The ba$tard$ responsible - COWARDS all - will beidentified, and hunted down. Since no known"radical" nor"fundamentalist" group has yet 'claimed responsibility', I'd venture that some warped, demented, DOMESTIC group, with some kind of"percieved injustice agenda" may be behind this tragedy. And there's the OTHER rub here......a false flag of this magnitude can easily be spun towards "anti-government" types and in fact was already...... There is much that one could gain from an event like this politically speaking....... |
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Tue 04/16/13 01:20 AM
Two words: FALSE FLAG. That is all. Seem that someone listens to too much Alex Jones. No, just someone who has seen these games enough times to know it's going on. Kinda surprised as aware as you are of how they operate you of all people ought to be able to recognize it too. Do I believe that the Government will take advantage of this to Push an Agenda; yes I do. Do I believe that the Government did this; why would they when they can just sit back and wait? Why wait if you can create the terror yourself though? More control over the game no? The Biggest Reason that the Government couldn't carry out such a thing, People like to Talk. Take the number of people that would be needed to pull off Sandy Hook, from the First Responders, to Hospital Staff, to Everyone Else to make it "Credible"; multiply that by the people they know, family, friends, so on. You'd have to argue that the Government is Competent; of all the things I'm willing to accuse the Government of, Competence isn't one of them. Well there's an easy answer to that, someone talks, you either kill em or make them look crazy so the masses won't believe them (like labeling them nutjobs, conspiracy theorists, truthers, and the like for example). And those in power have been known to do both many times over. I wouldn't underestimate these people.....they may look incompetent like they don't know what they're doing, but I think they know EXACTLY what they're doing. Remember Watergate and Nixon....why the govt would never spy on it's people, right? That's precisely what they want people to think, by having that blind faith in effect that they would never do things like this, it makes it easier for them to pull things off. I do think more people are beginning to become wise to it though now in the internet age where less can be hidden away as compared to even 10-15 years ago, but there's still a decent chunk of the population that will go along with these events, and it's those people that really allow them all this power they wield now. I mean we collectively could bring everything to a screeching halt in a hurry if enough of us banded together and quit playing the game anymore, but as it is there remains a large enough section of the populace willing to buy what they're selling to keep their power fairly strong. How much longer that lasts I'm not sure, but for now at least it's enough to let this go on. |
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Tue 04/16/13 01:09 AM
Two words: FALSE FLAG. That is all. Seem that someone listens to too much Alex Jones. No, just someone who has seen these games enough times to know it's going on. Kinda surprised as aware as you are of how they operate you of all people ought to be able to recognize it too. Do I believe that the Government will take advantage of this to Push an Agenda; yes I do. Do I believe that the Government did this; why would they when they can just sit back and wait? Why wait if you can create the terror yourself though? More control over the game no? The Biggest Reason that the Government couldn't carry out such a thing, People like to Talk. Take the number of people that would be needed to pull off Sandy Hook, from the First Responders, to Hospital Staff, to Everyone Else to make it "Credible"; multiply that by the people they know, family, friends, so on. You'd have to argue that the Government is Competent; of all the things I'm willing to accuse the Government of, Competence isn't one of them. Well there's an easy answer to that, someone talks, you either kill em or make them look crazy so the masses won't believe them (like labeling them nutjobs, conspiracy theorists, truthers and the like for example). And those in power have been known to do both many times over. I wouldn't underestimate these people.....they may look incompetent like they don't know what they're doing, but I think they know EXACTLY what they're doing. |
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Tue 04/16/13 12:25 AM
Two words: FALSE FLAG. That is all. Seem that someone listens to too much Alex Jones. No, just someone who has seen these games enough times to know it's going on. Kinda surprised as aware as you are of how they operate you of all people ought to be able to recognize it too. Do I believe that the Government will take advantage of this to Push an Agenda; yes I do. Do I believe that the Government did this; why would they when they can just sit back and wait? Why wait if you can create the terror yourself though? More control over the game no? |
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Tue 04/16/13 12:40 AM
And here's your smoking gun, anyone wanna try and debate this? This was made 8 hours ago, long before the's been changed now to reflect a difference but it was there! Someone who owns a facebook page can alter it at will. If I started a facebook page for selling Avon but made very few or no sales, I can change it to something else at will. All that you had proven is that someone started a facebook page earlier in the day and then changed it after the news. Still suspicious, saw the same damn thing going on after Sandy Hook. Not to mention the several changes in dates as to when it was made, which some people were commenting on. Just doesn't sit right. |
I wonder which fanatic group will claim it? i'l be willing to bet that it will be religious ties to it... It was God!! Westboro Baptist says so. News Westboro Baptist Church Will Picket Boston Bomb Funerals Westboro Baptist @WBCSays BREAKING: Westboro Baptist Church to picket funerals of those dead by Boston Bombs! GOD SENT THE BOMBS IN FURY OVER FAG MARRIAGE! #PraiseGod 9:21 PM - 15 Apr 13 Westboro Baptist @WBCSays Everyone can give a big thanks to the likes of @TheEllenShow in supporting same-sex marriage -- THAT is the reason GOD SENT BOSTON BOMBS! 9:18 PM - 15 Apr 13 The hate mongers of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church have vowed to protest at the funerals of those killed in today's Boston Marathon Bombing. Why we rejoice #Boston Ps 58:10 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. 9:46 PM - 15 Apr 13 THANK GOD FOR THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBS! WBC TO PICKET THE FUNERALS OF THOSE KILLED BY THE BOMBING IN BOSTON, MA From WBC website In response to these fanatics .......... Petition: Ban Westboro Baptist Church from Boston Bomb Funerals A White House peition has been started to ban the Westboro Baptist Church from Boston after the church promised to picket the funerals of the bomb victims. why am I not surprised they'd jump on this???? ![]() Sometimes I wonder if they are on the take somehow to create's almost too extreme how far they go at times. |
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Mon 04/15/13 10:36 PM
What if it is you that is the sheep? If it was true I'd own up to it, but it's not. Governments, be it ours or others have a long history of killing its' own in events like this if doing so fits their agendas. People may not wanna believe or accept that fact that those that they entrust to protect them could act in such a way, but nevertheless it has happened and will keep happening so long as people keep falling for the lies. We have got to stop being so gullible and easily led and learn from the past. If we ever want to change the present it has to begin there. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. Same to you buddy, same to you, go ahead and be a god damn sheep, you'll regret it soon enough. Getting mad because people don't blindly believe your conspiracy theory isn't going to help at all. Perhaps not, but people have got to be aware of what is going on, cause otherwise they will easily fall for all the emotional manipulation that comes from events like this, it happens every single time. We have to know the game. |
Trying this again...Your picture doesn't have an original date, it is invalid, right off the bat it is completely inconsequential because there is no way to see when it was done. Now we have that out the way, do you know how incredibly easy time stamps are to fabricate? They've been fabricated in film, music, even journalism...So, now, me knowing all of that like I do, am supposed to take your picture that doesn't even have a date on it as cold hard fact? Not gonna happen, do you know why? Because your proof is either floating away with the wind or sinking rapidly in the water, because it is not proof. Photoshop and all that jazz...Oh, but we're supposed to trust your sources, right? Because in no way, shape, or form do they have their own personal agenda, right? Honestly, float away in the clouds with your irrational fears...I don't really care. Same to you buddy, same to you, go ahead and be a god damn sheep, you'll regret it soon enough. |
michigan guys
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Mon 04/15/13 07:14 PM
michigan guys
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Mon 04/15/13 07:14 PM
There's one here lol and I do like black women.
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Mon 04/15/13 07:10 PM
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Mon 04/15/13 07:00 PM
fixed the link. F* your link, prove your s*...I'm getting pretty sick of these theories being thrust forth as truth, it is actually sickening coming from a journalism background where we had to fact check facts just to make sure they were right. Something a ton of you are completely oblivious to, or simply do not know how to do. My recommendation before you go off on another psycho-babble retreat is to check your s*, again and again, until it is solid. Otherwise it is just bulls*...Which is what it currently stands as, if we used the scientific method with this bulls* it wouldn't hold up to air much less water. That's right, nothing to see here, your government is there to help you...... ![]() For ***** and giggles's what the page looked like BEFORE it was changed: |
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Mon 04/15/13 04:52 PM
fixed the link.
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Mon 04/15/13 04:51 PM
And here's your smoking gun, anyone wanna try and debate this? This was made 8 hours ago, long before the's been changed now to reflect a difference but it was there! |
WTF is wrong with the world these days? Things like this, timed as they are, appear to serve a number of purposes advantageous to government. For one thing, it takes peoples' minds off the economic mess they've made and the about-to-implode economy; for another thing, it frightens everyone and reminds the people why they created all the antiterrorism/national security crap (like the DHS, NDAA, etc.) that was getting everyone upset about the loss of their (former) liberty. IMO, your country wants you to be afraid...very that you will approach the legislators and demand they do something to protect you (i.e. increase the national security)...Of course they will be happy to oblige and take away what little remains of your rights in the name of national security & counterterrorism. You probably don't wanna believe a cynic like me, but IMO, the people who bomb things like the Boston marathon are probably agents working for either the federal government, or the banks/corporations who own it. Yep. From the moment I heard about this I just KNEW there was something to this.....always is with something this big. |
Two words: FALSE FLAG. That is all. Seem that someone listens to too much Alex Jones. No, just someone who has seen these games enough times to know it's going on. Kinda surprised as aware as you are of how they operate you of all people ought to be able to recognize it too. |
Could be home made terrorist like James Holmes who did the Aurora shooting and claimed insanity. I see bs, the reason he did it is cuz he's just plain ol' evil. or tying to create a distraction toward some other goal,,, This, and the end game is power and control. Period. Time to open those eyes folks....... No one knows who DunIt,yet you have already figured out every detail! ![]() They sure were quick to suspect a saudi guy though weren't they? Or for that matter......suspect an "anti-government" activist..... Little fast don't you think? Found that 3rd bomb mighty fast too...... I may not know EXACTLY who did what, but I can tell you when they are lying, and they are lying. |
Could be home made terrorist like James Holmes who did the Aurora shooting and claimed insanity. I see bs, the reason he did it is cuz he's just plain ol' evil. or tying to create a distraction toward some other goal,,, This, and the end game is power and control. Period. Time to open those eyes folks....... |