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Topic: Creation Versus Evolution
SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:30 AM
Taken from:

The Companion Bible
The Authorized version of 1611 (KJV)
originally published in 1922
notes and appendixes by E.W. Bullinger
Published by: Kregal publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan

ISB - 0-8254-2099-7 (enlarged type, Hardcover)

Appendix 5

The Introduction to Genesis (and to the whole Bible)Gen.1.1-2.3, ascribes everything to the living God, creating, making, acting, moving, and speaking. There is no room for evolution without a flat denial of Divine revelation. One must be true, the other false. All God's works were pronounced "good" seven times (Gen.1.4,10,12,18,21,25,31.). They are "great,"Ps.111.2, Rev.15.3. They are "wondrous" Job 37.14. They are "perfect," Deut.32.4.

Man starts from nothing. He begins in helplessness, ignorance, and inexperience. All his works, therefore, proceed on the principle of evolution. This principle is seen only in human affairs: from the hut to the palace;from the canoe to the ocean liner; from the spade and ploughshare to machines for drillg, reaping, and binding. But the birds build their nests today as at the beginning. The moment we pass the boundary line, and enter the Divine sphere, no trace or vestige of evolution is seen. There is growth and development within, but no passing, change, or evolution out from one into another. On the other hand, all God's works are perfect.

In the Introduction to Genesis(ch.1.1-2.3) forty six times everything is ascribed to direct acts and volitions on the part of God as the Creator .
God (or He) created, 6 times, (1.1,21, 27,27,27;2.3).
God moved 1 time (1.2)
God said 10 times (1.3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26,28 and 29).
God saw 7 times (1.4,10,12,18,21,25,31).
God divided 2 times (1.4,7).
God (or He) called 5 times (1.5,5,8,10,10).
God (or He) made 7 times (1.7,16,25,31; 2.2,2,3).
God set 1 time (1.17).
God blessed 3 times (1.22,28; 2.3).
God ended 1 time (2.2).
He rested 2 times (2.2,3)
He sanctified 1 time (2.3).

It will be noted that the word "God" (Elohim) occurs in this introduction 35 times (7x5), the product of 7 and 5, the nummbers of spiritual perfection, and grace. ( appendix 10 of this work)

Ther are also 10 words connected with the word "God"; this is the number of ordinal perfection (app 10).

There is only one verb used alone with the pronoun "He", instead of "God", and that is the verb "rested". This makes eleven in all: for the significance of which see (app 10 as well).

The word "and " is repeated 102 times: thus, by the figure polysyndeton (ap.6), marking and emphasising each separate act as being equally independent and important.

Evolution is only one of several theories invented to explain the phenomena of created things. It is admitted by all scientists that no one of these theories covers all the ground; and the greatest claim made for Evolution, or Darwinism, is that "it covers more ground than any of the others."

The Word of God claims to cover all the ground: and the only way in which this claim is met, is by a denial of the inspiration of the Scriptures, in order to weaken it. This is the special work undertaken by the so-called "Higher Criticism", which bases its conclusions on human assumptions and reasoning, instead of on the documetary evidence of manuscript, as Textual Criticism does.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:31 AM
yep, can hear it now, but its a work of fictionlaugh

gar5's photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:38 AM
I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.

no photo
Sat 09/20/08 06:42 AM
What about the dinosaurs?

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:12 AM

What about the dinosaurs?
The earth is millions of years old, there were dinos,

massachusetts's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:12 AM
Edited by massachusetts on Sat 09/20/08 07:14 AM

What about the dinosaurs?
growl hehahahaha

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:14 AM

I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.
If you don't believe it that is fine, we don't all share the same views, it can be of no benefit to many non-believers, maybe some will at least want to read it, maybe not.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:20 AM

What about the dinosaurs?
The earth is millions of years old, there were dinos,

Dont let the fundies catch you making that assertion Sharp. laugh laugh laugh

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:21 AM

I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.
If you don't believe it that is fine, we don't all share the same views, it can be of no benefit to many non-believers, maybe some will at least want to read it, maybe not.
do you fear death, I don't thanks to my faith, the modern world has all kinds of beliefs

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:24 AM

I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.
well, lets make it simple for you, it has to do with another view of creation vs evolution and I know full well it is not shared by many, you took the time to read it, now you have just as much right to leave it.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:24 AM

I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.
If you don't believe it that is fine, we don't all share the same views, it can be of no benefit to many non-believers, maybe some will at least want to read it, maybe not.
do you fear death, I don't thanks to my faith, the modern world has all kinds of beliefs

I dont fear death and I certainly do not believe in the Christian mythological godhead premise.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:27 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 09/20/08 07:29 AM

What about the dinosaurs?
The earth is millions of years old, there were dinos,

Dont let the fundies catch you making that assertion Sharp. laugh laugh laugh
well, I tend to get on some of their nerves at times as welllaugh laugh
Dinos fall into my beliefs as well, long study for me to even try to start right now, I hated typing all of that from my bible appendix

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:29 AM

I really don't understand how that has to do with anything, sounds more like political jargon then anything with substance.

what dose have substance

faith has no place in the modern world, I think the sooner people can get over there need to believe in something more and there own fear of death we will move forward as a society.
If you don't believe it that is fine, we don't all share the same views, it can be of no benefit to many non-believers, maybe some will at least want to read it, maybe not.
do you fear death, I don't thanks to my faith, the modern world has all kinds of beliefs

I dont fear death and I certainly do not believe in the Christian mythological godhead premise.
and darlin I'd fight for your right to believe as you will just as hard as anyone elses if we had to, I love freedom of expression and belief

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:34 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 09/20/08 07:46 AM
sorry about all the other appendix references, I realize without the mentioned copy it can't be viewed and I'm not going to type them in at least for now. But included the whole appendix five so as not to just show part of it.

and quoted the reference, best I could do for now.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:38 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/20/08 07:41 AM
Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you preference your position with that admonition or not It is implied.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:38 AM
1956 deluxe

thanks for you input and sharingdrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:41 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 09/20/08 07:44 AM

Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you make that statement or not. It is implied.
I know that Krimsa but many times if I don't stress I or my belief it is taken as you better believe this, that is why I do it, a lot of things some of us do are a waste of time but we do them anyway.

and it is my belief and I do feel strongly about it. and all we can do is share different thoughts and let the chips fall is just a saying, i have others, will try to come up with one

damned if I do and damned if I don't really,
watch, next time i don't say that someone else is gonna say something as well

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:47 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/20/08 07:50 AM

Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you make that statement or not. It is implied.
I know that Krimsa but many times if I don't stress I or my belief it is taken as you better believe this, that is why I do it, a lot of things some of us do are a waste of time but we do them anyway.

and it is my belief and I do feel strongly about it. and all we can do is share different thoughts and let the chips fall is just a saying, i have others, will try to come up with one

What I am sensing is that you are a Christian in some respect who rejects the notion of evolution in lieu of the biblical account of Genesis and Adam and Eve. You are definitely not a traditional fundamentalist Christian and I do conclude that it would be a misrepresentation to characterize you as such. You tend to be a little more rational than that and dont accept their position in many instances. You do also lend credibility to the theory that the Earth is indeed billions of years old. If you simply want to sit here and state this to be the case, then there is no cause for debate that I can ascertain.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 07:49 AM

Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you preference your position with that admonition or not It is implied.
there did the edit, but just wait, i'll almost bet someone is gonna say, Well thats just your opinion or belief, what makes you so right

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 08:10 AM

Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you make that statement or not. It is implied.
I know that Krimsa but many times if I don't stress I or my belief it is taken as you better believe this, that is why I do it, a lot of things some of us do are a waste of time but we do them anyway.

and it is my belief and I do feel strongly about it. and all we can do is share different thoughts and let the chips fall is just a saying, i have others, will try to come up with one

What I am sensing is that you are a Christian in some respect who rejects the notion of evolution in lieu of the biblical account of Genesis and Adam and Eve. You are definitely not a traditional fundamentalist Christian. You tend to be a little more rational than that and dont accept their position in many instances. You do also lend credibility to the theory that the Earth is indeed billions of years old. If you simply want to sit here and state this to be the case, then there is no cause for debate that I can ascertain.
Well yes I am a Christian, and yes, I reject a lot of what is taught by many churches. I dont believe I am a fundie . I do actually make an attempt to look at different sides, and I do actually study and read scripture quite a bit, being retired I am now able to devote much more time to this. I love to read. I don't hate someone because they don't think as I do. I do believe in Genesis and Adam and Eve, but trust me, a lot of what I believe about it raises the hackles on many Christians. I don't think because someone stands in a church and calls themselves a preacher that they should be believed just because they say so. One should not believe that man, this man or any man without doing some research and trying to check things out. I think that many Christians, preachers try to act like the have a special walk with God that no one else can have. I try not to mention specific churches or names because I believe it serves no purpose. but one that comes to mind without saying the name was on national tv, begging for money, because God told him he was going to die if he couldn't raise x amount of money, well known tv one at that, and that was absolute bull, have heard some say Oh couldn't find a parking place and I prayed and God showed me a spot and it was perfect, again, hogwash, another popular tv one always has most of their show on how you can donate at this level or that level and you get this blessing or that blessing, again, we know where their hearts are. How many have recieved a piece of cloth or something else in the mail with a letter begging for money and telling you of the special power of this piece of prayer cloth, again, utter nonsense and hog wash and I get very angry with them because they should know better and are decieving Gods children, those that don't believe without seeing will be much better off at judgement day than these will, Judgement will start at the pulpit with all the false teachers and they will pay for those they led astray, not the ones led astray. I believe that judgement day, or the day of the lord, millenium, thousand years will be a time of teaching, and that all will know the truth without any doubts then satan will be loosed again for a short time and sadly, some, for some reason I do not know will still not follow Christ but they will do it with open eyes and ears. I believe in the Anti Christ and that he will come and preform miracles in the eyes of men and decieve many into believing he is christ, we will be in flesh, I believe that when christ returns we will instantly be transformed into spiritual bodies I could go on, but maybe you can see that your right and I don't share the same beliefs as many, believers nor non believers

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