Community > Posts By > GuitarManager

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:32 PM
Great article. The overwhelming evidence of evolution surrounds us in every living thing.

This article also gives food for thought for creating new life. Apart from the fact the article is in a non scientific British tabloid:

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:08 PM
What I would really like is for those who believe that God created man to explain the creation of their creator.

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:06 PM
I often ask myself the same question. All of the senses are electrical signals traveling down nerves ending up in the brain. The brain interprets the signals how it wants. What is a sense of touch but a signal down a wire interpreted by the brain? What is a sight but an interpretation of something your eyes told your brain? All senses are removed from reality; delayed by electrical impulses, interpreted differently by everyone. My eyes, my hands, my nerves carrying these signals could also be imaginary. My entire existence as I know it could be false. I could be in a coma dreaming this. I could be the only life in existence who became so bored with eternal nothingness that I invented the entire world in my mind. I often ponder on these things and everyone else just thinks I'm crazy. If everyone else exists.

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:51 PM

google it

Is everything linked to by Google the Gospel Truth?

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:42 PM
If life is too complicated to have come about by chance and evolution and thus had to have been the creation of a God then how did God come into existence?

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:18 PM
flat (flt)
adj. flat·ter, flat·test
1. Having a horizontal surface without a slope, tilt, or curvature.
2. Having a smooth, even, level surface: a skirt sewed with fine flat seams.
3. Having a relatively broad surface in relation to thickness or depth: a flat board. See Synonyms at level.
4. Stretched out or lying at full length along the ground; prone.
5. Free of qualification; absolute: a flat refusal.
6. Fixed; unvarying: a flat rate.
7. Lacking interest or excitement; dull: a flat scenario.
a. Lacking in flavor: a flat stew that needs salt.
b. Having lost effervescence or sparkle: flat beer.
a. Deflated. Used of a tire.
b. Electrically discharged. Used of a storage battery.
10. Of or relating to a horizontal line that displays no ups or downs and signifies the absence of physiological activity: A flat electroencephalogram indicates a loss of brain function.
11. Commercially inactive; sluggish: flat sales for the month.
12. Unmodulated; monotonous: a flat voice.
13. Lacking variety in tint or shading; uniform: "The sky was bright but flat, the color of oyster shells" Anne Tyler.
14. Not glossy; mat: flat paint.
15. Music
a. Being below the correct pitch.
b. Being one half step lower than the corresponding natural key: the key of B flat.
16. Designating the vowel a as pronounced in bad or cat.
17. Nautical Taut. Used of a sail.
a. Level with the ground; horizontally.
b. On or up against a flat surface; at full length.
2. So as to be flat.
a. Directly; completely: went flat against the rules; flat broke.
b. Exactly; precisely: arrived in six minutes flat.
4. Music Below the intended pitch.
5. Business Without interest charge.
1. A flat surface or part.
2. A stretch of level ground. Often used in the plural: salt flats.
3. A shallow frame or box for seeds or seedlings.
4. A movable section of stage scenery, usually consisting of a wooden frame and a decorated panel of wood or cloth.
5. A flatcar.
6. A deflated tire.
7. A shoe with a flat heel.
8. A large flat piece of mail.
9. A horse that competes in a flat race. Also called runner.
10. Music
a. A sign () used to indicate that a note is to be lowered by a half step.
b. A note that is lowered a half step.
11. Football The area of the field to either side of an offensive formation.

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:15 PM

My favorite arcade game is house of the dead...i watch cartoons all night before going to bed...alone!

Alone. I know all about that one.

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 03:49 PM

Agreed... just like they hated God's messengers...they hate us too. one disputes the OT porphesies Miles. In fact, everything in the OT leads us to Christ.


Who hates you?

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 03:43 PM

I am a True Geek. Proof:

Game systems I own;
PS2, NDS, N64, Gamecube, Gameboy Adv., and soon to be PSP.
I like all games, cept for sports games, and racing, although Rush was pretty cool. The games I love the most;

-Shadow of the Colossus
-Resident Evil
-Silent Hill
-Banjo Kazooie
-Guantlet Legends
-007 N64
-and many more...

I also love anime. Anything from Hayao MIYAZAKI is awesome. My fav. Anime;

-Wolf's Rain
-Samurai Champloo
-Cowboy Bebop
-Howl's Moving Castle
-Princess Mononoke
-Castle in the sky
-My neihbor Totoro
-and many more...

So yeah, I'm pretty much a geek. Told ya! XD

You win! A real geek girl at last.

GuitarManager's photo
Wed 10/15/08 01:17 PM

I loooove Beamish Stout. I do believe its currently the only Irish Stout thats still imported from Ireland. And yes the cans are excellent, they have the nitrogen insert so pour that tasty beverage into a nice pint glass.
(All Guinness sold in the US is made in Canada fyi)
Also I will partying it up at the Stone Brewery tomorrow night! Woot! :banana: drinker :banana:

And they use a slightly different recipe for Guinness here than in Ireland. In my opinion it just tastes nasty here. All Americans who say they hate Guinness, please visit Dublin and have a real one.

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 09:26 PM

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:57 PM

Right. Absolutely. Except in the case of the bible, Ive been trying to read it over the past 6 months and all I have is complaints and issues with it. Its a lot of baseless tall tales and its difficult to interpret. In fact at one point in the New Testament in Timothy (I think) it cautions us to "Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies." If we follow this advice we would ignore most of the Bible

Every other word in the bible has been taken literally so why not. You can start an entire religion based on that sentence. But if you did that then you would be giving heed to fables and endless genealogies.

There are still some snake handling churches not far from me. It might be interesting to attend one just to see. It amazes me how some can latch on to one small passage instead of the big picture and the even bigger picture outside of the book.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. —Mark 16:17-18

Yeah I guess I am misinterpreting all of the brutality and injustice. I tend to be a person that takes things at face value be that for good or bad. Ive also gotten along just fine having absolutely no interest in the bible for 30 years. It has not effected my outlook on the world one iota and still hasnt except I am glad that people are not put to death anymore for merely challenging the word of the church or some faceless, formless, cruel creatrix who resides up in the clouds.

People aren't put to death any more because of religion but the persecution continues. I can't count the number of people who have suddenly changed their opinion of me when they find out about my total lack of belief in any religion. I'm a good person and they see that and like me for it. Inevitably I get asked what religion I am and when I answer with none, I do not believe in any I am then regarded as evil. I was asked last year, "What stops you from murdering people if you have no morals?" I do have morals, I know right from wrong, I just don't believe in any God or higher power. Some people cannot accept the possibility that I can still be a good person and not believe in a God. It was also a joke between me and another person at work that we had not got promoted because we did not go to the right church. It did seem for a while a few years ago that everyone getting the promotions where I worked attended the same church. Was there some truth in our joke or was it just coincidence?

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:31 PM

Right. Absolutely. Except in the case of the bible, Ive been trying to read it over the past 6 months and all I have is complaints and issues with it. Its a lot of baseless tall tales and its difficult to interpret. In fact at one point in the New Testament in Timothy (I think) it cautions us to "Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies." If we follow this advice we would ignore most of the Bible

Every other word in the bible has been taken literally so why not. You can start an entire religion based on that sentence. But if you did that then you would be giving heed to fables and endless genealogies.

There are still some snake handling churches not far from me. It might be interesting to attend one just to see. It amazes me how some can latch on to one small passage instead of the big picture and the even bigger picture outside of the book.

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. —Mark 16:17-18

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:17 PM
Do we have a clear cut, black and white solution to this debate yet?

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:08 PM

Are there any truly geeky girls in here? If so, prove it.

I had cash in hand and bought a new video card for my computer instead of a new corset to show off for my boyfriend....does that qualify as geeky??

A true geek would put a new video card before corsetry at all times. However, that's not to say that corsetry and the feminine form whilst clad in such garments is nothing less than spectacular.

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:05 PM

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:02 PM
I was hoping for a veritable geekfest. I think tnkitty is the geekiest so far. TNKitty, maybe if you told me what sort of video card you have it would say so much about the type of geek you are :wink:

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:56 PM

quantum physics change and will never be consistent, things change. The bible however doesn't nor does God. =)

You are going to have to be specific for me to refute you . . . . where is QM not consistent with itself, or where has it changed?

He's wrong. The physics of the universe do not change. As Abracadabra pointed out it is only our understanding of it that changes. Why else would we build a large hadron collider if not to further our understanding of physics?

On the other hand we don't need to further our understanding of God because it's all written down in a 2000 year old book :wink:

Well thats not entirely true. There is always room to expand on our misinterpretations of the bible. happy If this religion forum has demonstrated nothing else, its this. :tongue:

I have certainly had my mind opened to the weird and wonderful interpretations that everyone has. No two people see it quite the same and it is definitely a good thing to keep the mind open and hear everyone's point of view. I am reminded of school when we had to write an essay on Thomas Hardy's the Mayor of Casterbridge. As with any book not one person interpreted its characters and their motivations in the same way. At the end of the day it was just a book and you take whatever value from it that you want and leave what you don't want behind.

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 06:16 PM
They're special but not that special...
Lots of dark Dutch process cocoa powder. Work called right after my first post so it looks like I made them at just the right time. I must go and work more now. I wish I could share them via the internet :smile:

GuitarManager's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:41 PM
I just made brownies. Who wants one?

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