flowerforyou

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