Community > Posts By > krupa

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:36 AM
Edited by krupa on Fri 06/21/13 07:38 AM

I agree he should get two parties. smokin drinks

My man!

Word up.

I agree.

krupa's photo
Fri 06/21/13 07:32 AM
Thanks kids.

Y'all are good people....

I especially want to thank the woman who has made my life complete.

The woman who loves me every day.

The woman who makes me want to be a good man and EARN my love.

....not my dog.

I love my girl.

Soufies love is the greatest gift any man could be blessed with.

This is the very best birthday.


krupa's photo
Thu 06/20/13 07:12 PM

A bevy of hot woman flesh wishing me birthday joy.

Y'all made my day!

You chicks rawk! !!!

Now.... take off your tops and makes birthday wishes more powerful.



krupa's photo
Wed 06/19/13 10:44 AM
Yes..he is fetching in his sparkleing silver lame' skirt.

Even Elton John and Liberace wouldn't wear it.

His chest is waxed....

You can't deny it.

krupa's photo
Wed 06/19/13 07:50 AM
That is the gayest Poseidon I have ever seen.


Back on topic.....I gotta go with a dragon God on crack.

krupa's photo
Wed 06/19/13 07:43 AM
I donno...

One person's deluded and another person's self confidence. worked for me.

I am as mouthy and conceited as they come. Yet I found the love of my life right here.

I guess my point is diversity gives us options beyond "plain"

So Shellie....just ignore the ones that obviously you don't like....and focus on the rest of the fine gentlemen here.

There are plenty of good folks here...just like there are plenty of douches. (That's French)


krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 11:06 AM
I vote for young horny lesbians.


krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 11:00 AM
Got no idea what this post is about brother.

If you ain't willing to discuss your point...

Don't expect me to click on another random link.

At least give us a heads up on the subject.

Thank you.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 10:51 AM

Someone got their asskicked *** kicked for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sucks. ain't the first time.

And it ain't the last time .

What I take from this story....don't be in some hood rat infested ghetto.

If you gotta be there....take a gun and just start shooting.

They will back up.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 10:39 AM
Cause he ain't got a job.

Women will support won't.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:57 AM

It's very important, with me. I'm a very cuddly type, so that gesture alone (me hugging him) would probably be obvious enough. Or so I reckon laugh. It was hard to know how to be, when I was with this one guy who had an urge to sleep with others while with me. I thought I wasn't showing enough love maybe, only for him to reveal it was what came with his Bipolar. I just knew something wasn't adding up. As he lacked empathy while in the hyper-sexual mood. You can't always reason with a bipolar lover, but it depends on whether you can live with them constantly leaving you and returning. Or just get a new lover who won't be so confusing. It's not that I was blaming him, I'm just not the type to take the same guy back, again and again. Will not do that. I chose not to. It was dragging me down with it. Most other lovers I had, were pretty affectionate, and respect. Luckily. :thumbsup:

Last I heard...You hated this place and were disgusted that you were still here...I guess you got over it?

I guess you weren't actually that upset on your previous post.
If that is true...You owe some people an explanation.

Start with me.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:42 AM
It is so nice...I gotta say it twice.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:39 AM
I can pull a bow with my penis.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:39 AM
I can pull a bow with my penis.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:34 AM
Thank you Mr. Journey.

Hope life ain't giving you the finger sir.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:27 AM
I was actually replying about all those idiot English and European and African and south American tears who think a game of soccer is worth a riot...a fight....Or ever eveR wasting my time about.

They go shower together.


krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:20 AM

Watching far too many movies and tv shows for your own good. That crap might happen in LAWLESS USA but it does not happen in Europe..fantasy island that deserves no response to what should happen.
Not in Europe,hmm?rofl
Look no farther than the UK,since the Gunban!:laughing:

How does that explain all the riots with hordes throwing crap at the police in riot gear?

At least in America ...we shoot go Palestinian on them.

Rocks and bottles.

Save your holier than thou crap for someone else.

That was for Sylvantino

You got no room to talk
laugh :thumbsup:

What are you going on about?

When you say "All the riots", do you mean that **** that happened in London about two years ago, or whenever it was, or are you talking about something else?

Yeah, great idea though. Just give the cops guns and tell them to shoot anyone that riots or demonstrates. That's what they do in China and that's how you run any repressive regime.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:19 AM

Watching far too many movies and tv shows for your own good. That crap might happen in LAWLESS USA but it does not happen in Europe..fantasy island that deserves no response to what should happen.
Not in Europe,hmm?rofl
Look no farther than the UK,since the Gunban!:laughing:

How does that explain all the riots with hordes throwing crap at the police in riot gear?

At least in America ...we shoot go Palestinian on them.

Rocks and bottles.

Save your holier than thou crap for someone else.

That was for Sylvantino

You got no room to talk
laugh :thumbsup:

What are you going on about?

When you say "All the riots", do you mean that **** that happened in London about two years ago, or whenever it was, or are you talking about something else?

Yeah, great idea though. Just give the cops guns and tell them to shoot anyone that riots or demonstrates. That's what they do in China and that's how you run any repressive regime.

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:10 AM

krupa in love! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

You better believe it man!


I talked to a young fella on my graveyard crew....he was asking about relations with women..

That was the advise I gave him....and Mingle works....and don't be a man whore/slut.

He smiled and laughed....

krupa's photo
Tue 05/21/13 08:59 AM
Edited by krupa on Tue 05/21/13 09:01 AM
A lot of people are confused with the whole internet dating scene ....and how to deal with an actual person in front of them.

Take my word for it.

Make them smile...make them laugh.

A woman/man will like you more if you make them smile or laugh.

Dating and being in love should be happy. It should be something y'all wanna do.

You want to smile and laugh with the person who wants to love you.

Try to remember that a good, easy, laughing smile will make it way farther than any religious,political,or social debate.....debating will never bring a lover closer.

Smiling and laughing will.

(Sorry...political and religious people...No offence....I ain't wrong)

My point is....If you want a good life....offer/give the best life you can give to the soul you love.

That is all.....