Topic: the kind of quality reporting you can only expect from FOXn | |
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Sat 08/18/18 11:01 AM
Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] |
Well Dave, a regretful mistake indeed but stuff happens and we all believe what we want to believe. I want to believe that I just read that FOX News just recorded it's 25th consecutive month as the most watched cable news network. FNC recorded 2.4 million viewers in July prime time deliveries versus 1.6 million at MSNBC and .8 million at CNN.
There may be some troubles at FNC, but they are so far ahead of MSNBC and CNN that they kind of don't matter. You aren't watching CNN at the airports are you Dave? |
I just read that FOX News just recorded it's 25th consecutive month as the most watched cable news network. FNC recorded 2.4 million viewers in July prime time deliveries versus 1.6 million at MSNBC and .8 million at CNN. There may be some troubles at FNC, but they are so far ahead of MSNBC and CNN that they kind of don't matter. You aren't watching CNN at the airports are you Dave? Then again, those numbers might be fake news. I mean, wasn't Fox the only news channel that reported that Trump's inauguration turn out was bigger than either Obama inauguration crowd? This reporting alone might show that Fox can't count. |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute Hey, give Fox SOME credit, at least they didn't use the picture of Stevie Wonder... I mean, all black women look alike to them. |
Well Dave, a regretful mistake indeed but stuff happens and we all believe what we want to believe. I want to believe that I just read that FOX News just recorded it's 25th consecutive month as the most watched cable news network. FNC recorded 2.4 million viewers in July prime time deliveries versus 1.6 million at MSNBC and .8 million at CNN. There may be some troubles at FNC, but they are so far ahead of MSNBC and CNN that they kind of don't matter. You aren't watching CNN at the airports are you Dave? LOL just because there are more people who USE something does NOT make it a valid source of information!! because, 'validity',and 'accuracy' has absolutely nothing to do with 'popularity',or 'viewing audiences numbers' just has to do with 'poularity',otherwise all of that crazy stuff you see on FACEBOOK would be MUCH MORE valid than anything FOXnews ever reported,since THEIR viewing audiences are MUCH HIGHER than FOXnews has EVER been,right? so,THAT argument you are trying to use just doesnt even BEGIN to hold water,does it? |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] |
CNN just shows omamarosa crying because she was fired. She is acting like a scorned mistress. Her and kaep should hook up.
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] the fact that you are deliberately refusing to watch things that would keep you informed about BOTH sides of the issues,and are strictly focusing your information feed only from one highly questionable source proves that your opinion about political matters can not be considered objective,and is therefore invalid,because your knowledge is incomplete. NBC NEWS is widely considered to be the most highly trusted news source in the world,but instead of watching it,and getting your information from a trusted source like them,you are choosing to get your information from a privately controlled cable news show which has been positively identified as basically nothing BUT a political propaganda machine who reports fake,politically biased 'alternative facts',and is so careless about their research that they allowed a photo of Patti Labell to be nationally broadcast as the main image of Aretha Franklin on a memorial program ABOUT Aretha Franklin,who is a VERY recognizable person who has been an American icon for decades! I think THAT sort of lack of attention to detail speaks very poorly to the accuracy of ANY information that FOXnews chooses to pass along to its viewers. |
I refuse to watch political media hacks which is exactly what msnbc and cnn employ. I've seen their " news casts" and lost IQ points just from watching. Who was voted the most trusted news in the business . It wasn't msnbc or cnn. It was FOX news. That's why 6 out of 10 would rather watch FOX.
BREAKING NEWS.. This just in! Fox News makes a mistake on air. .. Calls for a special council are being discussed...LMAO! Compare that to a news report recently on msnbc. They sent reporters to cover a antifa rally where they got assaulted. Punched, spit on and shoved around. Even though there was footage of the assault, msnbc left out any mention of assult on their employee. They did say he was verbally attacked... Say what you want about Fox News, they report what they cover. They won't leave out important info that could effect the safety of citizens. I think msnbc and cnn have a political agenda. Which makes them more of a propaganda machine. How many times has msnbc or cnn shown the clip of Andrew Coumo saying" America was never that great" probally none. I don't know cause I will not waste my time watching the filtered fake news coming out of msnbc or cnn. |
but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. ![]() |
Today's NEWS is like "Water Wetter".
![]() It makes water "wetter" but it changes the water to something else. Its no longer just water. NEWS is a 'condition report' from North, East, West & South. When opinion and glamor is added to the report, it becomes something other than NEWS. It is no longer just NEWS. |
but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. ![]() LMAO and,like I mentioned.. FACEBOOK's normal viewing audience is HUNDREDS of times greater than FOXnew's is,but that doesn't mean that all of the crazy stuff that RIDICULOUSLY ignorant people on FACEBOOK pass off as news is any more credible than FOXnew's is... all it means is that it is more ENTERTAINING,and focused on telling people what they WANT to hear... NOT telling people what the ACTUAL FACTS are!! and,personally,i think FACTS are A LOT more important than one sided,biased political opinions,and fantasies are,when it comes to something as important as making decisions that could possibly affect the entire country,or even the world. if YOU do not think THAT is true,then,i think that says an awful lot about YOU,and further proves that your opinions are invalid,and without merit,since they are formed without ALL the knowledge necessary to make a well informed,valid opinion. |
The one thing I miss about the past was .. the news.. back "when" there were 3 channels ( where I lived) Channel 2, 4 & 7 ABC, NBC & CBS
You turned on the 6 o'clock news.. and got ... the news. They reported.. what happened .. that's it..just .. the news, then weather, then sports. Today, you can't believe any of them. |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign. being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story. listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it. and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it. as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so. |
I wasnt there. But according to the OP, a mistake about a photo is one thing, maybe not a big thing excepting that news sources are expected to review what they air before they air it and to definitely be posting the right picture of the right person.
that being said, the mistake is not as newsworthy as the excuse that they were using a photo that does not appear to actually exist ... that just sounds like LYING. |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign. being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story. listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it. and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it. as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so. |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign. being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story. listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it. and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it. as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so. i fear history will prove you wrong. |
| Fox News Mistakenly Uses Patti LaBelle Photo in Aretha Franklin Tribute in an amazingly unsurprising mistake,Fox News got their Queens of Soul confused on Thursday. As Twitter users were quick to recognize, the network’s tribute to Aretha Franklin, who died Thursday morning at 76, featured an image of Patti LaBelle instead of Aretha Franklin. The faded photo appeared during an “America’s Newsroom” segment with hosts Bill Hemmer and Sandra Smith, who were in the midst of lauding Franklin’s legacy. Hemmer said, “She sang with a smile on her face when she performed, and that is what she emitted for so many millions and for so many years.” [but THAT wasnt enough of a mistake for FOX news,so they had to double down and make it even worse by giving an excuse that was ALSO proven to be mistaken!] In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Fox News executive Jessica Santostefano explained the error. “We sincerely apologize to Aretha Franklin’s family and friends. Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,” the statement read. However, upon review of the photo in question of LaBelle, EW was unable to find any instance of her and Aretha Franklin performing or appearing together on stage at the “Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House” special hosted by President Obama in 2014, which aired on PBS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ but,on the bright side,FOX news doesnt really have any credibility left,so this mistake shouldnt really hurt them any with their normal viewing audience. [but,this little faux pas will probably give the REAL news agencies and late night comics a good laugh!!] probably not the first time you thought wrong. the first place i heard of cuomo's ill thought utterance was on msnbc, and they were are laughing about what a ridiculous and ill conceived comment it was for any politician to make, let alone one in the midst of an election campaign. being well informed means getting the facts right. that's why i refuse to limit myself to just one source, or one 'type' of source to track down the facts of a story. listening to different sides of a discussion, debate, or argument is crucial in sussing out facts. police do it. courts do it. honest news sources do it. and, genuinely civic minded citizens do it. as for the comment about the assault on a reporter being left out...i wouldn't read too much into that. it's not unusual for legitimate news organizations to not make themselves the story unless it is a major part of a piece, or serves the public interest to do so. i fear history will prove you wrong. |
FOX out of all themes fakenews networks may have missed this detail,but they are the news network that goes after the leftist globalists....thatsgood enough 4 me.