SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:17 AM
Edited by SmurfyPoet292721 on Sun 12/07/08 08:20 AM
Stiff muscles ache
Tiny stretches hurt
Push through them! Work harder!
Determination stirs inside, frustration isn't far behind
Ignore it! Go further!
Tears run in rivers
How easy it would be to quit
Don't do it!
Nothing but emptiness will follow
A nursing home would be the final destination
No wedding bells or children's' laughter
The sound of attending nurses will be the usual din
Not a rosy picture, sadly it could be a new life.
Brought on by frustration, giving in to the pain
Regret will be haunting
Staring out the window at a perfectly manicured lawn
You'll wonder not what to wear to work tomorrow
But when the family is coming
And when they're old and gray
Who will be left? No one
Long long ago the screaming choir of aching limbs begged to sleep again
The wicked song won
Staring down at now useless bowed legs
You'll wonder...
What have I done?

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 12/06/08 04:09 PM
last year my dad decided he'd never go back to my mom after she cheated on him for 7 years i couldn't be happier to be without her...not exactly worlds greatest mom material we all thanked him bigsmile

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 12/06/08 02:14 PM
hiya welcome to the site have fun

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:14 PM
He's just a plain fuzzy brown bear
Two beady little unseeing black eyes sewn into an expressionless face
At Twenty-two some think it odd for him to be there at all
Even so she holds him tight willing away the gripping fear
A lumped throat will not be ignored though, soon tears descend
Now it's all too much to hide, with no one awake to hear
She finally just broke down and cried

Lord I do not know if I believe,
Many years ago it seemed you abandoned me.
But then came my very dearest friend
He held my hand and together we found the light
Happiness slaughtered all the dark days of the past.
Our friendship is one we have both been looking for
That's why you've received this prayer tonight.
See, there is a terrible war and he was called to go
Not yet, but very soon
You're a very busy man I know, and my faith has kind of died
On nights like tonight though you're all I have
I do not want him to hear me cry and something tells me you don't mind
Though it's hard father I'm trying to be brave
If I give faith another shot will you walk beside him everyday?
I need him to come home safe

With finally no more tears left to cry
She drifts off to sleep holding him tight
Just a little brown bear?
No he's much more,
That fuzzy inanimate creature
Will be the only link to him
Until the day he walks out of that terrible war

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 05:12 PM
wellll i did

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:44 PM
awwww that was sad but good...made me cry =(

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 03:42 PM

Ummm......why didn't you just buy one for yourself?

Because I wasn't thinking of me. Only now I am.
Pretend you bought them for both of youbigsmile

LOL mom you friggin amaze me =P

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:57 PM

you ought to know that there lil darlin

i do know that...i know almost everything =P

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:52 PM

im at work,, so i wont answer real fast,, and tonight i have school,, so i wont be on until after 11 more than likely,, and that wont be for long,, i stay busy,, but i still think bout ya lil sis

YAYYYYY I'm still loved =D

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:32 PM

congrats speedy,,,,

Well ya are on lol i never know when you are anymore bro

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 12/04/08 12:28 PM
I told yall the other day I was gonna be startin PT back up with my dad it's been like 3 days and already tiny improvements are being made =) yesterday I went to stand up and instead of it being a bunch of little slow movements it was one smooth motion that was exciting and its getting easier to use my arms especially the left one it had hardly no use in it at all let alone range but today i realized instead of taking 20 minutes to get down the hall it only took 10 =D wonder where i'll be 6 months from now?!? there's only one way to find out. My best friend is just as excited as i am which makes it feel 1000 times more awesome because i know he's proud of me (the goal is to at least be standing better by the time hes done in Iraq if not walking at least a tiny bit) We've been through a lot together and I tell ya he's wise beyond his 19 almost 20 years he taught me how to use my fear constructively It helps me focus and work harder. I thought he was nuts when he first told me that LOL It's been frustrating at times because i know it'll be a long hard painful sucky road but hey nothing worth having or doing comes easily right? okey dokey i'm done just thought some of you might've been wondering how it's goin so far

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 06:28 PM
and here i thought i was a little weird...nope i'm normal :laughing:

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 06:12 PM
Edited by SmurfyPoet292721 on Tue 12/02/08 06:12 PM
sorry guys I need to vent one of only 2 best friends informed me today that he made it to Taji =( i'm glad he made it safely but upset that he had to go over there at all he's done more for me than really anyone has and i love him very much the only one that means just as much to me is my friend adam and he leaves in march ughhh here's hopin soon all this will end can you guys do me a favor and keep frog in your thoughts and prayers? i know there are many many others but he means the world to me and i'm pretty upset tonight brokenheart scared tears

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:56 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl Maybe he was snockered when he first wrote!!!

LOL maybe

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:36 PM

Damn... I knew I shouldnt of sent that messege slaphead laugh laugh

lmao dang it donnie what'd i tell you about that???? rofl

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:26 PM
i know they make me feel like a friggin genuis i needed the laugh so its all good

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:24 PM
Oh wow I really wonder about people sometimes LOL when i got back on i had a message that said hey how are you so i was polite and answered him he comes back with "what was you're message" so i repeated it and he answers "what made you do this?" he messaged me first this guy has issues LOL idiots make the world more interesting dontcha think? i hope this guy never reproduces slaphead

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Tue 12/02/08 10:20 AM

The Grown & Sex please do hollaflowerforyou
the grown & sex....looks like a daytime soap opera

LOL hmmm don't think i've seen that one yet

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:29 PM
Well tonight was night one of physical therapy hardly anything was done but my body feels like it was hit by a bus lol oh well i'd rather hurt now and walk at least a little someday then be in a nursing home by the time i'm like 30 i've tried to stick with it but have been unable to because its painful and very frustrating but last night as i listened to my very best friend tell me how bad he wanted me back in PT a determination flared up like never before and the goal is to at least be standing better by the time he comes home from afghanistan he leaves in march so it'll be a long time before he's home...i wont be on much but i'll keep yall posted well those of u who care anyway

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Mon 12/01/08 03:37 PM

welcome nick have a blast
Hey Girlbigsmile flowers flowers

hey mom...i forgot a reason i couldnt leave LOL i have a friend who has no messangers yet so i gotta stay at least for awhile

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