Community > Posts By > Bart

Bart's photo
Mon 11/27/23 01:28 PM
Bad Finger

Bart's photo
Mon 11/27/23 06:36 AM

Even though this thread is kind of lame , it started out for pure kicks , just to screw with others , all in good fun.. but it seems the fun police have shown up to squelch the fun…
OT: none of us + none of them..

I'm sorry if I've caused you discomfort with saying anything about being matched, this thread is always hard for me to joke about.
Especially since I'd love to match with you if things were different.
Carry on & have fun.

@Blondie: waving thank you for trying,:heart: but I can't expect people to know not to match me.
SlimG knew about Bart, that was the difference.

Ot: Bonnie & Mark the only 2 I know for sure.

Wow, I hope I haven’t become the bad guy for my comments, just adding to the conversation. My apologies…. You know how I feel about you Pumpi..:kissing_heart:

OT: Not looking and ? Mystery man

Bart's photo
Mon 11/27/23 04:39 AM
How about Biden giving authorization to the CDC to put a moratorium on evictions during the pandemic , or his unconstitutional act of trying to suspend the paying back of student loans. Here is two of the examples that Biden is going around the constitution… and yes his asking of social media to withhold info that sheds a light on his corruption is unconstitutional… for Obamas unconstitutional act it was Obamacare.

Bart's photo
Sun 11/26/23 01:05 PM
Deep sea diving

Water skiing or snow skiing?

Bart's photo
Fri 11/24/23 08:03 PM


Right. The Trump Administration left Biden with the trouble after caving in to the Taliban. And and the Biden Administration got it done. They got all the troops out along with 120,000 civilians. That's more than Trump got done in his whole 4 years in office. Trump was a joke of a president.

Wrong, wrong and ummm oh yea , wrong!.. Trumps plan was don’t mess with our troops and we will be out by that date. If you mess with our troops we won’t leave and he will bring in more troops to counter any action against us. But when Biden came in the Taliban felt emboldened to break the deal cause they saw weakness with Biden. ( they were right) . Joe had half a year to plan a successful withdrawal but he lacked the common knowledge to put any plan into action until the last minute. He left millions of dollars of our armor and weapons there for the taking.. There is still people their that Joe left behind, not to mention the 13 that were killed During “ the most successful withdrawal in history” .🤪 ... and what makes you think Biden wouldn’t have just scrapped those Trump plans like he did everything else Trump did…

Bart's photo
Fri 11/24/23 11:56 AM
Baked potatoes

Lager or ale

Bart's photo
Fri 11/24/23 11:47 AM

Bart's photo
Fri 11/24/23 05:30 AM
When I say the border was secure, I mean by comparison to the wide open border both southern and northern borders that we have had since Joe Biden came in and reversed almost every policy Trump enacted just to please the morally deprived liberal democrats. With so many unknown invaders allowed to enter without processing and identifying them we are at the mercy of another 9/11 sooner or later… and the economy before Trump wasnt lousy , certainly not great but it was no where close to high marks Trump took it. But with Joe it was like night and day. Look at the charts recording our growth during those years. The day Joe took over the the charts show the quality of peoples lives started declining and they still decline to this day.. not only is he losing the black vote and the Hispanic vote and the womens vote but now he’s losing the young peoples vote. He’s a loser in every aspect of his job. And he’s the best they have?…

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 05:31 PM

We could be getting it from the national enquirer and it would be more truthful than the Islamic state run media propaganda you seem to be getting your news from.. FOX NEWS is my choice. I will not waste my time watching our liberal leaning stations like CNN or MSNBC. Fake news!…I’m curious how those Christians in Gaza feel about the atrocities that took place Oct. 7 in Israel ..

I hope you realized that a Christian church was bombed by Israel in Gaza? 18 Christian Palestinians died.

I saw the church was damaged by rocket fire and several Christians and Muslims were killed. IDF pilot reports hitting a site near the church that was used as a rocket launching center that had been rocketing Israel . The pilot said the church was not the target. One wall of the church damaged…. Fox News has their own reporters on the ground in Gaza doing some amazing reporting..

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 04:03 PM
Edited by Bart on Wed 11/22/23 04:15 PM

Honestly, please tell me, supporters of Israel - where are you getting your news from about the situation in Gaza? Fox? CNN?

We could be getting it from the national enquirer and it would be more truthful than the Islamic state run media propaganda you seem to be getting your news from.. FOX NEWS is my choice. I will not waste my time watching our liberal leaning stations like CNN, MSNBC. Fake news!…I’m curious how those Christians in Gaza feel about the atrocities that took place Oct. 7 in Israel ..
Fox News was the ONLY organization who has been at the border from day 1. For 2 YEARS straight they reported live footage as the illegals would all rush in. It took 2 full YEARS before CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and the others were forced to go there with cameras as the story just got too big for anyone to ignore. Fox may lean right at times (not always! have hardly seen Trump at all on Fox for 2 years) but wow, the others just flat out IGNORE stories completely about crime, the border, you name it and then GLORIFY the news anytime a white person does harm to a black person. They NEVER report it the other way around and seem to take great pleasure in race baiting their audience.

Something else you won’t see on those stations Mr. Good Guy, all the videos of the premeditated smash and grabs by groups of young blacks. Also the videos of our elder generation getting car jacked or sucker punched and stomped and kicked to death. Again the videos shows mostly all black youths as the attackers. So I hope I don’t start getting called a racist, I didn’t creat the videos… but this is getting to be a issue that our government needs to address.

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 03:38 PM
Edited by Bart on Wed 11/22/23 03:42 PM

Trump is a businessman, he knows how to manage something as big and powerful as the United States. The four years he was president proves that..funny how people in the United States was far better off in those four years than they are now , never mind the numbers they twist to make their inflation reduction bill look like it’s working.. and look at California when Arnold was the Governor compaired to the crime ridden crap hole it is under G Newsom . It used to be the place where everybody wanted to be, now the folks can’t leave there fast enough. .. is this what most democrats strive for?

Trump is a fraud. He got by for decades by lying and cheating in business. He lied to everybody and cheated the country. Took in $millions wherever he could, including overcharging the Secret Service when they were on his property to protect him and his family. No morals. We weren't better off under Trump. He just made you feel like you were, but the whole time he was selling out the country to the super rich and foreign interests while pretending he was on your side.

Hhmmmm, that’s deviously clever of Trump. Under his presidency he created a great economy, secure border, peace in the Middle East, fair foreign trade deals, and many other things our previous presidents werent able to get done… all that just to make us FEEL like it was good…even though it wasn’t? .. OK than…but at least With Biden we not only know we are worse off , we feel worse off.. kudos to Biden for his effort to keep us feeling that the economy Is as bad as it really is..

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 12:23 PM

Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? Lol, sounds like your sold on the Rock being president.. he is popular and very famous and he does have lots of money… and that’s all it takes to be a good president. Right? Seems like that’s the only qualifications it takes to be president for Democrats. But he isn’t a minority so doesn’t that disqualifie him according to the leftist playbook. Seeing as how Joe picked his cabinet , a black, a gay , a tranny, and a three in one with his press speaker . KJP she is black, female and gay.. maybe she should throw her hat :tophat: n the ring also.

Johnson is just rich and famous. His lack of credentials, like Trump, doesn't seem a matter for the Republican ticket, and being rich and famous got Arnold Schwarzenegger elected governor in blue California.

Trump is a businessman, he knows how to manage something as big and powerful as the United States. The four years he was president proves that..funny how people in the United States was far better off in those four years than they are now , never mind the numbers they twist to make their inflation reduction bill look like it’s working.. and look at California when Arnold was the Governor compaired to the crime ridden crap hole it is under G Newsom . It used to be the place where everybody wanted to be, now the folks can’t leave there fast enough. .. is this what most democrats strive for?

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 05:33 AM

Honestly, please tell me, supporters of Israel - where are you getting your news from about the situation in Gaza? Fox? CNN?

We could be getting it from the national enquirer and it would be more truthful than the Islamic state run media propaganda you seem to be getting your news from.. FOX NEWS is my choice. I will not waste my time watching our liberal leaning stations like CNN or MSNBC. Fake news!…I’m curious how those Christians in Gaza feel about the atrocities that took place Oct. 7 in Israel ..

Bart's photo
Wed 11/22/23 04:37 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 11/22/23 04:41 AM

Lol… That last paragraph about Biden’s innocence and the Rock becoming the Republican nomination tells me all I need to know about your brain breaking capabilities..This reminds me of a story about a mother watching her son in the marching band at a football game at half time. The band was on the field marching in rhythm and step except for one member, he was clearly the only one out of step. When the band stopped playing in between songs that kids mother stood up and shouted “ everyone except MY son is out of step … get it? And no contempt of court because, a “ real “ judge lifted that B.S. gag order that Trump can’t talk about this political witch hunt in public. …I think he will be in Iowa tonite rallying more supporters if you want to hear him…

The Rock hasn't announced his campaign for president, yet, but it's been in some papers and blogs that he's considering it. He's about as famous and Trump and a higher net worth and a popularity rating much higher than The Donald and Biden. But considering Trump's rabid base, maybe The Rock isn't such a thing, after all.

Biden's innocence is just a matter of his public scrutiny over the decades and no credible examples of his criminality.

Lastly, I have no intention to hear Trump blather on like he does. I don't even find Biden that interesting to listen to, beyond speech highlights, and I wouldn't cross the street to hear DJT, much less drive or fly up to Iowa, when he's just crying about his legal problems and promising a fascist regime.

Can you smell what the Rock is cooking? Lol, sounds like your sold on the Rock being president.. he is popular and very famous and he does have lots of money… and that’s all it takes to be a good president. Right? Seems like that’s the only qualifications it takes to be president for Democrats. But he isn’t a minority so doesn’t that disqualifie him according to the leftist playbook. Seeing as how Joe picked his cabinet , a black, a gay , a tranny, and a three in one with his press speaker . KJP she is black, female and gay.. maybe she should throw her hat :tophat: n the ring also.

Bart's photo
Tue 11/21/23 04:36 PM

Mortman, you know you cannot argue with a Trump supporter with facts and truth. Trump is their God, he is infallible. Only he can fix it, he is their retribution, he is their truth, he is the embodiment of what they can never be, he is all powerful, all knowing, incorruptible, majestic, magical, irrefutable and untouchable. Their king, their high priest, their judge, jury and executioner. They have submitted, succumbed to a devil.

You're right, but I don't consider it so much an argument as a rebuttal to not let their nonsense stand as the last word.

Lol, sounds like the soar loser snowflakes we saw in 2016, maybe a bit more delusional… , all powerful, all knowing.. are you describing Trump or the Wizard 🧙‍♂️ f Oz… the Trump I’m talking about is none of the above! But he is the guy that had this country on the Right track , called prosperity. Good economy, the border wasn’t the cluster f**k it is now , our adversaries were behaving themselves. Folks had money for something other than the necessity's. All in all it was good with Trump. Now we have someone that is so incompetent he’s unable to comprehend the damage he and his policies are doing to this country.

Bart's photo
Tue 11/21/23 03:17 PM
Faster Pussycat

Bart's photo
Tue 11/21/23 05:45 AM
Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band

Bart's photo
Tue 11/21/23 02:33 AM

Because u love Israel u are looking for news which agree with the Israeli propaganda even if it is false news. For example the Biesecker reported from Washington said;
Israeli survivors recount terror at music festival, where Hamas militants killed at least 260
A video obtained by The Associated Press shows young people attending the Tribe of Nova Trance music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel being attacked by Hamas militants on Saturday. (October 9).
Saturday’s attack on the open-air Tribe of Nova music festival is believed to be the worst civilian massacre in Israeli history, with at least 260 dead and a still undetermined number taken hostage. Dozens of Hamas militants who had blown through Israel’s heavily fortified separation fence and crossed into the country from Gaza opened fire on about 3,500 young Israelis who had come together for a joyous night of electronic music to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Some attendees were drunk or high on drugs, magnifying their confusion and terror.

But later a new report revealed that an Israeli military helicopter opened fire on Palestinian gunmen but wounded Israelis participating in a festival during Oct. 7.
Haaretz reported that the military helicopter arrived at the site of the festival and opened fire on the gunmen but also wounded several festival participants.,also%20wounded%20several%20festival%20participants.

I’m not Jewish, I’m Scotch Irish.. I don’t really have a dog in that fight, but I detest terrorism and the premeditated killing of innocent people, especially innocent children. .. Some people may be guillable enough to believe a military helicopter killed these concert goers . But nobody with common sense will believe such nonsense. Hamas is getting obliterated :thumbsup:. And now like any group of cowards they turn tail and run and try to make the other guy look like the instigator.

Bart's photo
Mon 11/20/23 02:28 PM

Exactly, Bart. I don't care if literally nobody on earth or everyone on earth, sides with me. I'm gonna be on the LORD's side.

:thumbsup: Amen to that N.L…

Bart's photo
Mon 11/20/23 07:30 AM

I suggest you check out Shaun King on Instagram, just to see who exactly you're siding with

Shaun who??? I don’t give a rats *** about what some liberal dink believes.. I’m siding with good over evil.. period…

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