Community > Posts By > guitaedreams

guitaedreams's photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:41 AM

Straight up, no political mumbo Jumbo, Palin is a psycho B!TCH! She tried to ban books, she is pro life, and worst of all, she wants to charge for rape kits. It's like she wants to be the rape victim's pimps.

nothing is wrong with being pro life drinker

many people in this country and world indifferent

have some serious kharma to deal with :angry:

killing unborn children :cry:

and thinking it is alright sad

Palin doesnt agree that victims of rape or insest should have the right to abortion

guitaedreams's photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:57 AM

does anyone think this animal/nature hating Jesus freak is qualified to be vp, or even president?

say it aint so joe! lol

guitaedreams's photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:54 AM

laugh That same witchdoctor/preacher said that witches were causing traffic jams in his hometown in Africa .laugh

yea and he had people going around shooting snakes, poor snakes =(

guitaedreams's photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:37 AM
if there was a video of obama geting exorcised by a black witchdoctor,this election would be over, but there is that video of sarah palin .....

guitaedreams's photo
Sat 10/18/08 09:27 AM
does anyone think this animal/nature hating Jesus freak is qualified to be vp, or even president?

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:42 PM

I was abducted by Aliens once when I was 26 years old. It happened in the woods behind my old house in northern Michigan.

It was early on a Sunday evening. I was walking through the woods , about 200 yards, away from my home when I was hit with a very bright beam of light.

I only remember bits and pieces of what happened to me so bear with the lack of details. Anyway I remember having my anus probed while on board their ship and the next morning when I woke up in my own bed my wife told me that I had crop circles shaved into my Ass hair. Wow!!

drugs arnt good for you

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:40 PM

why confess your sins if GOd already knows what they are?

because he want's to make sure your aware of them - :tongue:

anyone is aware of their sins, many are proud and feel no remorse from them

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:13 PM
why confess your sins if GOd already knows what they are?

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:07 PM
God is the same as Santa, an imaginary friend

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 07:04 PM
id rather live in canada and smoke weed, rather that be constantly questioned about my patriotism when the most antipatriotic fuks are the US government

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:56 PM

Sorry to hear that. Nice generalization though. noway

i like the Greek/Roman theme in your pictures hehe

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:46 PM

were talking on another thread about mans fall and some say its Satan who caused sin and others Adam and eve for eating and i who say it's god's fault!!

So here's my case in a nut shell - god started creation, god knew how everything would go, god decided to allow sin to enter into existence - therefore god is responsible for sin.

and that is proof that the judeu/ christian God is a false ideology

Now hold on just a minute sir, you aren't presuming to interject an unsound argument on a religion forum based solely on unprovable assertions and subjective rhetoric are you? Just take that logic elsewhere young man, we wont have that here! happy

what doesnt make sense is proof enough(for me) that "God" is man made

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:37 PM

it's hard to control a population that doesn't want to be controlled at all

no actually its very easy, because they are controlled by the media . people are easily controlled(even if the individual believes they dont want to be controlled) by the entertainment they are so addicted to

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:33 PM

..used to think about that too..then i started to think we simply get some form or another...Newton or Einstien - 'atoms neither can get created nor destroyed, but simply rearranged' basically, we get recycled..


p.s. -- atoms can indeed get destroyed -- nuclear fusion..or of the two..

i believe in reincarnation too. i think that there are endless realities/dimensions that we can experience. i was just challenging the Christian philosophy of eternity

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:29 PM

were talking on another thread about mans fall and some say its Satan who caused sin and others Adam and eve for eating and i who say it's god's fault!!

So here's my case in a nut shell - god started creation, god knew how everything would go, god decided to allow sin to enter into existence - therefore god is responsible for sin.

and that is proof that the judeu/ christian God is a false ideology

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:26 PM
are stuck up!!!

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:24 PM

the market is in crises, both candidates are malicious to the Constitution, yet no one cares because the are forever glued to a tv screen worshiping useless movie stars. America is screwed

You say no one cares but you care so by your logic, you are a no one?

the majority doesnt care, yes

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:22 PM
***** is better than cake

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:19 PM
can anyone honestly fathom the concept of eternity? what is there to do for eternity, without getting bored?

guitaedreams's photo
Fri 10/17/08 06:14 PM

Tom Cruise will save us all!

and i bet you actually believe that

If the US would start practicing Scientology in our public schools, we wouldn't have these problems! The Great Tom Cruise will lead us into the prosperous future! Brad Pitt will build green houses for all!

lol scientology was designed to trigger celebrities to control the masses, since most American brainless fools are obsessed with the individuals lives