Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Tue 06/15/21 01:34 AM
you work at a job for years. then comes a no one and gets promoted. that is why they hate Trump so much.

Joe been in politics for generations

Trump few years

all jealousy kind of laugh when you think about it

no photo
Tue 06/15/21 01:29 AM
Democrats heated Trump when he got elected. for example Google Trump and Craigslist. a party was paying people to organize marches against Trump. paying them 15 an hour. it was all over the net back then. yet the media says nothing. that is when I started to hate the dems for their lies. I look for facts that happened. the democrats are to jealous. here comes a Noone ever in politics and wins. that is why they hate Trump. can't get over it.

no photo
Tue 06/15/21 01:16 AM
see that is the big problem right there. I don't have time so I turn on to my new channel and read the newspaper. 90 percent is biased depend who you listen too. that is why look at several news sites not just one.

no photo
Tue 06/15/21 01:10 AM
so no proof. and people can change.

but I see what democrats are doing giving free money to other countries.not paying own debt.

and it was Obama term he let Russia build a base in Syria.

no photo
Mon 06/14/21 07:32 PM
I believe Palestinians get lots of money. we gave money to Africa for years. people are still poor. so where does the money go to. weapons how come they have so many. people give them money. it's like here you go I close my eyes and do with it whatever. the majority whatever is weapons. so I don't feel soory for them. in school they teach the kids hate.

no photo
Mon 06/14/21 03:38 AM
sorry typing on my cell. so it's different

no photo
Mon 06/14/21 03:37 AM
okay let's do history. I don't live in the states. so I never met him or seen him Trump on the news. can someone clarify trumps past greenness. and what changed since the election. just asking ty.

no photo
Mon 06/14/21 03:31 AM
when someone says death to America democrats reward them. that's really outperforming Trump. lol

no photo
Mon 06/14/21 03:25 AM
lol so funny.. I been laughing for 4 months on everything he touches. yet the media covers it all up.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 11:53 PM
Texas is going to pay out of its own pocket to finish the wall. meanwhile democrats are doing everything then can to stop them building it. so of course the failure is covered
up by the media.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 10:44 PM
He's already outperformed Trump in nearly every category, particularly on Covid.

lol you don't read through news do you so funny.

it's the company's that sell their product and a major pharmacy company like pys er got connections. it says that on their web site. start reading the news.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 10:40 PM
He's already outperformed Trump in nearly every category, particularly on Covid.

when. it is the company themselves that did it. Joe does nothing.

look on phy ser web site and read.

they had it all set up long before.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 08:51 PM
Democrats lol they have no idea what they are doing. that funny

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:35 PM
the people are controlled by the media. and only a few control the media. so whatever 10 people says is next president.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:33 PM
your forgetting one thing. democrats are wrecking the United States. let's give free money out yo other countries that chant death to America makes sense. so debt ceiling goes higher and higher. and America gives out free money. so in the real world what is going to happen when you can't pay off your debt. not looking good. Trump cared for America. democrats care more about other countries before America. and the media depends who yo listen too. prob some media is talking about Trump again tying his shoes wrong sad. and the people are very gullible bot knowing what's going on.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:24 PM
what again. I was warning people even before the democrats got in. and said I be laughing. well

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:21 PM
I agree. one more thing I say. where is the outcry of the churches and the pope. nothing they had years to say something yet nothing. why is that

when christ returns. that will be called the rapture. and for 7 years will be the tribulation. then at the end you see Christ siting by God

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:14 PM
Not Israel but the Israeli will be destroyed when Christ returns!
Christ spoke against them and not he but Yehuda (a yougster of 32) is their messiah.

I agree. one more thing I say. where is the outcry of the churches and the pope. nothing they had years to say something yet nothing. why is that

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 05:08 PM
Death to Israel. Death to America. Sounds like what terrorists would chant.
I'd bet, the Israelites would not retaliate if the terrorists would quit bombing them.

I once thought united stares was so religious. funny I do not se it at all.

where is the churches cry out. where is the pope correcting issues.

now I see why the Christian Bible says few shall be saved.

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