Community > Posts By > Kleisto

Kleisto's photo
Sun 04/07/13 10:10 AM

I agree with harmony. Moral standards and misdeeds aren't easily fixed; the money situation always seems to take care of itself.

As long as they keep it afloat......they could easily let it drop like a rock if they chose.....and that time may be coming......

Kleisto's photo
Sun 04/07/13 10:00 AM

Im concerned about the financial debt, but not sure that will sink us as fast as the moral debt,,,,

Frankly I think all the talk about "morality" just serves to keep us divided and allows those in power to keep it. By pitting us at each others throats over things that really don't matter, the focus stays on one another and not on them. If we could all just band together.......and stop getting so involved in everyone else's business long enough to get all the attention on what the government does, things would change fast. But because everyone is so focused on behavior, being indoctrinated to be basically......we have what we have.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 04/07/13 09:48 AM

Let me clarify. So no misunderstandings.

Rush says America is dieing, can't support itself economically.

I am the one offering a suggestion for change
Sexual Assistant Nursing Profession.
Neighborhood Sexual Assitant Clinics.

A place for nurse supervised non-penetrative sex for couples
of all ages, young and old alike, perhaps even in nursing homes.

Sex Education of our youth demands it.

Unwanted Pregnancy, Abortion, STD transmission
are all effects of non-supervision of our youth
and the absence of sexual training options (besides
oral, anal, vaginal sex).

Stimulate the economy.
Solve social issues of abortion, unwanted pregnancy, welfare,
school dropout, youth violence, etc.

Frankly if you wanna stimulate than legalize prostitution if you wanna talk about sex. It is a HUGE industry, could bring a ton of money (not to mention it'd be much safer for those involved than it is now).....never should have been illegal to start with anyway.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 09:12 PM

Now that's a fire.

And yet it did not collapse.

was it hit by a plane weighing more than 300,000 pounds traveling at 400 mph?

damn that Newton..

No, and neither WAS BUILDING NUMBER 7.
Which didn't have nearly as big a fire.

But you see what it did.

It collapsed.

how did bldg 7 catch on fire?

does it matter how? the fact is it wasn't hit by a damn thing and it collapsed into it's own footprint anyway in damn way that was ANYTHING except a controlled demolition.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 09:11 PM

Now that's a fire.

And yet it did not collapse.

was it hit by a plane weighing more than 300,000 pounds traveling at 400 mph?

damn that Newton..

No, and neither WAS BUILDING NUMBER 7.
Which didn't have nearly as big a fire.

But you see what it did.

It collapsed.


Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 06:54 PM
It's a start, not nearly enough (law shouldn't exist at all), but it's a start.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 03:56 PM

alot of assumptions

clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,,
well,suffices to say,the Gungrabbers got kicked in their You-Know-Whats!
So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like!

an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless?

that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,,

Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive.....

there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually

but some things seem less probable or likely than others

money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created

Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try.

power without money is like peanut butter with no peanuts

just not likely,, they are mutually inclusive interests

Oh they have plenty of money, don't you worry about that, the legal system serves that interest quite is not an issue for them whatsoever.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 02:05 PM

alot of assumptions

clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,,
well,suffices to say,the Gungrabbers got kicked in their You-Know-Whats!
So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like!

an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless?

that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,,

Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive.....

there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually

but some things seem less probable or likely than others

money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created

Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:46 PM

alot of assumptions

clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,,
well,suffices to say,the Gungrabbers got kicked in their You-Know-Whats!
So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like!

an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless?

that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,,

Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive.....

Kleisto's photo
Fri 04/05/13 07:01 PM
Agreed, fact is Police only come AFTER something has happened, by then it's too late to stop whatever has occured. If you really wanna protect yourself, you need to be prepared to take things into your own hands, reliance on others to save you will leave you hurting or dead.

Kleisto's photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:39 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Fri 04/05/13 06:59 PM

I can't find it, I only remember reading about it. My memory might be faulty, I might be remembering Kennesaw Ga.

I found a 'belleview' which had a proposal in 2009 , but no news since that proposal

its another small town 5000 people, just like kennesaw was when it passed their law, so the law would pretty much be insignificant either way

smaller towns tend to naturally be lower in crime, people are closer, know each other better, etc,,,,

No, this one definitely passed and the news said crime went down significantly. I doubt if I would remember the name if I saw it. Like I said, it might be in GA.

Texas cities, on the other hand, are gearing up for school teachers ro carry guns. I'd much rather see cops in each school.

Id much rather we live up to what we could be, instead of continuing to sink down to what the worst of us are,,,,

Nice thought, but it won't keep you safe when someone is coming after you.....just saying. Sometimes you have to be prepared for the worst even if you hope for the best. That's just a reality of the world we live in, people do bad things and we need to be prepared to handle those things. Lack of it will kill us.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 04/02/13 02:23 PM

yes, and they involve the apparent 'bad' guy (the one wanting to take our stuff) being stopped from doing so, which is how it is supposed to be according to popular culture so is therefore not really newsworthy

we expect people to defend their 'stuff',,,,just like we expect them to drive while sober, or achieve rank in their jobs through hard work,,,,

how many times do we hear stories about people getting home safe from work,,,as opposed to running someone down

or being promoted at their job, as opposed to discriminated against

...thats the nature of the news, they have to pick and choose the stories that are unexpected or undesirable,,,,,their sponsors require viewership and thats what viewers choose to watch,

But when watching the News, it's only Bad Guys with Guns; that's what you get to drive the Agenda to Ban All Guns, because a Bad Guy will use one.
In all Honesty, wouldn't you love to see a story where a Woman stops a Rapist with her gun? It does happen, but it never gets reported because it doesn't fit the Narrative that the "We Know Better That You" Newsrooms.

Exactly. Why do you think the media only reports the doom and gloom pretty much Msharmony? It's because good news doesn't serve their agenda like bad news does. Good news can't be manipulated to make you fear something or someone and make you wanna give over your rights. It's all agenda driven, bottom line, what suits it gets reported, what doesn' left unsaid. Mainstream news is about more than just ratings, a LOT more.

I think there is alot of passing the buck going around personally,,,

the media is a business,, does business care about what we personally want, desire, need,, MO

what business cares about is profit and earnings to maintain itself

so media has to maintain itself,, without money we dont have medica, without media we have NO information (a different extreme than just not having ALL information)

so, yeah, there is an agenda, to make money enough to sustain and maybe even profit

what we see in media is a reflection of what WE CHOOSE To watch,,,when we arent watching it, ,it gets pulled

like it or not,,,

To a point, but....there is still a much bigger agenda than just that. It's not just about money, it's about the manipulation and control of the populace. Is it a reflection of us that a lot fall for that manipulation? Perhaps, but either way it is definitely present and has been even going back to the 60's though more pronounced today.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 04/02/13 02:20 PM

List of Gun Stories that Will Not be on the Local T.V. or Cable News outside the local market.

FL - Off Duty PCB Police Officer Shoots Would-Be Robber

MA - One Killed in Attempted Home Invasion in Huntingtown

PA - Father of 2 Shoots, Kills Home Intruder

PA - Burglar shot after homeowner interrupts home invasion

WA - Burglars who cut through wall of business confronted by armed man

FL - Police name homeowner, alleged burglar in northwest Dade shooting

OK - Burglary victim fires shots at intruder

PA - Police say man killed brother in self-defense

NC - Woman shoots at intruders in Elm City home

Can you see what these stories have in common? They All Involve Someone Using a Gun in Self-Defense.

I know one story you will not see on the news.

The news is responsible for destroying lives of innocent people. We love to post picture and name of people accuse and treat them as if they are guilty and when they are found to be innocent, we become silent on the case and that person life has now been destroyed all in the name of ratings.

Or how they exploit tragedies for their own makes me sick to my stomach how murders, car accidents, anything with a fatslity basically are shown in the media daily and the family members made to be put on camera. It's sickening to me how they use the events as a means to grab attention for their news programs, truly sickening.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 04/01/13 10:02 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 04/01/13 10:03 PM

yes, and they involve the apparent 'bad' guy (the one wanting to take our stuff) being stopped from doing so, which is how it is supposed to be according to popular culture so is therefore not really newsworthy

we expect people to defend their 'stuff',,,,just like we expect them to drive while sober, or achieve rank in their jobs through hard work,,,,

how many times do we hear stories about people getting home safe from work,,,as opposed to running someone down

or being promoted at their job, as opposed to discriminated against

...thats the nature of the news, they have to pick and choose the stories that are unexpected or undesirable,,,,,their sponsors require viewership and thats what viewers choose to watch,

But when watching the News, it's only Bad Guys with Guns; that's what you get to drive the Agenda to Ban All Guns, because a Bad Guy will use one.
In all Honesty, wouldn't you love to see a story where a Woman stops a Rapist with her gun? It does happen, but it never gets reported because it doesn't fit the Narrative that the "We Know Better That You" Newsrooms.

Exactly. Why do you think the media only reports the doom and gloom pretty much Msharmony? It's because good news doesn't serve their agenda like bad news does. Good news can't be manipulated to make you fear something or someone and make you wanna give over your rights. It's all agenda driven, bottom line, what suits it gets reported, what doesn' left unsaid. Mainstream news is about more than just ratings, a LOT more.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 04/01/13 04:41 PM
things that make you go hmm.....

Kleisto's photo
Mon 04/01/13 03:47 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 04/01/13 03:48 AM

When individual rights are abrogated, there is no way to determine who is entitled to what; there is no way to determine the justice of anyone’s claims, desires, or interests. The criterion, therefore, reverts to the tribal concept of: one’s wishes are limited only by the power of one’s gang. In order to survive under such a system, men have no choice but to fear, hate, and destroy one another; it is a system of underground plotting, of secret conspiracies, of deals, favors, betrayals, and sudden, bloody coups.(look around you)

You are discussing inalienable rights, which is fine, but not the same as freedom in its pure sense. However, historically the term 'inalienable' is only a recent development and still hardly universal. I'm fully aware of Rand's position, and this reinforces my earlier statement regarding idealism and realism. A truly 'liberated' and free society would be anarchistic and dysfunctional.

That's only because you're looking at it from the perspective that man is not responsible enough to care for themselves on their own without some middle man intervening. Teach the people HOW to do exactly that and that problem you see suddenly changes.

But......because it's not in the interest of the state to do so....that meaning that a truly educated and enlightened populace, one fully capable of effectively governing itself leaves the power hungry without power any longer since they are no longer being depended on to live, you don't see that.

And I would disagree, I think what he said was on target, and is the basis of what freedom is supposed to be.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:37 PM

Legal recourse??? Are you KIDDING ME??!! Where???! Where is the recourse in these big companies being allowed to put in again CRAP by the truckload in our foods and not get any punishment for it? Where is the recourse in companies allowed to treat their animals like ****, and injecting them with hormones to make them fatter, and then maybe getting a slap on the wrist if caught MAYBE. Where is the recourse in again being allowed to spray chemical after chemical on crops again with NO punishment? Even drug companies can release a drug and only AFTER the fact that it kills or harms do they get punished, but AGAIN it is barely a slap on the wrist at that. You tell me where the justice is in allowing all that WILLFULLY, and yet going after the little guys time and again, shutting them down entirely for the smallest damn violation, if there even is one at all?!

If that's what you call justice you got a hell of a way of defining it! I call it hypocrisy and double standard. The playing field is NOT level I don't care how much you wanna believe it is, you're still wrong, it's as far from level as it could possibly be in favor of the elite.

This is not a CHOICE of seeing devestation it is FACT, and anyone with even half a damn brain could tell you that. Go back 40-50 years, were we EVER this sick back then? Hell no we weren't! Where did it change? When processed and convenience foods came into play, coincidence???? Give me a god damn break!

Please I beg of you think and educate yourself before you speak, please. Speaking at the mouth on things you are totally clueless about is just making you look dumber and dumber.

continuing to assume that my disagreeing with you has anything to do with my brain being any less capable or more 'clueless' than yours, is making you look more and more pompous and stubborn,,,,

my brain uses LOGIC and REALITY,, which both have taught me in my forty plus years that no man, no government, and no system will ever be PERFECT or beyond improvement

my character keeps me from obsessing and whinging constantly over any imperfection I find,,,

Imperfection and flaws are one thing, but this system goes so far beyond that it's ridiculous, even a small child could see that!! This is NOT a matter of one or two little things that have no effect, this is a matter of a lot of BIG things that are effecting every aspect of our lives. Period.

THAT is reality, you are living in one that is not even CLOSE to the real world. You're NOT thinking logically, I don't care what you say, when you can see all that and just dismiss it as "imperfections" this is much bigger than that.

And yes you ARE clueless because you have no idea of the effects all this is having on us all or you are choosing to ignore them. If saying that makes me pompous and stubborn than fine I'm pompous and stubborn I don't give a damn! You're one to talk you're as stubborn as you claim I am because no matter what anyone tells you to the contrary you hold on to your fantasy world for dear life making any excuse for it you can. So you're no better than me.

And regardless of all that, this is not some minor disagreement this a matter of good vs evil, and you're either supporting one side or the other. I don't care how good intentioned you me be, you are on the wrong side and I will not hesitate to say it. If you wanna judge me for it I don't care, I'll still say it because it's the truth.

But whatever, if you wanna be naive and blindly support people who could care less about you, then fine go right ahead. I'm out.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:21 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 03/30/13 08:21 PM
Legal recourse??? Are you KIDDING ME??!! Where???! Where is the recourse in these big companies being allowed to put in again CRAP by the truckload in our foods and not get any punishment for it? Where is the recourse in companies allowed to treat their animals like ****, and injecting them with hormones to make them fatter, and then maybe getting a slap on the wrist if caught MAYBE. Where is the recourse in again being allowed to spray chemical after chemical on crops again with NO punishment? Even drug companies can release a drug and only AFTER the fact that it kills or harms do they get punished, but AGAIN it is barely a slap on the wrist at that. You tell me where the justice is in allowing all that WILLFULLY, and yet going after the little guys time and again, shutting them down entirely for the smallest damn violation, if there even is one at all?!

If that's what you call justice you got a hell of a way of defining it! I call it hypocrisy and double standard. The playing field is NOT level I don't care how much you wanna believe it is, you're still wrong, it's as far from level as it could possibly be in favor of the elite.

This is not a CHOICE of seeing devestation it is FACT, and anyone with even half a damn brain could tell you that. Go back 40-50 years, were we EVER this sick back then? Hell no we weren't! Where did it change? When processed and convenience foods came into play, coincidence???? Give me a god damn break!

Please I beg of you think and educate yourself before you speak, please. Speaking at the mouth on things you are totally clueless about is just making you look dumber and dumber.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 03/30/13 08:06 PM

we are not close to making it illegal to be obese just because we place some guidelines on the products sold

No, but between unlabeled GMOs, fluoridation, codex alimentarius restricting vitamins and a few similar things, it is not much of a stretch to say that the government is making it "illegal" to be healthy.

don't forget banning of raw milk sales in some states, and the lack of control on chemicals/preservatives in really cannot give them an inch of leeway on this because once you do that you open the door to them controlling more and more and more. That's not conspiracy, or paranoia, that's fact, one honest look at the handling of the food supply, what they allow and what they ban tells you that. Left unchecked they WILL control it all and they are damn near close to that now.

These "guidelines" are meant to serve THEIR interests, to make them money, to keep us sick and dependent on them, to kill us off.....they are not meant to serve any of ours. If you disagree with that, you best look a hell of a lot closer, because you are very misinformed.

yep, misinformed about how to know the intentions of EVERY person involved in making guidelines for food and drugs,,,,frustrated frustrated

Look at the fruits! Are there people involved in the industry that may have good intentions? Sure, but that doesn't matter, what matters is what is HAPPENING, and what is happening is we are being ****ing poisoned, and the FDA is allowing it! That is fact! Have you LOOKED at the garbage allowed in our packaged foods? Seriously looked??!!

How can you sit there with a straight face and actually trust them when they allow all that crap absolute CRAP that has no damn business in our food supply, and is making us sick in any number of ways? Tell me how! Are you really that damn naive?? Seriously??? Wake the hell up!!! frustrated frustrated frustrated

If they truly cared, all that **** would be off the shelves, it would NEVER have hit the market, THAT is what they'd be targeting, not REAL food PROVEN to have health benefits.

And that's not even TOUCHING what they allow in our meats, and to be sprayed on our fruits and vegetables! Why is it that in order to be certified organic you have to pay up the *** for it, but you can spray all the chemicals you want for nothing? Why?? Who is driving this to be this way? And for what reason?

These are questions we MUST be asking! If we aren't, then we deserve to be fed crap, deserve to be told what we can and can't eat, because we don't have the balls to question what they're doing. By being silent we are consenting, period.

The food and drug industry as it stands right now is entirely money and greed driven, good intentions of some people working in it or not. If you can't see that, you either don't want to see it, or you are just completely ignorant to it.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 03/30/13 05:16 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 03/30/13 05:18 PM

we are not close to making it illegal to be obese just because we place some guidelines on the products sold

No, but between unlabeled GMOs, fluoridation, codex alimentarius restricting vitamins and a few similar things, it is not much of a stretch to say that the government is making it "illegal" to be healthy.

don't forget banning of raw milk sales in some states, and the lack of control on chemicals/preservatives in really cannot give them an inch of leeway on this because once you do that you open the door to them controlling more and more and more. That's not conspiracy, or paranoia, that's fact, one honest look at the handling of the food supply, what they allow and what they ban tells you that. Left unchecked they WILL control it all and they are damn near close to that now.

These "guidelines" are meant to serve THEIR interests, to make them money, to keep us sick and dependent on them, to kill us off.....they are not meant to serve any of ours. If you disagree with that, you best look a hell of a lot closer, because you are very misinformed.

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