Topic: My Views of What the Immigrantion Law Should Be. | |
Amazing that a Bill that's over 800 Pages, likely over a 1,000 if not nearing or topping 1,500 when finished will close Loopholes for Criminals and Terrorists.
Immigration and Terrorism are two different issues; sure Terrorists will come in by whatever means available to them, but that's no excuse to slam the door on the many more good people who want to come to the U.S, if anything we should make it easier for people to come here legally and let them use their eyes and ears to inform us of the trouble makers in our population as most who come from such troubled regions of the world are trying to escape such people. We should have a simple policy on Immigration, readily understandable for all who reads it and without the maze of confusion that accompanies current Immigration Law where one has to hire lawyers and prove self worth just to have a chance of gaining entry. My Proposed Immigration Law is simple and would be easy to enforce. 1) People State Where they're going and how they plan on getting there; car, bus, train, plane, walk; however. 2) If applicable, with whom they plan on visiting or staying with. 3) What they intend to do while there; visit, vacation, work, business, or other. 4) How long they plan on staying; best guestimated timeframe. Then after they answered those basic simple questions, and after a Background Check to make sure that they don't have a criminal record, give them permission to come. Will there be a flood of people coming? Yes; for a short time, but after many will return home. Will Bad People come in under such a law? Yes, but then so would many others that are the kinds of people that we need. Could such a law cause a Job Shortage? Yes, but only for a time; many would return home unable to find work as over time the Job Market would expand to accommodate the number of new talent. Let's stop trying to fix the Human Condition with every new law that comes up for debate; it only limits Freedom and causes even more problems. This is my View of what the Immigration Law Should Be; share with me yours. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country.
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Mon 04/22/13 06:35 PM
Our current system, the one not being enforced, is similar to Mexico Immigration Law.
FYI. According to Law, the US, Canada and Mexico are supposed to have similar laws. Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals. The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents. Read more: Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter I lived there for a while. Their thing is, if a Mexican can do it, no foreigner will get special permission to do it. Foreign owned companies are welcome. They just can't pay more than the highest paying job, in that field pays. Immigration almost busted me cooking in a Mexican Restaurant. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. By who's opinion? My proposal would take all the guess work out of the equation; you have a clean record, come on in. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. By who's opinion? My proposal would take all the guess work out of the equation; you have a clean record, come on in. Not just a clean record. Clean bill of health and make it a felony to hire an Immigrant where a citizen can do the job, IMO. Those H2B VISAS need limited. They are hiring from abroad when our own can't find work. Illegals? First time crossing illegally give them 2 year hard labor and a free ride home. 2nd offense, life. |
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Mon 04/22/13 08:01 PM
as someone thats gone through the immigration process to bring a loved one here,, its not really that complicated
you just have to have no criminal background and have a sponsor that is legally required to support you if you cant support yourself,,,,,,that sponsor can be an employer, or it can be a school system , or a spouse or family member,,,,,whose income would still them above poverty level with you as a dependent,,,, they dont want 'criminals' and they dont want more people to have to support financially,,,,,, |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. By who's opinion? My proposal would take all the guess work out of the equation; you have a clean record, come on in. Not just a clean record. Clean bill of health and make it a felony to hire an Immigrant where a citizen can do the job, IMO. Those H2B VISAS need limited. They are hiring from abroad when our own can't find work. Illegals? First time crossing illegally give them 2 year hard labor and a free ride home. 2nd offense, life. Having brought up some of my Cousins (Primos) with H-2B to work for my Husband, it's not Cheap or as Easy as one might think; it's rather expensive ordeal (Lawyers, Paperwork, Transportation, Housing, Endless Delays) even before your workers arrive. H-2B's are limited to 66,000 Low Skill Workers a Year and to qualify to apply you have to prove that you can't get American Workers; ever tried to get an American to work in the Hot Sun Spreading Manure, or Other Property Management Work all day long for $12hr? Even the Americans that my Husband was able to hire for a time needed to be Supervised because as soon as my Husband would leave for anything, they'd start to slack off until he returned; my Cousins don't need such oversight as they are growing Produce at home to sell at the local Farmers Market for extra cash, the sooner the job is done, the sooner they can tend to their crops; try to find that kind of Industry from an American. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. Dream on; our immigration laws are worse than Swiss cheese for criminals, escaping terrorists, wanted criminals and other assorted garbage that come in among the bona-fide applicants and others under a variety of 'special status' immigrants, such as war refugees, relatives of citizens, etc. Many escaped and wanted war criminals and terrorists have already been apprehended and many are currently in hiding around the country; same with wanted drug distributors and the usual illegal immigrants imported by clandestine groups that finance ships loaded with illegals looking to simply escape economic poverty in their home countries. Poverty is not listed as an acceptable reason to immigrate to Canada. Many private firms bring in so called' skilled labour' but that has reached the laughable and unfit descriptions of their 'skills' ie. such as 'skilled burger flippers that Big Mac has brought in to communities wherein the home grown youth can't find work even at a local McDonald's. How long does it take to 'train' someone to flip a course at the MacDonald University needed...can chimps qualify for this job and if so, what will be their wages?? It only gets worse by the day...The politicians that make the immigration policies just drive the immigration authorities nuts, No skills are needed to make policy; not even common sense. |
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Tue 04/23/13 06:27 PM
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. Dream on; our immigration laws are worse than Swiss cheese for criminals, escaping terrorists, wanted criminals and other assorted garbage that come in among the bona-fide applicants and others under a variety of 'special status' immigrants, such as war refugees, relatives of citizens, etc. Many escaped and wanted war criminals and terrorists have already been apprehended and many are currently in hiding around the country; same with wanted drug distributors and the usual illegal immigrants imported by clandestine groups that finance ships loaded with illegals looking to simply escape economic poverty in their home countries. Poverty is not listed as an acceptable reason to immigrate to Canada. Many private firms bring in so called' skilled labour' but that has reached the laughable and unfit descriptions of their 'skills' ie. such as 'skilled burger flippers that Big Mac has brought in to communities wherein the home grown youth can't find work even at a local McDonald's. How long does it take to 'train' someone to flip a course at the MacDonald University needed...can chimps qualify for this job and if so, what will be their wages?? It only gets worse by the day...The politicians that make the immigration policies just drive the immigration authorities nuts, No skills are needed to make policy; not even common sense. The Immigration Laws are just fine. They cover all that needs to be covered. Hussein needs to demand the4y be enforced. As they are written now; It is a felony to; Hire them. House them. Feed them. Transport them. Know they are Illegal and not report them. IMO, all Illegals should be classified as terrorists. And hunted down as such. But, the Dems need the votes and won't do sheite about them. |
Considering that the rich were the main reason that the illegal immigrants came here for the illegal jobs they offered for almost slave wages, I would think the Republicans would be more to blame for the problem. Bush supported amnesty.
I personally think an immigrant should be allowed to live in another country if their own country is making surviving more difficult. I can see why living in poverty would make em want to move somewhere more productive. Especially when they have children to look after. If they are willing to earn money, to get by, then surely that's good enough. I also think they should be allowed access, if they're wanting to escape abuse, or bullies, or over-protective relatives, etc.
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. Dream on; our immigration laws are worse than Swiss cheese for criminals, escaping terrorists, wanted criminals and other assorted garbage that come in among the bona-fide applicants and others under a variety of 'special status' immigrants, such as war refugees, relatives of citizens, etc. Many escaped and wanted war criminals and terrorists have already been apprehended and many are currently in hiding around the country; same with wanted drug distributors and the usual illegal immigrants imported by clandestine groups that finance ships loaded with illegals looking to simply escape economic poverty in their home countries. Poverty is not listed as an acceptable reason to immigrate to Canada. Many private firms bring in so called' skilled labour' but that has reached the laughable and unfit descriptions of their 'skills' ie. such as 'skilled burger flippers that Big Mac has brought in to communities wherein the home grown youth can't find work even at a local McDonald's. How long does it take to 'train' someone to flip a course at the MacDonald University needed...can chimps qualify for this job and if so, what will be their wages?? It only gets worse by the day...The politicians that make the immigration policies just drive the immigration authorities nuts, No skills are needed to make policy; not even common sense. The Immigration Laws are just fine. They cover all that needs to be covered. Hussein needs to demand the4y be enforced. As they are written now; It is a felony to; Hire them. House them. Feed them. Transport them. Know they are Illegal and not report them. IMO, all Illegals should be classified as terrorists. And hunted down as such. But, the Dems need the votes and won't do sheite about them. Immigration Law is far too complex; I needed a lawyer just to navigate the ins and outs of the Law to bring my Cousins in with H-2B. At most, the entirety of the Immigration Law needs to be 10 pages long so that someone like me can read and understand it all. |
Considering that the rich were the main reason that the illegal immigrants came here for the illegal jobs they offered for almost slave wages, I would think the Republicans would be more to blame for the problem. Bush supported amnesty. Reps try to Expand Legal Immigration, Dems block it time after time. Only 66,000 H-2B Visas are allowed each year; Reps have repeatedly tried to Up that number to 200,000 along with other Visas for Lawful Entry, but Dems won't allow it as they vote against it; who is Anti-Immigrant? |
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Tue 04/23/13 10:50 PM
It may be unpopular but I am against the idea of this papers please mentality at all, no matter what country you come from. I don't believe ANY government has a right to restrict people from going to or living in one place or another, or demand they show them anything. It never used to be like this till after WW1 I believe.....was wrong then and is wrong now. Free people are not meant to be dictated to.
"You Come to the USA legally,or you will get the Heck kicked out faster than you arrived!"
No need for 800 Pages not one of the Members have read! |
1) People State Where they're going and how they plan on getting there; car, bus, train, plane, walk; however
I travel by plane so they know how I get to destination. 2) If applicable, with whom they plan on visiting or staying with..... I get asked this at US Border Control at airport. 3) What they intend to do while there; visit, vacation, work, business, or other. I get asked this also. 4) How long they plan on staying; best guestimated timeframe. Yup, they already ask this also and verify my return ticket. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. Dream on; our immigration laws are worse than Swiss cheese for criminals, escaping terrorists, wanted criminals and other assorted garbage that come in among the bona-fide applicants and others under a variety of 'special status' immigrants, such as war refugees, relatives of citizens, etc. Many escaped and wanted war criminals and terrorists have already been apprehended and many are currently in hiding around the country; same with wanted drug distributors and the usual illegal immigrants imported by clandestine groups that finance ships loaded with illegals looking to simply escape economic poverty in their home countries. Poverty is not listed as an acceptable reason to immigrate to Canada. Many private firms bring in so called' skilled labour' but that has reached the laughable and unfit descriptions of their 'skills' ie. such as 'skilled burger flippers that Big Mac has brought in to communities wherein the home grown youth can't find work even at a local McDonald's. How long does it take to 'train' someone to flip a course at the MacDonald University needed...can chimps qualify for this job and if so, what will be their wages?? It only gets worse by the day...The politicians that make the immigration policies just drive the immigration authorities nuts, No skills are needed to make policy; not even common sense. The Immigration Laws are just fine. They cover all that needs to be covered. Hussein needs to demand the4y be enforced. As they are written now; It is a felony to; Hire them. House them. Feed them. Transport them. Know they are Illegal and not report them. IMO, all Illegals should be classified as terrorists. And hunted down as such. But, the Dems need the votes and won't do sheite about them. Immigration Law is far too complex; I needed a lawyer just to navigate the ins and outs of the Law to bring my Cousins in with H-2B. At most, the entirety of the Immigration Law needs to be 10 pages long so that someone like me can read and understand it all. I know hundreds of Mexicans with only 6th grade or no educations that have visitation VISAs and Work VISAs. They barely read or write and still get them. Even if Amnesty is granted, a lawyer will be needed to do the paperwork and filing. I'm going in next week to get my application for a passcard. |
We should be more like Canada, you cant live there unless you can prove that you will be an asset to the country. Dream on; our immigration laws are worse than Swiss cheese for criminals, escaping terrorists, wanted criminals and other assorted garbage that come in among the bona-fide applicants and others under a variety of 'special status' immigrants, such as war refugees, relatives of citizens, etc. Many escaped and wanted war criminals and terrorists have already been apprehended and many are currently in hiding around the country; same with wanted drug distributors and the usual illegal immigrants imported by clandestine groups that finance ships loaded with illegals looking to simply escape economic poverty in their home countries. Poverty is not listed as an acceptable reason to immigrate to Canada. Many private firms bring in so called' skilled labour' but that has reached the laughable and unfit descriptions of their 'skills' ie. such as 'skilled burger flippers that Big Mac has brought in to communities wherein the home grown youth can't find work even at a local McDonald's. How long does it take to 'train' someone to flip a course at the MacDonald University needed...can chimps qualify for this job and if so, what will be their wages?? It only gets worse by the day...The politicians that make the immigration policies just drive the immigration authorities nuts, No skills are needed to make policy; not even common sense. The Immigration Laws are just fine. They cover all that needs to be covered. Hussein needs to demand the4y be enforced. As they are written now; It is a felony to; Hire them. House them. Feed them. Transport them. Know they are Illegal and not report them. IMO, all Illegals should be classified as terrorists. And hunted down as such. But, the Dems need the votes and won't do sheite about them. Immigration Law is far too complex; I needed a lawyer just to navigate the ins and outs of the Law to bring my Cousins in with H-2B. At most, the entirety of the Immigration Law needs to be 10 pages long so that someone like me can read and understand it all. I know hundreds of Mexicans with only 6th grade or no educations that have visitation VISAs and Work VISAs. They barely read or write and still get them. Even if Amnesty is granted, a lawyer will be needed to do the paperwork and filing. I'm going in next week to get my application for a passcard. That's what it looks like! another Case for the Lawoffices of Dewey,Shaftem&Howe! Damn they busy lately! ![]() |
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Wed 04/24/13 06:04 AM
I almost forgot.
Ya' know what happens to Corporations that get busted with Illegals? Tyson forfeited one itty-bitty plant to the Feds to swave them from getting harassed at their other 25 plants. Just like Husein. A token gesture. Five years ago I got a great deal on some Federally seized property. Seems the folks had relatives living with them. They pissed off the neighbors and the neighbors called Immigration. The Illegals were deported, the couple was jailed, the property was seized and auctioned. The secret to getting INS to act is have a few folks call the local INS number. The number that used top be on DHS website was the national number. You had to ask for the local number. One person reporting won't get action. Getting clear pictures to add to the report helps. So, the average person, (Corporations are exempt. They pay well for dey slaves.) who is committing felonies by aiding, abetting, harboring Illegals is playing Russian Roulette. The gun may or may not go off. PS A Bill, a piece of paper, won't stop Illegals or Terrorists. Physical, armed Enforcement on the borders and in areas known to hire Illegals or harbor terrorist is what will stop it. |
simple illegal immigrant bill
any illegal entering the u s will be subject to the laws of their country of origin as if they illegally entered their own country at the time of this became law |