Topic: My first post in these forums(Possible Obcenities)
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Sun 02/04/07 05:09 AM
I will show two of my works...I hope you all will enjoy them
I know it could be offensive however I show it as art for that is what
it is.

Translucent Pants (Revised)

(School Edit)
Glaring into selves,
We converse.

I seek your eyes.

So accepting...
So willing...

As we adventure tonguing
Words for sword play,

We progress to undress.

Your sweet confounding juices
Baffled my mouth
Before your pants ever dropped.

Hair twirled and tangling
Contrast rouge faces sweating.

Those rushed voices occur
By pummeled rosy cheeks
And bloody bed sheets.

When you leave,
In your walk away nature

I stare...Oh god I stare,
For I smell ****ing in the air.

I know this to be perverse,
But I can't wait
To get home and masturbate.

I keep you there,
****ing you as I must.
For the day you return
Accepting my lust.

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 05:10 AM
Miracle Worker

Sewn eyes
Shut to despair

Blocking absurdity
Fragrantly in air care.. bear...

Angered and unfair

Relief from belief
To gain understanding

Allowance of emotion
Is only right
When sought cause is justified

Over reaction remains in mind
Accidents happen

Hearts are broken

Allow those feathered wings
To find the wind
And secure the way.

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 06:06 AM
Ah what the hell
I will post one up
For I am bored
And excited for thoughts!!

Pin Needling Circumfrence

All has escaped heart
I claim in calamity
My Love for you
Swore upon death beds

You are the one and only
And I have felt nothing more holy


Evaluation is suade

It's not lying
Nor am I living in falsehood

I just do not feel
After the heart has opened
That Love could be different

I sit at your side
With sword and dagger
Enabled to kill
At your suicide

I just feel cheated
When I explain my heart
And nothing new appears

I must be getting a sign
From masters of abroad
Whispering silent disconnection
Elaborating upon everybody elses gain
And my seemingly newfound loss

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 06:12 AM
This one is my favorite for the night...for some reason it appease to my
eyes tonite...I hope all are enjoying and are entertained

Some Construct of Reality

The mind is immeasurable

Yet greatness is measured
By all who follow

The tales created give grandoise exposure
About a great mind

Giving supernatural power to a mortal

Humanities boundaries fall
And the myth begins

Superceeding any truthful existence

To believe one, the self must disregard many

In a world of many greed distinguishes the singular

Greed = Death

All institutions fall

Not from failure
But of fire

Cybear's photo
Sun 02/04/07 07:15 AM
We all have the right of"Freedom of Expression"True That!O.K.You've
expressed yourself;so now I shall express myself equally.You're final
submission belongs tucked in to the Religion Forum for I see it as
such;I don't perceive it as Art.It certainly is"Myth" most
definitely.First of all no supernatural powers have been granted to
mortal human beings.Secondly in regards to the line"To believe one,the
self must disregard many"is totally contrary to my beliefs.I always have
and always will believe in one.His name is Jesus Christ my Saviour.For
all eternity.So it is said;so it is written.Amen!

p.s.Subject is closed,so don't await or expect any further

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 09:15 AM
Awesome writing, would like to see more from you

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:10 PM
To give an author note...that poem you refer to...its just a
story...where a mere human has super natural myth...Id
agree more philosophy than a poem but it was a little something that
sounded fun so I posted!!

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:13 PM
I do have more to offer...I dont know if I should keep this thread going
or post a new one...but Ill find something else for this one

michael1313's photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:15 PM
it's yer it's up to you...smokin

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:15 PM
God is Energy

You are in the flow.

Everything living
Has a peice of it.

Grasp onto high times
For life's a mystery.

When you die
The self subsides.

Flowing back into the
Greater movement.

As you become
You be

Losing all forms
Of discrepancy

The mind, The heart
The body, The soul

Merely Human fabrications

Restricting the self
From the mystery.

Allow the self
To release the unwilling.

Burrowing the self
Into the cosmic ceiling.

You shall see
With no help from eyes.

The universe contradicting demise.

The emotion apparent,
Almost completion.

You run off of God,
So praise energy.

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:18 PM

A force ripped from absurdity
Unto perilous struggle

An up hill battle
Already commenced
By hereditary callings

One is summoned
And conjured from thin air

Reality opens
Allowing the world in

On this plane
Existence is living

This is where stories are crafted
With heroes and legends beginning

In this tide
Good and Evil

Purpose is justified
Cause is cure

Hiding the mind in dignity

Belief, Faith, Success
Are the only components of change

The world always teetering
On indifference

Good and Evil
An eternally
Perpetual war

Casting superior parts
To the delicate show

Fate, the protector,
Composes the script
That never splits

Amongst this barraging commotion
An individual is born

"Free" spirited
Bound by God
Enticed by Satan
Led by Belief
Driven by Faith
Striving for Success

For now

Life is just beginning

Allow the tides to roll
No premature departure
Your sail will set soon
Harboring the self
To its proper place

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:23 PM
Sweet Somethings

I remark upon this world a new found relief
The world is connected
For sure

What if Life
Was a simultaneous

Not occuring
At one place
But rather
At one moment

A spherical
And mixing
Eternal heat

Gravity melting
Any existence

As the tumult subsides
Distances linger
The cold sets in

Once this boiling inferno
Cools for dinner

By products arise universally
Ladened across everything
Showing their cause
In variation

The Earth
Is quite variable
So assuming one thing happens
Is hypocracy

Gradual comings
Gradual ascent

Superiority contrasting inferiority
The physical push
Rather than
The mental one

Hate under belief
So many contrasts
So much peril

Contrast happened at the beginning

The seed of humanity unanimous
Being spread through Life
Across worlds large expanse

The contrasts are proof
Of a greater behind
Since truth be told
We all have a common bond

One common variation
Bringing to the table
Amongst themselves
Variations of their own
Suited to
On their own surroundings

Life is just energy
Let the strong survive
Let the feeble die

But do not theorize
About how humanity
In any region
As incapable
To think
Grand somethings

Humanity has a mental edge
Nothing has seen before
Upon this rock
Covered in Water

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:44 PM
I had ignored this one for awhile so now is the time to give it some

Oui, Oui

Embodied hate
Close to
Deaths slumber

The joker walks away

The walls
The barriers
Brought up again

Too disconnected for comfort

Your eyes check the mirror

Paternal misery weeps back

The repeated beating

Waft errantly in the air

Confused looks at perril

Confused about emotion

Never wanted its company


Running with familiarity

Disconnecting indifference

Your heart bleeds compassion

At each
Letting a pencil go
The gravity pulls

Youve opened your heart

Youve felt its power

Immense and uncharted

Perpetual stillness
Stagnat and stalemated

Your heels dig into the ground
With rash stubborness

Unrelenting his company

( I think)
Unconditionality is family
and the Love represented
(I think)
That is the
Purpose of family
And the signet
Of relationship

Hereditary ties
Can never be severed

To allow forgiveness
Is step one

To allow all things after
Is step two

Each step
Countlessly sectioned
With small partitions

One after one
Your Heart
Your mind
Your disposition
Shall commence

From mystery
White doves
Grasping their
Olive branches
Are atoning

Your hawk
Basking in
Needs replacing

Maybe this
New species
Now appearing
Should replace
Your hawk?

no photo
Sun 02/04/07 12:47 PM
My most recent write


Red ridged enclave
Roared a voracity
Opaquing sight away

Muddied sense
Awkward awareness

Undocked and sailing
Sun rised epiphany

Tranquil tumult
Admonish submission

Dorsal day
Followed suit

Repetitive cunning
Correlate happenings

Rise to action!
Rise to action!

then...defy gravity.

no photo
Mon 02/05/07 01:20 PM