God is NOT a loving god.
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Tue 06/04/13 11:26 AM
"How many have killed in the name of the abrahamic gods vs. killing in the name of Hinduism? Hell for that matter what's the kill ratio for God and those that murdered for him in the bible compared to satans kills?" I find this to be fairly ironic. The amount of people murdered over people following the bible does FAR outnumber those killed by anyone actively following Satan. How's this for a compromise, abolish religion and get it the hell out of politics. Not many people here seem to have a deep love for religion anyways it's all about their god and organized religion only allows people in power to control the people through use of deceptive words. Let people believe whatever the hell they want but kick the pope out of this throne and let people believe what they want in their own way. As well, as I said, get it out of politics, no politician that boasts a strong religious belief should be voted into office, or at the very least they should be forced to sigh a contract stating that they will not mix their beliefs with their work in any way. Because when politics mix with religion, bad things happen. God should be about spirituality and finding a deeper spiritual meaning in our lives, not about power. Religion has made it about power and control and that needs to go. Despite popular belief I am not bias and I do have the ability to change the way I think based on my experiences. But this ^ is the bare bones of what my entire argument boils down to. there are far more people probably following the religious doctrines than there are satans , since most are not aware of any doctrines explicitly inspired of Satan to follow that would suggest that similar to the complaint that more have killed who follow religion,, more have saved and sacrificed and helped who followed religion as well... if you dont like religion dont follow it,,,, Problem is if people choose to not, they get ostracized and cast out for not. Religious people want their beliefs respected but refuse to respect those of others in the same way. It's hypocritical. I'm not gonna tell you you can't be religious if you wanna be, only to respect others choices not to be and not try and force your lifestyle onto them when they don't want it. Really don't think that's too much to ask is it? |
Is Monsanto trying to reduce the population.. with genetically engineered foods that cause sterilization? and death? Yes, they are, but they couldn't do it without a lot of help from their friends at the top of the food chain all the way down to the bottom....If you eat, you contribute.... Only if you eat their GM foods. Eat Organic when possible. Be sure to check the source of the seeds used to produce that grown organically.... Organic is organic... if anyone claims to have an organic product and is using GM seed then they are frauds. Most certified organic products and organic farmers are smart enough to know that, but the way the GM crops are contaminating farms, testing is probably going to need to become common. There is a ton of info on the subject, but organic to some is not organic to others... Then there is the cost of buying organic ....I totally agree with your take JB, just don't think avoiding GMO is as easy as you're making it out to be.... It is not easy at all. Organic is expensive, true. But so is healthcare. and so is all the junk food we eat too. A lot of people complain about costs, but yet refuse to change their habits to accomodate it. It will cost you a LOT more if you try and serve both masters than if you focused on one or the other. So to a degree all the talk about cost is a bit of a copout and basically is saying you don't wanna change. It comes down to priorities in that way, do you wanna eat healthy or not you know? |
Use Olive Oil Use extra virgin olive oil for everything. Corn oil, pure vegetable oil and canola oil are made from GMO corn. Want to know why you have so many aches and pains and inflammation? Junk food, and GMO food. Also coconut oil, that's even healthier, and it's better to heat than olive oil since it has a higher smoke point and isn't damaged by the process as olive oil (which is best used unheated for that reason) and others are. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Hi new to this site. The remark GOD is not a loveing god. If you are referring to the GOD of the bible then you are wrong first GOD CHOOSES HOW MANY HE SAVES BASE ON HIS CHOICE BEFORE ANYTHING THAT WAS MADE MADE.BEFORE TIME ITSELF WAS.AND HE CHOOSES AT HIS WILL NOTICE I SAID CHOOSES NOT CHOOSE. FOR HE is the same today as yesterday it is called election.GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO MAKE ATONEMENT FOR US. THAT SON BEING JESUS AND ALL COME TO JESUS ARE BEING TAUGHT OF GOD ...DRAWN BY GOD...TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS. Jesus says that the world may know that I love the father I go to the to say that GOD IS NOT LOVEING THAT REMARK DOESN'T make sense. He's loving and yet he actively ALLOWS people to perish under his watch being able to prevent it but choosing not to on a whim? Yeah ok........ and why is perishing such a terrible thing in your view? did you ever consider this life is struggle and pain and illness and 'perishing' from it may actually be escaping it for a paradise instead,,,, That isn't what I meant......I didn't mean physically. ALL our bodies will die, everyone knows that. What I meant is this God is supposed to be loving, and yet he allows people to ETERNALLY perish, KNOWING it's not what they want, and being able to stop it. It doesn't fit what a loving being does. To love means doing anything you can to save a person, not just letting them die as a punishment for bad behavior. Regardless of what the person may have done, you don't do that if you love them. I mean any person who could sit there and WATCH someone die being able to stop it, would be held accountable in part for their death, and yet we accept this of God? Why? Why do expect more out of ourselves than we do of God? It makes no sense at all. |
God is NOT a loving god.
All I can say that it's personal between the two of you. Religion Is Religion. If you are seek to justify what's in the world than you're going about it the wrong way! You aren't going to understand until you receive His Spirit. No one will! If you are hungry for the truth Seek HIM out! No one can really tell you Who He is or How he have to experience Him! His words won't mean anything to you or be even be able to comprehend! Again you want answers You have to put aside everything that you have built up ...and let heart do the talking and seeking...that's all I can say! As far as the world Goes and it views and religion even I don't understand it either. It's cold, deadly, ruthless, heart stopping and oppressive ...He's SOOoOooOo Beyond what the world teaches and speaks of! I love Him so much sometimes it hurts...In a good way! Just to let you know ...I was near death ready to take my life and spoke to me! My heart cried out so Loud and he heard me came to me. I don't know what I'd do without Him...It's about you and Him together a Relationship THAT NO ONE can TOUCH! Put aside you anger and seek HIM Out...Yes the best way to get the answers you need! Sorry man, his words don't mean anything more to me than the words of the woman that wrote the harry potter book. Because that's the only "proof" that a god exists, is the fairy tail words written in a book. YOu really didn't get what I was's not just about His words alone!!! IT's about your heart and his,spirit and soul, Not just words! It Goes way beyond what you are thinking ... You must be willing that's all I can say! You don't seem to want that change, the truth... Good Luck in your search...Be blessed and well love by Yahushua! God doesn't want us to be robots, LOL. Pretty damned ironic that the most robotic speeches always seem to come from the religious folk. Unwavering unconditional love to a non-existent being. it's not about proof it's not about logic it's only about believing. Well by jove you've done it. I'm a believer. I'm gonna go apply to the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, I'll be chatting it up with harry potter before I know it, all because I believe! Thank you for that. Wasn't trying to make you into a believer that's your choice to believe or not! I was simply saying seek Him out! That's all! No he doesn't want us to be robots the "Yes man"! I can say this He Quickens My Spirit Just by Breathing on Me ....AWESOMENES!!! By the By I can't stand religion get that straight! It's Just He and I together...Again Good Luck in your search! Here's the problem though, if you are EXPECTED to do one thing over or another with a consequence for not doing it or doing it depending on what it is, then you are effectively made robotic whether you realize it or not, because you are not free to question what you are told. You have no choice but to believe if you want to live. So in that sense, this God does want yes men and robots because to go against it means to die. |
God is NOT a loving god.
God cares, he loves, blah blah, and yet he sits up on a cloud watching us do horrid things to each-other like a pervert over a snuff film. For a man to have so much power and do nothing, how can anyone respect such a being, I certainly don't. If he was so all powerful and all knowing, then he would not make himself look like such an A$$hole. The problem is you. Hey, tell me where there's someone that's been kidnapped and I'll go string the kidnapper up to dry, I'm not the sadistic one, look to your god for that. God is not our servant,, he gives us the tools to be accountable for ourselves, and we wait for the consequences,, in nature in the justice system in our bodies or in the hereafter but in THIS world, he gives us our own control and HE doesnt have to guarantee intervention of every human beings agony when another human being chooses to put them through something,,, that still doesnt make him the sadistic one, its not his hands that MAKE Those things happen, its our own free will that guides our own hands,,, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you CANNOT have free will if there is a threat attached to your action or inaction. That is blackmailing one to get what they want. Are you TECHNICALLY choosing one path or another? Sure. But are you doing it on your own? No you're not, you can't do it if you are being told in effect "do this or die", doesn't work now, never will work and it doesn't matter how much you try to make it so. It is illogical. You either are totally free to choose one path or another or you're not, there's no inbetween. Beyond that, this God supposedly knows what we do before we do it anyway, so how are we freely choosing anything at all if it's set in stone before we ever do it??? The idea of free will just does not work under these conditions. |
Then it's clear you really don't have much faith in your own parenting if you need to make others responsible for the raising of your own. If you raised them right, what others do would not be of a concern, much less any threat.
And I disagree too, I think stigmatizing an action as compared to educating about it, both good sides and bad, makes the action much more desirable. You don't want someone to do something? TALK TO THEM, don't just preach. That will go much farther and you are much more likely to gain their respect. I find it sad I need to be explaining this to you when you're the parent in this situation....... |
God is NOT a loving god.
Hi new to this site. The remark GOD is not a loveing god. If you are referring to the GOD of the bible then you are wrong first GOD CHOOSES HOW MANY HE SAVES BASE ON HIS CHOICE BEFORE ANYTHING THAT WAS MADE MADE.BEFORE TIME ITSELF WAS.AND HE CHOOSES AT HIS WILL NOTICE I SAID CHOOSES NOT CHOOSE. FOR HE is the same today as yesterday it is called election.GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO MAKE ATONEMENT FOR US. THAT SON BEING JESUS AND ALL COME TO JESUS ARE BEING TAUGHT OF GOD ...DRAWN BY GOD...TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS. Jesus says that the world may know that I love the father I go to the to say that GOD IS NOT LOVEING THAT REMARK DOESN'T make sense. He's loving and yet he actively ALLOWS people to perish under his watch being able to prevent it but choosing not to on a whim? Yeah ok........ |
God is NOT a loving god.
The Bible is a good way to live. If you don't think so it just reflects on your poor understanding. This is the other problem with religion, and in this case the Bible, and it goes along with the infallibility thing spoken of earlier. You CANNOT challenge it! If people ever try, it's always twisted by believers as our own failure to understand the thing like above, it's never ever ever that MAYBE what we are being told is wrong or incorrect. Now how are you supposed to have an objective debate about the validity of something when whenever one comes up with an argument that is the response? You can't do it, the whole thing is rigged to make you look bad unless you agree with them. That is a biased system looking to support itself, not the actual truth. What exactly are religious people afraid of? If the Bible is right as they say, if what they believe is right, then certainly the facts will prove it right? So what is the need to place the blame always on the questioner instead of the thing being questioned? Afraid of being wrong? I think that's what it comes down to to me, they don't wanna be wrong so they shift the focus on the one making the argument instead, or even try to make excuses for the bad behavior done by their God or in the name of their God. Catholics even have a term for this, they call it apologetics, which is basically another form of saying apology. If something is good and right it need not be apologized for. That a religion would feel the need to have a term that basically means just that, trying to justify their behavior somehow, says a lot about it. So yeah bottom line is, you cannot have an honest discussion about this if every single time someone challenges it, you make the issue about them and not about what they are trying to argue against. You want truth? Then you'll follow it wherever it leads, even if it means you were wrong. Anything else just indicates you wanna cling to what you believe no matter what evidence is shown otherwise. |
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Fri 05/24/13 03:38 PM
To those who are against same sex marriage, do you feel that interracial marriage should not have been legalized either? If you feel differently about both, why? because others defined race and put people in those categories based upon things they have no control over, not on actions, or preferences, or tastes,,but on BIOLOGICAL HISTORY because the product of too many interracial unions , children, prove that they are no different than intraracial unions,,,,, all that matters is man and woman, they create life, and they are the foundation to be cherished and protected,,, How are they threatened because two men or two women can marry? Tell me how. They'll still have the same right to marry as they do now, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Letting others do the same doesn't mean they're not protected, they always have been and will be. how are you threatened if others are ok with having their home searched or their persons searched at an airport? immediate threat isnt the point,,,,cultural decline, cultural norms, cultural boundaries are,,,, Really? You're gonna try that argument, really? That's so entirely different it's not even funny! In that case I am threatened because I KNOW that if others keep accepting things like you describe above, they will come for me next, they always do I don't care how you wanna argue it, history proves it time and time again if you actually educated yourself. That's how I'm threatened, because once enough people consent to unlawful things it makes everyone else targets to be forced to give in to the same. Your choices in that case VERY MUCH do impact what happens to me because of the precedence it sets, it does not just effect you, it creates a snowball effect to where everyone else is effected as well. To try and compare that to allowing two people to privately marry one another is just ridiculous. It's not the same thing whatsoever. One has a ripple effect on everyone, the other just plainly does not. Last I checked your own marriages or rights to be together aren't gonna be taken away because we allow someone else the same. As for cultural norms and boundaries, quite frankly I don't care about that, just because we've done things one way for a certain period of time doesn't mean we can't be wrong or in need of change. Used to be that the cultural norm was to view blacks as inferior to whites, and the boundary placing the two races separate from each other. Should that not have changed? Tradition and what is actually good for people, don't always go together. When it comes to individual rights against that, the individual should win every time. EXACTLY THE SAME THOUGHT,, EXACTLY THE SAME LOGIC<, lets review 'That's so entirely different it's not even funny! In that case I am threatened because I KNOW that if others keep accepting things like you describe above, they will come for me next, they always do I don't care how you wanna argue it, history proves it time and time again if you actually educated yourself. That's how I'm threatened, because once enough people consent to unlawful things it makes everyone else targets to be forced to give in to the same. Your choices in that case VERY MUCH do impact what happens to me because of the precedence it sets, it does not just effect you, it creates a snowball effect to where everyone else is effected as well.' I am threatened because I KNOW that if others keep accepting this lifestyle they will come for my kids next and their kids, they always do, I dont care how you wanna argue it , history proves it time and time again if you actually educate YOURSELF. Thats how Im threatened, because once enough people consent to sinful things, it makes everyone else targes to be forced to give in to accepting those sinful things,. The reaction of society and government to our sexual choices VERY MUCH impact what happens to me because of the precedence it sets, it does not just effect you, it creates a SNOWBALL effect to where everyone else is effected as well starting with children, families and communities,,, I hate to break it to you, but kids are ALWAYS going to be exposed to things that may be undesirable or not good for them. That's called LIFE, that's called REALITY. That's where you come in as a parent, you are there to help them from making bad decisions, take some responsibility instead of relying on everyone else to do it for you. Are you really that unconfident in your parenting skills that someone else's decisions could effect your kids that much? Cause that's what it sounds like to me. And who exactly defines sin to begin with? "sin" is a bit of a relative term in the first place, without direct harm. What's right for one may not be for another and vice versa we are all different. So yeah number one, you want to protect your kids from bad things? Do your job as a parent so they make good choices, stop trying make everyone else responsible for it. And two realize that just cause something is new to you, doesn't make it bad. Open your mind to new ideas......some things are just different. Not bad, not wrong, just different. |
omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!! As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry. I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women HOWEVER that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors anymore than I would want them to make it a crime I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,, adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,, so you want adults to be free to do what they want, but at the same time want it to be ok to effectively ostracize them if they go against YOUR personal can't have it both ways here. Pick a side. I havent suggested they be ostracized either ostracizing would be making their behavior illegal,,,which I also oppose Not necessarily true, for example people who work in porn movies do it legally at least in certain areas, but they are still treated as 2nd class citizens simply because of their career choices. It's the same thing for gay people. You may not wanna make their behavior illegal, but supporting unnecessary judgment on them isn't much better. |
Edited by
Thu 05/16/13 01:54 PM
omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!! As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry. I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women HOWEVER that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors anymore than I would want them to make it a crime I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,, adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,, so you want adults to be free to do what they want, but at the same time want it to be ok to effectively ostracize them if they go against YOUR personal can't have it both ways here. Pick a side. |
To those who are against same sex marriage, do you feel that interracial marriage should not have been legalized either? If you feel differently about both, why? because others defined race and put people in those categories based upon things they have no control over, not on actions, or preferences, or tastes,,but on BIOLOGICAL HISTORY because the product of too many interracial unions , children, prove that they are no different than intraracial unions,,,,, all that matters is man and woman, they create life, and they are the foundation to be cherished and protected,,, How are they threatened because two men or two women can marry? Tell me how. They'll still have the same right to marry as they do now, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Letting others do the same doesn't mean they're not protected, they always have been and will be. how are you threatened if others are ok with having their home searched or their persons searched at an airport? immediate threat isnt the point,,,,cultural decline, cultural norms, cultural boundaries are,,,, Really? You're gonna try that argument, really? That's so entirely different it's not even funny! In that case I am threatened because I KNOW that if others keep accepting things like you describe above, they will come for me next, they always do I don't care how you wanna argue it, history proves it time and time again if you actually educated yourself. That's how I'm threatened, because once enough people consent to unlawful things it makes everyone else targets to be forced to give in to the same. Your choices in that case VERY MUCH do impact what happens to me because of the precedence it sets, it does not just effect you, it creates a snowball effect to where everyone else is effected as well. To try and compare that to allowing two people to privately marry one another is just ridiculous. It's not the same thing whatsoever. One has a ripple effect on everyone, the other just plainly does not. Last I checked your own marriages or rights to be together aren't gonna be taken away because we allow someone else the same. As for cultural norms and boundaries, quite frankly I don't care about that, just because we've done things one way for a certain period of time doesn't mean we can't be wrong or in need of change. Used to be that the cultural norm was to view blacks as inferior to whites, and the boundary placing the two races separate from each other. Should that not have changed? Tradition and what is actually good for people, don't always go together. When it comes to individual rights against that, the individual should win every time. |
To those who are against same sex marriage, do you feel that interracial marriage should not have been legalized either? If you feel differently about both, why? because others defined race and put people in those categories based upon things they have no control over, not on actions, or preferences, or tastes,,but on BIOLOGICAL HISTORY because the product of too many interracial unions , children, prove that they are no different than intraracial unions,,,,, all that matters is man and woman, they create life, and they are the foundation to be cherished and protected,,, How are they threatened because two men or two women can marry? Tell me how. They'll still have the same right to marry as they do now, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Letting others do the same doesn't mean they're not protected, they always have been and will be. |
The only reasons I hear same sex marriages should not be legal are religious.
Uh, just who has been trying to use religious beliefs in a legal argument against same-sex marriage? The religious right ring a bell? |
Edited by
Mon 05/13/13 04:53 AM
You gotta be kidding. People with limbs blown off...people dead.... And you are b!#$hing about the law trying to stop it....? well...maybe after the next bombing....they will come and get your advice before they do anything.... What would you have them do when the next dead person will be the blood on your hands? Hand out pamphlets? Those that give away their freedoms for safety and security, deserve neither and in the end will have neither. those who would rather die than live to fight for their liberties another day,, deserve to get their wish,,,, Except one day you won't have your liberties anymore! The more we keep allowing more and more encroachments on them the less we have. We are slowly killing ourselves and we don't even know we're doing it. If we don't fight for them now, one day they will all be gone and so will we be. One has to draw a line at some point if they care the least bit about their rights, to not is to consent to giving them over. We need to stop consenting. |
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Mon 05/13/13 04:48 AM
The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to. I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely. I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights. No one has true rights if someone else can take them away on a whim. Rights cannot be taken away, if they can be they are no longer rights. This is the flaw in a democratic society, it only protects those with the votes, it doesn't protect everyone. It's like a sheep and 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner, the lone sheep loses out. That's not the America, not the world I prefer to live in. What a person can or cannot do in their private lives should never come down to a vote. You even say it yourself, we are a culture of many different societies......why are we trying to force everyone to act according to one? Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only. : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state <public law>. b : of or relating to a government guess which one is the definition of 'private'? guess which one describes MARRIAGE,, which is related to GOVERNMENT,,,,? who defines marriage this way though? It's man's doing......and you can spare me the rhetoric that says otherwise. To try and make something like that for one group only is discriminating. its not for one group, it includes ALL PEOPLE unless they dont fall under either male or female...... which by the by some do NOT......but not withstanding cannot be truly for ALL if the ability to do it is dependent on a certain criteria, that is that it MUST be to the opposite sex to be valid. That just doesn't work, that discriminates against people who either choose not to marry their opposite (ie are bi), or who based on their biological attractions could not do it. If it's truly supposed to be for ALL than you cannot limit it based on a preference. It's not for all if you are doing so, only those it suits. it includes MALES AND FEMALES,, that everyone cant marry anyone they want doesnt make it discriminatory,,, it still gives you the choice to marry or not,, I might want to be a doctor, but that I dont want to take the test, doesnt mean IM being discriminated against for not being allowed a license,,,, If you cannot marry the person you actually love, you don't have a true choice. I don't care how you wanna try and twist it, the only ones that have a choice are those that fit in the narrow definition of it. Anyone who fits outside that is left out. And the doctor argument does not apply here, because in that case EVERYONE can take and pass the test to get a license, race doesn't matter, gender doesn't matter, etc. But with marriage it is limited by the genders involved if not even by the number of people involved in the case of poly relationships. If there are limitations in such a way, there is discrimination against the people who the rules cast out, whether you like it or not. |
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Sun 05/12/13 03:50 PM
It would be very refreshing to hear about Illegals being deported and their keepers prosecuted. My friend, the mother of the Anchor Brat I have at my house, thought she was doing it right. Now, she has to wait 5 year before she gets her passport back. I'd also like to see more companies employing Illegals fined and audited for working them. Not necessarily shut down. That would take away jobs Americans and legal Immigrants could be doing. How very human of you......very human. These people are really not that different from the rest of us you know......I think it's shameful how we treat them. trespassers are human, thieves are human, I empathize with people in need, but I also understand that breaking laws has consequences, and that there is a legal and illegal way to do things there is just and unjust,, and there is equal application of the laws,,,,some cant be made to wait in line and be screened while others are permitted to just walk in and stay indefinitely,,, The thing with that is simply this, if a person truly knows the laws, or knows their common law rights which we ALL have, they can do just that. The only authority any law really has is that which we give to it. If we don't consent to the law, it doesn't apply to us. Most however don't know this and so they are made to do things they don't want to do, not realizing they can avoid that if they know how. So there is an equal application......IF you know what your rights are. If you don't.......well then you lose out basically, hence the discrepancy you speak of here. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. You have to know what you can do in order to do it. |
The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. If you haven't noticed, take a look at the crime rate for my great state, then go ahead and make with that sarcastic laugh emoticon thingy. You're the one who doesn't even want gay people having sex, but you're calling someone else a bigot? When in the world did I ever say that? I didn't call her anything, she did. All I'm tearing at is.... mind your own state. Do I go barking at the people of Maryland demanding this and that? No. Why would it bother you so much if gay people were allowed to marry in your state? How is that affecting your life? and why do care what the people in Wisconsin do? you should worry about your own state, and then the gay's there can have all the butt sex they want... maybe people in Wisconsin don't feel the same way you do about gay butt sex... Personal feelings are irrelevant as it pertains to individual rights, they will win out every time. Unless something is affecting you SPECIFICALLY and your ability to live freely and do as you wish to do, you cannot take away someone elses' ability to live as they choose to. You may not like it, you may disagree with it, but you have no right to dictate or tell them they can't do something strictly based on that. |
The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice. What a ridiculous thing to say. Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century. And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused. Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right. I don't have any right to do what? Talk about Wisconsin? I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular. Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread. This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE. You are so territorial. You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane. So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy. People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to. I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely. I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights. No one has true rights if someone else can take them away on a whim. Rights cannot be taken away, if they can be they are no longer rights. This is the flaw in a democratic society, it only protects those with the votes, it doesn't protect everyone. It's like a sheep and 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner, the lone sheep loses out. That's not the America, not the world I prefer to live in. What a person can or cannot do in their private lives should never come down to a vote. You even say it yourself, we are a culture of many different societies......why are we trying to force everyone to act according to one? Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only. : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state <public law>. b : of or relating to a government guess which one is the definition of 'private'? guess which one describes MARRIAGE,, which is related to GOVERNMENT,,,,? who defines marriage this way though? It's man's doing......and you can spare me the rhetoric that says otherwise. To try and make something like that for one group only is discriminating. its not for one group, it includes ALL PEOPLE unless they dont fall under either male or female...... which by the by some do NOT......but not withstanding cannot be truly for ALL if the ability to do it is dependent on a certain criteria, that is that it MUST be to the opposite sex to be valid. That just doesn't work, that discriminates against people who either choose not to marry their opposite (ie are bi), or who based on their biological attractions could not do it. If it's truly supposed to be for ALL than you cannot limit it based on a preference. It's not for all if you are doing so, only those it suits. |