Topic: life
no photo
Fri 02/02/07 01:41 PM
life is cold life is lonly life is sad life is happy

life can be hard life is full of stress

life has ups it has downs kids go with out dadss and momss

lifes not fair life and love

love comes from the hart real love can not be found can not be
payed for

love is not looks love is not sex love is from knowing some one
from the inside

love comes from the inside in life real life

but life for some thay thank love is from looks

are looks sex and are mony and thats not love

thats greed thats the devel at work thats eveil

life can be happy with out mony life can be happy and good with out
good looks love can be strong for some one from the in side

life and looks looks dont last as thay get older the looks live you
then what????

see life love and looks looks are a cover

looks can cover up eveil looks can cover up all so when you all go
bye looks you are only doing as the deivel wanted you to do

god did not want these god seays love all love all not us some ones
looks aginst them

life we have no say so in are size are looks we dont aske to be born.

so in life every one whom uses looks and lies and plays games and thanks
it all ok

need to grew up and need to thank of the truth

are when there looks are gone thay will be all alone saying to them
salfs why and I can get any one in my life why
its all about looks

and I us to look good be for I got old now I am old I can not get
any one see what happions when you us looks

stop strotypeing is wrung its the devel him salf at work its not from

Cybear's photo
Fri 02/02/07 02:56 PM
1)This is has gotten really "OLD";Bill.G
2)Go to a web site and acquire a spell
checker;we can not understand you!
3)If religion is questioned then send this
to a Religion Forum.O.K.
3)Stop with the generalizations at my friends
here @JSH.I've asked you nice many times
4)If you continue to trash my lady friends here
I'm am going to start belittling you;do you
understand what I'm telling you?
5)You require counseling immediately for your
son's sake and your mental well being
6)These issues are best addressed with a counselor
not a dating site.Understand?
8)Stop immediately or do not return here @ JSH

Greyhound's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:04 AM
Sounds as if he means well, but Gosh.... the spelling is just awful