SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Fri 02/06/09 10:03 AM
its out there it just takes forever to find

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Wed 02/04/09 09:03 AM

yo this guy is great you all aught to show your suport to a guy that can probly in my opinion change the face of music today so please please vote

I dunno bout all that hun LOL but he rocks

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:51 AM
I know you guys are busy durning the day but i need a big really easy favor see kyle jennings wants to go on tour w little big town BUT he has to be voted on soooo if you have a second can u go to and vote for kyle? he's #35 just click join and its counted its easy i hope he wins hes so cool he's friends with my momma =P

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:31 AM
OMG i'm soooo excited! my sister just showed up and informed me she left her boyfriend FINALLY!!! all he did was sit on his butt and play call of duty i hated him for it but she's finally fed up bigsmile im sooo proud of her

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:24 AM

She does not sound like the type of girl who is going to allow that best friend situation to continue after they are married. After she gets that ring she most likely is going to insist that he not see you anymore, so your time with him is probably coming to an end anyway. I wouldn't attend the wedding either and given the way you feel about them both, I would start backing away from the situation, 'cause I don't see it ending well if you attempt to remain 'best friends'

he wouldnt allow that hes already made that clear to her

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:21 AM

People get mad at me because I'm in-your-face honest, but this is a perfect example of needing to do exactly that, especially if you're a good friend. I would expect nothing less than the honest truth. If that person is a true friend, they will appreciate the honesty instead of chastising you for it. If the latter happens, well, then you know the answer to that, too.

I've TOLD him the honest truth he wasn't angry or anything he informed me that he loved me (which is something he tells me every day) but he's marrying her no matter what i think or feel

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:13 AM
Nothing sucks more then realizing too late that four years ago you fell for the guy who was only supposed to be your best friend...except the fact that he plans to marry a girl that's a lot younger, treats him like crap and is a whiner and to top it all off you have to find a way to tell him that you just cannot go to the wedding (nothing is in the way of it it would just hurt more than the slowest most painful death) UGH!! not the greatest situation =( he deserves to be happy and that's what i keep telling myself but it's never long before she's screaming at him for one thing or another she can't see how much she really has and what a lucky girl she is's not so hard for me to see =( He's always been my everything because for the longest time I really had no one and I can't manage to drag myself to his wedding This has got to be the biggest example of letting your very best friend down but at the same time i don't want to watch...knowing what he's getting into because that would hurt terribly for a long time UGH dang =(

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:14 PM
definitely not my fave holiday

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 01/29/09 11:12 AM

What happens when you're eighteen, full of drugs and despair?
Absolutely nothing!
Your heart will still beat, though icy and black, self-hatred grows thicker.
To cover it up you'll fall “in love” maybe a wedding will follow
Only because you've managed in your pathetic groping for minutes of happiness-
To give life to another
Maybe the child will smother the sense of failure.
After all, It will love you always...right?
That child has come, A beautiful little girl
Finally! Joy but not for long
That man you married, he's still a drug-head and a violent drunk.
Now what?
Gather your things and run
Maybe this time true love waits.
Silently, anger simmers such young stupidity
Eventually you'll take it all out on her.
Horrible names and threats will pour like rain
You hate her!
Oh happiness was yours to be had, If only she was never born.
Years tick away, everything beautiful you were too blind to see Turns to dust
It's no longer recognizable
All hope has been washed away, like footprints in the sand
Desperation is your only companion
Finally you'll drum up a stupid plan
Tell them you'll kill yourself
Scare your oldest to death
The one you treat like a stranger
A mistake of your youth
Often times the sole bearer of your self-hate
She prays for you each and every night
Chances are you won't care
You'll be to busy hoping to throw it all away

Dedicated to my mother, despite the hell I went through at times she still means the world to me I just wish she'd change

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:21 AM
eh well everybody needs at least one fan i suppose =P

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:35 AM
i checked out your profile and noticed nascar in your interests sooo who's your driver? mines JR

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 01/27/09 05:55 AM
LOL wow

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:59 AM
Of course I'll always stand beside you
Where else is there to stand?
You found me running in circles in the dark
Hitting wall after wall after wall
Where is the damn door?
The warmth and light I long for?
At the most unexpected time
The tiniest sliver of light appeared
In the silence came the fainest creek
The door! It was there!
Light spilled into the dismal little world
Revealing at last the hope of better tomorrows
More darkness lay ahead, cold empty rooms
But you took my hand
You lead the way
The very last door
All of this will be left behind
Steady steps carried us further from that lonely nightmare
Hopelessness died on the front porch
Never again to be revived
This time it's my turn
Fear is the haunt, not loneliness
Give me your hand
It'll be all right
I know the way out

A dedication to my very best friend Adam because without him I'd be lost

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sun 01/18/09 05:31 PM
howdy sandman welcome

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 01/17/09 04:06 PM
welcome back

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 01/15/09 06:51 PM
For the first​ time in a long time I'm compl​etely​ at a loss for the right​ words​.​ Which​ is odd becau​se since​ the age of 9 I've been putti​ng even the deepe​st fears​ into words​,​ This time there​ is no poetr​y for this.​ Most of you know faith​ is not somet​hing I have a whole​ lot of, recen​tly that has start​ed to chang​e becau​se somet​imes there​'​s nothi​ng else to hang on to. Once again​ that faith​ is dying​,​ anger​ is sort of there​ now becau​se a very good frien​d of mine has been at the hospi​tal with a famil​y membe​r,​ He has done more for me than a lot of peopl​e and he has for quite​ awhil​e now. One of the great​est gifts​ I could​'​ve ever been given​ was his frien​dship​,​ A LOT of my stren​gth and coura​ge came from him why? becau​se over and over peopl​e screw​ him over they walk out witho​ut a secon​d thoug​ht and way too many are ungra​teful​ for his servi​ce to this count​ry it makes​ me mad but this post isn'​t about​ that right​ now I'm askin​g every​ singl​e one of you to say just a littl​e praye​r for him and his momma​.​ Just for a secon​d stop worry​ing about​ your own probl​ems!​ This tears​ me apart​.​ After​ all he's given​ me I canno​t rescu​e him from all of this **** I've never​ under​stood​ why such bad thing​s happe​n to such amazi​ng peopl​e =( Witho​ut him I have no idea where​ I'd be right​ now. He's the world​ to me just as Adam is

Will if you happe​n upon this,​ I'm sorry​ I can'​t do more hun. I'd give anyth​ing to be there​ with you and if not for this damn chair​ I would​ be. Hang in there​ it'​ll be okay you alrea​dy know you'​re in my thoug​hts and praye​rs. I hope you're not mad at me for this post just wanted you to know you're not as alone as you might feel

I love matter what happens please don't forget that

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 01/15/09 04:19 PM
LOL right on that's the best part of exs i love watching clueless chicks get stuck with mine it lasts a week and they run but i love sittin' there thinkin LMAO you have nooo clue what you're doin but enjoy!

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 01/13/09 04:17 PM
Four long years you've been right there,
Sunshine in even the darkest sky.
A life-raft in the chaos,
Those times you stumbled I held your hand
When anger burns something dumb is always said
Now as this awful day draws nearer
Comic relief is not found
For we both know what lurks around the corner
A lump rises, all the words are trapped in side
Tears are collecting
A voice begins to tremble
Oh's mine!
God please give me strength
Don't let him hear these cries
Too late for that
Shallow inhale
These words must be said
“Don't worry it'll be alright”
Oh if only he could stay...
Why do the mountains of Afghanistan await?
Every second will be eternity
The nights will be too long
One day at a time
It will be okay
I love you
Be safe
Come home soon

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:09 PM

So today I heard from my cousin we haven't really talked all that much because i'm terrified of any and all Marines but on occasion I'll get brave and message him (its easier without the picture of him in his uniform he finally changed it YAY) and when he answered me I found out he was promoted to private first class he was excited so i got excited and i'm really proud of him bigsmile

Tell Him Congrats.

BTW....I'm a former Marine.

oh ok

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:03 PM
Edited by SmurfyPoet292721 on Sun 01/11/09 12:21 PM
So today I heard from my cousin we haven't really talked all that much because i'm terrified of any and all Marines but on occasion I'll get brave and message him (its easier without the picture of him in his uniform he finally changed it YAY) and when he answered me I found out he was promoted to private first class he was excited so i got excited and i'm really proud of him bigsmile

Hopefully none of you who are Marines take offense to that I don't have a problem with yall or anything its just the whole bad ass thing i think. It's not hard to intimidate me but i'm workin' on it =)

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