Community > Posts By > Maliciousmac

Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:58 PM
he better know who he is.... ;)
liked the poem... keep it up


Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:52 PM
I agree.... kids need that kind of stability from their parents.
Especially when it comes from different households. My daughter, for
example, is very well behaved when she comes here. She knows I won't
flinch if I give her a warning because I follow through with the
punishment. However, at her mother's house... *rolls eyes* lol...
there really aren't many rules that she is made to follow. It pains
me... but I cannot change it. I can only hope that while she is here
she learns enough about self respect, honor, and responsibility that it
sticks as she grows older and more aware of her environment.

Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:45 PM
Personally I can't stand myself responding to me... I'm too damn picky
with what I had to say, and I find that I really don't get anywhere
arguing with myself......

Sushi.... umm.. In cue with another string.... I am gonna have to dub
you "VACANT"

Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:36 PM
I tend to be the type to open doors for ladies... they don't need me to,
but they sure like to have it done. Compliments are huge.. if she
changes her hair be sure to say something. Being sensitive can be easy
if you quit playing macho-man. I do have to agree though.... women DO
NOT want a man who cannot step up and be aggressive at times. Most like
to feel safe, secure, protected.... give her those things and she is
likely to respond in a positive mannor...

Just my thoughts


Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:31 PM
Well Truth... that was a long-winded explaination that said very little.
I dub thee "WINDBAG"

Maliciousmac's photo
Sun 11/26/06 02:21 PM
lol... nice
think I'm gonna quit drinking my grandma's tea.....

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/20/06 08:46 PM
I've enjoyed making new friends, albeit strange ones at times... lol.. I
enjoyed the poetry contest, it gave me the opportunity to write again.
And I have met the love of my life through this site. What more can a
site like this offer?

Maliciousmac's photo
Mon 11/20/06 04:26 PM
welcome ;)

Maliciousmac's photo
Thu 11/16/06 08:27 PM
Right one JD!! Superb writing!


Maliciousmac's photo
Thu 11/16/06 08:26 PM
I really enjoyed it. I would actually like to do it often. I'd vote
for one each month.


Maliciousmac's photo
Thu 11/16/06 04:36 PM
So hard to choose a favorite... but you know I think Gladiators was
Great job!

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:43 PM
Well thanks Jimi ;) The whole thing was fun... I haven't written
anything in years. It was nice to flow like that.

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:32 PM
Well done Greeneyedlady ;) Good luck tomorrow, too!

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 06:04 PM
congrats JD! I agree you earned it...
Good luck tomorrow bro!


Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 05:47 PM
Yeah, everyone brought their "A" game.... lol been fun reading

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 05:01 PM
oops... after reading I noticed I left a word out... here is the

A cloud I was, a man I am,
You showed me how to live,
Now I need your hand, Miss ma'am,
For I have something I'd like to give.


Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 04:55 PM
I cast my vote to justdifferent in "Burned By Fire"

Simply fantastic writting!

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 04:17 PM
hmmm.... Joytoy, eh? You one of those weird dudes with butt plugs?
...Anal beads maybe? Wait, I know... you pierced your dick and called
it a hard on.... I bet the ladies just LOVE that...

Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 03:38 PM
Cloud Man

A joyous journey, I'll tell the tale,
The wind beneath my feet,
It blows me over hill and dale,
Yet I remain descrete.

O're mountains high, and rivers low,
I pass from way above,
With changing winds I journey slow,
My shape swirls to a dove.

I know not where I am today,
I know not were I go,
The gusts that push me every day,
Just send me to and fro.

This day I journey from overhead,
You look upon my shape,
I take away your glooming dread,
Your mouth begins to gape.

You've never seen a sight as such,
In all your life before,
Yet I keep drifting, a choice?, not much
The wind just blows me more.

You call to me, I hear your voice,
I gasp and turn around,
And suddenly feel I have the choice,
To land upon the ground.

I fight the force that pushes on,
And gently fall to you,
My shape transforms and lands upon,
A grassy hill in view.

I stand before you, now a man,
You wonder if I'm real,
I take a step, if step I can,
And suddenly I can feel.

A cloud I was, a man I am,
You showed how to live,
Now I need your hand, Miss ma'am,
For I have something I'd like to give.

You open wide, though slow at first,
To take the gift I bring,
You look with glee, your tears do burst,
You proudly wear this ring.

It symbolizes a promise true,
And one you've kept so close,
Of love and happy days anew,
I'll love you always the most.


Maliciousmac's photo
Wed 11/15/06 02:45 PM
My hat goes off to all of you.... so much emotion in these poems.
Judges have thier work cut out ;) Nicely done!