Community > Posts By > SamaraNJ

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 05:04 PM
Princess by Vera Wang

l'eu de issey by issey miyake

and juicy couture :)

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 04:52 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Mon 08/17/09 04:53 PM

You could be the one answer to all my dreams
Heim FABO and I just want to say hi and I need someone if I can ok so I want to thank youfor saying I might be the one that your looking for ok[/quote.flowerforyou glasses :smile:


SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 10:15 AM
depends on when you say it...

some people just wanna be in love and say it...

if it is genuine.. I appreciate it..

if it seems rushed.. I would back off... and have to 'think about it'...

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:53 AM

What is a bobo?

**sing with me those who know****

bobos'.. they cost a dollar ninety nine
bobos... they make your feet feel fine..

bobo's are no name generic sneakers...

which really the bobo keds are cute...
but a man with white plastic ones that use velcro instead of laces.. is a little bit of a turn off

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:51 AM

If you can't stand the thought of getting your tongue caught on his snaggle teeth.... that is understandable. For me, I look at a man's mouth if I am atracted to him and really really bad teeth can be a total turn off.

My dealbreakers:
Prison record, or are on probation
Religious Christians
MMORPG Freakazoids (more than 4 hours a week)
Dumb, moronic, ignorant or otherwise challenged bigots
People who schedule everything around sporting events

Those are my biggies....

Oh, and I forgot Republicans.

Ditto on the first line...

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:51 AM
and I love it when a man has nice teeth.. I hate my teeth :P
but it would depend on the extent of the battle in there.. :)
can you picture running your tongue over those teeth when you kiss him? I think that would be the answer there...

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:49 AM

and sorry to say, I am not materialistic.. but I cannot date a man who shows up for the date wearing white plastic velcro bobo's....

There are some things you just can't skimp on...

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:43 AM
You could be the one answer to all my dreams

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:37 AM
I can't be in your arms, so keep me in your heart

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:05 AM
I usually delete them after a little bit also.. they hardly ever contact me or answer when I contact them...

SamaraNJ's photo
Mon 08/17/09 08:58 AM
I have met good and bad.. no one I believe more than once tho..

I like when they are mature enough to understand that there is no guarantee we will fall in love that first day.. I have met some good people.. Even if it was to hang out and enjoy the conversation, friends is sometimes just as good :)

I have also met some who are single for obvious reasons, yet, are they single because they are so bitter, or are they so bitter because they are single?

One man was so horrible (cliffnotes version) I left him in the parking lot and called the waiter who assisted us that night to apologize.
Another, barely even spoke to me, but gave me a play by play of every little thing that happened on the sports game on the tv behind me..
the thing is.. they were good looking guys, but it doesn't matter if there are bad attitudes.. good conversation is the key for me..

But some have been awesome.. one guy rented a campsite for a few hours just so we can sit and talk and make hot dogs and marshmallows. :) another gave me a new thoughts on 'the boards' :)

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:11 PM
No Idea, Id have to think about it...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 03:13 PM

I'm stuck on a couple of items from clinique.....but it lasts so long for me they could be out of business and I wouldn't know it....laugh I also like the eyeliner sticks from Avon. Those are cheap though. I'm still shopping around for a good light base/foundation. I will take you guys advice on the mineral stuff. Thanks! Sorry that was off topic!
I'm cool with taking my threads off topicflowerforyou anytime

cool cause Id like to mention that I only use eyeliners that dont need sharpening and right now avon has them on sale
3 for $7!!!!!!!!!!
woo hooooo
just got some medium blue eye liner last night at walgreensflowerforyou 1.99flowerforyou always get the ones that don't need sharpened

Ill check them out.. I get a lot of make up from walgreens.. but havent seen lower priced ones that dont need sharpening..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:27 PM

I'm stuck on a couple of items from clinique.....but it lasts so long for me they could be out of business and I wouldn't know it....laugh I also like the eyeliner sticks from Avon. Those are cheap though. I'm still shopping around for a good light base/foundation. I will take you guys advice on the mineral stuff. Thanks! Sorry that was off topic!
I'm cool with taking my threads off topicflowerforyou anytime

cool cause Id like to mention that I only use eyeliners that dont need sharpening and right now avon has them on sale
3 for $7!!!!!!!!!!

woo hooooo

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:22 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Sun 01/11/09 01:22 PM

college and my sons needs

duh forgot that .. me too, yes, I spend A LOT of money on college.. hence the reason for the new laptop... the programs I need for school dont work on my old slow computer..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:20 PM

Not every dream. But some for sure.

i agree

me too

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:19 PM

Clothes and Makeup
I just plopped $2k for my new Macbook pro
Worth every penny

Speaking of makeup I really do need to invest in some new. I'm rather picky in that area and that stuff is expensive!

Best to get when stuff is on sale or clearance.. and if you go to CVS they have some good brands and not srue if all CVS' do it but they have a makeup program that if you buy makeup and try it and the color is horrible you can get your money back with no problem..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 01:14 PM
Clothes and Makeup
I just plopped $2k for my new Macbook pro
Worth every penny

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 10:04 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Sun 01/11/09 10:05 AM
I think the weight thing goes both weighs :tongue:
I'm not really attracted to men that aren't meaty, although I wont turn them away just because they are skinny...
and Im a meaty girl, men like it or they dont, doesnt bother me.. there will always be someone who does happy it's just preference

it is ridiculous though to not see a movie or talk cause of it..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:58 AM
I have seen good cheap desktops at BJ's for $300 (not including hte monitor and stuff)

love For me.. I just got the Macbook Pro love

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