Community > Posts By > FreeToB

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:45 AM

Honestly, I think they are trying to be cute, hip, with it, whatever the hell the "term" is now... which shows their ignorance. whoa

...or maybe they're just bi^^hes and pimps. Or even they made a decision on a name that would keep conservative old codgers from messaging them.

I think using ones own real name is quite a bit more ignorant actually.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:40 AM

So what are you saying?

I shouldnt change my name to "luv2dropnroll"..heehee?

Only if you have exceptionally bad luck with fire.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:38 AM

I agree totally. If someone uses those terms as part of a self-description, that's MORE than I need for me to rationalize staying away from that person. They're definitely NOT trying to appeal to someone like me.

But then I also have a tendency to be skeptical about people who put adjectives in their screen names -- "sexy" is subjective, "hot" is subjective, just because it's in the name doesn't make it a universal truth.

And people who define themselves through their screen names as nothing more than an adjunct to another person are another group I have some issues with. They're basically telling me that they didn't exist at all as separate entities prior to meeting that other person.

I agree with you in part. I've never seen anyone here whose name began with "sexy" or some other word that implies beauty, wealth, fame, etc...that was. lol My dad told me a long time ago "Never buy a car from a guy named 'Honest' anything or play cards with a guy named 'Ace'". He was a smart guy.

But I'm not so sure that people "define themselves" by any name that they happen to use on here or other sites. Except for like "Airborne", "Marine"... or some other experience-won accolade. But most of those guys are young and its the only recognizable persona that they have. If a couples on here, I see nothing wrong with using them in their name. Hell, I tried 100 names on here and finally just took what I could get.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:29 AM

the appeal of having a word like pimp or b!tch as part of a screen name? If I see b!tch as part of a woman's screen name she automatically gets slotted into the "no way" category. What do other men think? Ladies, how to you react to a male screen name with negative connotations?

Now I just have to see if someone's screename refers to a mythical sunken continent and someone who claims to be from this location, what does that make other users feel like....

Atlanteans unite against the oppressive solid grounders!!!

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:26 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 04/04/09 10:27 AM
I'm not looking for a b!!ch, for sure. Some sub girls that I've known like that kind of thing. To be called names, to be demeaned and even humiliated...but none by just anyone.

I'd be curious as to one's self confidence and even worth that included deragotory names in their profiles. But each his/her own.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:52 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Fri 04/03/09 12:53 PM

I've worked in the pet industry for many, many years & know that a lot of people will spend more money on their pets than they will their kids...go figure, huh?

But don't ever tell a cat-keeping guy that it's a woman's pet...or vice versa...cuz you won't like the answers! :laughing:

Right now, I'm running a pet grooming shop for my client/friend in for back surgery. People think NOTHING of 35-75 bucks to cut and bathe a damn dog. Last week, one came in here wearing a hat though. It's funny as hell to me, the way people treat dogs in particular. Just TRY putting a cat into a little suit! See you in ICU.

*snicker* I had a pet grooming shop in Orlando...was even fortunate enough to garner the Walt Disney World & the Universal Studios accounts... I have bathed/groomed everything from an Irish Wolfhound all the way down to a guinea pig! laugh It's a pity that some children are starving...while Fifi the Poodle gets a full-blown massage & manicure!

Actually I just wrote the software for him in 92 that manages the shop, pays the groomers, etc. And I built the network here as well as the recirculation/filterig dip system, the vacuum system...on and on. So he thinks that I'm the only one that CAN do it. I know very little about dogs and if it were not for the software that tracks every single time a client/pet has been in here and what pattern, length, type feet, face, ears, etc....I wouldn't be able to do this. Quite a humbling experience though.

It is funny to see even the biggest redneck guys getting their dogs and saying "oooohh widdle babyyyyyyyy. cooochy cooh! You sooo pretty!" lol

I am outta here. Nice day all.

Oh, but I DO love dogs. Going now to give away a registered, fixed female dachsund puppy to a GOOD home. (later)

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:19 PM

I've worked in the pet industry for many, many years & know that a lot of people will spend more money on their pets than they will their kids...go figure, huh?

But don't ever tell a cat-keeping guy that it's a woman's pet...or vice versa...cuz you won't like the answers! :laughing:

Right now, I'm running a pet grooming shop for my client/friend in for back surgery. People think NOTHING of 35-75 bucks to cut and bathe a damn dog. Last week, one came in here wearing a hat though. It's funny as hell to me, the way people treat dogs in particular. Just TRY putting a cat into a little suit! See you in ICU.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:14 PM
Because dogs are like men like them to be, all "Seig Heil", "Yes Master"! and cats are like "I KNOW you're not talkin' to me!" "Now pet me!!..until I tire of it"

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 10:00 AM

laugh laugh laugh

I posted it :tongue:

See now... I wasn't going to say. Now you're going to have to post it again. Silly!!!

Crap! grumble laugh

por favor, señor *I googled, just so u know, throw me a bone for effort* shades

Ok just for 5 minutes blushing

I would never confess to only throwing one a bone for five lousy minutes. lol

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 09:57 AM

:heart: How long has it been since you’ve received a love letter?:heart:

February 14th, 1986

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/03/09 09:20 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Fri 04/03/09 09:21 AM


Las mujeres hermosas de este lugar

Y sus halagos hacia mi persona bigsmile

Dang it!! Where did I put that Spanish/English dictionary???frustrated


IDK but if you find it translate for me!

Looks like "The beautiful women who compliment me personally" (or in person?)

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:21 AM

:smile: i can't go a day without talking to myself,it's the only time i can have an intelligent conversation be seeing you

Isnt talking to urself the first sign of madness?

Not that I am sticking up here, but its answering yourself that is the madness. LMAO

Yeah, I think as long as you know that it's you, and not the other person living in your body (or right behind your back all the time...JUST out of view), you're OK.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:12 AM

Don't get sucked into the Autism Speaks hype!

You can go to to find out the truth about this deplorable organization.

If you are so inclined to help spread the word of the Autistic Rights Movement/Neurodiversity Movement, send me a message and I'll give you a link to a nice little leaflet.

Neurodiversity. Isn't that changing your mind? lol

I was watching a friends kids a while back and one is austistic. I wasn't sure when their bedtime was so I asked him. No answer. Asked answer. Finally I said "Scott! What time do you go to bed?". He says "Nighttime!!!". lol So I shut up.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 07:00 AM

a cousin of a really dear friend.......i practically drooled every time i saw him.......we were bible study and sunday school i got to see him 6 days a week.....and he ALMOST becamee my date for my junior prom......drool


FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:56 AM
Yep. First girl I ever kissed and who I spent 14 years of my life with many years later.

Those first crushes, like everything else, never turn out as you envision.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:53 AM

flowerforyou My son flowerforyou

(and you) :wink: laugh
Is there anyone you don't flirt with? laugh laugh laugh

Me! laugh

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:48 AM

Sorry to hear about your parrot. Mine got out once, he was out of his cage and I just simply forgot and opened the door, I was lucky and he hung around the place for two days in nearby trees. My ex climbed a big tree and he eventually walked to her and I got him back, I was lucky. If you see him or hear him around, keep calling his name, put his cage out where he can see it also, may help for him to have something familiar to fly back to.

Hope he comes backflowerforyou

always good to clip their wings, although i'm bad about not keeping mines clipped, he enjoys flying around the house following me

Always good to not let them BITE YOUR FRIENDS IN THE NECK TOO!!!
Damn bird FINALLY flew onto my shoulder, I thought to make friends...but he was just taste testing my carotid artery.

I can picture Deb climbing a tree to get him and Sarge going "ha ha!". lol

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:45 AM

Sorry to hear abut your bird.

My friend Linda had a parrot for years and brought him to an apartment that I had on the 9th floor over my office. She asked me if she could let him out. I said "Sure but let me close the doors to the balcony". She says "He won't fly away", and opened the cage before I could slide the doors shut. OK, if anyone sees a green parrot who answers to the name Tweety, let me know.

I always picture him vacationing in the rain forest.

FreeToB's photo
Thu 04/02/09 06:29 AM
Damn! Theres not one person that I can think of here or HERE that I can't go without talking to for....forever. I like to hear from my friend sharpshooter but we've been friends 35 years and him and his brother are the last surviving old friends that I have. (people that knew me when I had (long) If I go a month or so without hearing from them, I may call. I may not.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 04/01/09 03:37 PM


You are lots prettier than michelle !

I totally agree. But you gotta admit, that Michelle has a great smile!