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Topic: The Golden Age of America begins on day one.
Bart's photo
Tue 01/21/25 06:10 AM
The Golden Age means common sense is back. america first.. no more invasion over our borders.. no more DEI insanity.. no more one sided justice and no more tax money wasted on the green new scam. We now have a reason to be confident in our future.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 01/21/25 10:10 AM
Now all these diverse groups can fall in line with the Government.... and hopefully peace and co-operation will prevail...

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 01/21/25 05:32 PM
While those who worship Donald Trump see gold, the rest of the world sees iron pyrite.

Bart's photo
Wed 01/22/25 05:15 AM

While those who worship Donald Trump see gold, the rest of the world sees iron pyrite.

Far left whacko democrats are the only ones that can’t recognize the destruction the Biden administration has done to this country and the world. Trump will get us back on tract to common sense rule and our alllies love it.

Mortman's photo
Wed 01/22/25 05:40 AM

The Golden Age means common sense is back. america first.. no more invasion over our borders.. no more DEI insanity.. no more one sided justice and no more tax money wasted on the green new scam. We now have a reason to be confident in our future.

Nope. Just more lies from the big, orange guy. It's "America first" only to the extent that it helps Trump get more bribes. Trump is running numerous scams and now that he knows how to pardon himself, there's nothing stopping him, this time. He'll take in $billions from the Chinese and Saudis, et al. His latest appears to be meme coins, but you can bet that if there's a dollar in it, trump will sell out the country to get that dollar.

Bart's photo
Wed 01/22/25 06:19 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 01/22/25 06:30 AM

The Golden Age means common sense is back. america first.. no more invasion over our borders.. no more DEI insanity.. no more one sided justice and no more tax money wasted on the green new scam. We now have a reason to be confident in our future.

Nope. Just more lies from the big, orange guy. It's "America first" only to the extent that it helps Trump get more bribes. Trump is running numerous scams and now that he knows how to pardon himself, there's nothing stopping him, this time. He'll take in $billions from the Chinese and Saudis, et al. His latest appears to be meme coins, but you can bet that if there's a dollar in it, trump will sell out the country to get that dollar.

After many years of the Biden family corruption and the eveidence that points to that corruption, you chose to over look that and believe a false narrative that you dems have built up ever since Trump first decided to run for president. Your fantastic lies about Trump have not made a scratch on the man, but you dems keep pounding that BS . Keep it up and see how bad you guys lose in the 2026 elections
Apparently Joe acknowledges his family is guilty or he wouldn’t have given them a pre-emotive pardon. And their acceptance of said pardons reassures their guilt.
No such pardons from Trump. So where you get that idea from nobody knows

Slimme's photo
Wed 01/22/25 01:23 PM

Slimme's photo
Wed 01/22/25 01:27 PM

The Golden Age means common sense is back. america first.. no more invasion over our borders.. no more DEI insanity.. no more one sided justice and no more tax money wasted on the green new scam. We now have a reason to be confident in our future.

Nope. Just more lies from the big, orange guy. It's "America first" only to the extent that it helps Trump get more bribes. Trump is running numerous scams and now that he knows how to pardon himself, there's nothing stopping him, this time. He'll take in $billions from the Chinese and Saudis, et al. His latest appears to be meme coins, but you can bet that if there's a dollar in it, trump will sell out the country to get that dollar.

And Biden and family wasn't taking in millions from China and Ukraine?

That's how today's politics works, sad but true. So get a grip, you are starting to sound hysterical.

Don's photo
Wed 01/22/25 05:07 PM
The Boston Tea Party was an American protest against the tariff on tea imposed by the British. That turned out ever so well.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/22/25 06:44 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Wed 01/22/25 06:45 PM
After many years of the Biden family corruption and the eveidence that points to that corruption ...

Meanwhile, back in this universe ...

no photo
Wed 01/22/25 10:23 PM
This site has gotten way too political.

Mortman's photo
Wed 01/22/25 10:46 PM

After many years of the Biden family corruption and the eveidence that points to that corruption, you chose to over look that and believe a false narrative that you dems have built up ever since Trump first decided to run for president. Your fantastic lies about Trump have not made a scratch on the man, but you dems keep pounding that BS . Keep it up and see how bad you guys lose in the 2026 elections
Apparently Joe acknowledges his family is guilty or he wouldn’t have given them a pre-emotive pardon. And their acceptance of said pardons reassures their guilt.
No such pardons from Trump. So where you get that idea from nobody knows

I have yet to see the evidence of Biden corruption. Hunter had a nasty habit and filled out a federal gun form wrong and paid his taxes late, but lots of people do that and face no jail time at all.

AS far as admitting guilt by accepting a pardon, I see your point, but Trump was promising to weaponize his DOJ--which he promised the Biden's DOJ was weaponized despite literal stacks of evidence and unrelated crimes prosecuted by state AGs, and all the charges coming from grand juries. Trump was just going to sick his DOJ on the Bidens and let the US taxpayers pay Trump's legal bills. But go ahead and share with us all the evidence of Biden corruption.

And while you're upset about pardons, how do you feel about Trump pardoning hundreds of cop-beating criminals rightfully charged in court. After him and J.D. Vance promising that only the non-violent protesters (or "hostages") would get pardons?

Mortman's photo
Wed 01/22/25 10:47 PM

This site has gotten way too political.

Sorry. Where do you think you are?

Bart's photo
Thu 01/23/25 04:16 AM

This site has gotten way too political.

Hint, hint.. it’s a political fourm.. therefore we discuss politics.

Bart's photo
Thu 01/23/25 04:21 AM
Edited by Bart on Thu 01/23/25 04:23 AM

After many years of the Biden family corruption and the eveidence that points to that corruption, you chose to over look that and believe a false narrative that you dems have built up ever since Trump first decided to run for president. Your fantastic lies about Trump have not made a scratch on the man, but you dems keep pounding that BS . Keep it up and see how bad you guys lose in the 2026 elections
Apparently Joe acknowledges his family is guilty or he wouldn’t have given them a pre-emotive pardon. And their acceptance of said pardons reassures their guilt.
No such pardons from Trump. So where you get that idea from nobody knows

I have yet to see the evidence of Biden corruption. Hunter had a nasty habit and filled out a federal gun form wrong and paid his taxes late, but lots of people do that and face no jail time at all.

AS far as admitting guilt by accepting a pardon, I see your point, but Trump was promising to weaponize his DOJ--which he promised the Biden's DOJ was weaponized despite literal stacks of evidence and unrelated crimes prosecuted by state AGs, and all the charges coming from grand juries. Trump was just going to sick his DOJ on the Bidens and let the US taxpayers pay Trump's legal bills. But go ahead and share with us all the evidence of Biden corruption.

And while you're upset about pardons, how do you feel about Trump pardoning hundreds of cop-beating criminals rightfully charged in court. After him and J.D. Vance promising that only the non-violent protesters (or "hostages") would get pardons?

When I look at the antifa and BLM riots and all the destruction done to federal and personal property and the cops attacked and others killed during 2020 in Minnesota and Seattle. No arrests no punishment, than no I don’t have a problem with it.

Slimme's photo
Thu 01/23/25 05:13 AM

The Boston Tea Party was an American protest against the tariff on tea imposed by the British. That turned out ever so well.

If not the Boston Tea Party, another incident would have intensified the American colonies for an American revolution as they were getting tired of being ruled by the British. Similar to other colonies around the world who had reached the point that they too wanted to govern their own affairs.

Bart's photo
Thu 01/23/25 05:24 AM

After many years of the Biden family corruption and the eveidence that points to that corruption ...

Meanwhile, back in this universe ...

Back in this universe.. Yes we are back in our universe now that the democrats are out of office and literally no power . Their far out left policies are being torched as they should be. A president should run the country the way the majority wants it to be run.. such a great comeback from Trump and a great restart for America.

Dan's photo
Thu 01/23/25 09:01 PM
Hmmmmm, what does this magical New Golden Era entail? Sounds like a campaign slogan thought up by an uninspired staffer who resorted to political op-eds. "Oh, New Deal? New World Order? Hey guys, I got it, I got it!!! Think of this, open tomorrows campaign speech with Herr Trump's always anticipated word salad being about a NEW GOLDEN ERA? Genius. amirite?" That or 2023 annual father son day on the links and Donny n Barron are in a tense brainstorm sesh while awaiting their turn on the tee.... Don's like "Son, my new merch, those red hats, they're great everyone says they're great. they love em, everybody love em, cuz they love me. My friend Vlad, great man, outstanding human, he told me how much every one in his country loves my hats, they're great hats over there. great people wear them...." Barron chimes in "ok Dad, your hats are great, but don't you think a new, flashier slogan is the way to go for your second term? Maybe borrow from the 'MAGA' slogan but the way Barry O did it? took the "a choice to believe in" and went with the simple "Believe." Donny's pink hue becomes red with rage "Barak? That Kenyan socialist surfed out of a vocano in Hawai'i, he's the devil himself and I know Hawai'i, son, I own hotels there. They're uge, uge they're the best hotels. My friend Jung Un likes them, loves them stays in 3 each time he goes to Hawai'i. I don't know why 3 he just thinks there that great. and that's why my catchphrase is that we have to make ame.." Barron "DAD, just go with "again" like mom said. it fits the current visuals, you and Eric "again"....." "you're mother didn't say that was a good slogan, she said that when i told her I wanted to be president one more time, Yuri, my russian friend who always brings me messages from Vlad asking for me to take all these pictures for him? those high quality pictures of all the buildings he wants t buy...."

Yeah, it was more likely the staffer. to save ya'll from the rest of that convo and from wondering how true the documents from our own intel services actually are.... uhhhh, I'll just tell ya, Don wanted to go with "Make America Great Again, Again" it took several long explanations that saying that implies that he did MAGA and that might come off as arrogant to the American people and that arrogant just isn't the image he should be going for..... idk, is it just me or is everyone surrounding Trump oblivious af? Mean while a phone rings, Don answers his shoe and indicates he needs to excuse himself to take a call. "Comrade Yuri..." he answers before rattling off something is fluent accent free high Russian.....

ehhhhh, our three letter agencies are prob wrong, right?

Dan's photo
Thu 01/23/25 09:51 PM

While those who worship Donald Trump see gold, the rest of the world sees iron pyrite.

IDK,that looks alot more like a cheap plastic hollow mold ( ya know like you used to get for $0.25 out of a machine that let you watch it being made?) with a couple coats of metallic gold rattle can paint. More fitting than fools gold. at least in value, ya know.... fool works for his doting fanboys tho, for sure. Tho i think words like vile, hateful, amoral, etc., is more accurate and less likely to diminish the reason they worship that guy the way they do. Cuz, we all know working class white boys aint benefitting a bit from any admins policies. And like in this thread, ya dont even have to assume the actual they love trump cuz 9/10 of these not quite completely formed thoughts will reantend up close with a xenophobic or otherwise ism'd rant stating what the catchphrase means to them.

Bart's photo
Fri 01/24/25 04:51 AM

Hmmmmm, what does this magical New Golden Era entail? Sounds like a campaign slogan thought up by an uninspired staffer who resorted to political op-eds. "Oh, New Deal? New World Order? Hey guys, I got it, I got it!!! Think of this, open tomorrows campaign speech with Herr Trump's always anticipated word salad being about a NEW GOLDEN ERA? Genius. amirite?" That or 2023 annual father son day on the links and Donny n Barron are in a tense brainstorm sesh while awaiting their turn on the tee.... Don's like "Son, my new merch, those red hats, they're great everyone says they're great. they love em, everybody love em, cuz they love me. My friend Vlad, great man, outstanding human, he told me how much every one in his country loves my hats, they're great hats over there. great people wear them...." Barron chimes in "ok Dad, your hats are great, but don't you think a new, flashier slogan is the way to go for your second term? Maybe borrow from the 'MAGA' slogan but the way Barry O did it? took the "a choice to believe in" and went with the simple "Believe." Donny's pink hue becomes red with rage "Barak? That Kenyan socialist surfed out of a vocano in Hawai'i, he's the devil himself and I know Hawai'i, son, I own hotels there. They're uge, uge they're the best hotels. My friend Jung Un likes them, loves them stays in 3 each time he goes to Hawai'i. I don't know why 3 he just thinks there that great. and that's why my catchphrase is that we have to make ame.." Barron "DAD, just go with "again" like mom said. it fits the current visuals, you and Eric "again"....." "you're mother didn't say that was a good slogan, she said that when i told her I wanted to be president one more time, Yuri, my russian friend who always brings me messages from Vlad asking for me to take all these pictures for him? those high quality pictures of all the buildings he wants t buy...."

Yeah, it was more likely the staffer. to save ya'll from the rest of that convo and from wondering how true the documents from our own intel services actually are.... uhhhh, I'll just tell ya, Don wanted to go with "Make America Great Again, Again" it took several long explanations that saying that implies that he did MAGA and that might come off as arrogant to the American people and that arrogant just isn't the image he should be going for..... idk, is it just me or is everyone surrounding Trump oblivious af? Mean while a phone rings, Don answers his shoe and indicates he needs to excuse himself to take a call. "Comrade Yuri..." he answers before rattling off something is fluent accent free high Russian.....

ehhhhh, our three letter agencies are prob wrong, right?

?????? . Did you get that dribble from a SNL skit?? Makes no sense..

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