SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Wed 09/10/08 11:34 PM

You need to try these on, because people want to see your stance on the IS shoes..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Wed 09/10/08 11:26 PM

Judy, i have been busy having sex with the entire female population to win their votes. I am nearly there, i just have to get through all the mingle2 ladies and i will be finished.

I did hear though that Debbie is playing the same game but is targeting the men. Luckily she is doing it all herself though so we should be ok...

Well if Dan is having sex to win votes then I have this so in the bag.......

oh $h! she didn't

Dan, we appreciate the effort, but they need to be U.S. Citizens and registered to vote!

Hope you don't run low on viagra..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:11 PM

You know.. once again, this is a brilliant and common technique by liberals to put a republican in a dim light shortly before an election.

It's a great accusation, too.. Nobody likes book burning.. especially liberals.. Democrats are worried about loosing support for their candidates, so paint her like she's a radical right-wing ultra-religeous zealot and before anybody can prove the alligations are true or false, the election is nearly over and it's too late to change a lot of people's minds.

For anyone who wants to make an intelligent decision.. Find the source of these alligations.. and the evidence that supports it.. from whatever source that you, personally, feel that you can rely on.. whether that's the Internet, the news or friggin Jay Leno..

well its pretty much that palin is a book burning creationist right wing fanatic who would be the first to decide what books you could read or how and when a woman could get pregnant. She has been a rabid supporter of abstinance only sex education rather than safe sex education. You can see how well that worked out with her own daughter. these accusations are not baseless at all and pretty much hit the target

Interesting accusations.. what sources can you provide?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:07 PM

Evening all....THE bartender has arrived !!!!

Hey hey girl .. drinks

Is this where we go to pass the bar exam?

As I mentioned elsewhere.. you're gonna need a good press secretary, right? You don't want to be making any misspeechifications when you start defining what is is, right?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:01 PM

yeah but the political threads here are impossible. The worst I've seen on the intergoogle. They are totally monopolized by two or three speech nazis that flood them with a constant barrage of anti Obama/McCain rants and drown the threads with a flood of links and pasted blogs. There is no discussion on these political threads just a constant shouting match trying to drown out the others

Sounds like deja vu all over again to me!

There are political threads other than me running for President? noway :tongue:

DUDE. smokin

Judy, you need to leak some nude photos.. that's always good for a campaign..

BTW - If you need a good intern, I'll be waiting for you under the oval desk..

LOL .. oh ok Bart .. I DO have 5 more offices to fill .. come on down to the front love

Since Dan is my VP I don't feel bad sharing the link here.

It's not like I'm REALLY hijacking the thread .. right? :tongue:

You mean that you and Dan represent a unified front on the issue of dynamic topic threads?

Is the position of secretary.. still open?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 08:50 PM
You know.. once again, this is a brilliant and common technique by liberals to put a republican in a dim light shortly before an election.

It's a great accusation, too.. Nobody likes book burning.. especially liberals.. Democrats are worried about loosing support for their candidates, so paint her like she's a radical right-wing ultra-religeous zealot and before anybody can prove the alligations are true or false, the election is nearly over and it's too late to change a lot of people's minds.

For anyone who wants to make an intelligent decision.. Find the source of these alligations.. and the evidence that supports it.. from whatever source that you, personally, feel that you can rely on.. whether that's the Internet, the news or friggin Jay Leno..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 08:33 PM

yeah but the political threads here are impossible. The worst I've seen on the intergoogle. They are totally monopolized by two or three speech nazis that flood them with a constant barrage of anti Obama/McCain rants and drown the threads with a flood of links and pasted blogs. There is no discussion on these political threads just a constant shouting match trying to drown out the others

Sounds like deja vu all over again to me!

There are political threads other than me running for President? noway :tongue:

DUDE. smokin

Judy, you need to leak some nude photos.. that's always good for a campaign..

BTW - If you need a good intern, I'll be waiting for you under the oval desk..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 08:01 PM
Maybe it means they listen to the Black Crows too much..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Mon 09/08/08 07:55 PM
Just waiting for the right native american from kentucky to come

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:58 AM

my cats would eat a puppy........noway laugh laugh laugh

omg ..........mine would toooo

noway scared

She's for my personal protection. Nobody's nose or fingertips are safe in my house anymore.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:53 AM

BS Smokescreen... We invaded Iraq with fictional WMD's as justification.

Reasons for invading Iraq as defined by George W. Bush (9/12/02)

1. To hunt down terrorists and remove any support for terrorism

2. Saddam Hussein ignored U.N. Resolutions that he initially agreed to.

3. To protect human rights

4. Iraq failed to disclose the disposition of all of it's biological weapons stockpiles

5. There were several indications that Iraq had programs in place to develop WMD's.

6. Iraq left unchecked was becoming a growing threat to the United States.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:34 AM

She's talking bacon.. but eating peanuts..

Anybody hungry for some Mahi Mahi?
i HAVENT had fish since the salmon "incident"noway laugh laugh noway

It's not fish.. it's a mammal..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:28 AM
She's talking bacon.. but eating peanuts..

Anybody hungry for some Mahi Mahi?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:21 AM

Well, D!ck Cheney said, "In the final analysis we will find that the Iraqis did have a robust program."

So WTF are they?

Got nothing on this, huh?

Confirmed US Deaths: 4152
War in Iraq Costs: $552,077,857,154

How many deaths and cost (inflation adjusted) did we have against Hitler? Wasn't it a democrat that got us involved in that war? Did Hitler have any weapons of mass destruction?

What is the death toll and ongoing cost of being in Korea? Who got us involved there? Any weapons of mass destruction found?

What about Vietnam? Why do the Democrats always have us going to war in these countries so far away from the U.S. and at such a great financial and mortal cost to us? Do we really want another democrat when there are so many hot situations with Pakistan, Iran, Russia/Georgia, etc?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:12 AM

check out wigwam harry!!!surprised

Man with fish!!!surprised

Who'd a thunk it... British Columbia full of

Fishing is a little too boring for me. I'd much rather do something more exciting, like watch the grass

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:59 AM
“If you read the Anchorage Daily News article, towards the bottom, you find that Palin requested the resignations not only of the librarian, but of several other township officials. Why? Because they were political appointees who openly supported her political opponent. Palin requested the resignations a few days BEFORE she assumed office, apparently for political reasons, as would be routine in ALL such situations, including in the very small town of Washington, DC. [Didn’t some no-name politician fire all of the US Attorneys?] Frankly, it’s far more remarkable (and shows a great deal of tolerance) for Palin to have KEPT Emmons in office. And you’d think people would consider the source when Emmons claims Palin wanted to ban books.”

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:48 PM
They have to teach evolution in schools because it is science. Theres lots of evidence of evolution.Its all around us. I dont know what else to say.It explains so many things.

Well, this is probably a subject for another topic, but I think that your education has been successful at convincing you that evolution is fact. The truth is that the is a lot of circumstantial evidence, and yes, it would explain a lot of things, if it is indeed true, but we don't have anything, in fact, that proves the THEORY of evolution. Notice I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just saying it's speculative. But, it was once taught as a fact that the sun was pulled across the sky by a chariot.

I just don't think new generations should be taught to think that it's a solved mystery when it isn't. Maybe one of these kids in school will one day provide us with some real facts about it.

As far as what to teach, it's just like anything else. You teach each of the highly regarded theories about the subject.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:09 PM

And they shouldnt be teaching creationism in schools. Which creation story?Thats for mommy and daddy to tell their kids.McCain wont do anything about abortion, thats all talk to get votes.The politicians NEVER do anything about abortion(except talk about it).Havent you noticed that yet?glasses

Well, I resent that evolution is taught in school as if it's fact, and yet there is no definitive factual evidence that evolution is anything other than a theory. Creationism can be taught as a theory as well, it doesn't need to be presented as fact, but if you are going to talk about "where we came from", which is relevant subject matter for a school (IMO), then you need to present all sides of the issue, even that some people believe that we where put here by aliens. The idea here is to provoke the minds of our youth and to give them information so they can make up their own minds.

I wouldn't say that about the abortion issue. There are plenty of ways that the President directly and indirectly affects the outcome of abortion laws and their interpretation. But that being said, I'm much more concerned about the potential president's view on foreign policy, the military and social programs than I am about his views on abortion or gay rights or gun control.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:42 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

How so?

I meant to say more

On the war.. well, he's more moderate than me. I think we should be building a permanent base in Iraq and quit talking about ever "pulling out". That's just not realistic. I think it's in our (America's) best interest to have a long-term strong military presence in the Middle-East until people there stop being so anti-American, and that's going to take several generations.

On abortion, McCain is more moderate than Bush, although he is still very much pro-life. Me, I prefer to take the baby's point of view and say no to abortions of any kind. The only exception should be if the likelyhood of both mother and child dying is nearly a certainty.

He wants to leave the issue of Gay marriage up to the states.

Wants to leave the issue of teaching creationism up to individual school districts.

He is pro-nuclear for energy

He is pro-stem cell research

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:29 AM
I'm getting too damn picky as I get older.

Is it possible to find a woman who has a passion other than just finding a man and/or raising kids? I mean, there is nothing wrong with those things, but what ever happened to having life beyond those things?

But that's just a random thought. I'm also looking for a woman who is alive and interesting, attractive to me, confident, still possesses an ability to trust others and is not either too shy to talk and say what she wants or so outgoing and chaotic that she doesn't really know how to be a part of a relationship..

Of course, she has to really dig me. I think I have a lot to offer, but I'm not Tom Cruise (I'm about 8" taller) or Donald Trump (I think is decorating is just plain

Throw on top of that the fact that I would like to still consider the possibility of having more kids and I think I've pretty well knocked out about 95% of the available women.

That's ok, though.. I'm enjoying life and I can be perfectly content by myself. Finding a woman I can love would make it that much better, though..

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