Community > Posts By > Jaan Doh

Jaan Doh 's photo
Sat 02/10/24 02:34 AM

I don't know how you can change the position I made a setting when registering where the position was located automatically I would like to disable this option of determining the location automatically do you know how I can f

I normally disable LOCATION on my android device... Maybe flush the browser cache too, in case that preference is saved in a browser cookie

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 02/09/24 02:33 PM
Edited by Jaan Doh on Fri 02/09/24 02:34 PM
A recent case that (I would say) outlines all the hallmarks of bullying...

And the consequences of it, if it is not caught and the perpetrator is not "rehabilitated" or the perpetrator does not "grow out of it"..

Then the bullies moves onto bigger things" (like the horrific recent case) such as even murder...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 02/09/24 01:59 PM

It's understandable that newbies don't feel comfortable with all the fakes and scammers...

What I found useful was the help from many of the existing members (you may notice it especially in the New Members Welcome Area) they can spot the fakes and scammers and more experienced member's responses usually inform other members of a fake / scammer... I found it very useful in weeding out the time wasters...

Welcome to Mingle and good luck too....

I am definitely new here. It hasn't really felt all that welcoming. Lots and lots of fake accounts / bots. Nothing like logging on to see a dozen fake accounts that "match"... all being 20-somethings from Florida and Cali with zero info on the profiles.

Some social sites are very unwelcoming I'd say Mingle is very welcoming and most of the genuine and nice people can be found in the forums...

Thats not to say there's no nice or genuine members who don't post in the forums, there's just less or maybe we assume there's less because we never hear from them...

As most people say,
if it sounds too good to be true....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 02/09/24 12:47 PM

To Form Cricket Team

I'd like to join and be the judge or umpire please :joy::trophy::medal::cricket:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Fri 02/09/24 12:46 PM

Curious .. does spreading baseless online rumours or lies about a person count as bullying ??? I have definitely been subject to that kind of behaviour online . I put it down to jealously and insecurity rather than bullying.

Yes off course spreading baseless rumours or lies are a form of bullying, because those activities are harmful or those activities are carried out with the intention of causing HURT...

Maybe the underlying CAUSE of the bullying could jealousy or insecurity but the actions are bully tactics (to cause hurt because I can, because I'm bigger or richer or because I don't like you or whatever)...

As @Duttoneer points out, "attack / slam / insult" those are bully tactics...

Sometimes you may join a social website, where there's an elite group who maintain control over conversations by grouping together and diminishing the value of newcomers comments or posts, labelling them as whacko's, simply because the newcomers ideas/posts doesn't fit the groups clique... And maybe these group actions could been seen as bullying too...

Conversing with someone or each other (as we are doing now) and debating things / points, without insult or denigrating anyone is NOT bullying obviously... After all everyone has a right to an opinion, no matter how accurate or out of whack it may be...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:46 AM

Dance music:musical_note::notes:all day and all night long! :thumbsup::100:If you came through the whole dance music and rave scene, here in the UK, from the late 80's and through the 90's you would all understand, what I'm talking about. The US missed out on most of that though! :thumbsup::100::notes::musical_note::sunglasses:

What I loved most about that era was how piano music was integrated into most of the most popular tracks... I always loved a good piani (riff or solo piano break) in a dance track :thumbsup::ok_hand:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:28 AM

Sade - Is It A Crime (Lovers Live)

Oh yeahhh Sade, I just adored her album Diamond Life...

Oh and don't forget Tracy Chapman and John Holt too...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:19 AM
Thinking I need to find a new job :pensive:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:14 AM

Thanks Julie and Jaan. I was the smallest and did not fit in anywhere. People made fun of me.

Typical, they sound like bullies picking on people who are smaller than them...

By the way, You fit in lovely here amongst the Mingle Community...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 02/07/24 03:02 PM

I just had a really bad time in high school. A struggle every day.

Hugzzzz Cat....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 02/07/24 02:59 PM

Malnutrition of a social life seems to be doing wonders for your sense of maybe travelling the road on your own but it looks like you'll be smiling all the way to the end!:wink: hats off you to friend.

Thank you Michelle, but it would be nice to have someone to smile and laugh with along the way to the (gulp:scream:) end...

Yuk yuk yuk, thinking of the "end" , always leaves a yukky taste in the mouth :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 02/07/24 02:55 PM

Check out a relationship site that does not have Forums. Those are usually successful for People who really want a serious Relationship, not hookups or just dating.

Good afternoons Toodygirl, I'm just here for friends, good conversation and free cake :cake::joy:

And all 3 of them seem to be in short supply here :joy:

Then you should be happy where you are.

They're all (friends, good conversation and free cake) in SHORT supply as in Nil, Nada, Zero and let's throw Niet in there too :joy:

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:09 PM
Bump :yum:

So ummm I'm bumping this thread in case I get the opportunity to interrogate oops I mean chat with someone on about 101 different topics :joy:...

Just to recap the core essence of the conversation...

I'm suffering from malnutrition of a social life :sob:

I thought about joining a book club, but I mostly read work related reference manuals so that was a bit of a bummer :joy:

I'd like to complete the 3 peaks walking challenge, but a little fearful of climbing Ben Nevis, because the weather could change so fast and you'd really need to be with guide or die :joy:

So instead I'm planning for a leisurely stroll up Mount Snowden again, but this time I'll bring a change of clothes :joy: and a torch, in case the heavens open up again or in case it gets dark on downward leg, like it did last time...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 02/06/24 11:30 AM

Too much political talk.

I don't like the politics threads which are about the politicians I like... Otherwise I just read them and carry on browsing, mostly because I don't know anything about politics :joy:

Occasionally I may add some of my mad thoughts to the fray... 🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 02/06/24 11:26 AM

To give a newbie perspective :

Someone has tried to catfish me twice and I've had a user try to sell me nudes.

Im not here for that. I can see why people don't hang around tbh.

It's understandable that newbies don't feel comfortable with all the fakes and scammers...

What I found useful was the help from many of the existing members (you may notice it especially in the New Members Welcome Area) they can spot the fakes and scammers and more experienced member's responses usually inform other members of a fake / scammer... I found it very useful in weeding out the time wasters...

Welcome to Mingle and good luck too....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 02/05/24 01:43 PM

Forums are ok like games, however, I am not into playing games for very long. It is great to be able to come and go on M2. Crowd is pretty much same for Years.:smile:

Yeah I hear you ToodyGirl, I can't say I'm into the games too much either, although when I'm totally bored I may post a response in one here and there, once in a blue moon...

Yes it's nice to be able to throw your thoughts out there on any topic of interest and find what other sane people think about it...

It's nice also to throw a joke in there now and again, and have a laugh, but not take/make it personal...

I couldn't imagine life without a smile or laughing, neither a life without a frown or a tear...

Gosh, I'm feeling very phylosophical lately :joy:🤣

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 02/05/24 01:35 PM
Today, after arriving home, I decided I'd cook today instead of eating processed chit and ready meals...

So after chopping up the mushrooms, I realised there's no chopped tomatoes, so ran of to the corner shop, the owner always spends five minutes catching up with me, so we started our usual chat, about current affairs or the locality...

Today it was current affairs, and he said he's worried about the future, which I translated into the recession that this country (uk) is going through, the boffins that rule the country said that recession was on the way out at approximately 4.6% that was 3 months ago and now it's at a little over 7% (maybe 7.2%)... So I told him that prices are gonna up for everything...

He responded with "War is coming, it's just a matter of time, maybe this year, maybe next year" I was left flabbergasted, how wrong I had been about recession and silly things like that, when something major is about to begin...

So I relayed my fears to him, and how the west has nearly always gone to war close to a big recession, since wars create unrest and worry, and that is great for selling old arms which are outdated... I paid for my goods and bid him goodnight... Now, 4 hours later, I can't get the worry or thought out of my mind that war is coming...

Gosh, it hurts the head to think about it all..

What do you think?

Think about everything that's happening, Israel Hamas, other bordering countries getting involved, Yemen Syria jordan... Iran coast, Ethiopia or wherever the huhtoos and tootsies are, and shipping getting attacked, then tit for tat strikes by USA and uk.... Russia and Ukraine... Kim Jong Un ready to let off his mini arsenal...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 02/05/24 01:12 PM

When you're in a relationship and one wants to break up, and the other doesn't want to agree and commits suicide. Do you think it was your fault that he/she killed himself/herself? why?? I wanna know know your answers..

As many of the other members have stated already, suicide is a touchy topic...

I guess that in a round about way of saying, the person is saying (in an unspoken, between the lines kind of way), that if they cannot be with you, they don't want to be with anyone else?..

Suicide in my religion (Islam) is forbidden, and being a believer, is something I would not contemplate...

Everyone is different and some people are mentally strong and some not so strong...

In my humble opinion (because that's all it is) it is not a good ending because of the collateral damage that it does (as other members stated), can you imagine the damage it could do to young minds (children)?...

Well done you, for raising a topic which is or can be a taboo subject, and bringing other people's minds onto a common occurrence, and a subject which is not easy to talk about, even with compassionate people, let alone the mindless trolls who seek a quick fix to their ego's...

I can tell you the damage it does to a person. The father of my children called me at work one day and told me he just took a bottle of pills because I ruined his life. It wasn't the first he threatened suicide it was the 3rd. Each call was extremely traumatic. This time was different because he said he took pills. He didn't ask me to meet him like he usually did before and he refused to tell me where he was. He hung up where normally he would stay on the phone until i got to him and then he would abuse me. This time was different because it was the first time after I got away from him. I called the police and kept trying to call and text to get a response and luckily he did answer but didn't talk. The police were able to find him in time because he had in fact taken pills. He did not complete suicide but I'm still in therapy 6 years later. I changed my phone number and stopped communicating with him all together. At that point he still had a good relationship with his children (or at least had not abused them physically or verbally) and would talk to them on the phone. Last year I got a call from the school that they had to remove and restrain my oldest son because he had an outburst on the bus. Turns out his dad sent a suicide text around 2am and my son found it at 730am and even though once again it was just a threat my children are now dealing with that trauma in therapy. I changed all numbers and cut communication completely. I have total custody of my kids and if he was to want to change that he would have to do it by getting healthy, stable and get his rights legally. He's not put any effort into that.
He still posts about me on social media. Makes fake dating accounts. Last year he set me up by convincing a man to talk to me and agree to meet then he was going to ambush me. The man (another addict) actually told me and didn't go through with it. So that has completely changed how I meet people. He has damaged my car while I worked. He calls child protective services on me and the police several times. Calls my work...These things just continue but aren't as often. No court order or legal action stops it completely. His kids don't cry for him anymore. They don't ask about him but I know they still love him. We all still pray for him even though it's more likely his addiction is going to take him. Statisticly people who complete suicide have used or are under the influence when they've done it. Which was the case the time he took the pills. Often I think that I've signed his death certificate by cutting ties. I think maybe there is no one else that would call for help if he tried to hurt himself. Sometimes I have horrible thoughts about that situation considering what he continues to do. These thoughts alone are triggering even now. We love and care for him but Ultimately I have to choose the safety and health of myself and my kids. It's more likely his family will get news of his death but we still pray and are hopeful for a better outcome.

Well gosh that's some heavy chit... No matter how strong I think I am mentally, even I would struggle deeply with something like that...

It's always painful to read some of the sad/bad things that happen to people, and I'm sure there are no words that could make you feel better or to stop the triggering...

All too often, things like that, affect others long after the person who is causing the problems has left this world...

I cannot figure out why people do these things, on one side my mind says maybe they were a spoiled, only child.... On the other, it says maybe they went through some trauma in their childhood and that's the cause...

But the truth of the matter is that only God, and the person knows the real reasons...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 02/05/24 12:45 PM

Massive protests across Europe by farmers. An all out assault on agriculture because it is a big problem contributing to climate change!!! Control over land and food supply. Livelihoods of farmers threatened.

Reduced food supply will contribute to worldwide starvation eventually but does that matter to the 1%?

I saw that on the news the other day...

The farmers used their tractors to block the roads...

It's good, they need to stick together and see it through...

Governments are so manipulative, they promise the earth and deliver the opposite in most cases, they font care about the average Joe as long as their salary is secure...

Here in UK the government gave itself a 7% pay rise, but declined to give the doctors and nurses (who risked their lives, and their families lives) by making sure we were all looked after during the covid epidemic...

The government advised that only 3 people could attend a wedding or funeral during the epidemic, while behind closed doors, they partied and broke every rule that they told the public to abide by...

What a bunch of self serving hypocrites they are...

Jaan Doh 's photo
Mon 02/05/24 12:01 PM

This site is not honest with its subscribers. It claims to be a site for people over 50 but the filters only go to age 65 and once I joined, discovered that the site tells me there is NOONE over 65 in all of Mexico, no matter what city I put in the filter. So, basically Mingle 2 is a complete scam, Dont waste your money.

Hiya Susan, welcome to Mingle and good luck....

I'm sorry I can't comment for the site owners, but when I joined Mingle about 100 years ago :joy: it was a super place with lots and lots of genuine nice people, seeking their other half / soulmate, it's changed a little, but the forums are nice and STILL free too,

I did join another site, but it was very expensive, I spent over £100= just on buying messages (so I could reply and chat to prospective cuties) in the end I thought its just a waste because I could spend that money on a date and at least have a face to face meeting...

So yeah it's not all bad here, and a simple question in one of forums "is it worth getting paid membership? “ might have saved you from a lot headache..

Good luck anyway...

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