The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. ![]() You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to. I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely. I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights. No one has true rights if someone else can take them away on a whim. Rights cannot be taken away, if they can be they are no longer rights. This is the flaw in a democratic society, it only protects those with the votes, it doesn't protect everyone. It's like a sheep and 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner, the lone sheep loses out. That's not the America, not the world I prefer to live in. What a person can or cannot do in their private lives should never come down to a vote. You even say it yourself, we are a culture of many different societies......why are we trying to force everyone to act according to one? Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only. : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state <public law>. b : of or relating to a government guess which one is the definition of 'private'? guess which one describes MARRIAGE,, which is related to GOVERNMENT,,,,? who defines marriage this way though? It's man's doing......and you can spare me the rhetoric that says otherwise. To try and make something like that for one group only is discriminating. |
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Sat 05/11/13 02:07 AM
The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. ![]() You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to. I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely. I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights. No one has true rights if someone else can take them away on a whim. Rights cannot be taken away, if they can be they are no longer rights. This is the flaw in a democratic society, it only protects those with the votes, it doesn't protect everyone. It's like a sheep and 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner, the lone sheep loses out. That's not the America, not the world I prefer to live in. What a person can or cannot do in their private lives should never come down to a vote. You even say it yourself, we are a culture of many different societies......why are we trying to force everyone to act according to one? |
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Fri 05/10/13 07:29 PM
The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. ![]() You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to. I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely. |
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Fri 05/10/13 06:21 AM
Did anyone ever think the whole idea may be to make marriage obsolete? It is now more of a tax, immigration, or acceptance thing than an institution. I think it's more an idea of how to divide again than anything else, they could careless about either side as long as they arguing with each other and not with them. Best way to maintain power, keep the focus on everyone else but you. They are masters at this. |
Problemtulation,prepare 4 God's judgement!!! and more confused and broken homes for children,,,, There are many, many broken homes and confused children of straight parents. hence the word 'more' This, kids DO NOT CARE whether they come from a home with a single parent (though two would be best in a perfect world), a man and a woman, two men, two women, or even more than 2 people entirely. All that matters to them is that they are LOVED. That's all they need or want in the end......long as they have that the rest is just semantics. It's the ADULTS that cause the strife and division, not the kids. Hate and intolerance is not bred in them, it's taught. Stop teaching it, and then maybe you'll see change. |
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Wed 05/08/13 01:03 AM
forget it.
Here is a run down of the bill. ENDA is designed to get homosexuals, bisexuals, cross-dressers, and transsexuals added to the list of federally-protected minorities. If this is accomplished, the LGBT agenda will be imposed on businesses, local, state and federal governments, including public schools, Christian day care centers and camps, plus many other Christian entities, including religious broadcasters, etc. It will affect any business with more than 15 employees. in nevada, transsexuals and crossdressers are already a federally protected minority, when I worked in government office I had to attend a seminar on it,,, if a man wants to wear a dress to work,, better watch out before saying anything or taking any action,,,,which I think is quite ridiculous people may have a case about not being able to choose their sexual preference, but we still choose our clothes,,,lol why is it an issue what they choose to wear though? beyond your own sensibilities being offended (which isn't a reason to be able to tell them they can't do it), how is it harming you directly? |
It may be unpopular but I am against the idea of this papers please mentality at all, no matter what country you come from. I don't believe ANY government has a right to restrict people from going to or living in one place or another, or demand they show them anything. It never used to be like this till after WW1 I believe.....was wrong then and is wrong now. Free people are not meant to be dictated to. I'd like to make sure that the People who are coming are Law Abiding; we already have too many Criminals here already. Ok then, let's start with the ones at the top. Till they do that...the laws don't deserve much respect to begin with since everyone isn't on a level playing field anyway, not to mention the absurdities of law, WAY too much room for abuse. You know it would happen based on current law. |
It would be very refreshing to hear about Illegals being deported and their keepers prosecuted. My friend, the mother of the Anchor Brat I have at my house, thought she was doing it right. Now, she has to wait 5 year before she gets her passport back. I'd also like to see more companies employing Illegals fined and audited for working them. Not necessarily shut down. That would take away jobs Americans and legal Immigrants could be doing. How very human of you......very human. These people are really not that different from the rest of us you know......I think it's shameful how we treat them. |
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Fri 04/26/13 05:18 PM
Man is not free unless government is limited. - Ronald Reagan freedom is as limited as government,,,,there is nothing absolute and nothing that comes truly 'free' government was probably more limited in the days that our country had SLAVES,, and they were far from free....took government to step in and end it,,, We still have slaves now.....just the definition has changed. When someone else can dictate to you what to do without you being able to say NO (like with these lockdowns), you are a slave to that person. And on many things when it comes to government we are not able to do this without risking fines or possible jail time. So whether you like it or not, whether you want to believe it or not, this makes us slaves. and as far as basic and logical boundaries, all that needs to be in law is not to harm another person or infringe on their right to live freely. That's all the boundaries you need, anything else is just man trying to control one another. no , its man trying to keep some order but many who live on the ideal of complete 'freedom' dont understand how easily order can become chaos without boundaries beyond the simplistic 'do no harm' People who think like that are just afraid of having to take responsibility for themselves. It's easier to not have to think and let others do it for you. All I can say is we deserve what we get if that's gonna be our attitude, a society able to give you all you want can also take it away, so don't be surprised when it happens because it's what you asked for. And btw we STILL have chaos you know......just saying. Actually we probably have more now than we otherwise would because everyone thinks they can dictate to everyone else what is moral and right to do or not do. Leave people alone and I bet that chaos goes creates needless division and hate for no reason other than someone is different. Yeah.....some order we have....... |
...Oh ma GAWDZ! GUNZ! I mean honestly, you act like this hasn't happened before. I don't think it's been quite as bad as it's been getting lately. When they were taking down the mob in the 40's and 50's bet your a* it was just as bad if not considerably worse given the laws were not nearly as stringent then. Stop spreading your sensationalized irrational fears around like they are some type of new situation never before present in our country. I don't recall city wide lockdowns's not sensationalized or irrational when law enforcement power is growing by the day........ |
...Oh ma GAWDZ! GUNZ! I mean honestly, you act like this hasn't happened before. I don't think it's been quite as bad as it's been getting lately. |
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Fri 04/26/13 03:41 PM
Man is not free unless government is limited. - Ronald Reagan freedom is as limited as government,,,,there is nothing absolute and nothing that comes truly 'free' government was probably more limited in the days that our country had SLAVES,, and they were far from free....took government to step in and end it,,, We still have slaves now.....just the definition has changed. When someone else can dictate to you what to do without you being able to say NO (like with these lockdowns), you are a slave to that person. And on many things when it comes to government we are not able to do this without risking fines or possible jail time. So whether you like it or not, whether you want to believe it or not, this makes us slaves. and as far as basic and logical boundaries, all that needs to be in law is not to harm another person or infringe on their right to live freely. That's all the boundaries you need, anything else is just man trying to control one another. |
I think a bunch of heavily armed men in scary black clothing would alert criminals that something was up lol I agree with kleisto, when we ask the police a question they need to answer it. it depends upon how much notice is given, and how urgent a situation it is,,, some situations dont really have the privilege of the kind of time it might take to explain to some people,,,,, Well if they're gonna be locking me in a place.....I think I deserve to know why...even if it's just as simple as saying they are looking for some criminal. Just give me SOMETHING. |
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Fri 04/26/13 06:55 AM
Have they locked down areas quite like this before though? WITHOUT explaining why?
Martial law folks, it's coming........we best open our eyes right now before our own towns are next........ Did you notice they said they weren't at liberty to discuss the reasons for this?? We need to start demanding answers, we must not let them keep getting away with this. It's time to draw a line...... |
this stuck me as odd because of the rumors i've been hearing about fema camps, and now i've read two articles about busing homeless and insane people around... Detroit seems to be busing homeless out of the city limits now... even here in Houston, i was making a uturn underneath a highway, when a cop in front of just turned his lights on and stopped. then he gets out of his car, grabs a guy begging for change, puts him in handcuffs and takes him away... all in about 10 seconds time... Abductions. Kidnapping. That is shameful. Not to mention CRIMINAL. The Detroit police should be sued. And the officers should be charged with kidnapping and sent to jail. False arrest, harassment, abuse, depraved indifference etc. It's called street cleaning. I live on the streets in NO for a couple years. My choice. Every time there was going to be an event, we'd get rounded up and brought to the city limits and told we couldn't come back for 2 weeks or suffer arrest. Vagrancy is still on the books everywhere. stuff like this and the crap that I have found is going on in Detroit where I live....makes me so ashamed to be American it really does. That our police force do this makes me sick to my stomach, it's completely disgusting. |
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Tue 04/23/13 10:50 PM
It may be unpopular but I am against the idea of this papers please mentality at all, no matter what country you come from. I don't believe ANY government has a right to restrict people from going to or living in one place or another, or demand they show them anything. It never used to be like this till after WW1 I believe.....was wrong then and is wrong now. Free people are not meant to be dictated to.
Had a look at the Site that carried the Item! Frankly,I am not impressed! That Site will do anyone's Mind in! forget about the site, the video alone tells you plenty. ![]() did you at least watch the video? it was from a news story. |
Had a look at the Site that carried the Item! Frankly,I am not impressed! That Site will do anyone's Mind in! forget about the site, the video alone tells you plenty. |