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Topic: Liberals afraid of Mccain/Palin
TJN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:36 AM
Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

Ted14621's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:39 AM
I haven't seen any. Only the ones that put them on pedestals.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:40 AM
No fear, just stating the facts.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:53 AM
:smile: I can tell now that McCain is going to win the election.:smile: If the democrats had elected Hillary and had Obama as her vice president it would have been a slam dunk.:smile:

TJN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:56 AM

:smile: I can tell now that McCain is going to win the election.:smile: If the democrats had elected Hillary and had Obama as her vice president it would have been a slam dunk.:smile:
You could be rite. it did seem like the party wanted Obama instead of Hillary

hdjackyl's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:57 AM
Don't like any of the choices. But the Clintons need deported. Everyone has an opinion, that's mine.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 09/06/08 10:59 AM

:smile: I can tell now that McCain is going to win the election.:smile: If the democrats had elected Hillary and had Obama as her vice president it would have been a slam dunk.:smile:

We can hope that some of the brainwashed in this country who will follow a mad man into hell will see the error of their ways before the election. McCain is just another baby shrub. We have to have something different before this country becomes a third world country.

t22learner's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:00 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

BobbyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:00 AM
Facts? It's all political rhetoric from both sides. "Facts" are all a matter of perception and based upon ones own reality. They can be skewed and distorted so that none are true nor are any false. Like anyone is changing anyone else's mind with all these political hack posts. Give me a break! People just like to hear themselves talk, or should I say; read what they write.

In the end, no matter which Republicrat gets in, nothing will have changed and everyone will be on here four years from now, back at it again.

TJN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:05 AM

Facts? It's all political rhetoric from both sides. "Facts" are all a matter of perception and based upon ones own reality. They can be skewed and distorted so that none are true nor are any false. Like anyone is changing anyone else's mind with all these political hack posts. Give me a break! People just like to hear themselves talk, or should I say; read what they write.

In the end, no matter which Republicrat gets in, nothing will have changed and everyone will be on here four years from now, back at it again.
Most likly saying the same things just fill in dif names

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:05 AM
glasses I dont think the old man is as dumb as Bush Jr.glasses

glasses But I have a hard time trusting republicans after 8 years of incompetence by the Bush administration. I feel like I got fooled into voting for Bush jr. back in 2000 and I swore I would never vote republican again. But I have to admit that the old man has a much better resume than Obama. I like Obama and I want to see him win ( to piss off all the people who make fun of his name and ethnicity) but this "community organizer" stuff just aint gonna cut the mustard.ohwell Thats not the way I want it to be, but I think thats the way its gonna be.glasses

Lynann's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:06 AM
I love this country. That's why those two scare me.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:10 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

t22learner's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:12 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

Not on the war and war spending.

TJN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:14 AM

I love this country. That's why those two scare me.
I think we all love this country

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:17 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

How so?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:42 AM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

How so?

I meant to say more

On the war.. well, he's more moderate than me. I think we should be building a permanent base in Iraq and quit talking about ever "pulling out". That's just not realistic. I think it's in our (America's) best interest to have a long-term strong military presence in the Middle-East until people there stop being so anti-American, and that's going to take several generations.

On abortion, McCain is more moderate than Bush, although he is still very much pro-life. Me, I prefer to take the baby's point of view and say no to abortions of any kind. The only exception should be if the likelyhood of both mother and child dying is nearly a certainty.

He wants to leave the issue of Gay marriage up to the states.

Wants to leave the issue of teaching creationism up to individual school districts.

He is pro-nuclear for energy

He is pro-stem cell research

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:00 PM

Why are msot of these threads bashing Mccain/Palin?
Do I sesnse a bit of fear in the room?

All there is to fear is four more years.

McCain is quite different from Bush. He's much more liberal.

How so?

I meant to say more

On the war.. well, he's more moderate than me. I think we should be building a permanent base in Iraq and quit talking about ever "pulling out". That's just not realistic. I think it's in our (America's) best interest to have a long-term strong military presence in the Middle-East until people there stop being so anti-American, and that's going to take several generations.

On abortion, McCain is more moderate than Bush, although he is still very much pro-life. Me, I prefer to take the baby's point of view and say no to abortions of any kind. The only exception should be if the likelyhood of both mother and child dying is nearly a certainty.

He wants to leave the issue of Gay marriage up to the states.

Wants to leave the issue of teaching creationism up to individual school districts.

He is pro-nuclear for energy

He is pro-stem cell research

:smile: I dont know how gay marriage can be a states rights issue. So if a gay couple get married in one state,they wont be considered married in another? And they shouldnt be teaching creationism in schools. Which creation story?Thats for mommy and daddy to tell their kids.McCain wont do anything about abortion, thats all talk to get votes.The politicians NEVER do anything about abortion(except talk about it).Havent you noticed that yet?glasses

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:00 PM
YES! Fear that "the LIBERAL bias that has been passed off as the norm"'s lid is being blown up.

explode explode explode explode

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 09/06/08 12:09 PM

And they shouldnt be teaching creationism in schools. Which creation story?Thats for mommy and daddy to tell their kids.McCain wont do anything about abortion, thats all talk to get votes.The politicians NEVER do anything about abortion(except talk about it).Havent you noticed that yet?glasses

Well, I resent that evolution is taught in school as if it's fact, and yet there is no definitive factual evidence that evolution is anything other than a theory. Creationism can be taught as a theory as well, it doesn't need to be presented as fact, but if you are going to talk about "where we came from", which is relevant subject matter for a school (IMO), then you need to present all sides of the issue, even that some people believe that we where put here by aliens. The idea here is to provoke the minds of our youth and to give them information so they can make up their own minds.

I wouldn't say that about the abortion issue. There are plenty of ways that the President directly and indirectly affects the outcome of abortion laws and their interpretation. But that being said, I'm much more concerned about the potential president's view on foreign policy, the military and social programs than I am about his views on abortion or gay rights or gun control.

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