SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 04/12/08 11:56 AM
I'm bisensual.. I can kiss and fondle at the same time.. does that count?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Sat 04/12/08 11:55 AM
Any other nocturnal noctiphobiacs out there?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:12 PM
My blow up doll has saved me a fortune...

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:06 PM

A lot of the time people get married for the wrong reasons; fear of being alone, stability, convenience, etc.

If people married for love, real love then I do believe that more marriages would last. I was married three times noway and two beat me and one cheated on me and I won't tolerate either action by a mannoway

Some men don't have a clue what forever and love mean (and before you jump) some women don't either. bigsmile

Both parties need to understand what honesty and faithfulness mean and we wouldn't have such a high divorce rate. i think you got one of the best answers here

And I still believe "no company is better than the wrong company"

I don't know if you can blame the divorce rate on "getting married for the wrong reasons". Up until about 50 or so years ago, most marriages were arranged and neither bride nor groom had much say in the matter.

How many of you would be willing to let your parents choose your mate?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:01 PM

I think real love is always unconditional. Love with conditions isn't love at's merely expectation.

Love doesn't require two people. Love is how you feel about someone, whether they return it or not..whether they even know about it or not.

Love is also not and "on/off" thing.. There are varying degrees of love, and a multitude of kinds of love. I love chocolate, I love my mom, I love my kids.. I love watching survivorman.

I think feelings of love can fade.. or grow stronger..

The big problem I see in many relationships is that sometimes the people aren't in love with each other as much as they are in love with the idea of what the relationship could be. The problem comes later when they realize it wasn't love.. just expectation.

smokin Another person with a clue comes to JSHsmokin

so, everyone will report his posts and get him banned.. Right?

Oh, that happens here too?

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 03:58 PM
This is from a post I made elsewhere recently:

There is a reason that a man is captivated by a woman. Eve is the crown of creation. If you follow the Genisis narrative carefully, you'll see that each new stage of creation is better than the one before. First, all is formless, empty and dark. God begins to fashion the raw materials, like an artist working with a rough sketch or a lump of clay. Light and dark, land and sea, earth and sky - it's beginning to take shape. With a word, the whole floral kingdom adorns the earth. Sun, moon, and stars fill the sky. Surely and certainly, his work expresses greater detail and definition. Next come fish and fowl, porpoises and red-tailed hawks. The wild animals are next, all those amazing creatures. A trout is a wonderful creature, but a horse is truly magnificent. Can you hear the crescndo starting to swell, like a great symphony building and surgin higher and higher?

Then comes Adam, the triumph of God's handiwork. It is not to any member of the animal kingdom that God says, "You are my very image, the icon of my likeness." Adam bears the likeness of God in his fierce, wild and passionate heart. And yet, there is one more finishing touch. There is Eve. Creation comes to its high point, its climax with her. She is God's finishing touch. And all Adam can say is, "Wow." Eve embodies the beauty and the mystery and the tender vulnerablility of God. As the poet William Blake said, "The naked woman's body is a portion of eternity too great for the eye of man."

(Exerpt from "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge)

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 03:55 PM
I think we just have way too much free time these days. Free time to think to much about the relationship, free time to cheat on each other, free time to let our minds wander.

It was probably a little harder at the turn of the century when couples worked hard from sunrise to sunset just trying to put food on the table.

I think if you look back on society, the classes of people with the most free time had the higher incidences of divorce and/or cheating. These days, there are a lot more people with a lot more free time.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 03:39 PM
I think real love is always unconditional. Love with conditions isn't love at's merely expectation.

Love doesn't require two people. Love is how you feel about someone, whether they return it or not..whether they even know about it or not.

Love is also not and "on/off" thing.. There are varying degrees of love, and a multitude of kinds of love. I love chocolate, I love my mom, I love my kids.. I love watching survivorman.

I think feelings of love can fade.. or grow stronger..

The big problem I see in many relationships is that sometimes the people aren't in love with each other as much as they are in love with the idea of what the relationship could be. The problem comes later when they realize it wasn't love.. just expectation.

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 03:28 PM

hello and welcome
interesting screen name laugh

What she said laugh

Well, LesbianInaMansBody was already taken, so I went with this name..

SelfCenteredPervert's photo
Fri 04/11/08 06:54 AM
Howdy.. I'm new here..

The women are always saying they are looking for honest and loving guys to treat them right, but they only meet the opposite, yet, when you read most of the guys profiles, you would think that they are all honest and loving guys.

Maybe just once it would be cool to have a more honest profile:

"...I'm looking for someone to hang out with and share cigarettes and talk about all the things we want to do but never are gonna, until someone else comes along...

...the ideal situation would be an attractive, rich woman who is looking for a man to feed and watch play cards all night and get fat. Prefer a woman who's into the unshaven look and b/o..."

Ok.. I've set my bait.. now just waiting for a vict..err..nice woman to come along...

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