Just proved her point chaz. Yes because objective people only see in black and white. You agree with me or you are under mind control. It says you believe this it that. What about non religious people? None of those points apply. Just because people vote doesn't mean they praise politicians. The guy is totally against any kind of law at all or any kind of government at all. I can say that without a government we wouldn't have a military. Without a military we would all be under the rule of Someone else. Japan would have taken us over during world war 2 if no one did it before then. You can't just very a governmentless society in a land so rich in resources and not be overrun. Look what happened to the native Americans. Funny you mention the Native Americans.....who took their land? WE DID! Also.....you are being a hypocrite, because you and your type embody the very first line you claim those speaking against you do. We can't disagree with you, without you putting us down for doing so. So yeah, may wanna look at yourself first before you start throwing stones at us. Please explain how I am being a hypocrite. I believe in grey area. I am not calling people cattle for not believing what I do. But you call us stupid if we believe in what you call "conspiracy theories", not much different..... and as for why I mentioned the Native Americans, it's because it's a fact, this country STOLE the land from them. We are ignorant of our nations very own history. |
Just proved her point chaz. Yes because objective people only see in black and white. You agree with me or you are under mind control. It says you believe this it that. What about non religious people? None of those points apply. Just because people vote doesn't mean they praise politicians. The guy is totally against any kind of law at all or any kind of government at all. I can say that without a government we wouldn't have a military. Without a military we would all be under the rule of Someone else. Japan would have taken us over during world war 2 if no one did it before then. You can't just very a governmentless society in a land so rich in resources and not be overrun. Look what happened to the native Americans. Funny you mention the Native Americans.....who took their land? WE DID! Also.....you are being a hypocrite, because you and your type embody the very first line you claim those speaking against you do. We can't disagree with you, without you putting us down for doing so. So yeah, may wanna look at yourself first before you start throwing stones at us. |
Just proved her point chaz.
The Religion of 9-11.
Moved to Mexico Jeannie.
Edited by
Wed 07/18/12 02:40 AM
The Sky is falling..................................and has been since Man started to walk upright! ![]() Just hope and pray nothing happens......if all goes off without a hitch than great, but if NOT.....well don't say you weren't warned. |
I've had a feeling about London for a while......hope to god nothing happens but wouldn't surprise me. This just validates the idea all the more, they did the same type of thing before 9-11 happened, it is a tell for those paying attention to see it. I really hope nothing happens though, but....I have a bad feeling.
On an unrelated note see them mention the droughts and famine here too? Kinda fits along with what has been going on across the country this summer........... |
Isn't everyone required to have a chip implanted somewhere in this too? Thought there was.....
Also heard there's a part in there about housing sales too, that is whatever price you sell for, the government takes a percentage of it off the top. WHY IS THIS IN A HEALTHCARE BILL?? |
And what do you think?
Edited by
Sat 07/14/12 04:24 AM
Depends what culture you come from Kliesto and what, if anything, 'caregivers' & society norms have taught you. This study was an international study. An example; a certain culture esteems a scammer's ability to make alot of money by stealing via scamming. My point was though these are UNIVERSAL laws, you don't need a book or religion to tell you they're bad or harmful. It's a common sense thing. Whether people apply it is another matter, but it's clear to all it is bad, and it WILL catch up with you if you do it long enough. |
And what do you think?
Edited by
Sat 07/14/12 04:21 AM
Im thinking, maybe there are those who believe in a heaven in which everyone is admitted regardless of the lives they lived , some do believe Jesus death forgave everyone of anything they may do and some just dont believe God would commit anyone to hellfire or to eternal death for committing any sins,,, I guess THOSE PEOPLE wouldnt be deterred at all from committing sin or crime ,,,,while those who believe in a HELL, by definition, do have some deterrent,,, I've said it before and I will say it again, if you need a threat of hellfire to tell you it's wrong to steal, it's wrong to murder, it's wrong to cheat on a spouse etc, then you need more help than that damn religion is gonna ever give you. EVERYONE knows these things are wrong, you don't need some book or empty threat to tell you that. IF you believe that the mortal life is but a wink compared to eternal life,, knowing something is 'wrong' may not deter you if that 'wrong' gives you more fulfillment than the consequence will grief people have even convinced themself it isnt 'wrong' unless it has some obvious immediate negative affect or consequence,,, Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe just MAYBE the world isn't so black and white as you think it to be and rather things are more gray? No of course not, because your book says it is so, so it MUST be true. Think outside of it for one second, you might actually learn something. And what exactly is so bad about doing something that gives fulfillment to you? If it's not harming anyone else and it's making you happy how is that wrong? Hint, it's not. Any good parent would want their children to be happy and be doing something that gives their lives meaning. Thus, God would be the same. It would make NO sense for God to act in a way that we wouldn't. |
And what do you think?
Im thinking, maybe there are those who believe in a heaven in which everyone is admitted regardless of the lives they lived , some do believe Jesus death forgave everyone of anything they may do and some just dont believe God would commit anyone to hellfire or to eternal death for committing any sins,,, I guess THOSE PEOPLE wouldnt be deterred at all from committing sin or crime ,,,,while those who believe in a HELL, by definition, do have some deterrent,,, I've said it before and I will say it again, if you need a threat of hellfire to tell you it's wrong to steal, it's wrong to murder, it's wrong to cheat on a spouse etc, then you need more help than that damn religion is gonna ever give you. EVERYONE knows these things are wrong, you don't need some book or empty threat to tell you that. |
Obamacare contradicts....
The constitution does not "give" us or the govt freedom or liberty... it GUARANTEES it to the people as our "God given rights" are unalienable! The govt does NOT have to be big to do their job because their job is a simple one...protect liberty, and serve the people, defend our country and it's borders! NOTHING MORE! Important part there is SERVE THE PEOPLE. If WE have to do what they tell us, how exactly are WE being served as opposed to us serving them??? It doesn't work. |
amazing how many adults actually use YOUTUBE as a credible source of information I hate to break it to you, but you're more likely to get the truth on the internet then you will get from ANY mainstream source. They ALL lie, every last one. Why do you think they keep pushing to try and change how the internet is run for? They know the power of it! They know it has the ability to expose them for the frauds they are, and they can't have that happen. my statement is not about the broad 'internet', its about the specific site 'youtube', my son recently posted a homemade video of a dance to an artist and labeled it as the 'official video' individuals can post whatever they want with little to no risk NOT newscasters with careers and reputations on the line, NOT writers with easily identifiable names and jobs on the line as well as the risk of momentous lawsuits just YAHOOS with opinions and a program on the computer that can create a video,,, its not a CREDIBLE source for facts except for hearing what people have said, and even THAT is often edited by the YOUTUBE poster with little to no risk (unlike in a more credible source trying to maintain its credibility) analogy: If I said I bought a hostess bar from the grocery store....and someone said that wasnt the healthiest thing for me to buy would they be condemning the WHOLE Grocery store...or just the Hostess bar? would they be implying that there were no healthy choices at the grocery store? you have to search for credible sources on the internet, just like you have to search in a grocery store for healthy food choices often times, when it comes to the internet, people want to lump all the food together with the same description,,,but thats not true yes, you will find errors and omissions at every source (internet or media) because people cannot cover everything at all times and they have to be mindful of their audience so they can have sponsors and continue getting paid BUT,,there are far more sources who outright LIE and too many people who read opinions as facts,,,than there are people actually trying to give ACCURATE and TRUE information,,,especially on the internet I understand what you're saying, and that there is people that will lie or twist things to suit their interests on the net, but what bothers me is people go to such extremes on this. The idea that because someone in the public eye has told you something they are more likely to be right, and because someone isn't they are more likely to be wrong, is exactly why we are in the mess we are in today. We need to stop judging information based on source, and instead on the merit of the ideas presented. Then you will get a better idea of what the truth is, source and fact don't always go together. |
Wrestling/fighting/martial arts......always been curious about it since I was a kid, and have been fascinated with it. Fought against it for a while, but have accepted it more now and really wanna get more involved in it and see what it's all like.
Feel it'd make me stronger physically too.....which is another reason why I'd wanna try it, try and learn to defend myself having never had a physical confrontation in my life. Hoping to have my first experience with it before the summer is out.....would have had one already but woman had to postpone on me. Soon though..... |
amazing how many adults actually use YOUTUBE as a credible source of information I hate to break it to you, but you're more likely to get the truth on the internet then you will get from ANY mainstream source. They ALL lie, every last one. Why do you think they keep pushing to try and change how the internet is run for? They know the power of it! They know it has the ability to expose them for the frauds they are, and they can't have that happen. |
Babies Behind Bars?
Edited by
Fri 06/29/12 07:05 PM
Keep in mind is was only YESTERDAY that the US Supreme Court decided that it is unconstitutional to sentence our YOUTH to LWOP! (Life without Parole) Look up Sara Kruzan...she has a wonderful video on YouTube.. the rest of the world looks at us in horror when they hear how we incarcerate even our own kids. We are a throw away society. If we don't conform, we are locked away...sometimes forever! OH PLEEAAZE !!! It is not about not conforming. You can be as non-conformist as you want to be as long as you do not commit a crime. You want to be a hard head and set your butt in school for thirteen years and learn nothing it is your choice. If you want to not live with your family and accept the alternatives it is your choice. Kids are made wards of the state every day and housed, educated, provided care often above that of the families they want to abandon or need to leave While granted children don't always have the rights that adults do pretty much when you are and adult or at least able enough to convince a judge that you are self sutaining, the minimal standard that is you can be emanicapted. For that matter simply run away in most cases. I have never recommended that but kids split and very little is done to find them. And as an adult if you want to pretty much ignore every norm in society you can as long as you don't commit a crime. But if your idea of norm is to beg. squat on private or public property, refuse the draft, refuse to pay taxes, lie, cheat, steal, destroy stuff, and affect crimes against a person or animal well sorry sister in this country to that you have to conform. People who spout this balogne need to set down and see just who really pays for this selfishness. It is not the rich and powerful it is everyday people who for the most part don't do a darn thing to anyone else. Sorry you are taling to someone who has spent a lifetime cleaning up the wake of criminals. Someone who has read rap sheets and seen just how much it takes before our society gives up on most criminals. Are there excepts yes but we are not talikng about exceptions we are talking about facts that most of these so called non-conformists are self centered, indulged, and often ignored people until infact THEY chose to up the anti and commit crimes. You have NO IDEA what freedom means Pacific. None whatsoever. You said it all in your very first sentence: "It is not about not conforming. You can be as non-conformist as you want to be as long as you do not commit a crime." The two ideas contradict. You can't be free to make a choice, and yet at the same be subject to laws that subjugate the choices you can make. You just can't. And I'm not talking about things like don't kill another person, don't steal from them or destroy their property. Those are common sense, universal laws that every one of us should know enough to know that we shouldn't be doing. I'm talking about laws that dictate to us what we can and cannot do with or to OURSELVES. Like telling us we can't take certain drugs, buy raw dairy, or like you say above refuse the draft, among many others on the books or being added to them. What if I WANT to smoke a joint, what if I WANT to drink raw milk, what if I DISAGREE with the war and want no part in it? Well according to you, what I believe means nothing because I don't have the right to make those choices for myself. That is not freedom. When I cannot make a decision for myself personally, depending on what direction I wish to take my life, because of what someone else thinks is best for me, or because of what someone else thinks I have an obligation to be doing, then I am not free to be who I want to be at all. True freedom, true choice, means being able to make of your life anything you want to make of it, be it good or bad, having the ability to choose those things for yourself independent of what anyone else thinks. If you do not have that, if someone can prevent you from doing something strictly based on their own dogma, their own set of rules, then you are not free. And we in this country are not. We very much DO have to conform to someone else's ideas of what is or is not proper behavior, because if we DON'T conform to that, we get punished, we get fined, arrested, and thrown into jail. What we have been conditioned to believe freedom is, really amounts to....you are free to obey the law, or better stated...you are free to be a slave. It's not true freedom, it's not real. It's conditional, based on the laws at a given time. Real freedom isn't, it doesn't change depending on the time, and can't be granted sometimes but not granted at others. Simply put, freedom isn't freedom if it can be taken away from you, if it can be arbitrary. You either have it completely, or you don't have it at all. |
One word- REPEAL!!! Im sure the republicans are planning alot more shenanigans to try and crush the historical decision,,,, and avoid working on serious CURRENTLY PRESSING issues,, Enslaving us by FORCING us to buy what we maybe don't want or need, IS a pressing issue! Wake up. Not that it matters anyway, republican or democrat both work for the same team in the end. Hint hint, it's not for us. ahh, the beauty of choice its what they argued against medicare and medicaid for too,,,yet, now we all pay into it and havent been asked to purchase into much else since except car insurance for those driving,,, if there is a choice, there is no force,, pay for the medical costs via insurance that guarantees payment to health providers or pay a portion to the government budget to help them cover the medical costs that are left over from those who arent paying buy the food and pay the tax, or dont have the food the choice is there, regardless of whether they are choices we like or not,,,,noone has to die, noone has to go to jail...its really not a significant imposition.. the thing with healthcare is most people dont truly KNOW that they wont need it, its like my son not understanding why he should have to buy car insurance if he doesnt 'need' it,,, we dont truly know when we will NEED those things,,,, First of all, you seriously need a reeducation on what a choice is. Where there is a threat of punishment for not doing one thing over another a true choice does not exist. That should be common sense. A choice means you can either do a or b, depending on which direction you want to take. It can't be a true one if your decision is skewed into one direction. It's really not that hard a concept. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you believe this not to be the case given your other beliefs on choices should I? It's not your forte to actually think...... Secondly, it's called personal responsibility, instead of forcing people to pay insurance they may or may not need, how about EDUCATING them to be ready for the unexpected on their own? No that'd make too much sense wouldn't it? |
I dont feel it is 'pushy' to expect to be accompanied to church once a week either, its a small thing to ask really and its better than having them sit idly and do nothing but 'hang out' with their technology,,, What is it you don't understand about your beliefs being YOURS? Forcing them to be subjected to what YOU believe in such a way IS pushy. If they choose to go to church on their own fine, but it is not your place to make the choice for them. Sorry it's just not. |
One word- REPEAL!!! Im sure the republicans are planning alot more shenanigans to try and crush the historical decision,,,, and avoid working on serious CURRENTLY PRESSING issues,, Enslaving us by FORCING us to buy what we maybe don't want or need, IS a pressing issue! Wake up. Not that it matters anyway, republican or democrat both work for the same team in the end. Hint hint, it's not for us. |
No. I wish that they cease from their abominations before it is too late - before death.
It's my duty to warn those who commit iniquity to cease before judgment cometh. WELL - since religion was brought up anyway.... The fact is that no two beliefs are the same, so no two sets of guidelines for living are exactly the same, not even between respected authorities who claim their beliefs stem from the very same source. When a person seeks to make others conform to his or her beliefs and personal guidelines for living, that person is assuming the authority that is reserved for the power that is beyond the scope of our experience, knowledge, and understanding. In the case of Christianity, for example, the authority is God and the only power that can save belongs to Jesus. From my understanding of Christianity, no human other than Jesus has the power save, because any rule one person forces another to follow, has no saving grace for either person, that power belongs to Jesus. Following that line of thinking, it makes sense that each individual must choose what to believe and construct their own guidelines for living and be a faithful follower of those guidelines. My conclusion here is simple – if a person’s beliefs have influenced the guidelines by which he is to live, and those guidelines require that he force others to live by his own personal guidelines, then that person is wielding authority and assuming power, neither of which belong to him. It is risky business, this idea of religion – isn’t it? It seems far less risky to live by your own convictions while making sure that everyone else is free to live by theirs. In this way, authority and power remain with that which is beyond the scope of our experience, knowledge, and understanding. life is full of risks, it is an individual perogative which risks are worth taking sometimes, its worth the 'risks' to guide someone away from a cliff,,,, particularly someone you love who values your guidance,,,, Problem is you can't prove the cliff is real, you only ASSUME it. But if you wanna risk pushing people from you because of your own personal dogma.......I suppose so be it. |
Very sad day for America. We will now be forced to endure the same, low quality health care Europe and Canada has forced on them. Healthcare Act upheld by SCOTUS. Not a damn bit surprised, what the elite wants, the elite gets, always. |