Community > Posts By > Kleisto

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 08:55 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 08:56 PM

So, throw out the Sodomy Laws and embrace homosexuality?ohwell

Yes, why the hell are we letting a god damn RELIGION dictate people's behaviors for? Give me one good ****ing reason?! It has NO PLACE in lawmaking, NONE!

Because that is what our morals are built upon centuries ago. maybe no place in lawmaking but based upon a man and a woman procure the next generation. I'm so sorry that you can't understand it. It is the law of nature.

Laws on sodomy are laws on the books.

Butt sex is illegal.

Is this a relevant law today? Of course not.

i guess if your moral standard is lowered, then yes...

You believe that if someone engaged in anal sex, their moral standard is lowered? Why? And again, whose standard are we going by?

ummm.. mine...whoa

and who made you king over everyone? oh that's right NO ONE DID! if you don't like "butt sex" fine DON'T DO IT, but let others engage if that's what works for them. It's not your business now and never was.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 06:59 PM

So, throw out the Sodomy Laws and embrace homosexuality?ohwell

Yes, why the hell are we letting a god damn RELIGION dictate people's behaviors for? Give me one good ****ing reason?! It has NO PLACE in lawmaking, NONE!

Because that is what our morals are built upon centuries ago. maybe no place in lawmaking but based upon a man and a woman procure the next generation. I'm so sorry that you can't understand it. It is the law of nature.

Well maybe it's time we ****ing change, we're not in the dark ages anymore. People are different, and have different needs and interests. It's always been that way (even centuries ago sorry to tell you), and always will be. They won't all fit into your neat little utopia world you envision, learn to deal with it because it will never ever change no matter if you like that or not. I'm sorry if you can't understand that, but that is life.

And last I checked I don't think we have any problems creating a next generation, if anything we are OVER creating. But really, don't even try that argument because it will fail, there will always be straight people, and bi people who will reproduce, two gays or two lesbians being together is not gonna end the life cycle, that is ridiculous and has no basis at all in reality. Every animal that exists has a homosexual sect.....have they all gone extinct? You know damn well they haven't, so we're not either. That's not even to mention the fact there are other ways to form a life anyway for homosexual couples, but regardless your argument fails completely, gays have always been a part of society in some form, and we're still here. That isn't gonna change no matter how much you think it would.

Every animal that exists has a homosexual sect

this is untrue,,,just as it would be untrue to say EVERY animal has cannibalism, or EVERY Animal mates for life,,,

statements with EVERY are usually fallible,,,,

and people of all types have always existed,(murderers, adulterers, thieves, polygamists, liars, promiscuous, etc,,,)

that doesnt mean people have always accepted EVERY Behavior that has existed, or that they should,,,

You get the idea, homosexuality is NOT just a human thing, so on some level it is a natural part of our world, no matter if you like that or not.

And on the people haven't, but when it comes to personal choices that effect only the people involved, others need to get the hell over themselves and worry about their own damn lives. Life would be so much simpler.........

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 06:48 PM

So, throw out the Sodomy Laws and embrace homosexuality?ohwell

Yes, why the hell are we letting a god damn RELIGION dictate people's behaviors for? Give me one good ****ing reason?! It has NO PLACE in lawmaking, NONE!

Because that is what our morals are built upon centuries ago. maybe no place in lawmaking but based upon a man and a woman procure the next generation. I'm so sorry that you can't understand it. It is the law of nature.

Well maybe it's time we ****ing change, we're not in the dark ages anymore. People are different, and have different needs and interests. It's always been that way (even centuries ago sorry to tell you), and always will be. They won't all fit into your neat little utopia world you envision, learn to deal with it because it will never ever change no matter if you like that or not. I'm sorry if you can't understand that, but that is life.

And last I checked I don't think we have any problems creating a next generation, if anything we are OVER creating. But really, don't even try that argument because it will fail, there will always be straight people, and bi people who will reproduce, two gays or two lesbians being together is not gonna end the life cycle, that is ridiculous and has no basis at all in reality. Every animal that exists has a homosexual sect.....have they all gone extinct? You know damn well they haven't, so we're not either. That's not even to mention the fact there are other ways to form a life anyway for homosexual couples, but regardless your argument fails completely, gays have always been a part of society in some form, and we're still here. That isn't gonna change no matter how much you think it would.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 06:13 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 06:15 PM

So, throw out the Sodomy Laws and embrace homosexuality?ohwell

Yes, why the hell are we letting a god damn RELIGION dictate people's behaviors for? Give me one good ****ing reason?! It has NO PLACE in lawmaking, NONE! If two people wanna have "butt sex" as you people wanna call it, why is that your damn business for?? People need to stay the **** out of others personal lives and worry about their own. Enough is enough with morality and the religious right driving the laws!

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 05:51 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 05:53 PM

Who should have the right to tell others who to love and marry anyway? Stay the hell out of their bedroom.

As long as they are not harming anyone or taking advantage of those who are incapable of making the choice through age or mental capacity, who cares. Really.

It is a waste of our tax money and our time to have to fight this battle....

Just like abortion, if you don't believe in it, DON'T DO IT. You can't stop others from believing in it or doing it. And you waste your time trying.

The butt sexers are screwing up the kids.
Embrace butt sex and screw the kids.slaphead

Says you.....the people who make gays out to be different and raise up bigots for that difference are who screw up the kids, people like you. All kids want is a good home and love, who the hell cares whether those giving it are gay or not? I can guarantee you they wouldn't. You place that judgment into their heads, it's not ingrained.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 04:44 PM

The thing is, it is difficult to respect the "law" when most of it is written and enforced by a political mafia of a dysfunctional departmental corrupt system.

Therefore, you can't obey all the laws. Its impossible. There are too many so-called "laws." It is a maize of bull chit you have to wade through.

I feel that a corrupt system has no right to enforce their laws on the little guy when the elite club of the wealthy themselves don't abide by them. So when someone tells me that something is "illegal" I mostly take it with a grain of salt. Obey the rules and stay out of trouble and if you can't, then you have to just make sure you don't get caught.

i don't doubt you "feel" that way, sometimes i do to. but we still have to follow the law, no matter how we feel about it...

Um.... no we don't.

We don't have to do anything.

This, and anyone who thinks they do, deserves to be enslaved because they don't care about their freedom enough to fight for it.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:46 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 02:48 PM

who's taking away who's rights? no matter how this gay marriage thing goes, someones rights are getting trampled on.. i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

What rights are getting trampled if gay marriage is legalized?

another dumb question... can you not read? it is answered in the SAME POST!!!!

Where has your right to live in this country been taken away? No one is forcing you to be gay, have a gay marriage, associate with gay people and so on. And why do you believe nothing is worth voting for anymore?

i never said that... your confused... put your glasses on and reread what i posted... i said: i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

it means i will always vote no on it, not not vote ... if your fine with living in a society with no morals, then vote the way you want...

Whose morals? Yours? Who do you believe should decide on the morals we should all be living by?

why are you arguing? my morals are my morals, if don't like them, then go bug someone else..

She's arguing because you are trying to use your morals keyword being YOURS to try and tell others how to live and what they can and can't do, and that is wrong. No one is saying you can't think a certain way or have a certain code of conduct to live by. If you wanna disagree with gay marriage, that's fine, but what you CAN'T do is use that disagreement to make them live how you want. That is where the line is crossed. So you really should take your own advice here dude and leave the gay people alone.....

what exactly have i done to gay people, smartass? you think i'm supposed to vote for what you want, not what i believe in? you can live however you want, does NOT mean i have to agree with it. you can go marry your boyfriend, i could care less... but i will never agree with it, no matter what you say...

And that's fine, but again when you USE that belief to try and marginalize others, that's where you step over the line, I don't give a damn about a democratic society or anything like that, what matters is human rights, and you are using your beliefs to try and remove them from someone else just because you disagree with them. That's what you're doing to gay people, bottom line.

you don't give a damn about anything but what you feel is right... you don't care about the way our system is set up
you don't care about morals
you don't care about anyone else's OPINION
and now your saying that i'm trying to make you believe something different?

I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU BELIEVE, NOW OR EVER... the only thing i've said on here is that i'm against gay marriage... if you don't like that, tough...

i've been trying to impress on you that we live in democratic society, the majority rules... if the vote is for gay marriage, then thats what people want, nothing i can do about it, nor would i try... but I will never vote for it... is that to hard for your tiny, insecure mind to understand?

As hard as it is for you to understand the concept of FREEDOM since you seem so hellbent on taking it away from others just because you can hate gay marriage all you want, just don't try and tell someone they can't marry whom they love. Simple as that, your rights end where theirs begin, democratic society be damned, maybe the system is broken ever thought about that? Oh of course not because if it was you couldn't use it to take someone's rights now could you?

And because I disagree with you I don't care about morals? Nice assumption.....really nice. Maybe I just think everyone has their own moral code, and you can't make everyone the same......but no it's easier for your small mind to just say I have no morals......

Oh and I never said you were trying to make me believe something different......but thanks for putting words in my mouth.....

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:28 PM

God doesnt 'treat' me any kind of way,, He gives me life and sets me in the world with free will and ample information to set my own path,,,,

what is 'wrong' for us, is wrong because we are not the CREATOR

just as some things are 'wrong' for children that arent for their parents,,,

God is of a HIGHER knowledge and experience than we are, we do the
'wrong' when we assume he should be serving and catering to us like we expect humans to,,,,,,

talking about self accountability,, those who are afraid of it will continue to blame God for the things and consequences in life they do not want to suffer,,,,,,,

If I build a hut, it is not 'cruel' for me to allow it to willow,,,or to take it back down it is my 'creation'

just as we are Gods, although we wish to be much more significant (Regardless of our obedience, behavior, or faith) than any other creation is to their creator,,,,

there is a simple and painless way to eternal life, those who refuse to take it , are left to willow like that hut

those who take the simple way, are not left

simple and JUST,, nothing illogical about it,,,

If you don't count the fact that your God blackmails you into getting what it wants.......yeah nothing illogical or wrong about that at all.......uh huh.......whoa

Oh and the idea of setting your own path yet only being truly able to do what God wants you to do if you wanna live forever....don't go together......just saying. You're either fully free or you're a slave, pick one, can't be both.

too many people have been brainwashed into believing that 'freedom' is tied to lack of consequence,,,,

Oh I have nothing wrong with freedom having a consequence attached to bad choices......this is a matter of just vs. unjust. The idea that God FORCES you to act a certain way by penalty of eternal death is as far from just as you could imagine. That's entirely different from saying: "do this and this could happen to you", it's saying: "do this or I'll kill you", one is based out of free will, one is based off blackmail and coercion, it's about that simple. But believe what you want.......

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:23 PM

who's taking away who's rights? no matter how this gay marriage thing goes, someones rights are getting trampled on.. i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

What rights are getting trampled if gay marriage is legalized?

another dumb question... can you not read? it is answered in the SAME POST!!!!

Where has your right to live in this country been taken away? No one is forcing you to be gay, have a gay marriage, associate with gay people and so on. And why do you believe nothing is worth voting for anymore?

i never said that... your confused... put your glasses on and reread what i posted... i said: i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

it means i will always vote no on it, not not vote ... if your fine with living in a society with no morals, then vote the way you want...

Whose morals? Yours? Who do you believe should decide on the morals we should all be living by?

why are you arguing? my morals are my morals, if don't like them, then go bug someone else..

She's arguing because you are trying to use your morals keyword being YOURS to try and tell others how to live and what they can and can't do, and that is wrong. No one is saying you can't think a certain way or have a certain code of conduct to live by. If you wanna disagree with gay marriage, that's fine, but what you CAN'T do is use that disagreement to make them live how you want. That is where the line is crossed.

So you really should take your own advice here dude and leave the gay people alone.....if you don't want people trampling on your rights, don't trample on theirs.

So. Is male on male butt sex immoral?

Moral and Immoral depends on the person, what they want, what they need, etc. There is not and should never have been a set standard for morality, everyone is different and should be treated as such, not made the same. As long as you're not harming someone else, and everyone is consenting, whether you're having sex, or doing anything else, there is no wrongdoing to me.

Moral and Immoral beyond that are personal opinions, nothing more.

Complete and total liberal brainwashing BS.smokin

whatever you say dude.......good luck with trying to make everyone the same......smokin

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:22 PM

who's taking away who's rights? no matter how this gay marriage thing goes, someones rights are getting trampled on.. i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

What rights are getting trampled if gay marriage is legalized?

another dumb question... can you not read? it is answered in the SAME POST!!!!

Where has your right to live in this country been taken away? No one is forcing you to be gay, have a gay marriage, associate with gay people and so on. And why do you believe nothing is worth voting for anymore?

i never said that... your confused... put your glasses on and reread what i posted... i said: i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

it means i will always vote no on it, not not vote ... if your fine with living in a society with no morals, then vote the way you want...

Whose morals? Yours? Who do you believe should decide on the morals we should all be living by?

why are you arguing? my morals are my morals, if don't like them, then go bug someone else..

She's arguing because you are trying to use your morals keyword being YOURS to try and tell others how to live and what they can and can't do, and that is wrong. No one is saying you can't think a certain way or have a certain code of conduct to live by. If you wanna disagree with gay marriage, that's fine, but what you CAN'T do is use that disagreement to make them live how you want. That is where the line is crossed. So you really should take your own advice here dude and leave the gay people alone.....

what exactly have i done to gay people, smartass? you think i'm supposed to vote for what you want, not what i believe in? you can live however you want, does NOT mean i have to agree with it. you can go marry your boyfriend, i could care less... but i will never agree with it, no matter what you say...

And that's fine, but again when you USE that belief to try and marginalize others, that's where you step over the line, I don't give a damn about a democratic society or anything like that, what matters is human rights, and you are using your beliefs to try and remove them from someone else just because you disagree with them. That's what you're doing to gay people, bottom line.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:20 PM

who's taking away who's rights? no matter how this gay marriage thing goes, someones rights are getting trampled on.. i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

What rights are getting trampled if gay marriage is legalized?

another dumb question... can you not read? it is answered in the SAME POST!!!!

Where has your right to live in this country been taken away? No one is forcing you to be gay, have a gay marriage, associate with gay people and so on. And why do you believe nothing is worth voting for anymore?

i never said that... your confused... put your glasses on and reread what i posted... i said: i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

it means i will always vote no on it, not not vote ... if your fine with living in a society with no morals, then vote the way you want...

Whose morals? Yours? Who do you believe should decide on the morals we should all be living by?

why are you arguing? my morals are my morals, if don't like them, then go bug someone else..

She's arguing because you are trying to use your morals keyword being YOURS to try and tell others how to live and what they can and can't do, and that is wrong. No one is saying you can't think a certain way or have a certain code of conduct to live by. If you wanna disagree with gay marriage, that's fine, but what you CAN'T do is use that disagreement to make them live how you want. That is where the line is crossed.

So you really should take your own advice here dude and leave the gay people alone.....if you don't want people trampling on your rights, don't trample on theirs.

So. Is male on male butt sex immoral?

Moral and Immoral depends on the person, what they want, what they need, etc. There is not and should never have been a set standard for morality, everyone is different and should be treated as such, not made the same. As long as you're not harming someone else, and everyone is consenting, whether you're having sex, or doing anything else, there is no wrongdoing to me.

Moral and Immoral beyond that are personal opinions, nothing more.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:18 PM

God doesnt 'treat' me any kind of way,, He gives me life and sets me in the world with free will and ample information to set my own path,,,,

what is 'wrong' for us, is wrong because we are not the CREATOR

just as some things are 'wrong' for children that arent for their parents,,,

God is of a HIGHER knowledge and experience than we are, we do the
'wrong' when we assume he should be serving and catering to us like we expect humans to,,,,,,

talking about self accountability,, those who are afraid of it will continue to blame God for the things and consequences in life they do not want to suffer,,,,,,,

If I build a hut, it is not 'cruel' for me to allow it to willow,,,or to take it back down it is my 'creation'

just as we are Gods, although we wish to be much more significant (Regardless of our obedience, behavior, or faith) than any other creation is to their creator,,,,

there is a simple and painless way to eternal life, those who refuse to take it , are left to willow like that hut

those who take the simple way, are not left

simple and JUST,, nothing illogical about it,,,

If you don't count the fact that your God blackmails you into getting what it wants.......yeah nothing illogical or wrong about that at all.......uh huh.......whoa

Oh and the idea of setting your own path yet only being truly able to do what God wants you to do if you wanna live forever....don't go together......just saying. You're either fully free or you're a slave, pick one, can't be both.

why are you always trying to others how to live and what to believe?
if she wants to believe in a mythical being, let her, whats it to you? same with this gay marriage crap, your right and anyone that disagrees with you is wrong... your exactly like the government you hate so much, if anyone doesn't believe what you believe, then they are idiots and vermin, and you feel you need to make them think like you... disgusting, in my opinion...

Oh people can believe anything they want even if it's completely idiotic and illogical, they have that right. It doesn't mean I'm not gonna call them out on their ignorance and stupidity though, especially if they are using their beliefs be them religious or otherwise to dictate to others.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 02:13 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 02:14 PM

who's taking away who's rights? no matter how this gay marriage thing goes, someones rights are getting trampled on.. i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

What rights are getting trampled if gay marriage is legalized?

another dumb question... can you not read? it is answered in the SAME POST!!!!

Where has your right to live in this country been taken away? No one is forcing you to be gay, have a gay marriage, associate with gay people and so on. And why do you believe nothing is worth voting for anymore?

i never said that... your confused... put your glasses on and reread what i posted... i said: i think my right to live in a country that has some moral values left is worth voting for...

it means i will always vote no on it, not not vote ... if your fine with living in a society with no morals, then vote the way you want...

Whose morals? Yours? Who do you believe should decide on the morals we should all be living by?

why are you arguing? my morals are my morals, if don't like them, then go bug someone else..

She's arguing because you are trying to use your morals keyword being YOURS to try and tell others how to live and what they can and can't do, and that is wrong. No one is saying you can't think a certain way or have a certain code of conduct to live by. If you wanna disagree with gay marriage, that's fine, but what you CAN'T do is use that disagreement to make them live how you want. That is where the line is crossed.

So you really should take your own advice here dude and leave the gay people alone.....if you don't want people trampling on your rights, don't trample on theirs.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 06:40 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 03/27/13 06:45 AM

God doesnt 'treat' me any kind of way,, He gives me life and sets me in the world with free will and ample information to set my own path,,,,

what is 'wrong' for us, is wrong because we are not the CREATOR

just as some things are 'wrong' for children that arent for their parents,,,

God is of a HIGHER knowledge and experience than we are, we do the
'wrong' when we assume he should be serving and catering to us like we expect humans to,,,,,,

talking about self accountability,, those who are afraid of it will continue to blame God for the things and consequences in life they do not want to suffer,,,,,,,

If I build a hut, it is not 'cruel' for me to allow it to willow,,,or to take it back down it is my 'creation'

just as we are Gods, although we wish to be much more significant (Regardless of our obedience, behavior, or faith) than any other creation is to their creator,,,,

there is a simple and painless way to eternal life, those who refuse to take it , are left to willow like that hut

those who take the simple way, are not left

simple and JUST,, nothing illogical about it,,,

If you don't count the fact that your God blackmails you into getting what it wants.......yeah nothing illogical or wrong about that at all.......uh huh.......whoa

Oh and the idea of setting your own path yet only being truly able to do what God wants you to do if you wanna live forever....don't go together......just saying. You're either fully free or you're a slave, pick one, can't be both.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 03/27/13 12:09 AM

obedience is a good thing, without it there is chaos

what is dangerous is obedience without logic or reason

That sums up religion right there, there IS no logic or reason in it.

And on the other it depends who you are obeying.....and why. If it's someone else trying to run your life......I'll pass and make my own choices thanks. Only people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives are afraid of that type of freedom.

yeah, no reason to be afraid of 'freedom' , but plenty of reason to fear 'absolute freedom' with billions of people occupying the same earth,,,

having rules which guide the running of a home is not the same as running a life,, anymore than running of a government is the same as running a life

and religion has as much logic as any other institution,,,,,the bible has as much logic as any other 'historical' book,,,,

********, it's the least logical of any "historical" book out there. People have just been conditioned to think otherwise.

As for the rest I'll say it again, people who are afraid of taking responsibility of their own lives are afraid of absolute freedom. And not saying others won't do bad things, people always do, law or no law, but the ends don't justify the means, not now, not ever.

so the ten commandments are not logical? the sermon on the mount? forgiveness, repentance, marriage, death,, all illogical huh?

the book is full of logic, but people who are offended by the rules and guidelines dismiss all of that to pursue their owh moral standards,,,

the ends dont justify the means,,,,,

says someone living amongst the safety of a culture with no 'absolute' freedom,,,,

after all, our constitution could have just said

'We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

Article 1.

Every american citizen shall here forward be absolutely free to do anything they want at any time, as long as it doesnt cause destruction to the person or property of others,,,,



however, its quite a bit lengthier,, because guidelines and lawsz in a SOCIETY is necessary,,,,

No because man has a thirst for power.....universal law of not harming another is really the only law you need, anything else is just man trying to control another.

And I will say that there are certain truths in the Bible CERTAIN TRUTHS ONLY, but the rest of it is utter bunk. The idea that God DEMANDS anything of anyone obedience wise with death if you don't comply speaks to a being with an ego complex, not a loving God. That's where the logic ends where that crap begins.

perception of love is subjective and emotional

has nothing to do with logic

he is a loving and JUST God

consequence, punishment, reward, repentance, ,, are all part of JUSTICE

but many believe only reward and inaction are 'loving'

Oh yeah cause ETERNAL death is SOOOOOOO just and loving......right! No sane person would ever punish someone in that way here for mere disobedience, but your God does it and it's good. See what I mean? No logic.

it is too bad you feel that way

God GAVE Me this life, so it is his to guide as he sees fit

no other person could create this life for me but HIM so the comparison to what someone else might do is irrelevant in my opinion

Id have no life if not for him, he certainly has the JUST authority to take it back in whatever way he so chooses,,,,,,

including going back to the "ETERNAL" nothing I was before I was created,,,

Do you realize how INSANE that sounds to any logical thinking person? If any parent in this world decided to treat a child the way you say God treats his children, he or she would be publicly denounced and rightfully so, but yet when God does it it's perfectly fine, nevermind the fact that it's supposed to be higher than we are spiritually yet it's acting in a way even WE know is wrong. Like I said no logic.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/26/13 09:40 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 03/26/13 09:42 PM

obedience is a good thing, without it there is chaos

what is dangerous is obedience without logic or reason

That sums up religion right there, there IS no logic or reason in it.

And on the other it depends who you are obeying.....and why. If it's someone else trying to run your life......I'll pass and make my own choices thanks. Only people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives are afraid of that type of freedom.

yeah, no reason to be afraid of 'freedom' , but plenty of reason to fear 'absolute freedom' with billions of people occupying the same earth,,,

having rules which guide the running of a home is not the same as running a life,, anymore than running of a government is the same as running a life

and religion has as much logic as any other institution,,,,,the bible has as much logic as any other 'historical' book,,,,

********, it's the least logical of any "historical" book out there. People have just been conditioned to think otherwise.

As for the rest I'll say it again, people who are afraid of taking responsibility of their own lives are afraid of absolute freedom. And not saying others won't do bad things, people always do, law or no law, but the ends don't justify the means, not now, not ever.

so the ten commandments are not logical? the sermon on the mount? forgiveness, repentance, marriage, death,, all illogical huh?

the book is full of logic, but people who are offended by the rules and guidelines dismiss all of that to pursue their owh moral standards,,,

the ends dont justify the means,,,,,

says someone living amongst the safety of a culture with no 'absolute' freedom,,,,

after all, our constitution could have just said

'We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

Article 1.

Every american citizen shall here forward be absolutely free to do anything they want at any time, as long as it doesnt cause destruction to the person or property of others,,,,



however, its quite a bit lengthier,, because guidelines and lawsz in a SOCIETY is necessary,,,,

No because man has a thirst for power.....universal law of not harming another is really the only law you need, anything else is just man trying to control another.

And I will say that there are certain truths in the Bible CERTAIN TRUTHS ONLY, but the rest of it is utter bunk. The idea that God DEMANDS anything of anyone obedience wise with death if you don't comply speaks to a being with an ego complex, not a loving God. That's where the logic ends where that crap begins.

perception of love is subjective and emotional

has nothing to do with logic

he is a loving and JUST God

consequence, punishment, reward, repentance, ,, are all part of JUSTICE

but many believe only reward and inaction are 'loving'

Oh yeah cause ETERNAL death is SOOOOOOO just and loving......right! No sane person would ever punish someone in that way here for mere disobedience, but your God does it and it's good. See what I mean? No logic.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/26/13 09:31 PM

obedience is a good thing, without it there is chaos

what is dangerous is obedience without logic or reason

That sums up religion right there, there IS no logic or reason in it.

And on the other it depends who you are obeying.....and why. If it's someone else trying to run your life......I'll pass and make my own choices thanks. Only people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives are afraid of that type of freedom.

yeah, no reason to be afraid of 'freedom' , but plenty of reason to fear 'absolute freedom' with billions of people occupying the same earth,,,

having rules which guide the running of a home is not the same as running a life,, anymore than running of a government is the same as running a life

and religion has as much logic as any other institution,,,,,the bible has as much logic as any other 'historical' book,,,,

********, it's the least logical of any "historical" book out there. People have just been conditioned to think otherwise.

As for the rest I'll say it again, people who are afraid of taking responsibility of their own lives are afraid of absolute freedom. And not saying others won't do bad things, people always do, law or no law, but the ends don't justify the means, not now, not ever.

so the ten commandments are not logical? the sermon on the mount? forgiveness, repentance, marriage, death,, all illogical huh?

the book is full of logic, but people who are offended by the rules and guidelines dismiss all of that to pursue their owh moral standards,,,

the ends dont justify the means,,,,,

says someone living amongst the safety of a culture with no 'absolute' freedom,,,,

after all, our constitution could have just said

'We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.

Article 1.

Every american citizen shall here forward be absolutely free to do anything they want at any time, as long as it doesnt cause destruction to the person or property of others,,,,



however, its quite a bit lengthier,, because guidelines and lawsz in a SOCIETY is necessary,,,,

No because man has a thirst for power.....universal law of not harming another is really the only law you need, anything else is just man trying to control another.

And I will say that there are certain truths in the Bible CERTAIN TRUTHS ONLY, but the rest of it is utter bunk. The idea that God DEMANDS anything of anyone obedience wise with death if you don't comply speaks to a being with an ego complex, not a loving God. That's where the logic ends where that crap begins.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/26/13 08:04 PM

obedience is a good thing, without it there is chaos

what is dangerous is obedience without logic or reason

That sums up religion right there, there IS no logic or reason in it.

And on the other it depends who you are obeying.....and why. If it's someone else trying to run your life......I'll pass and make my own choices thanks. Only people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives are afraid of that type of freedom.

yeah, no reason to be afraid of 'freedom' , but plenty of reason to fear 'absolute freedom' with billions of people occupying the same earth,,,

having rules which guide the running of a home is not the same as running a life,, anymore than running of a government is the same as running a life

and religion has as much logic as any other institution,,,,,the bible has as much logic as any other 'historical' book,,,,

********, it's the least logical of any "historical" book out there. People have just been conditioned to think otherwise.

As for the rest I'll say it again, people who are afraid of taking responsibility of their own lives are afraid of absolute freedom. And not saying others won't do bad things, people always do, law or no law, but the ends don't justify the means, not now, not ever.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/26/13 07:58 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 03/26/13 07:59 PM

obedience is a good thing, without it there is chaos

what is dangerous is obedience without logic or reason

That sums up religion right there, there IS no logic or reason in it.

And on the other it depends who you are obeying.....and why. If it's someone else trying to run your life......I'll pass and make my own choices thanks. Only people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives are afraid of that type of freedom.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 03/26/13 07:52 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 03/26/13 07:56 PM

Homosexuality is corrupting our children.

No wonder our youth are so troubled today.

What a selfish society we live in!

Self-gratification at any expense!

That's what you are teaching your children!

No you wanna know WHY youth are so troubled? Because no one is EDUCATING THEM! Everyone is saying don't do this, don't do that, instead of teaching them how to be RESPONSIBLE! THAT is what the problem is. Banning and shaming NEVER works! And what you're getting is what happens when you use that exclusively, plain and simple. I would know I am a product of your type of thinking and it messed me up for YEARS! No one ever told me a god damn thing except NO, no one taught me how to properly handle what I felt, it was all NO! It doesn't work!

So you wanna help kids? LISTEN to them, EDUCATE them, DON'T dictate to them! Otherwise you beg for rebellion, and that's where they get into trouble because they have no one to guide them. It's as simple as that.

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