Community > Posts By > BigGlenn

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 10/01/08 04:17 AM
Yeah Baby!!!

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:52 AM

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:51 AM

When talking about the Yankees the first thing you think of is hitting there has never been a problem with that, the problem lies in pitching. The pen is not good, the starters are getting old (pettite/Mussina)even though Rivera is still good he doesn't have that many years left who will replace him? Money has never been an issue with this team, they need to spend some money on some younger arms that will help the team win the world series. Lets get some youger pitchers in the and take back the AL East.

Our bats let us down this year. If you didn't see that, You weren't watching.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:59 PM
If I stood on the east side of a room and drew a sketch of it, And someone else stood in the same room on the west side and also sketched it, A person who was quick to judge would see two different rooms. A person who sat back and studied the picture closely would see that it was the same room from different perspectives.
We're all in the same room. Maybe we should just realize that each of us has our own perspective.
Right and wrong only comes into play when we don't realize it.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 05:44 PM

:smile: I used to be one of those white people that didnt think rascism existed (much)anymore but recently, in college, and in this election, I have come to see that I was mistaken.:smile: I see the discrimination all over the place now kinda like my minority friends always tried to tell me about.:smile: I think that most white people just dont understand it because they dont have to deal with rascism and prejudice in their day to day lives.:smile:

That's part of the problem.

If prejudice was so rampant, Mr. Obama wouldn't be in the position he's in. That fact alone has the hatemongers quivering because they can see that they're out of buisness soon.
:smile: I'll tell you whats REALLY part of the problem.:smile: This misconception that somehow Obama represents all African Americans.:smile: How is he supposed to "end" rascism (even if he wins the election)?huh You mean well, but obviously you dont understand what rascism is.:smile:

You obviously misenterpreted my statement.
I didn't in anyway mean that Obama was ending racism.
My point was that, As a people, America IS seeing beyond racial boundries as a whole, Otherwise, He wouldn't be so close to the Presidency.
It actually has nothing to do with him. It's about the fact thatin reality, Race is NOT the issue.
Maybe my conception of racism doesn't match yours, But it doesn't mean that I don't understand it as I see it.

It's all perception and clarification.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:32 PM
Too deep in here. I'm gonna watch Heroes. Thanks DVR!!

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:31 PM
And Big G. showed up with cases of beer!

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:28 PM

:smile: I used to be one of those white people that didnt think rascism existed (much)anymore but recently, in college, and in this election, I have come to see that I was mistaken.:smile: I see the discrimination all over the place now kinda like my minority friends always tried to tell me about.:smile: I think that most white people just dont understand it because they dont have to deal with rascism and prejudice in their day to day lives.:smile:

That's part of the problem.

If prejudice was so rampant, Mr. Obama wouldn't be in the position he's in. That fact alone has the hatemongers quivering because they can see that they're out of buisness soon.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:23 PM
We all CAN get along!!

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:21 PM

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:20 PM
But that's not what the midgets do.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:19 PM

Racism, Atheism, Politician ism, and so on... It exists still to this day
Sad yet so very obvious,, Society Sucks Society we as a human race
let it happen we close our eyes in our own world cause our world is
good,, we act we think (maybe not) yet we follow the golden rule he said she said ismmmmmmmmmmm is a way of life,,, Bull****tttttt*****
It starts at home within the family we preach this to our children we teach hate and dislike for one another,,, sad,, so sad how we have come
so far in this Country and yet we still see color, sex, religion and so on

This is the USA of America its time we stand united as one family
living, learning and surviving,, Its time to move one step forward as
a group not as labels,,,,


Love you Mom.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:15 PM

Alright, Here goes...
*** blesses himself ***

I'm really tired of the whole racist thing. Every race of people have racists among them. Every race of people ( I believe ) are just trying to get along.
I believe in the goodness of mankind and judging each person I come across as an individual. There are people out there who try to profit from prejudices and ignorance. These are the people who continue to perpetuate the hate, So they can reap from it.
Most of us are basically good. Let's start with that premise.
I wish more people thought like you BigGlenn, but because there a quite a few people whose evil tendencies go beyond their 'basic goodness', this problem along with others will continue to tire you.

I have a few rules of thumb and one is...

Consider the source.

I find that most people who spew racial retoric are people who's opinion is usually nonsense anyway.

Granted, Everyone is allowed to stumble (ENLIGHTENMENT IS THE BEST EDUCATION ), But when you hear a consistant theme from the same person...

Consider the source.

Keep above the fray and you'll realize that is is truely beneath you.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 04:05 PM
Alright, Here goes...
*** blesses himself ***

I'm really tired of the whole racist thing. Every race of people have racists among them. Every race of people ( I believe ) are just trying to get along.
I believe in the goodness of mankind and judging each person I come across as an individual. There are people out there who try to profit from prejudices and ignorance. These are the people who continue to perpetuate the hate, So they can reap from it.
Most of us are basically good. Let's start with that premise.

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:47 PM
We need someone to step up and be a Paul O'Niel type of guy. Someone who the team doesn't want to let down. As much as I love my man Jeter, He's just not the bonfire this team needs. And < Oh yeah, Pitching!!

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:43 PM
I was cruising the net when I came across this wild site. It was ...

( Your turn, Next line )

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:34 PM

i had meatloaf for dinner,seriously,with mash taters and gravybigsmile
DAMN it!!! now im hungry!!!

do i have the fixins??
i beleve i may!

Love ya Iz !!flowerforyou

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:33 PM
I thought Boo Boo was a minor.

oh Yogi.
sad noway

BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:28 PM
Too late now man. You're in now and there's no out now!!


BigGlenn's photo
Tue 09/30/08 03:26 PM
I got out of bed this morning and pulled a hammie.