Community > Posts By > heatherrae

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 09:04 AM
i agree, the question was, "is this a specific example of a jewish marriage covenant" that was it. no one was asking for moral opinions on if they think it is right or wrong. it was a question of historical fact, not of morality.

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:55 AM
let me tell u one of my bizarre things baby, i'm the same way. i love love love correcting grammar and playing with words because of the type of educational upbringing i had. here's the thing. i print out what is full of errors. (or write it) i get out my pen and "correct" it. to my own satisfaction. that gets it out of my system, plus its fun. something to keep in mind when u are a language arts lover tho is think of all the great emotions in literature that are brought to us purely with bad grammar. ie dr. seuss, shel silverstein. we can't all be lewis carrolls' keep in mind the emotion and intent behind what someone is trying to say and i think u will find the way in which it is delivered wont irk you quite so much.flowerforyou

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:42 AM
LOL. no ill feelings intended. theres a place for it and then there's a place where such relaxed language is inapppropriate, like at work. but on here there's really no such thing as proper grammar; especially in some of the sillier topics.flowerforyou

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:32 AM
we're fixin ta run yer britches up that thar flag pole!

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:25 AM
apparantly i have a tendency to repeat myself also! LOL LOL

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:16 AM
i actually have a fantastic education for english and literature and latin as well, but there is a diff. in online vernacular especially where our words have to put attitudes across as well as the information we are trying to project with our words. my english when i post on these things is often horrendous but it doesnt mean i'm not well educated and extremely well read. i've got a lot of "redneckisms" on my profile page where there's stuff spelled wrong on purpose!

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:16 AM
i actually have a fantastic education for english and literature and latin as well, but there is a diff. in online vernacular especially where our words have to put attitudes across as well as the information we are trying to project with our words. my english when i post on these things is often horrendous but it doesnt mean i'm not well educated and extremely well read. i've got a lot of "redneckisms" on my profile page where there's stuff spelled wrong on purpose!

heatherrae's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:56 PM
your quite welcome. and yes the info about the king james version is correct. it is one of the most inaccurate versions of scripture out there next to the NIV. the only way to understand scripture is to read direct hebrew to english translation. many words used in the king james and the hebrew the definitions dont even match. the king james version of the bible was published for purely political purposes. remember the time frame we're talking about here. this is when the catholic church ruled most of the civilized world and religion and politics were the same thing. jewish text is the only true scripture. it is pure and unblemished and un"manipulated" by the hands of man, church and politics.

heatherrae's photo
Sun 11/25/07 07:43 PM
ok. i'm a messianic jew so let me inform u of a few facts. jews make covenants not just for marriage or even for "marriage" types of love. that particular pact of giving of each others robe signifies that they are part of each other , like joined in one purpose. it is not the type of contract that two people in an affectionate/sexual relationship would be in. that would be an exchange or gift of jewels and livestock. an exchange of clothing is like a partnership. its like an "ive got your back gesture"

with that being said i support gay marriage being bi myself just to inform u this is not the covenant david had with jonathan. jews take marriage covenants very very seriously and are very specific steps and covenants made when a marriage occurs. and none of these are outlined here.

heatherrae's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:26 PM
ya i have that affect on people. everones tattooing me on their arm. lol

heatherrae's photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:06 PM
hey iam. not half bad. i'm bored outta my mind tho. i gotta make some friends here in fl

heatherrae's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:51 PM
omg. its my most fav. most sexiest best goblin king ever!!!!

you know the goblin king has been secretly in love with me for the longest time.

heatherrae's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:48 PM
HEY!!!! i'm just dropping in for a little bit to say hi to those who know me. i've been offline for like a month so i wanted everyone to know that i am alive and well. jeff and i are workin things out and he will be moving back in with me come christmas.

heatherrae's photo
Fri 11/09/07 11:56 AM
thank u everyone.flowerforyou
i will miss u.
i hope it wont be too long.

bye for now.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

heatherrae's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:58 AM
thanks catch we're really gonna try. he still lives in seattle so its conna be a month or 2 before i even see him. i just hope he makes it for chaunakah

heatherrae's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:51 AM
thank u karma and nerves

heatherrae's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:45 AM
those of u who have been on here long enough know that jeff and i are going through a very rough patch right now, and unfortunately there has been in the last few days a lot of suspicions and finger pointing going on in the form of reading each others emails and accusations being made about me being to flirty and then finding out he's been accusing me only to find he's hiding a couple of innapropriate activities from me and so forth. things like i saw what u posted about me in the forums and what was that implying and all kinds of immature nonsense. so, for the sake of our deciding to try to work things out for not only our own sakes (cus we believe there is something there worth saving)but also the sake of our kids, our sanity, and especially for the sake of builiding trust back, we are both going to be deactivating our profiles for a couple of months, until which point in time we feel that our relationship is solid enough to get back into this community without the fear and suspicions of who's been talking to who and why. i hope that all my friends understand there is nothing they have done wrong and this site is wonderful. and i hope to be back in here posting my fantastical nonsense with in a few months refreshed and renewed and healed.

i love u all very very very very much.:cry: :cry: :cry:

heather rae

heatherrae's photo
Wed 11/07/07 08:21 AM
any and all of the old old 3d0 games. might and magic series, krondor, all that stuff.

for ps2 the everquest games.

heatherrae's photo
Tue 11/06/07 10:16 AM
The old 3do m&m games and ps2 everquest and norath games

heatherrae's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:16 PM
Nope dont pump milk just to do meds or anything i didnt take so much as an asprin in labor its all about keeping baby healthy and as wonderful as a hot tub sounds im not gettin in one w my girl ickies lol and sex lol that requires a man

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