Community > Posts By > krupa

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 12:59 PM
I would change nothing.

All my failures and bad decisions.....accidentally led me to real happiness.

It sucked and was a long hard road.

All my stupidity lead me to the woman who loves me.

I am so life was full of failures.

Cause I accidentally got it right.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 12:48 PM
A woman would think so.

If it makes you skirts feel like you got a grip on things....good for you.

From my perspective as an unmarried man....I find it laughable.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 12:26 PM

all women are slutty so I have no opinion

Good luck are gonna need it.

Let me know if insulting EVERY woman scores you some leg....I may have to change my approach.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 12:21 PM

all women are slutty so I have no opinion
you came here to sneer or join with the Crowd?

I came here to be painfully honest.

Otherwise known as oral birth control.

Honesty is great...but it should only be whipped out for special occasions.

Like declaring true love.

Sometimes honesty is a sure fire way to ensure that you never get laid.

Honesty has its does tact and diplomacy.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 12:10 PM
No want her to come to you slowly.

That gives you time to grow to love one another based on a growing compatibility and love.

If she just runs to your door without loving you for the man that you might as well just get a dog.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:34 AM
Allow me to point out the obvious.....

The original topic is a dissertation by a woman giving her perspective of what it means to be an unmarried man.

No offence....if any one needs to discuss unmarried should talk to unmarried men....not to some woman who wrote an article....cause she is less than clueless.

Just like if you want to discuss women should probably talk to women.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:20 AM
Call me a pansie....but after a horrible experience with a fifth of tequila at an Iron Maiden concert...

Tequila is just a nasty mental tattoo.

Ps....the hot sauce is irrelevant after adding tomato to beer...the damage is done.

BAD 1J!!!!!


krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:13 AM
Higher ground.

It ain't just a song.

It is where people need to walk to when it is flooding.

I pray that they walk to higher ground.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 11:05 AM
My first dog was a Texas chihuahua named Brutus.....I put him down at human years.

He never mixed tomato juice with beer.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 10:00 AM

ya, snacks. and what about drinks?
Lol. How did I miss that last night. I wasn't drinking last night. Well not much anyway. I believe I had two beers in as many hours, diluted with tomato juice, hot sauce, and lime juice. I guess I failed to mention I had to be up early this morning.

You answered your own question....

You screwed up a perfectly good beer with tomato juice.

If I did that...I would kick my own @$$.


1 point has been deducted from your "man card"

Don't let it happen again or we will be forced to let loose a pack of Chihuahuas to tear you limb from limb.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 05:00 AM
I am younger than my what?

We care for each other. We love each other. We compromise for each other.

Money or possessions got zero to do with it...we are usually broker than the 10 commandments.

We relate to each other and genuinely value each other.

That is what sets us apart.

There is no "me".....there is only "we".

Until you get to that point....ya got no shot at a lasting friendship/relationship.

krupa's photo
Sat 06/22/13 04:46 AM
Trust is very much like respect.

It is earned everyday.

No one just automatically deserves trust or respect.

Ain't none of us are that special.

You can say "trust me" all day long....But everyone knows that talk is cheap.

Earn what you ain't just handed out on a silver platter.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 11:03 AM
Virgins are like puppies ....

Yeah...they are cute but.... they got no idea what they are doing.

They ain't so cute after the hundredth time of telling them not to pee when they are excited.

Virgins have nothing to offer ...they only need....guidance and advice....which they totally screw up when poorly humping someone else.

Keep your virgins....sell them to the schmucks who want someone who has no idea what to do in bed.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 09:52 AM

I am not a 12 stepper but I do not drink, smoke, or do drugs. I am not a good drinker, I have diminished lung capacity and can't breathe around smoke, and I never did do drugs.

I have the WORST time finding guys to date or even be friends with for that matter that do not drink, smoke or do drugs.

Any suggestions?? And please don't say church.

Stop dating

Next question

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 08:56 AM

Hey now Krupa if it was the right one then give me a ice cold beer and start driving lmao....:thumbsup: :laughing: :laughing:



krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 08:11 AM
An honourable woman would never answer a question comparing looks and muscles.

Least of all to everyone on the internet.

You ask a loaded question.

Please describe....honourable.

Cause in ain't the same.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 08:02 AM
If by "women"

You mean "anyone want to get stuck in a mud pit somewhere outside of Mobile...then drink a beer"?

I am gonna go with "no"

Try taking them to dinner and a nice walk. That is a good start....having them try to jamb branches under your tires to get out of a bog should be a little later in the relationship.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:53 AM
Why Mingle?

Cause it works.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:47 AM
Well said brother.

Don't have a good day.

MAKE it a good day.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:41 AM
Thanks Ese.

You are a good man my swarthy little friend.

I miss all my Texas people fiercely....

But....I am as happy as a man can be.