Community > Posts By > Workin4it

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/28/18 07:17 PM

Maybe Trump's crimes, if any , will not lead to any conviction!

After all, Hillary's Crimes didn't get a conviction, YET !!


What crimes do you refer to, Toody? If there were any crimes that she committed, don't you think Cheato would have gotten her "locked up" so that he could change the attention from his own investigation?

The Dotard knows that his colluding with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary (remember he told the MAGA faithful that he would reveal everything on her "later in the week" on the very week the Russians were meeting at Trump Tower) will implicate him even further.

I am guessing if there was any evidence that she was dirty, he would have already paraded it down Pennsylvania Ave to the Capitol in a wheelbarrow, patting himself on the back all the way.

He LIED to all of you.
Keep drinking their Kool-aid bubba, tick- tock, tick-tock. Time is slipping away. While the libs keep trying to implant lie after lie about Trump, they fail to see how unpopular their views are and the constant bullying of one group of people by libs and the bias media are turning off their own constituents . More and more everyday. # hashtag "Walk Away".

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/28/18 05:44 PM

What has he done now? Stole more of his own money. :thinking:

if you are still asking those questions at this point,i don't believe that you really want to know the answer,so trying to explain it to you would be an exercise of futility,and I am not going to waste any of my time playing childish games that people use when they cant rationally defend their opinions.

all I can do is tell you that google is your friend,and you should learn how to do a little bit of research if you want anyone to consider your opinions are valid,because when you ask questions like THOSE,then all you are doing is inviting ridicule to both YOU,and your opinions!
where is this fantasy conspiracy land you live in where you see all these evil things your and my president has done. All this yada yada bla bla bla the liberals keep spewing and Still no evidence of any wrong doing, not one iota. Please tell us 1 thing that Trump has done that is illegal " and you can prove it. Mueller is more of a treasonist than the man he's investigating. He's almost concocting things to investigate .trying to overthrow the POTUS . Meanwhile your Mr. Fix it guy you speak of along with his lawyer Kanny Davis has been caught lying on interviews on their liberal comrades news stations .and now it comes out Hillary a email was hacked after all the denials. It seems Mr. Trump is cleaner than the ones out to get him. Doesn't surprise me, the liberal democrats have always been a fan of doing things the shady and sneaky way. Just look at the primary's going on in differant states, all the people Trump has endorsed have won,often by several points. Not bad for someone that is having the walls close around him. Oooooo hes shaking ooooooo! Trump 49% approval rating. Obama at this time in his presidency was less than 49%.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 08/25/18 05:33 AM

The week Trump's own words caught up with him.
in what way did it catch up with him. . Is this another " we got him now " moment? Lol. Lol. Don't hold your breath. His war of words are like music to my ears. It's about time we have a president that doesn't munch words. He telling all Americans just how destructive and hypocritical the democrats are. From they're unpopular rants of open borders, high taxes,socialism, to their non-support of limits on abortions, only legal citizens voting the flag, and traditional genders. Roles. Etc. My point being that Trump is telling the people like it is. Democrats are the cancerous growth on this country . War of words , Ha, more like words of wisdom to the people that are proud to be Americans.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/23/18 07:49 PM
Obamas motive was to screw the middle class out of their insurance coverage by making the premiums so costly thus being able to give coverage to the poor. No matter the reason for their lack of income. Which coincidently turns into votes for his party. Now we have a president that actually looks for ways to make it cheaper for everybody. Across state lines or whatever . Trump will remove the barriers impeding free choice. Something Obama was not willing to do. Give it time and we will have access to real "affordable insurance".

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/23/18 07:20 PM

There were a total of 17,250 reported murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2016.

also in 2016

there were 10,111 fatalities due to speeding


since A: speeding is illegal. PERIOD.
and B: 10 thousand people would still be alive if someone wasnt speeding.

Why dont we invest in changing auto standards so that cars cannot go above the fastest stated speed limit in the US (80)mph ... who is with me?

Build that wall and slow down those cars!

Lol, makes since in the liberal world. Bizzarro ! No instead of creating limits on law abiding citizens. Start arresting those " speeders" and make the punishments strong enough to maybe deter them from returning to their "speeding"ways. Build the wall, stop the speeders . And BTW arrest any body that employs illegals without verifying their status.

you arent abiding the law if you are exceeding the speed limit. We can arrest them, or we can prevent them from happening in the first place, right?

Building a wall decreases illegal immigration, limiting vehicle operating speeds decreases speeding instances, perfect.

My point is punish the speeders enough to deter them from speeding again. As for the illegals make it's ow to them if they come back it will be prison time. The wall shouldn't even be in your senario. The wall isn't the speed limit it's the laws for operating a motor vehicle. The wall should have been built after the first illegal crossing. Many years ago.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/23/18 06:27 PM


Many are too lazy to dig just beneath the surface to find the facts.
Just take others' word for honest information.

Having the knowledge of history, civics, current events, global dynamics, democracy/socialism/communism, geography and economics is shallow in general.

It especially bothers me with voting. People don't look for factual information about candidates.


THAT is what makes it so easy for them to be manipulated!

it is A LOT harder to manipulate someone who is well informed about things!!:thumbsup:

problem is, far too many who base trustworthiness on the WHO instead of the WHAT believe themselves to be well informed.
yep! And far to many who base their hatred and distrust on the who instead of the what believe themselves to be well informed. It goes both ways.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 08/23/18 06:00 PM

There were a total of 17,250 reported murder and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2016.

also in 2016

there were 10,111 fatalities due to speeding


since A: speeding is illegal. PERIOD.
and B: 10 thousand people would still be alive if someone wasnt speeding.

Why dont we invest in changing auto standards so that cars cannot go above the fastest stated speed limit in the US (80)mph ... who is with me?

Build that wall and slow down those cars!

Lol, makes since in the liberal world. Bizzarro ! No instead of creating limits on law abiding citizens. Start arresting those " speeders" and make the punishments strong enough to maybe deter them from returning to their "speeding"ways. Build the wall, stop the speeders . And BTW arrest any body that employs illegals without verifying their status.

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/22/18 06:38 PM

So far he's not making a mess he's making America great.. again! He's actually cleaning up the mess Obama made. The mess of regulations, unaffordable insurance, bad deals and wasted money, dehumanizing our police depts. alienating our allies like Israel . Undercutting the military. Many others.

so far, I dont see him doing much but Tweeting and placins suspicious and/or incompetent friends in his administrative circle, but I guess in so far as that also translates into he hasnt F'ed anything up ,,, it could be a plus.

Obama cleaned a mess, not made one. There were already regulations, and unaffordable insurance and bad deals and wasted money, but they lead to a near depression that we avoided under Obama. He never dehumanized the police at all. We can not alienate Israel, it is the US that pays them, not vice versa and we didnt stop under OBAMA. The military was not undercut, in fact he oversaw the expansion of funds and grants to keep more vets from being homeless.

all you see from this president is his tweets. Open you eyes your ears and your mind. He's doing things others talked about doing, but somehow never got around to it. The embassy in Jerusalem , political prisoners freed, nazi war criminals deported, trump has the most transparent presidency in generations, he's bringing jobs back from overseas, a huge tax break for everyone, standing up to and taking out Ms13, he's trying to bring about immigration reform, but the democrats are only interested in using the illegals as a tool to get more votes

Workin4it's photo
Wed 08/22/18 05:38 PM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?
yes, if he had his FBI spy on a presidential candidate. Like Obama did. Or if he destroyed government equipment to cover-up illegal acts like Hillary did, but all you hear from two faced democrats is how guilty trump is at something, they don't know what but he's guilty. Grow up and be constructive instead of destructive.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:49 PM

t-Rump needs to be kept in the news.. the man is a moron. I hope Manafort and Cohen sing like canaries. There is NOTHING good about him.. If you watch the body language of his wife... She doesn't even want to be around him... Anyone that is ok with what he is doing.. should move to Russia. We will get our Country back and fix what damage has been done by that whiny twitter happy jerk.
lol, keep dreaming.the silent majority that got Mr.Trump elected will be at the polls again in November to vote out the far left nut jobs and replace them with pro-Trump legislators . Count on it. The surveys were wrong then and their wrong now.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:27 PM
So far he's not making a mess he's making America great.. again! He's actually cleaning up the mess Obama made. The mess of regulations, unaffordable insurance, bad deals and wasted money, dehumanizing our police depts. alienating our allies like Israel . Undercutting the military. Many others.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:04 PM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign.

being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story.
listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it.

and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it.

as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so.

it's true that in order to obtain full knowledge of all the facts you must view many sources and be willing to accept things you find unfavorable, but I will not turn to a channel where all they talk about is Trump is a racist, and a bigot or is silencing people or colluding. Bull shite! Those who think that Trump is guilty of any of this, well your just wrong. Period. And the instant anybody says he is loses all credibility in my book.

i fear history will prove you wrong.
I fear not: for I will be supporting President Trump through 2020 and beyond along with the majority of the people. MAGA

i agree that we should strive every day to make america great.

it seems though, that the MAGAists are saying that america is not great right now, and i also agree with that, albeit for different reasons i am sure.
...all of which stem from the current administration in residence at 1600 pennsylvania ave.
The MAGAists I suspect are referring to the 8 years Obama was in office and trying to reduce this country to a mediocre , unpatriotic country with no spirt and a (why should the USA be any better than any other country) attitude. That is when we lost the respect of our allies . Trump has got us back on the right path and bringing prosperity and respect back to the USA.

yes, I'm so happy because of Trumps success for us all that I'm also laughing uncontrollably . So I guess we can count on you joining the red wave in November. Glad to have you aboard the Trump train.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 07:48 PM

So, It's OK to start a thread and post what you think you know. With nothing to back it up.

But it's bashing when you post the truth with something you can back up. Like a URL.

Many of you will get on these threads and argue page after page of what you think. Very seldom do you back it up with facts.

I started a thread from fact. It really happened. But that's bashing.

No sir. It's not bashing. It's telling the truth based on fact. Our president does things like this on a daily basis almost. But many of you seem to choose to ignore it.

I see thread, after thread, With praises of Trump. Most of those threads are not based on fact. So, I decided to post a thread for once that is based on fact.

If you can argue page after page based on what you think. You should be able to argue your point based on fact. And that is why I started this thread.

Bashing has nothing to do with it.:thumbsup: waving
I don't care about your so called facts. I admit I couldn't view your URL but it's probally has the usuall liberal slant to it. But the fact is whatever trump acused him of is probally true. And hopefully republicans will hold the house and after the which hunt is over the much needed and Honest unbiased investigation of the corruption and collusion of the justice dept. and the DNC and Hillary. Than and only than will the people have trust for them

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 07:23 PM

Yeah. Who wants to have sex when it's really hot?
ME. Any time is a good time! Take the cold shower after. Lol

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 07:17 PM

Interesting that constant berating wasn't an issue for FOX with the previous president. Odd how standards go back and forth depending upon the WHO instead of the WHAT.
Lol , really ! Do you really think that Obama got as much disrespect as trump. Is that the belief you come away with after watching your liberal propoganda stations. If you think that than I rest my case about msnbc or cnn. Fake news reporting

from Fox news? Unprovoked? Absolutely.

Much of what Trump gets is because Trump fishes for it and provokes it. He makes media the enemy and the media responds in kind.

Again , fake( twisted) news. The media drew first blood, those bums never gave him a chance. They were like a spoiled little kid that takes his ball and goes home if he is losing. Crooked Hillary ( the medias choice for president) lost and it embarrassed them for being so wrong. I'll say it again! They drew first blood. Remember how Meca and morning joe(k) on Msnbc just loved trump until he turned them away at his inauguration . The next day they were trashing him. So there is no comparison. Obama was sending thrills and tingles up Chris Matthews leg and Trump is putting a boot in the a** of their ratings.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 09:32 AM

Interesting that constant berating wasn't an issue for FOX with the previous president. Odd how standards go back and forth depending upon the WHO instead of the WHAT.
Lol , really ! Do you really think that Obama got as much disrespect as trump. Is that the belief you come away with after watching your liberal propoganda stations. If you think that than I rest my case about msnbc or cnn. Fake news reporting

Workin4it's photo
Mon 08/20/18 03:54 PM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign.

being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story.
listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it.

and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it.

as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so.

it's true that in order to obtain full knowledge of all the facts you must view many sources and be willing to accept things you find unfavorable, but I will not turn to a channel where all they talk about is Trump is a racist, and a bigot or is silencing people or colluding. Bull shite! Those who think that Trump is guilty of any of this, well your just wrong. Period. And the instant anybody says he is loses all credibility in my book.

your sadly proud admission that you don't want to hear the truth if it is something that you do not like just further proves my point that your opinions are partisanly biased,,and invalid.

ONE of your problems is that it appears that you are ONLY relying on strictly partisan sources for your news,which are clearly designed to evoke your emotional responses to manipulate you,instead of informing you of the facts.

instead of networks like THOSE,you should be viewing the REPUTABLE non-partisan news shows that aren't forced to appear on cable channels,instead of on regular networks,where they have to report the ACTUAL FACTS,and don't take sides,as they are only interested in reporting THE TRUTH,and not partisan opinions masquerading as the truth.

and,if for some reason,you don't want to watch the big 3 [ABC,NBC,CBS],just tune into BBC,which doesn't have any dogs in this fight,and can give you their honest,and detached view of what the rest of the world can plainly see is going on.

you might not like what you hear on them,but at least THEN you will have the actual facts,instead of just opinions.

Yea, well thanks for your overwhelming concern about my viewing habits, but I don't trust any organization that continuously berates the president , calling him names and always anxious to point out the " we got him now" tactic. How many times have they reported how so and so has got the goods on trump and he's spilling his guts to mueller.That's wishful thinking on their part , hence , they are not news programs to be taken seriously.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 05:38 PM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign.

being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story.
listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it.

and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it.

as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so.

it's true that in order to obtain full knowledge of all the facts you must view many sources and be willing to accept things you find unfavorable, but I will not turn to a channel where all they talk about is Trump is a racist, and a bigot or is silencing people or colluding. Bull shite! Those who think that Trump is guilty of any of this, well your just wrong. Period. And the instant anybody says he is loses all credibility in my book.

i fear history will prove you wrong.
I fear not: for I will be supporting President Trump through 2020 and beyond along with the majority of the people. MAGA

i agree that we should strive every day to make america great.

it seems though, that the MAGAists are saying that america is not great right now, and i also agree with that, albeit for different reasons i am sure.
...all of which stem from the current administration in residence at 1600 pennsylvania ave.
The MAGAists I suspect are referring to the 8 years Obama was in office and trying to reduce this country to a mediocre , unpatriotic country with no spirt and a (why should the USA be any better than any other country) attitude. That is when we lost the respect of our allies . Trump has got us back on the right path and bringing prosperity and respect back to the USA.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 02:33 PM

Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute

in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin.

The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.”

[but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!]

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read.

However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS.

but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience.
[but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!]

BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn.

probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign.

being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story.
listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it.

and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it.

as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so.

it's true that in order to obtain full knowledge of all the facts you must view many sources and be willing to accept things you find unfavorable, but I will not turn to a channel where all they talk about is Trump is a racist, and a bigot or is silencing people or colluding. Bull shite! Those who think that Trump is guilty of any of this, well your just wrong. Period. And the instant anybody says he is loses all credibility in my book.

i fear history will prove you wrong.
I fear not: for I will be supporting President Trump through 2020 and beyond along with the majority of the people. MAGA

Workin4it's photo
Sun 08/19/18 02:21 PM

Andrew Coumo just shot himself in his perverbial political foot by telling a crowd that America was never that great. Stick a fork in that guys career cause he's done.

I wouldnt be so sure. I mean, words are only as meaningful as their context and there is alot of political power in aligning yourself with sentiment of your base. Look at how Mexicans still voted for a guy that said Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. Sweeping generalizations sometimes can be seen as having contextual relevance or truthfulness by some.

It's funny how people listen to the same words spoken but hear two differant things. The obvious"trump statement" eluded to was" some of the people coming here are rapists andurders. Never once did he make a blanket statement of all Mexicans are rapists. And some keep making that fake assumption. And after all said and done the support from Latinos for trump keeps growing. Lol. Back to Coumo. I do believe he is done. Not because he does or doesn't think America was ever great, it's because like most democrats they will say what ever they think that particular crowd wants to here wether they believe it or not,( that's called lack of caricature ) but this time he over estimated the crowd and it backfired on him.

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