Community > Posts By > Jaan Doh

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 08/09/24 01:20 PM


Hiya Lisa,
You're of African descent?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/08/24 02:42 PM

Some people live in large cities, and they are lonely trying to meet a mate. lol
So that's why some are online but that doesn't work for many people and that is all age groups.

I've dated from another relationship site and also in my city. I do not want to spend to much time here looking.

For some reason, my Topic was put in Movies section when I posted it in Dating and Relationships. I guess they think they know more than I do.

I guess it's fine in the movies section, since you talked about a program on TV...

I often dream of waking up to chickens cockerals shouting cock a doodle dooooo in the morning and and living in the countryside...

But I guess I'm too old for all that now :joy::sob:🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/08/24 01:26 AM

Good Luck & Have a peaceful an chilling time :raising_hand:

Currently I'm visiting only Zombie land where a band of people sucks my blood in buck of bottle with a duck bill.. it's Known as Clinical Club. 🤣:syringe::pill::wine_glass:🩺


Thanks Robin, I'm hoping to see the movie on the weekend...

This clinic, it must be full of cute nurses? :laughing::joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 08/07/24 02:56 PM
Whose planning to go see Borderlands?

I'm hoping to catch some time off on the weekend to go see it :sunglasses:🤞

What do you think? Ladies n gents?
Is it kinda movie you'd watch?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 08/07/24 02:53 PM
Welcome to Mingle all the noobs,
Good luck too...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 08/07/24 02:52 AM

I'm new to this scene. Been single for about 7months and just taking that time to enjoy the peace and get to know myself again.

Hiya Freya,

Welcome to Mingle :smile:

It's nice to know you took several months to close the chapters of your last relationship, it's good to start with a fresh head...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 08/05/24 01:21 PM
Edited by Jaan Doh on Mon 08/05/24 01:24 PM

What is a bra?
Something you wear on your head on a cold day to keep ya ears warm? :joy:
Can't be done unless you cut the bra in half.:smile:

My suggestion is a padded bra in a larger size for more noise reduction, insulation and surface coverage to keep your ears nice and toasty all fall and winter. :eyes::sweat_smile:

Thank you for the suggestion, cos it reminded how headphones can pinch on ya :pray:ears :joy::sob:

And how would you deal with the part connecting the two cups on the chest side?

That bit goes over your head :joy:
To stop things sliping

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 08/05/24 01:18 PM
Welcome to Mingle both of you

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 03:45 PM

I am a big book person. I have a large collection of music books, baseball books and movie books.

With so much experience of books Cat,
Maybe you could write a book?
Or already written a book?

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 03:43 PM

What is a bra?
Something you wear on your head on a cold day to keep ya ears warm? :joy:
Can't be done unless you cut the bra in half.:smile:

Read it again Farid...

To keep ya Ears warm :thermometer::joy:
One cup for each ear,
Just like headphones :headphones: :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:30 AM
Edited by Jaan Doh on Sun 08/04/24 04:30 AM
Mmmmm I don't know if I'm old or most modern music is just crap :joy::sob::scream:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:27 AM

I’m new here and I am artist

Welcome to Mingle...

Normally new members introduce themselves in the New Members Welcome forum...

This is the Music and Songs forum lol

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:24 AM

Wonder where Robin went,
I liked his jokes :joy:

Good to know, someone gaved a miss slap...:wave::worried: I'm back from holidays from hell in hell.:wink:

Welcome back Robin :joy::thumbsup::beers:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:17 AM

Is this site English only? 有無香港人呀? 有無得我地自己開個topic 架?

Most members type in English.

Although it's no big deal to translate messages into any language and still respond.

Yes you open a topic thread, in the correct forum category, and respond back to any replies

The Hong Kong forum an be found here...

Good luck too...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sun 08/04/24 04:07 AM

What is a bra?

Something you wear on your head on a cold day to keep ya ears warm? :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/01/24 05:07 PM

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/01/24 05:03 PM
Wonder where Robin went,
I liked his jokes :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/01/24 04:46 PM
After quitting my last job in May,
It's refreshing to be back in work :pray:
But not at the old place :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/01/24 04:41 PM
I not sure what my bizarre is...

But I certainly admired the Waltons and how the family got through the depression years, even if was just TV :joy:

They all seemed to have respect and talked to people with dignity, rather than talking down to them...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 08/01/24 04:33 PM
Robin Thicke :blush:

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