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Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:59 PM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign.

being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story.
listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it.

and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it.

as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so.

it's true that in order to obtain full knowledge of all the facts you must view many sources and be willing to accept things you find unfavorable, but I will not turn to a channel where all they talk about is Trump is a racist, and a bigot or is silencing people or colluding. Bull shite! Those who think that Trump is guilty of any of this, well your just wrong. Period. And the instant anybody says he is loses all credibility in my book.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 09:19 AM

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
There normal viewing audience is two or three times that of all others. Fox: the most trusted news in the free world. Laugh, laugh,

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 09:03 AM

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.
I reckon that explains quite a bit.
not sure what you mean by that statement. Why don't you tell me what you recon that means.???

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 08:53 AM
I refuse to watch political media hacks which is exactly what msnbc and cnn employ. I've seen their " news casts" and lost IQ points just from watching. Who was voted the most trusted news in the business . It wasn't msnbc or cnn. It was FOX news. That's why 6 out of 10 would rather watch FOX.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 07:02 AM
Andrew Coumo just shot himself in his perverbial political foot by telling a crowd that America was never that great. Stick a fork in that guys career cause he's done.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 06:47 AM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

Workin4it's photo
Mon 08/13/18 09:28 AM

wow. so sad. okay.

I wont hold my breath on anyone actually KNOWING any thing about the actual DNC platform chiming in on which bits are harmful.

I know what their platform is even though when confronted, democrats won't be specific. For example ... Democrats want unlimited abortion policy. Yes or no?
Democrats unanimously voted against tax cuts. Yes or no.
Democrats don't want to build a wall, leaving our border unprotected in some spots. Yes or no?
Democrats want to abolish Ice. Yes or no?
Democrats have yet to push back against anti free speech on our college campus's. Yes or no?
I find these things harmful. If I mid-stated anything please correct. But this is what I see dem. polititions saying.

unlimited abortions? It depends on what you call 'unlimited' . they are for SAFE access to SAFE abortions (the representatives who vote, not the democrats who vote for them who obviously dont all feel the same) and not every type of abortion is so safe, especially later term.

Unanimous against tax cuts? No. Tax cut votes are never JUST tax cut votes they have alot of 'give mes' thrown in to try to appease both sides. They (and republicans) vote against tax bills because they wont compromise on the additional 'give mes' in the bill.

No wall? correct. Just like social programs Republicans dont want, they both frame it as wasteful spending.

Democrats want to abolish ICE? No. Nowhere in the DNC platform is there mention of it, although you can find SOME democrats (and probably SOME republicans) who express that opinion.

Democrats dont push back against anti free speech? No. They dont push back against students having a say in their own environment when they are expected at some point to be footing the bills for it.

with the exception of abortion, I find it very helpful not to be blackmailed by taxes into other harmful compromises. I find it very helpful to counter a constant attack on needed social programs that are considered 'wasteful' by combating even more waste. I find it very helpful to allow college students participation in the condition of their campus and the speakers they collectively help pay to bring in.

I split only somewhat on the issue of abortion, I feel it is wrong, but I feel also that more emphasis should be placed on the CONDITIONS that make abortion the answer for many women, which the DNC is also supportive of.

I don't care what your beliefs are personally I'm talking the political agenda. Didn't Elizabeth. Warren say she wants to abolish ice. And she a front runner for dem. candidate for POTUS? She didn't vote for the tax cut either. No matter how you spin it this is what voters will see.

Workin4it's photo
Mon 08/13/18 07:08 AM
Edited by Workin4it on Mon 08/13/18 07:10 AM

Stormy Daniels attorney just stated he may run for POTUS. CBS Evening News

Just heard him say this on TV

Good for him.
Although it is going to be difficult if no one knows his name and just calls him "stormy daniels lawyer/attorney."

When around 8 my nephew told me he wanted to be a herpetologist, study snakes and lizards and frogs because they were cool.

Good for people to have aspirations.

I'm just glad he (stormy daniels' lawyer not my nephew) didn't say he was running for miss america.
The whole "I can do anything you can do better, I can do anything better than youuuu...even be a man/woman and demand your validating that it's true," stories just get annoying.

I heard he was delinquent on $100,000. Or more in taxes. He might be well known to the IRS.
Sorry for the double post

Workin4it's photo
Mon 08/13/18 06:57 AM

wow. so sad. okay.

I wont hold my breath on anyone actually KNOWING any thing about the actual DNC platform chiming in on which bits are harmful.

I know what their platform is even though when confronted, democrats won't be specific. For example ... Democrats want unlimited abortion policy. Yes or no?
Democrats unanimously voted against tax cuts. Yes or no.
Democrats don't want to build a wall, leaving our border unprotected in some spots. Yes or no?
Democrats want to abolish Ice. Yes or no?
Democrats have yet to push back against anti free speech on our college campus's. Yes or no?
I find these things harmful. If I mid-stated anything please correct. But this is what I see dem. polititions saying.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/12/18 07:37 AM

which part of the platform is 'not a good thing'?

The democrat part. Their platform is like balsa wood , weak and very unstable. Kinda like their last president and his cabinet of fools.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 08/10/18 06:32 PM

Stormy Daniels attorney just stated he may run for POTUS. CBS Evening News

Just heard him say this on TV. laugh

cool, should make for good democrat debate. Sleazy porn lawyer vs. crooked Hillary , vs pocahauntis. Reminds me of a joke I once heard. 2 lawyers and a squaw go in to a bar.....

Workin4it's photo
Fri 08/10/18 04:18 AM

Were the cops nice enough,
to allow the old dudes to finish the joint
they were smoking?

a little weed and a lot of rock and roll, probally did a world of good for those old dudes. Raise hell!

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/09/18 02:33 PM

and when did MSharmony post anything negative about the military? ...whoa
I didn't accuse you of negative military post I said anti - president. But I find it offensive that people in the military are " owned" by our government. You do have to adhere to their strict standards and limited free time. But that's a far cry from being owned. When you say they are owned by the government you equate them with slavery. 75% of military enlistments are joining for the simple reason they want to help protect their country.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/09/18 08:49 AM

This post is about lazy democrats. So let me share what I think liberal lazinessis. The Philadelphia mayor who was dancing for Joy that Philadelphia. Is now a sanctuary city is responsible for the rape of a child because the police dept. in Philadelphia let a illegal immigrent go after being held for illegal activity. Even though there was a ice detainer on him. Not only are these jerks lazy they are dangerous and putting Americans at risk of danger. Hopefully after this mid term election , and we remove several of these liberal fools from their elected seats in congress than maybe we can start to hold them responsible for their unlawfull acts and throw them in jail. That's where many of them belong.for their

your post is NOT what this thread is about, but since you've dipped your toe in the swamp, lets discuss your 'whataboutism' for just a moment.

the current president of the united states in seeking election promised to "drain the swamp", and the party that supported him and his increasingly corrupt circle (in and out of the immediate circle in the white house) has for my entire lifetime "stood" for law and order.
wouldn't it be lazy to not investigate the serious allegations? wouldn't it be lazy to cut the investigations which are producing guilty pleas, plea deals, and convictions both among citizens of our country as well as citizens of our biggest foreign enemy?
isn't it lazy to not investigate what appear to be misuse of office, govt. funds, and receipt of emoluments?

or, is it not lazy at all since they are working so hard to provide cover, to obfuscate, to hinder active investigations, and provide aid and comfort to the enemies of law and order, both foreign and domestic?


hmmm? Lol. First of all my post was about the orig. If a lawmaker doesn't follow the law and releases criminals on the streets , than he's not doing his job. That is lazy. But it's easier for a liberal to cut corners than fulfill his responsibility.second it is lazy not to investigate a possible crime. And the trump investigation has been going on for a year or so and still no evidence of wrong doing by trump. On the other hand I will say the FBI is lazy for not investigating Hillary and her campaign . But I guess that's not in the interests of lazy corrupt liberals. Anything else you want to discuss? Hmmm?

a year?
WOW!!! and with so few results? long did the special prosecutors go on about whitewater, with no results?
at least in monica gate they found a really big stain that affected the country's well being...or did they?
benghazi? how much time and treasure was wasted on that disaster of no results?

but, a year of no results in the CURRENT ADMIN with ties to our biggest enemy in the world is too long?

oh wait, there have beeen results, haven't there?

too bad the "lazy liberals" are so busy 'corruptly' trying to silence this investigation of possible wrongdoing, conspiracy, and treason.

oh, wait. they aren't...are they?
Benghazi, whitewater, Obama spying, = no results . Yea no shi*. Because liberals aren't concerned with enforcing the law when it's one of their own. But they will twist and lie to manufacture fake eveidence. I.e. The still dosier. When it's republican. That's just one reason people despise liberals. Many other reasons also. But come November all liberals will understand when red wave floats the libs out of power.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/09/18 08:09 AM

This post is about lazy democrats. So let me share what I think liberal lazinessis. The Philadelphia mayor who was dancing for Joy that Philadelphia. Is now a sanctuary city is responsible for the rape of a child because the police dept. in Philadelphia let a illegal immigrent go after being held for illegal activity. Even though there was a ice detainer on him. Not only are these jerks lazy they are dangerous and putting Americans at risk of danger. Hopefully after this mid term election , and we remove several of these liberal fools from their elected seats in congress than maybe we can start to hold them responsible for their unlawfull acts and throw them in jail. That's where many of them belong.for their

your post is NOT what this thread is about, but since you've dipped your toe in the swamp, lets discuss your 'whataboutism' for just a moment.

the current president of the united states in seeking election promised to "drain the swamp", and the party that supported him and his increasingly corrupt circle (in and out of the immediate circle in the white house) has for my entire lifetime "stood" for law and order.
wouldn't it be lazy to not investigate the serious allegations? wouldn't it be lazy to cut the investigations which are producing guilty pleas, plea deals, and convictions both among citizens of our country as well as citizens of our biggest foreign enemy?
isn't it lazy to not investigate what appear to be misuse of office, govt. funds, and receipt of emoluments?

or, is it not lazy at all since they are working so hard to provide cover, to obfuscate, to hinder active investigations, and provide aid and comfort to the enemies of law and order, both foreign and domestic?


hmmm? Lol. First of all my post was about the orig. If a lawmaker doesn't follow the law and releases criminals on the streets , than he's not doing his job. That is lazy. But it's easier for a liberal to cut corners than fulfill his responsibility.second it is lazy not to investigate a possible crime. And the trump investigation has been going on for a year or so and still no evidence of wrong doing by trump. On the other hand I will say the FBI is lazy for not investigating Hillary and her campaign . But I guess that's not in the interests of lazy corrupt liberals. Anything else you want to discuss? Hmmm?

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/09/18 04:44 AM

lazy: unwilling to work or use energy.

Notice, nothing in definition of lazy says anything about finance or paychecks, just 'energy' and 'work'

work: activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

Notice, result does not HAVE to be a paycheck.

considering the actual definition of the words, I doubt that being 'lazy' is a political position or the exclusive domain of any political affiliation
not doing your job is lazy. Ice should have been informed that they were holding a illegal set for deportation . But instead of calling ice that POS governor let this animal go free and basically let him rape a child. Some folks should be shot for their shameless acts against America.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/09/18 03:52 AM
This post is about lazy democrats. So let me share what I think liberal lazinessis. The Philadelphia mayor who was dancing for Joy that Philadelphia. Is now a sanctuary city is responsible for the rape of a child because the police dept. in Philadelphia let a illegal immigrent go after being held for illegal activity. Even though there was a ice detainer on him. Not only are these jerks lazy they are dangerous and putting Americans at risk of danger. Hopefully after this mid term election , and we remove several of these liberal fools from their elected seats in congress than maybe we can start to hold them responsible for their unlawfull acts and throw them in jail. That's where many of them belong.for their

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/08/18 05:40 PM

The Trump administration is expected to issue a proposal in coming weeks that would make it harder for legal immigrants to become citizens or get green cards if they have ever used a range of popular public welfare programs, including Obamacare, four sources with knowledge of the plan told NBC News.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security said: "The administration is committed to enforcing existing immigration law, which is clearly intended to protect the American taxpayer by ensuring that foreign nationals seeking to enter or remain in the U.S are self-sufficient. Any proposed changes would ensure that the government takes the responsibility of being good stewards of taxpayer funds seriously and adjudicates immigration benefit requests in accordance with the law."

sounds more and more like the country for the 'haves' to dominate the 'have nots' and place obstacles to them ever becoming haves themselves ...

But that being said. Considering the argument posed. There is logic to the perception that we want to 'protect taxpayer funds'. I wonder why the same administration does not see have that same type of prioritizing between illegal immigrants who have cause danger (crimes) to 'taxpayers' and those who merely grew up here peacefully? Why treat all illegal immigrants the same, but divide legal immigrants into categories based on finances?

because of two little word that you posted yourself legal and illegal. It has nothing to do with $$$

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/08/18 03:37 AM
According to morning joe(joke), the blue wave means a lot of almost wins for democrats. The republicans should watch out cause with a slim win for republicans it means they are no longer, no wait they still win the seat in congress. This isn't horse shoes where close can equal a win, lol. Keep thinking democrats , that might be the best ploy for a red wave.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/07/18 05:46 PM

I think she summed it up nicely.

On Saturday, Feinstein fired back on the social media platform posting:”The FBI told me 5 years ago it had concerns that China was seeking to recruit an administrative member of my Calif staff (despite no access to sensitive information). I took those concerns seriously, learned the facts and made sure the employee left my office immediately.”

“Compare that to your actions: attacking the FBI and refusing the advice of your national security team. SAD! I appreciated then and now the diligent work of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies and acted in the best interests of the country. Give it a try!”
ever apply for a job at cnn or have a gift of defending the actions of someone who involved in a illegal act. While at the same time cast guilt on someone that has not one sentilla of evidence of guilt. A not so rare talent now a days.

if its illegal, why isnt she in jail? therefore its only allegedly illegal. and anyone staunchly defending Trump is just as guilty for 'defending' those alleged to be guilty.

Evidence in the form of what someone can post on the internet is abundantly conflicting.

the same reason Hillary isn't in jail, cause the dept. of justice was and still is full of politicly motivated individuals .dems are off limits to them.

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