Community > Posts By > BigGlenn

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:55 PM

Everyone lamenting Obama's victory...Are you upset at the actual beliefs and ideas that he stands for or the fact that an African-American is now in office? I am asking this in all seriousness, I am not (NOT) attempting to start a racial debate. I know that might be strange given the question, but I don't think it's a completely racial issue. I am looking for actual policy issues (not taken from attack ads, but actual policy planned out) that actually make more sense from the McCain camp.

The fact of the matteris that your question was the premise for a racial debate and this political year has spurred too many of them.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:47 PM

To hell with you too, but congrats to your kid.

yeah what he said :banana:

congrats to kid :thumbsup:

Tough crowd.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:47 PM

To hell with you too, but congrats to your kid.

yeah what he said :banana:

congrats to kid :thumbsup:

Tough crowd.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:46 PM

Woooo Hooo..!!! :banana: :banana:

You be proud of them...They played hard to get to where they are....biggrin drinks

love flowerforyou flowerforyou flowers

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:45 PM

To hell with you too, but congrats to your kid.

I'm fine with that.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:43 PM
Judging by the last thread I posted about my kid's pee wee football team, None of you care, But to hell with you.
My kids team finished their season undefeated and I couldn't be prouder of all of them!


BigGlenn's photo
Sat 10/18/08 04:36 AM
You need to connect with the eyes. The question was the "First" thing right?

The eyes.

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 10/18/08 04:35 AM
You need to connect with the eyes. The question was the "First" thing right?

The eyes.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:11 AM
One more thing...
We were also very lucky to get a fantastic group of coaches that worked with every kid and gave each of them a chance to perform. They didn't favor their own.
Coaching means so much, Because with the right coaches, A kid can grow to love the game. The wrong coach can turn him / her off forever.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:46 AM
This Sunday, My little guy is playing the last game of his first season of football. I'm so sorry that it's over. He's been so into it and we've enjoyed it together like nothing else.
I strongly advise all of you parents to encourage your kids to get involved with some sort of team activity. The rewards are great.

Watch his season on...

Can't wait for next year already.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:39 AM

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:37 AM

And where does Intelligent Design come into theory?

1st question:
yes, darwinians can be christians because truth cannot contradict truth.
darwinians just talk about evolution as far as biology. There is nothing in the Bible agaisnt this. The only thing that the Bible teaches (I'm not saying it says in the bible textually that means that the bible teaches through proper interpretation) is that the human soul is created individually at the moment of conception. This does not go against evolution at all.

2nd question:
The problem with intelligent design is that this theory says that God just created the Universe, but after that He has not intervation in the events within it. Human events included.
Such theory falls in the very beginning. How come a Creator can create something and just then forget about it? That just does not make any sense whatsoever.

God could have created the Universe and sat back to watch. If you believe in God, You can't even begin to decide what would make sense to a deity.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:21 AM
I haven't left the country, But I'm sure there's much room for improvement. Being in the security field, I know that political correctness and beurocracy can really screw things up. I also realize the neccesity for strong scrutiny and although it's an inconvenience, It's totally needed.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:15 AM

I think the John Wayne persona was for the most part, a positive image of what the American male should strive to be. Strong, Moral, Respectful, And in no way apologetic for who and what he is.
Almost named my first son after him, But Bobbit and Gacey kinda nixed the positive image.

I don't think ANYONE has the power to nix that image from MY heart! I also named my son a "version" of his name. John, then MY first name which actually has the same ring to it as John Wayne, but I just didn't want to copycat verbatum.

Well, I don't want to say my last name here, But it would have rhymed with Gacey, So, I couldn't bring myself to do that to my boy.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:12 AM
When I was 19, I met a 32 yr. old lady and we had a little thing. She was gorgeous and we had a great time together, Until I found out that she was married.
As much as my young hormones fought it, I ended it.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:06 AM
I think the John Wayne persona was for the most part, a positive image of what the American male should strive to be. Strong, Moral, Respectful, And in no way apologetic for who and what he is.
Almost named my first son after him, But Bobbit and Gacey kinda nixed the positive image.

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:21 PM

Dirk & Dutch just melted my Heart,, Glenn You are the Father of the Century,, I so enjoyed the Wild Guys and am working my way through the file,,

Kissssssssss:heart: flowers

God love ya Denise.
The western is our masterpiece!

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:29 AM

The first of many proud parent moments in sports!!!


Believe it or not, that's one of the things you miss the most when they're grown.


ps: and take tons of pics:banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm taking pics and video. I'm going to make a DVD for each of the kids. It's a hobby of mine.

Check out our videos on

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:20 AM
Just sticking my chest out.
My youngest (6 yrs old) scored his first touchdown yesterday.
It was so cool.

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 10/02/08 12:03 PM
I just had a conversation with a fellow Mingler about a controversial thread. This person brought up the idea that it almost seemed like a cheap way to get ideas for a thesis or something.
I don't have a problem with that, But if someone is using the threads in this way, Don't you think they should be straight up about it?

Now, Talk amongst yourselves....