Community > Posts By > REDGIRL67

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:50 PM
William the "Conqueror" aka: King William the I is in mine

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:43 PM
Ok, pick as many places as you wanthappy flowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:39 PM

I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

Good for you Red!
I have never seen the movies but I try to "pass it forward" I never take money when I stop to help people on the road, I always tell them I have been helped when I needed it, so you keep that & help someone else.
Last year I helped 2 young ladies that were stranded half way between home & the family they were visiting. I treated them to dinner & they called for a tow from the restaurant, Then I waited with them for the tow truck & took them back into town to the WalMart where they could wait for their dad in safty & relative comfort. They seemed amazed that a stranger would do this, so I told them the about the 2 times someone did it for me, & told them that one day when they found themselves with the time & extra money to remember & pass the favor forward.
Major kudos for youdrinker

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:26 PM

Nice job. I would have stopped to help too. Some people are in such a rush nowadays, they just ignore people in need. It's really sad.

I'm taking a girl out for her birthday tonight. And yes, I actually met her on this site.
:thumbsup: waving :banana: Have a great time

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 02:19 PM
I love that movie and I was watching it today.

After watching it, still having the "holiday blues" I put my coat, gloves and hat on and went out to find someone to help.

I ran into another person in a wheelchair that had gotten her front tire wedged in the Light Rail trackscared scared scared Light Rail is our above ground subway track.

Anyway, I helped her get her front tire unstuck. Right after getting her tire unstuck we heard the whistle of the train comingsurprised.

Scares the he** out of me to think what might have happened if I hadn't left my Apt. today.

The sad part in my story is that when I saw this lady she was waving her arms wildly trying to get somebody's attention and nobody would stop and their were dozens of people just passing this lady by.

Society today scares me. Have we become that calious of a society?

Anyway, I have a favor to ask. If you haven't already done something nice for someone today, please do it and post it here. If you have already done something nice for someone, tell us I would love to hear it.

Oh, and by the way, I might be crying right now, but it's happy tears. I'm glad I was there to help someone - and my "holiday blues" are overbigsmile

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 11:16 AM
noway noway noway It's snowing harder now

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 11:06 AM

Your family can't come to you. My parents are coming to my place for Christmas. I have no way to travel to them
My mother has had MS for a quite sometime now. It went into remition, but over the past 6 moths it is taking a turn for the worst, sadly they do not have full knowledge of what I am going though, so it is pretty much at a stale mate. Neither one of us can travel.
I'm sorry sweetie, you can spend Christmas with us here on Mingle. We'll be your familyflowers

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 11:02 AM

We should take you sledding Red!

It would be a blast!
Nope, I hate getting wetgrumble

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:59 AM
Push up bras, I need all the help I can getlaugh laugh laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:58 AM
Your family can't come to you. My parents are coming to my place for Christmas. I have no way to travel to them

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:44 AM

Hey There REDGIRL..........

Here in CT, we were expecting The Triple Mix (snow, sleet and freezing rain) to start around Noon. So, I grabbed an early breakfast out so I could get my groceries and get home ahead of time........

Well.......the storm moved in 3 hours early, and the pkg. lots and roads were like a skating rink.......and we're in for it at least all day....

And, surprisingly, many CT drivers have NO idea how to drive in inclement weather......
And I bet they were born and raised there. laugh That seems to be the norm here to. People that were born and raised in snow are the worst drivers in it.laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:41 AM

It is windy here, snow and rain come together tonight.
laugh laugh I haven't had my coffee either. I know how you feel. I'm useless without at least 2 cups of Java in the AM and grouchygrumble grumble

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:39 AM

I want snow!
Do you honestly want to shovel it and, drive in it??????????????

Shshshs I want it toooo drive in it and shovel it shsh why would I need to shovel anything when I would not be driving in it heck this is Texas it snows 4 inches here and everything shuts down even downtown lmao:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
What boggles my mind is when people grew up in snow and still don't know how to drive in it. scared

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:36 AM

light snow here in Iowa, about 2 inchs so far grumble grumble
I use to live about an hour away from the Iowa border back in the early 90's. Now that was a lot of snowgrumble

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:34 AM

Raining here, and about 70 degrees.

We do not have snow in south Ga. In fact, we do not allow snow.

If you come to visit us here in south Ga, please leave your snow at home. If you must bring your snow with you, it must be kept in a suitable container.

Please do not let your snow out, or we will delete it wiff a flamethrower. :smile:
A flamethrower, I wish I had one of those when we get a lot of snow. Would make it a lot easier to get around

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:32 AM

Wow! and here I was whining about it being overcast & chilly! The other day it was 78.Today is in the 50's and I am dying!

I like heat. My favorite weather is friends reffer to me as a "Swamp Bat" I keep my house about 85-90.
noway 85-90! what are you a snakelaugh mid 70's is perfect for me.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:29 AM

You want it? You can HAVE it, doll!
Actually I hate snow, makes it hard to get around in a wheelchair. Want to move to a warmer climate but right now, just not in the cards.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:26 AM

Are you in Co.?
Yes, Downtown Denver
I'm in the spring's. We've got a few inche's.
Glad i'm not in the Springs, wheelchairs and snow don't mixlaugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:08 AM

Are you in Co.?
Yes, Downtown Denver

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 10:02 AM
Snow is late this year. usally get our first snow on Halloween.

What's it doin in your neck of the woods?

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