Community > Posts By > Adamal29

Adamal29's photo
Tue 10/07/08 01:25 PM
I hate it when they say that usually. When I do like it is when the relationship is going nowhere (I usually am the guy who doesn't want to go through the drama of breaking it off) and she says "lets just be friends." Then it is a great relief.

Adamal29's photo
Tue 10/07/08 01:21 PM

what does seed faith mean to you?
It doesn't have any meaning to me.

I hate saying this being a self professed christian, but I think this whole "seed faith" thing has been blown way out of proportion. Many TV evangelists have taken advantage of gullible people by using a few quotes from the bible on this topic. If you want to give money, please don't give it to a guy on TV asking you to "plant a seed." There are many legitimate charity organizations where your money will be better spent.

Adamal29's photo
Tue 10/07/08 01:16 PM

:smile: We are all an experiment created by the Draco:smile:

You love bringing up this whole stoning concept don't you? lol
Thats why I was taught to read the new testament first, and then go to the old. In a lot of respects it seems as though Jesus wasn't even fond of the old testament. One does contradict the other. In my own personal belief, I don't even concentrate on the old testament at all. I suppose there are a few things you can gain from it such as the "ten commandments" but all in all the whole basic christian belief system is centered on the new. Sorry to go off topic on the thread lol.

And to answer your other point. Yea I know a bit about the scopes trial. I think I wrote a paper on it once.

Adamal29's photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:11 PM
I can't exactly reproduce everything I have read on this subject without going back to the library and digging. It is based mostly on statistics and point out the improbability of evolution. Some scientist have just exhausted themselves trying to find why there is a fossil with what appears to be partial flippers, and none with totally formed or even in the intermediate stages. That is of course a brief and tiny example, but they point out many more inconsistencies that arise. Therefore they have to simply state that creation as it stands, is the only logical explanation. Now a lot of these creation scientist are completely open to new evidence that the evolutionist have to offer, and would be more than willing to expound on those ideas if they deemed them credible. Now, I am sure it works both ways in this debate. But what what I gained from this info is that it is just as ludicrous to teach evolution as it would be to teach that creation is a fact. Neither one is known, so neither one should be treated as fact. Buy the problem is that this is not the case. All you have to do is turn on the discovery channel and see some guy telling you that this bird was originally a dinosaur or whatever. They don't know, so they should at least state that "Many scientist believe such and such." I don't have a problem with that.

Adamal29's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:53 AM

I have read the Christian explanation for the origin of humankind depicted in Genesis in the bible (both contradictory accounts) so I feel I am doing my part. Have you made an attempt to comprehend the theory of evolution?

There is actually creationism as a theory, and it completely stands alone from the bible teachings. Then there are evolutionist who themselves admit that creation is a more likely scenario, but they are still hoping to find that missing link. The general public will sometimes roll their eyes when they hear "creation theory" but that is because they automatically associate it with the book of Genesis.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:03 PM

My justification for this question lies within nature. Everything working in perfect harmony with everything else. So to answer my own question...yes.

But the truth is that everything doesn't work in harmony.

The truth is that it's a dog-eat-dog world.

Nature isn't always cooperative with life.

Where's the harmony?

It doesn't? Even a lion eating a antelope is miraculous to me. Everything has its own special niche. Humans are the only things that seem slightly out of place. Just my opinion.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:13 PM

I read all these profile looking for MR RIGHT not MR RIGHT NOW. Aren't there any women left out there like do not want to get married or seriously involved just want to have fun, in an out of the bedroom and have a great time. HMMM I wonder.

Oh, I was most definately a "mr.rightnow" girl until I met aaron.

There are girls like that, believe me, i know a lot of them.

Yes there are girls like that, but I think they pretend not to be that way, where as a guy will be more straight up.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:57 PM
My justification for this question lies within nature. Everything working in perfect harmony with everything else. So to answer my own question...yes.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:55 PM
I got my leg pinned by between a fork truck and a pile of plywood. For me so far, that was the worst.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:50 PM
I have seen these posts on who loves Jesus, and who believes in Jesus and they seem to go no where. I am going to try and make this simpler hopeful and just ask: Do you believe in a creator. Regardless of faith, do you believe there is a supreme being that created the earth/stars/universe?

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:54 PM
Oh, and don't think I don't question my own religion, I do it all the time. You almost have to to be a normal thinking being. You should see all the books around my house on jesus conspiracy theories and this and that. I can still take all that in and have faith in what I believe. Sounds odd, I know but that's me.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:50 PM

Flint, Michigan huh? Do you guys still have that "auto world" theme park that they tried to open after the entire collapse of the economy? They closed the doors on their auto manufacturing factories and laid off the entire city. Moved it right into Mexico I do believe.

No, they torn that down after it sat there for 20 years or so. Yea pretty much a ghost town here.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:41 PM

The impression I have is that Christians are not comfortable with questions at all and especially not when it concerns the bible. They just want you to "stop being so nit picky" and "stop putting so much weight on small, insignificant details". Well its those small details that actually begin to unravel the larger scope and impression the religion is trying to impart. Its like pulling on a little loose thread on a sweater and the next thing you know, you have an unraveled big pile of yarn on the floor.

If you want to just believe in it and have faith, fine. More power to you. But get a thicker skin because people have the right to question the scripture. Im sure humans have been wanting answers to some of these problems and contradictions since the time of Jesus.

I actually don't disagree with you on this one Krimsa.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:08 AM

Are you Wiccan? Just let me know what you believe in, and maybe I can see where your coming from. you just like to argue anything that even mentions Christianity? Some people are like that too, shoot even I do that and I tend to think of myself as Christian.

No, I am not a practicing Wiccan. I dont think that is relevant anyway to this conversation. You should still be able to debate these issues brought forth whether or not you can successfully compartmentalize me into one or another category as it relates to my personal spirituality. I only guessed that you were in fact Christian because you selected "Christian/Other" on your profile. laugh

I am not arguing. I am asking you to clearly state your position, not waffle back and forth unsteadily.

I would need to bust out some good quotes by some real "thinkers" which I will admit I am not. There are certain beliefs I have, but for me to put them eloquently into words is another story. I bet if I was rambling on about the moon phase, and fertility rites or something you wouldn't be attacking my opinion regardless of whether I was right or wrong, simply because it doesn't go along with the christian belief system, and whatever that may be that goes against the grain, you like it. Wow that was a run-on sentence!

Why do you require quotes? Can you not justify your own position using your own words? Why do I care one way or another about "fertility rites and moon phases"? Even if I were Wiccan or Pagan, how does that address the initial question posed? "Whether or not Christianity is the ONLY religion that one can find true love, harmony and contentment." I am asking you to explain this assertion. Are you capable of doing this without the utilization of quotes?

Krimsa, you don't even have a position! All I see you do is attack others.
Ok, let me try. 1)Supposedly you have a god that personally cares about you.

2) Ability to be saved = hope
3) Don't have to worry about reincarnation,no afterlife or whatever else.
4)Self worth
5)Explanation of where evil is from.
6)Possibly an explanation of why the world is turning to #hit.
7)Haven't looked at every religion out there, but its the only one I have seen that is based on loving and helping others.
8)The greatest country in the world was founded on this faith.

If I were to say I am a hard-core/take the bible literally person I would be lying. Are their contradictions? Hell yea, but this stuff has been passed down for thousands of years, so I have to give it the benefit of the doubt. It works for me.

I'll let you have the last word on this and then maybe I will argue with you in another forum. waving

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 09:15 AM

Are you Wiccan? Just let me know what you believe in, and maybe I can see where your coming from. you just like to argue anything that even mentions Christianity? Some people are like that too, shoot even I do that and I tend to think of myself as Christian.

No, I am not a practicing Wiccan. I dont think that is relevant anyway to this conversation. You should still be able to debate these issues brought forth whether or not you can successfully compartmentalize me into one or another category as it relates to my personal spirituality. I only guessed that you were in fact Christian because you selected "Christian/Other" on your profile. laugh

I am not arguing. I am asking you to clearly state your position, not waffle back and forth unsteadily.

I would need to bust out some good quotes by some real "thinkers" which I will admit I am not. There are certain beliefs I have, but for me to put them eloquently into words is another story. I bet if I was rambling on about the moon phase, and fertility rites or something you wouldn't be attacking my opinion regardless of whether I was right or wrong, simply because it doesn't go along with the christian belief system, and whatever that may be that goes against the grain, you like it. Wow that was a run-on sentence!

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:52 AM
Are you Wiccan? Just let me know what you believe in, and maybe I can see where your coming from. you just like to argue anything that even mentions Christianity? Some people are like that too, shoot even I do that and I tend to think of myself as Christian.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:34 AM
Ok, listen. I don't care what people believe in, they can believe in what they want to or not at all. As far as my comment on Christianity, I was mainly trying to say what it has to offer. Others religions could be "self love" or love of nature or no love, but a big reward in the end and many others. I am not a my way or the highway type of guy, you got me all wrong. And as far as my other point, (as you can tell I am not a theologian by any means) I basically am saying this:
Lets say one person says there is a god, and the other says there is not. They can't both be right, it wouldn't work.

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:20 AM

Why do you think you needed Christ in order to experience "real love"?

Christianity is the only religion that offers that. I am not cutting down other religions, but if that is what you are after, that is the only one you can go with. Also,I think people don't need religion in general, they just need to believe in something. Only one religion can be universally correct or right. They can't all be right, or some be right and some be wrong. Philosophically there could only be one universally "right" belief. You just have to try to figure out what that is. I will admit, I am still trying to figure it out.

Well you are welcome to answer the question also however I hope your response does not preclude his as I was curious based on his reply. Christianity is in fact NOT the only way, or the correct way or the only spirituality. You are in fact "cutting down" other religions because I seriously doubt you have investigated many others. The reason I suspect this is you probably would not be making such one sided comments if you had in fact researched other belief systems. I myself have a difficult time finding mercy, compassion, forgiveness and true love associated with such an intimidating, dogmatic and oppressive monotheistic religion. That is my personal opinion of the faith based solely on reading the bible and communicating with various Christians both online and in person.

You misinterpreted what I said. I did not say Christianity is the only way. I said there can only be one "right" way. If it is Buddhism, Satanism, Hindu, whatever...there can only be one that is true. I am not trying to make a one sided statement, I am just saying you have to believe either this or that, not all of the above.

Hmm. Good save. laugh This is the statement in particular that I was referring to.

"Christianity is the only religion that offers that."

I would vehemently disagree.

And why do you feel only ONE can be RIGHT and the rest are crapola? I find that stance reminiscent of the Christian viewpoint and the basis for a lot of hatred, ill will, death and mayhem in the world today. So once again, I beg to differ.

Also WHY must I feel compelled to believe "this or that"? I am not afraid of anything and especially not death. I need no security blankets in my life. Do Atheists and Agnostics also need to hurry up and pick an choose a faith?

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:13 AM

Saying hello is not difficult, it is following the hello up with something intelligent that is. That for me is difficult. I have faced rejection many times in the past, and it never gets much easier for me (well maybe a little) Now I just have gotten in the habit of avoiding it completely, hence why I don't go on dates lol
Well if you weren't so scared and just had a normal conversation and actually talked to women like we're people too laugh you would get more dates.

Yea but they are really beautiful people. Once the nerves start going, the brain shuts down. slaphead

Adamal29's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:06 AM

I always go nuts with money on the first few dates trying to impress, so it must not bother me. If we were a couple, I would hope she would start to become reasonable.

I have a question, why not impress with your whit and charm and not money?

With your way of thinking wouldnt she be more inclined later to think you "changed"? Ya know, " He was so generous early in the relationship, now he doesnt want to spend on me, what did I do wrong." yadda blaa blaa.

Hey,your right and I totally agree with you, but that is just how I roll. Especially if I am drinking on the first date, then the money just totally burns a hole in my pocket.