Community > Posts By > Workin4it

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:13 AM

Trump and trying to dig up anything bad about him

You don't have to "try" very hard with this man. It's almost a daily occurrence that he opens his mouth and says something stupid. Or that he is in bed with some nasty people. And all kinds of other dirty dealings. But as he said himself, "I only hire the best".
wow you guys are so impressed by shiny things. Very immature and simple minded. It's true trump may say things that make you do a double take, but he does great things to move this country forward. On the other hand , Obama talks like a practiced orator , and says things that make some people think he's a intellect, but he did things to slow the growth of this country and push us back to not so pleasant times. I can live better with the loud mouth than I can with the " pretty talker". Proving once again that you have to have the tools to do the job well . You cannot do the job well if all you have is the impressive talk.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/08/18 06:37 AM
President Trump isn't going anywhere, no matter what paranoid , mindless dolts throw at him. He has done so much good for this country that the law abiding and America loving people will NOT let soulless democrats fulfill the unpatriotic agenda by spreading filth and lies to remove a successful president just because he makes the last president look like a joke( albeit a bad one). With Obama on the stump bosting of himself on the Trump economy , he's sure to get the republicans to the poll for a victory in November.

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/08/18 05:35 AM

The 20 amendment is the one dealing w/ temporary pres. power. Ratified in 1933.
The 20th deals with circumstances around the DEATH of a president.

The 25th is, as I stated correctly, pertains to when the transfer of powers when the President is incapacitated (ie surgery), or when deemed by a body of congress as unable to do the job.

Thanks for playing.
incapable that means any thing that makes him unable to do his job. It takes 2/3 of both houses of congress to remove the president. The majority of his cabinet including the VP can only start the process . They Do Not have the power to remove him. Just as I stated correctly.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:43 PM

Sorry folks.. you set out to meet up with a 13 year old girl you set yourself up for a world of hurt ..either by the law or by the parents

Nothing good was going to come out of that meeting. Nothing
Nope, so obvious the law would have been all over it.

Clearly. The law wasn't . So I ask the question

If it was your kid..what would you do?..wait for the law. Or protect your kid.

I have seen some moms protect their law needed

if i was the father that guy will be buried in my backyard ☺ and it won't be a problem for the police cause i will burn the body and erase every single clue and of course I'll get an alibi :blush: and i will save my daughter and a lot of kids from this devil

Hell yea! And that just for talking to her, good thing he didn't knock her up!

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:15 PM

I know MY taxes went up under the "Trump Tax Cut". I will be paying close to $6000 more

But then again, I am middle class, the vanishing fulcrum the rich and politicians always balance the tax burden on
wages increased 2.9% since this time last year. Any other good news you want to dump on . Must be awful to be as negative as you and a few others on this site are. Don't worry , be happy.

What does one have to do with the other? I stated I was being shafted $6K more under this plan. It doesn't do me any good that somebody else got a raise, I am still on the hook for another 6K.

Jeesh, get a clue
Lol! I don't care about your problems. I'm speaking of wages for American workers. Your guy Obama just about desimated the middle class during his eight years, now it's coming back for " most people" you should be happy for others. Lol

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 06:05 PM

Sorry folks.. you set out to meet up with a 13 year old girl you set yourself up for a world of hurt ..either by the law or by the parents

Nothing good was going to come out of that meeting. Nothing
Nope, so obvious the law would have been all over it.

Clearly. The law wasn't . So I ask the question

If it was your kid..what would you do?..wait for the law. Or protect your kid.

I have seen some moms protect their law needed

There should have been a dad or an uncle to "explain" to this Chester ( sob) how wrong he was. Many lessons have been learned thru this tactic.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 05:37 PM
The 20 amendment is the one dealing w/ temporary pres. power. Ratified in 1933.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 05:28 PM

Basha, thanks for the Wiki URL.
If the VP and majority of cabinet send a written statement the pres. Is incapable of performing his duties to congress than the vp assumes the office if pres. Until the pres. Presents his statement that he can perform his duties, than he resumes the office. Than the vp has 4 days to repeat the procedure . There after congress will vote . They need 2/3 to make it stand

"such other body as Congress may by law provide" This portion of the amendment has never been used in its 51 years. If the "body" named by Congress can demonstrate that the President is irrational, the President can be removed.

What you are detailing is the "temporary transfer of powers" that has been used numerous times in the 51 years, such as when a president goes under anesthesia. I believe since Sept 11, the "Cabinet member in the undisclosed location" during the State of the Union is done in accordance to both Article II and the 25 Amendment

Hey, they are even reporting on FoxNews that Trump doesn't have the "temperament" to perform the job, and if it is coming from the Republican mouthpiece Fox News (video on another thread), that sounds like the Republicans might be lining up to call in the relief pitcher. Some Reps might see this as a less disruptive move than going through impeachment
no, what I'm stating is the 25 amendment section 4 . To remove the president you need 2/3 of both houses to vote him being removed. And all this must happen no later than 21 days after receiving written declaration.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 03:12 PM

I know MY taxes went up under the "Trump Tax Cut". I will be paying close to $6000 more

But then again, I am middle class, the vanishing fulcrum the rich and politicians always balance the tax burden on
wages increased 2.9% since this time last year. Any other good news you want to dump on . Must be awful to be as negative as you and a few others on this site are. Don't worry , be happy.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 02:51 PM

Basha, thanks for the Wiki URL.
If the VP and majority of cabinet send a written statement the pres. Is incapable of performing his duties to congress than the vp assumes the office if pres. Until the pres. Presents his statement that he can perform his duties, than he resumes the office. Than the vp has 4 days to repeat the procedure . There after congress will vote . They need 2/3 to make it stand

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/07/18 10:44 AM

A person that has done no wrong has nothing to hide.

Rudy Giuliani confirms White House may try to block portions of Mueller report: ‘I’m sure we will’

Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani confirmed the White House would attempt to block portions of a final report by special counsel Robert Mueller once his investigation is completed.

One may as well say that he would love it if he could get the Justice Dept and Jeff Sessions to do his bidding. Like hiding the facts. He doesn't want the same thing done, as he did to Clinton.

In part,

The first two Republicans to endorse Trump in the Republican presidential primaries were indicted on separate charges last month: Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on charges that included spending campaign funds for personal expenses and Rep. Chris Collins of New York on insider trading. Both have proclaimed their innocence.

From here,
A person that has done no wrong has nothing to hide. I agree, so why did Hillary hide and destroy evidence and government property, or why did the FBI hide the facts about the authenticity of the trump dossier. I'll tell you why. Collusion, corruption, and cover-up. Why do you liberals ignore those facts? Hypocrites!

so why did Hillary hide and destroy evidence and government property?

She didn't. Read the story here,

why did the FBI hide the facts about the authenticity of the trump dossier?

There is a lot more to it than that. Much of it has already been proven as truth. As a matter of fact, Steele has already won a court case against some Russians.

It's not good to walk around with your eyes closed and your ears plugged. If you do your easy led and lied to.

are you ok Charles ? I think you confused bubba. Her government property , ie: phone,laptop blackberry. All smashed to destroy emails and texts wether she did it or ordered it. Guilt of what I said. That's why your facts mean nothing when you twist them to fit your narritive

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/06/18 09:09 PM
I know how petenh feels. I had to wait eight years to have a president , not so much as being proud of but more like having one I wasn't ashamed of. Maybe he can be proud again in 6 more years. Many potentials for POTUS on the liberal side to be ashamed of.

Workin4it's photo
Thu 09/06/18 10:17 AM

Representatives for Barack Obama have threatened to cancel the former president's upcoming paid speech at a Denmark university if details of his speaking contract are released to the public.

Obama will participate in a moderated question and answer session on Sept. 28 at the University of Southern Denmark before local business leaders, university students and local dignitaries, according to Business Kolding, the event's organizer.

But the event has already sparked criticism from citizens of Denmark's Kolding Municipality, which is providing 750,000 kroner, or $117,000, in taxpayer funds to support the behind-closed-doors event titled "A Conversation with President Barack Obama."

Kolding currently faces a deficit of 100 million kroner in its next year's budget. The town's mayor, Jørn Pedersen, justified using taxpayer dollars to fund Obama's invite-only talk, claiming the event is effectively a marketing opportunity for the town, according to Danish news outlet JydskeVestkysten.

"At this event, current and future leaders will have an opportunity to experience President Obama first hand. Everyone can expect to be inspired. And we have every reason to be proud," Kolding Mayor Jørn Pedersen said.

But Pedersen said he has been kept in the dark by the event's organizers regarding the total cost of hosting Obama's talk.

When pressed by a local news outlet for more information, Business Kolding said the Obama team would cancel the event outright if details surrounding his speaking contract were released to the public.

Despite efforts to keep the media in the dark, JydskeVestkyn estimates Obama will rake in up to two million kroner, or $312,000, for partaking in the event.

The University of Southern Denmark anticipates that Obama's visit will "boost" the university's prestige.

"SDU is an international university with a strong vision. We wish to break down barriers and mould the future. We are convinced that President Barack Obama's visit will give us a tremendous boost," said Henrik Dam, the university's vice-chancellor.

"As a regional player, this is a unique opportunity for us to support an exceptional event here in the Region of Southern Denmark. It is an event that in every possible way promotes SDU's strategic goals of being an international university, enabling every talent and encouraging the exceptional," added pro-vice-chancellor Bjarne Graabech Sørensen.

Obama's office did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation's request for comment.

Comment: The Clinton's have taught him well.

117,000 kroners ? Is that all ? I know the Clinton's are great teachers of corruption but Obama didn't learn much. Hillary would have charged 5 times that much.

Workin4it's photo
Wed 09/05/18 03:28 AM

Democrats appear to have an advantage in November's midterm elections, and Trump is a big reason why according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

All in all, Remains to be seen. This is a poll. And nothing but a poll.

Yep, just like all of the polls that said Donald Trump would be trounced by Hillary in 2016.

Clinton did trounce him. By nearly 3 million votes. The will of the people who voted at the time wanted Clinton to be president. And whether the right wants to admit it or not, It was handed to Trump by the Electoral College.

This pissed off millions of people. It made many feel like their vote didn't matter or count. Just my opinion, I think that's why come November, it's gonna be a blue sweep. Just about every which way Trump turns his head he will see a Democrat. It remains to be seen.

Lol. Anytime liberals lose they always have a problem with the rules of the game. The electoral college is the way we select our president. So keep counting your almost wins if it makes you feel better. Just another participation trophy for the losers..

Workin4it's photo
Tue 09/04/18 05:17 PM

If this book isn't true, It seems to me that it's a good way to be sued for defamation. And maybe a few other things.

Woodward book 'Fear' reflects chaos in the White House.

In part,

White House chief of staff John Kelly frequently lost his temper and referred to President Donald Trump as "unhinged" and an "idiot," author Bob Woodward writes in his new book "Fear: Trump in the White House."

who knows, I mean some of his expressions when he watches Trump speak (kelly that is) make it easy to believe he could have said it, but it was probably just 'locker room' talk, not to be taken serious ... and he denies it and there is no recording.


Except for 1 little fact... Kelly denies he ever said that, also the book says Trump told Mattis to assinate Assad after the chemical attack . ... Another lie! Mattis denies that. So another book of fabrication by disgruntled employees . Sorry to burst your bubble.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 09/04/18 02:47 PM

Democrats appear to have an advantage in November's midterm elections, and Trump is a big reason why according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

All in all, Remains to be seen. This is a poll. And nothing but a poll.

Calm down Charles, remember the poll in November of 2016. People are still crying over that one . Lol. Polls are a false indicator of the true way folks will vote. Because some people understand that this is basically a election for or against trump and don't want to admit to some that they are trump supporters for fear of being falsely labeled a racist. Just like the millions that voted for him in 2016 after Not being included in any poll. The numbers will shock the liberal world again. IMHO.

Workin4it's photo
Mon 09/03/18 05:53 PM

I wonder if its poor parenting ...

or maybe immaturity and the power of suggestion

either way, it's terrible kids fall for such damaging pointless activities ..

Could be poor parenting . Some people shouldn't have the right to have kids. Remember that stupid *itch that made her kid smoke weed. She should have been But I think it's the stupidity and wussification of our kids in the schools. All the political correctness crap has replace common sense. I think we need to set a new agenda in our schools and abandon the liberal slant that is being forced on our children.

Workin4it's photo
Mon 09/03/18 05:28 PM

A person that has done no wrong has nothing to hide.

Rudy Giuliani confirms White House may try to block portions of Mueller report: ‘I’m sure we will’

Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani confirmed the White House would attempt to block portions of a final report by special counsel Robert Mueller once his investigation is completed.

One may as well say that he would love it if he could get the Justice Dept and Jeff Sessions to do his bidding. Like hiding the facts. He doesn't want the same thing done, as he did to Clinton.

In part,

The first two Republicans to endorse Trump in the Republican presidential primaries were indicted on separate charges last month: Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on charges that included spending campaign funds for personal expenses and Rep. Chris Collins of New York on insider trading. Both have proclaimed their innocence.

From here,
A person that has done no wrong has nothing to hide. I agree, so why did Hillary hide and destroy evidence and government property, or why did the FBI hide the facts about the authenticity of the trump dossier. I'll tell you why. Collusion, corruption, and cover-up. Why do you liberals ignore those facts? Hypocrites!

Workin4it's photo
Mon 09/03/18 05:19 PM

like night and day. I'm sure the liberals live in total darkness like a mushroom with it's head in the sands of " hate Trump" so they can't distinguish night from day, wrong from right, or good from bad. Thank god us Americans can. And for those blind , useless liberals. You WILL se the light come November. Don't hold your breath for your blue wave. It's not in the cards

I dont know which liberals youre referring to, but Im a liberal and an American. As an American, I acknowledge my fellow citizens have their right to disagree with my perspectives.

As a thinking person, I can indeed distinguish night from day, wrong from right, and good from bad....but:

'Thank god...for those blind useless liberals'???
'...a mushroom with its head in the sand...'???


My bad, I should have known misplaced punctuation would trip some people up. Let me rephrase. Thank god for us true Americans . If your opposed to a strong economy and support for American citizens rights than your only a American in name only ( ANIO). And I guess it's ostrich that Burys his head in the sand . We all have the right to disagree , but no one has the right to fabricate lies and announce them as facts. That is Un-American.
and how are liberals opposed to a strong economy and citizens rights....I know Im not, so not sure how you came to the conclusion. Im a big fan of facts and fact checking so really curious here.
We have the best economy in years and the liberals demonize the man that got us there, if you guys do like a strong economy than why aren't you acknowledging that. If liberals want to support the citizens of this country than we should support strong border security. A wall. ... I know things aren't perfect but there so much better than when the Obamacrats were in the White House.

Workin4it's photo
Sun 09/02/18 09:25 AM

Such an odd fixation on Trump. laugh

Well, we tried to ignore him, but his blunders just won't stop making news.

But speaking of fixations, Trump has an odd fixation on Obama, don't you think? Been 18 months and the guy is still comparing himself to the former POTUS.

Never thought I would miss Nixon in the White House
Typical liberal twist of facts . Trump isn't comparing because there is no comparison . Trump is pointing out the differance between a president that puts America first and trying to make life better for his citizens vs. Obama , a president that tried to keep America from being great. And put everyone but his citizens first. The only odd fixation is the one you guys have for Trump. With all the time the liberals or the democrats put into hating Trump and trying to dig up anything bad about him , it's a wonder they can do anything else

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